October 15, 2007 Minutes

PCC Minutes
15 October 2007
Secretary’s Report
Minutes approved Sept 07 meeting
Present: M. Wallace, N. Bates, D. Keeley, P. Metcalf, L. Collier
Treasurer’s Report, no changes
Old Business:
Dustin Barker Town Forest:
According to Town Admin Assistant, funds from timber harvest will go to
General Fund, based on how FM fund was set up back years ago. The wording
of the minutes per Nancy B. If PCC would like funds from the FM account,
request via the B.S. The balance from DB timber harvest was estimated at
DK asked for background to wording of when FM fund was established so we
can have it for our reference and place in our files. MW will ask Cara for
the info.
Forest Management Funding:
FM Plan by C Moreno will not begin until Spring; therefore payment will be
due next year. PCC can draft warrant article so that the funds for this FM
effort come out of the FM funds. DK will speak with Leon K/Town Admin as
to wording and due date.
UNH Proposal for intern/volunteers:
Dustin Barker Town Forest Recreational Trail Project. Mark drafted up an
application for UNH Environ Intern Program – CC reviewed and approved.
Letter sent.
Dustin Barker Town Forest landing:
The log landing could be a potential problem for illegal dumping.
MW suggested large boulders be placed or a ditch be dug.
PCC asked Town Road Agent for some assistance.
Road agent has placed boulders across the entrance.
A memo was from Town Admin. regarding inquiry during public input as to
why the forest was cut during a time of depressed pine prices.
a. CC replies that the harvest was for forest management purposes which
will improve future timber value.
b. DB Town Forest Selective Cut bids were obtained when prices where high
and PCC contracted the highest bid.
Annual NHCC dues… all in favor
N. Bates and M. Wallace will go to the New Hampshire Conservation
Commission workshops on Saturday, 3 November.
New Business:
Tan Road:
There is a report of some run-off occurring on Tan Road into wetlands. MW
will review site with LC and then report to Town Road Agent to see if
anything needs to be done to rectify.
Next meeting is scheduled for 3 December.
21 January’s meeting is again the 3rd Monday;
Meeting Adjourned:
Respectfully Submitted
Donna Keeley