October 15, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Leslie Vogt
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois-Jean Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.


The following items were added to the agenda:
o Mission and Vision
o Job Descriptions
o Teacher Evaluations

The following item shall be moved from action to information:
o Copier Machine Lease


On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda, as amended.


A motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Ms. Corliss to approve the minutes of October 1, 2009 meeting. Ms. Paradise recommended the following changes: on page 3, last paragraph, add “…in particular mileage reimbursement”; on page 4, paragraph 5, add “She asked if other members of the Board would be interested in participating. She will participate and invites others to join, especially on November 14, 2009”; on page 4, paragraph 8, add “Ms. Paradise indicated much of Drake Field work has involved volunteers and donations from the public. We should continue to seek this assistance. There was also discussion of making sure needed work is considered as a school district function when appropriate.” The motion was passed unanimously, with the changes suggested.

Dora Hill explained to the Board that her son was injured during an activity during advisory period. She stated her belief that any activity offered should be adequately organized and supervised to avoid an accident as well as held in a location that would minimize the chances of student injuries.

Ms. Hill further explained that during an activity last April, a teacher made a comment that was racially discriminating and offensive to her son. She explained that she addressed the issue with the principal and the teacher at the time of the incident. She stated her belief that the teacher should have apologized in writing, and that there should have been consequences for his behavior.

Ms. Hill completed sharing her concerns and exited the meeting at this time.

Mr. Gremlitz stated that the teacher was spoken to at the time of the incident. The teacher apologized verbally to the student and spoke to the advisory class in which the incident occurred. He was asked to write a letter of apology, but presumably has not followed through.

Ms. Paradise directed Mr. Gremlitz to take any further steps that would be warranted, in his judgment. Ms. Paradise suggested that work continue to help staff understand the consequences of harassment and discrimination. Dr. Freeman reported that training was provided to all staff on harassment in August. Ms. Vogt directed Mr. Gremlitz to communicate with the family in an attempt to further remedy the situation. Ms. Hill had spoken with Dr. Freeman during the summer about the incident, by which time she seemed to have solidified her position on the incident. Ms. Vogt raised the issue of the two incidents taking place during advisories and asked that the administration continue their work on improving the quality of that program.



Ms. Paradise acknowledged the approval of the PES SINI plan.


Ms. Paradise stated her appreciation for the fact that student reviews are continuing at PES.


Mr. Gremlitz reported that the NECAP testing sessions have concluded. He stated that the changes in testing environment (i.e. delayed opening) appeared to have been successful. Mr. Gremlitz stated his appreciation for the Board’s support in making the changes to the testing environment.



Ms. Chassie reported that the District’s IDEA ARRA grant has been approved by the Department of Education, as of today. She stated that although the Department of Education had authorized spending the funds from the day the grant was submitted, she has been waiting for approval before making most purchases. Now that approval has been granted, the spending will take place and will be posted, as required, on the website. The goal of posting information on the Department’s website is for the public to be fully informed of how the money was intended to be spent and the progress that is being made on spending the funds.


Ms. Paradise asked who presented the workshop on writing measurable objectives to the special education staff. Ms. Chassie explained that after attending a series of workshops, she felt it would be most effective for her to make the presentation so that it could be tailored to the specific conditions and protocols established in our district.


Ms. Corliss inquired about the status of the residency of a student. Ms. Chassie explained that all known measures had been taken to ensure the appropriate assumption of fiscal responsibility by the Pittsfield School District.



Dr. Freeman presented the following policy drafts for the Board’s final consideration: Policy DJ: Purchasing; Policy DJB: Purchasing Procedures; Policy DJF: Local Purchasing; Policy DJG: Vendor Relations; Policy DK: Payment Procedures; Policy DKA: Payroll Procedures; Policy DKC: Expense Reimbursement. Discussion ensued regarding these policies and several corrections and changes were made.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt the Board approved Policy DJ: Purchasing; Policy DJB: Purchasing Procedures; Policy DJF: Local Purchasing; Policy DJG: Vendor Relations; Policy DK: Payment Procedures; and Policy DKA: Payroll Procedures with the suggestions made for changes.


Dr. Freeman reported to the Board that they have not adjusted the rates since mid-2008. The IRS rate is currently $.55. The SAU actually reduced the rate when the IRS rate changed to $.55 several months ago, without Board approval. The Board suggested rewording that would allow the reimbursement at the IRS rate, with the Board having the final approval and directed Dr. Freeman to revise the draft to reflect this consensus and return it to the Board for final consideration.


Dr. Freeman presented the following policy drafts for the first reading: Policy EBB: Safety Procedures / Safe Schools Committee; Policy EBBB: Accident Reports; Policy EBC: Crisis Prevention and Response; Policy EBCA: Emergency Plans; Policy EBCB: Fire Drills; Policy EBCC: Bomb Threat; Policy EBCD: Emergency Closings; Policy EBCE: School Closings; Policy EBCF: Pandemic / Epidemic Emergencies.

Suggestions were made for the policy regarding the automatic external defibrillator (AED). Ms. Corliss asked if the fire and police department are part of the School Safety Committee. Dr. Freeman explained that although they are not part of the committee, there is a strong working relationship between the district and the fire and police departments. Ms. Adams asked questions relative to CPR. Ms. Corliss asked if there is an accident report, to which Dr. Freeman responded that there is and the School Safety Committee reviews the reports on a regular basis. Ms. Corliss inquired if an individual or committee could be assigned responsibility for annual AED maintenance to ensure battery life and pad expiration dates. Additionally, it was noted a more accessible location, such as in the lobby, would improve accessibility in an emergency. Several typographical errors were corrected.

Dr. Freeman explained, especially for the benefit of new Board member, Ms. Adams, that he is conducting a systematic review of all policies, using the NH School Board Association’s recommended policies as a starting point.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board approved, for the first reading, the following policies: Policy EBB: Safety Procedures / Safe Schools Committee; Policy EBBB: Accident Reports; Policy EBC: Crisis Prevention and Response; Policy EBCA: Emergency Plans; Policy EBCB: Fire Drills; Policy EBCC: Bomb Threat; Policy EBCD: Emergency Closings; Policy EBCE: School Closings; Policy EBCF: Pandemic / Epidemic Emergencies.


Dr. Freeman presented the current literacy coordinator job description, which restricts the coordinator’s responsibilities to the elementary school. He asked that the Board consider a modification that will allow the literacy coordinator to work in the middle high school. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the modified job description.


Ms. Corliss asked about progress in updating job descriptions. Dr. Freeman reported that he had completed a draft of the principal job description and is currently working to update job descriptions of special education administrators. He stated that it is his intent to present these drafts for Board action and to include in a section of the policy binder.


Financial Manager Sally Blanchette has prepared a quarterly expenditure report for the first quarter, but has not completed all necessary encumbrances, due to time limitations. Dr. Freeman asked if this report should be sent to the members of the Budget Committee, to which Ms. Vogt responded in the affirmative, along with a cover letter that explained the current status of the budget. The Board established consensus to mail a copy of the expenditure report to each member of the Budget Committee.

In relationship to the District’s requirement to contribute to retirement, Ms. Adams asked if the State of NH is responsible for new programs required. Dr. Freeman answered it is the opinion of the Local Government Center that the state is responsible for funding new programs as well as an extension of existing programs.


Dr. Freeman explained that Ms. Chassie organized a representative group from both schools last year to update our protocols on bullying. However, there continues to be questions about the interpretation of the law and the policy. Dr. Freeman stated that he would like to ask the school’s attorney for his opinion before finalizing the protocol. Mr. DeLois expressed a concern that many behaviors could be considered bullying or not, depending on interpretation of the definition. The administration will continue to work on the details and develop a protocol that is accurately following law and policy. Mr. Gremlitz pointed out that over-reporting is as dangerous as under-reporting, in that it could trivialize the issue. Ms. Adams asked what measures have been considered in enabling students to advocate for themselves. Mr. DeLois explained that the work of Stan Davis, a nationally known expert on school
climate, specifically bullying, is being investigated by staff. His book was purchased, using a grant written by Jeff Martel, guidance counselor at PMHS, and disseminated to every member of the staff. At PMHS, Mr. Gremlitz has been taking initiatives to provide closer supervision in the hallways. Mr. DeLois and Ms. Chassie have made a presentation at PMHS and PES, respectively, on the topic of bullying. Ms. Vogt stated her belief that the monitoring of bullying is a critical issue, as designated by the number of reports presented by students during Mr. St. James’ class. Mr. Gremlitz explained that when there is an indication that alleged bullying is being carried on outside of school, parents are encouraged to report the situation to the Pittsfield Police Department. Ms. Adams raised the issue of students who might make accusations that are not warranted. Clearly, the issue of investigating and appropriately consequencing incidents of bullying is complex. Ms. Paradise reported that while visiting another school, she observed signs displayed that would help students understand the steps they might take to address bullying that they endure or observe. The topic will continue to be addressed, with further reports to the Board.


Dr. Freeman explained that the President of the Center for Secondary School Redesign, Joe DiMartino, has agreed to help with our PMHS design work. Initially, Mr. DiMartino will come to Pittsfield on Saturday, October 17, 2009, and work with a group of ten individuals who will plan a larger visioning session in November. Between the October meeting and the November meeting, participants may have the opportunity for school visits that Mr. DiMartino will recommend. Finally, on November 14, 2009, a larger representative group of about twenty individuals will develop a vision for the redesign of our middle high school. Dr. Freeman shared the work of Tony Wagner, a researcher and author on school reform. Mr. Gremlitz explained that we are very fortunate to have Mr. DiMartino work with us as he is a national leader in secondary school redesign.


During the recent professional development day, most teachers participated in curriculum mapping training, presented by Atlas Rubicon, the developers of the software. Dr. Freeman explained that by the end of the work, we will have a calendar of study, as well as curriculum details for each unit taught. He further explained that the process will take time to complete, but that it is important that this process has started. Ms. Corliss asked how this initiative began. Dr. Freeman explained that some mapping has already been accomplished in the district, that decisions were made by the Grade 5 to 9 Transition Team to identify curriculum articulation and coordination as a priority in supporting students as they progress through the middle grades, and that some staff have experience in mapping from their work in other districts.

J. H1N1

To this point, we have had only a handful of students and staff reporting flu-like symptoms. Ms. Vogt asked if there has been information shared about the vaccine, to which Dr. Freeman stated that clear expectations have not been articulated by the State. He stated that the two school nurses, Pat Serafin and Susan Petrovek, are working diligently to maintain the records that are required by the State.


Progress continues, with the heating / cooling system being the most complex issue and not yet completed.


Dr. Freeman explained that the team of people that have worked on the draft have modified the mission but believe that the vision statement is not too long and articulates a clear, detailed vision; the group is not sure about what could be eliminated, as the group has made an effort to include the views of staff and community in the document. Ms. Vogt stated that her concern about the length was that the expectations were too extensive, placing an undue burden on staff. Mr. Gremlitz reported that the mission and vision will be brought to the staff later this month for additional input. He further explained that the NEAS&C reaccreditation team will be looking for the school’s vision and mission. He stated that in his experience, most schools come up with a general district mission and then the individual schools come up with their mission. In this case, he feels confident that the District’s vision and mission are detailed enough to serve well as the school’s vision and mission. Ms. Paradise suggested having staff look at the current draft and begin to develop the assessment rubrics for each of the items noted in the vision statement that will be required as a result of the reaccreditation process; this process might lead people in prioritizing elements of the vision as well as identify duplication of concepts. This will be the opportunity for staff to eliminate any items that they cannot adequately address and/or measure.


Dr. Freeman explained that the lease agreement for our two main PMHS photocopy machines expires later this month. Administrative Assistant Sheila Burnette has been working to gather price quotes. Final recommendations will be made and Dr. Freeman will advise the Board via email with formal action to be taken at the next Board meeting.

Dr. Freeman explained that a calendar identifying the dates of expiration for all District contracts and agreements has not previously been available but is being established. This will assist the SAU staff in addressing the issue of contract and lease expiration in a timely manner.


Dr. Freeman reported that Ms. Chassie, Mr. DeLois, Mr. Kilmister, and Mr. Gremlitz are responsible for conducting observations as part of the evaluation system. The deadline for the first observation is today, October 15, 2009. Dr. Freeman assured the Board that the administration is on board with this target.

Dr. Freeman explained a concept of the “Three Minute Classroom Walk Through”, which is a technique to be used by the administration to conduct brief and frequent visits. During the walk through, the administrator will look at student engagement, curriculum decisions, instructional decisions, learning environment, and safety. The District administrators are studying this process and will begin to utilize the process following discussion with the faculty.



Mr. Wolfe reported that a pile of gravel which will be used for fill has been delivered to Drake Field. Mr. Wolfe will be using the gravel to repair the field.


Ms. Paradise reported that the first meeting was held today, October 15, 2009.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 5, 2009, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include policy review, negotiations, budget, PES intervention team, and vending machines.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


At 7:50 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session to discuss employee compensation pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(a, b, and c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session.

Dr. Freeman advised the Board of disciplinary action taken relative to a high school student who was found to be in possession of a weapon on school property. Dr. Freeman will provide the Board with a recommended modification to the current weapons policy, School Board Policy JICK.

The Board discussed the PMHS principal position; Dr. Freeman will provide the board with a recommended process and timeline for recruiting and hiring for this position.

The Board discussed administrative compensation for the 2010-2011 school year.

The Board negotiators, Ms. Paradise and Ms. Vogt, provided the Board with a brief summary update on negotiations with the EAP, the teacher bargaining unit.

At 8:21 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss to exit the non-public session and to re-enter public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to conclude the non-public session and to re-enter public session.



On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman, Ph.D.
Recording Secretary,
Non-Public Session and
Subsequent Public