October 16, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John Lenaerts (JL)
Kathleen Green requested to offer some public input, became very angry,
and was escorted out of the building by Leon Kenison. Police were called,
but Ms. Green had already left the building.
(EV) Request Fire Department to use Town Hall (upstairs) for “Santa
Department;” (LS) Budget; (LKe) RSA related to Tax Maps, Letter from
Rotary regarding Service Invoice, J. Parker & Daughters – Salt Shed Site
Work, Crime Line Sign Locations, Police Department Arrest Log, DPW
Monthly Report – September, Memo Re: NH 28/107 Signals; (LK) Welfare.
1. Service Agreement with Cartographic Associates for 2008 Tax
Mapping Update
(LKe) Proposal is for $1,900 and this is with a firm that we have used for a
number of years and they have all our basic information. Cara is pleased
with the results in past years. RSA directs that this update be done annually.
(EV) Motion to accept Service Agreement with Cartographic Associates for
$1,900. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Parade Permit – Elementary School, October 31,2007 at 1:00 P.M.
(LKe) This is their Halloween Parade, and will begin on Broadway and end
on Broadway.
(LK) Motion to accept Parade Permit, October 31, 2007 at 1:00 P.M.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Consideration of Resolution for BCEP Weighing Program
(LKe) This is the follow-up by Earl Weir seeking approval for all
communities in the BCEP. He will sit down with the political individuals in
Concord to request approval to be exempt from the standard rules.
(EV) Motion to accept resolution. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Consideration of Flu Vaccine Clinic
(LKe) noted that this clinic is sponsored by LGC. They will come out and
offer the eligible Pittsfield people a flu shot at a cost of $25.00.
(LK) Motion to approve Flu Vaccine Clinic. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
It was noted that full-time employees would be covered by insurance for
this. It was discussed whether to offer this also to part -time employees. It
was agreed that since the Clinic has no t been available in the past and most
employees have their own insurance, that this year the Town would not
cover the cost for the flu shot for the part-time employees.
5. Website Committee – Proposal to Assist with Metrocast
Information Channel.
(LKe) noted that the Website Committee has a special interest in assisting
with this information channel. Dee updates it, but the screen is often
different since she is unable to view what has been updated. There is no
reason why we cannot look at it while we are doing it. I suggest that this be
administered through my office and not the Website Committee. Board
agreed that (LKe) could go forward with this as he suggested.
6. CAP Budget Request for 2008 ($3,931.00)
(LKe) noted that this is the same amount as requested last year.
(LS) Motion to approve budget request for $3,931.00 for 2008. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-0.
7. Consideration of Welfare Lien
(LS) Motion to accept Welfare lien. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
8. Joint Loss Safety Committee
(LS) Motion to appoint Michael McLaughlin, Chief Robert Wharem, Fire
Chief Gary Johnson, George Bachelder, Ron Vien, Nancy Bates, Wade
Courtemanche, Jim Girard, Phil Gordon and Steve Gibbs to the Safety
Committee. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LK) Motion to accept resignation of James Girard. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
9. Proposed Agreement with Cross County Appraisal Group
(LKe) noted that the proposed agreement is not quite ready to be put before
the BOS. (LKe) to present next BOS meeting.
10. Letter from Rotary RE: Service Invoice
(Lke) noted that this letter is put before the BOS for action. (LK) suggested
that Board request Rotary representative be invited to come in and discuss
this service invoice.
(AM) referred to the E-Mail (EV) previously received noting that it is
probably “openly illegal and would not hold up in Court” regarding the
billing for detail for the Balloon Rally. (LS) noted that this is our policy and
we have the right to do it. (EV) related that it should have been discussed
prior to the event. (LS) noted that the RSA gives us the right to bill for this;
it is not illegal. We are following our policy. (EV) related that the decision
to bill for detail services came after the Balloon Rally had happened and that
the Rotary was given no notice that this bill would be forthcoming. It
happened after the fact. Where are our fundamental notions of fairness?
(LS) noted that the Town has a policy and the Police Chief does not have the
discretion to waive this. It is up to the BOS how to apply the policy.
(AM) felt that this can be done for future events but not after the fact.
(LS) related that Town should not disregard this totally as it is not the
answer. (AM) noted that it was his assumption that details are requested and
a contract is drafted. (LS) questioned Chief Wharem as to how detail
requests are handled. Chief Wharem explained the process. (LS) Do you
discuss detail necessities? Chief Wharem noted that he had met with Rotary
prior to event regarding detail but did not get into exact numbers.
(LS) questioned whether Chief Wharem had ever come before the BOS with
what the bottom line is on details? He explained that in the past, this came
out of the Detail Line Item. Revenue is generated to offset this account.
(AM) This is implied consent by Town. He questioned how determination is
made as to the necessity and length of time of details. Chief Wharem noted
that this would involve the hours of the event. If there is a reason to stay, we
do. Chief Wharem was asked to explain how detail work for other events
occurs and how they are billed. (LK) again suggested that we request a
Rotary member come in and discuss with Board noting that he was able to
see both sides of this issue. (LS) noted that is the responsibility of the BOS
for the bottom line and it should not be up to the staff to determine detail
billing. (AM) questioned whether she felt that requests for all details go
through the BOS? Chief Wharem requested specification of whether she
meant performance of details or the billing part? (LS) noted just the billing
Further discussion ensued regarding whether former BOS had billed for this
in previous years, whether there was ever a Public Hearing on the policy,
whether this should be a Town function, public’s right to know where profits
from event is distributed, and the fact that since the taxpayers are paying for
the detail, they should have the right to determine how monies are allocated.
It was noted by (LS) that taxpayers have the right to know what they are
funding. (LK) noted that information in regard to the detail for past Rotary
should be indicated in past Minutes. Chief Wharem and (LK) suggested
that, perhaps, Fred Welch can remember what the policy in this regard
would be. (LKe) requested to contact him and also to request Rotary
member be present at the next BOS meeting to discuss this service invoice.
(AM) noted that the policy and figures indicated therein should be updated.
11. J. Parker & Daughters – Salt Shed Site work
(LKe) noted that the contract with J. Parker & Daughters was approved for
site work along with Town assistance. Apparently, the amount of earth
moved and what was to be hauled way was underestimated by the
engineering firm. An additional three days were needed to complete the job,
which resulted in $4,500 extra in costs. George and (LKe) agreed with
J. Parker & Daughters that the job should be completed at the time they were
(EV) Motion to approve the additional $4,500 to J. Parker & Daughters for
the site work at the Salt Shed. (LK) Second. After discussion Carried 3-0.
Discussion noted the possibility of this negating the bid process though it
was the engineering firm that miscalculated the project. If the project had
been stopped, it would have cost he Town more than the $4,500. It was
questioned whether this matter should have come back to the Board for
approval before it was accomplished, though it was agreed that it would
have cost additional time and money for this process to be completed.
(LS) noted that in the future, a formal “change” order should be drafted prior
to the work actually being done.
12. Crime Line Signs Locations
(LKe) noted that the locations of Crime Line signs are being presented to
Board for their review, comment and/or approval. Chief Wharem noted that
locations were picked for visibility and where “kids” would be able to view.
(AM) noted that the locations seemed to be fine and that we should “get
them up” for now and if necessary they can be added to or moved.
13. Fire Department Use of Town Hall (Upstairs) for Santa
(EV) Motion to approve Fire Department use of Town Hall for “Santa
presents.” (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
1. Staff Meeting Notes October 9 and 6, 2007
(LKe) noted that these are for information purposes and that staff is very
willing to converse on new ideas and share information about their
respective departments.
(LS) questioned what the problem was with the HSA computer? (LKe)
noted that this computer as well as his has “lockouts” when it should not.
(LS) noted that this might possible relate to user license.
2. FEMA Letter of September 28, 2007 – Flood Plan Mapping
(LKe) FEMA has advised that this will be updated.
3. NHDES Letter of October 3, 2007 – Modification of WWTP
Discharge Permit
(LKe) This is advising of a modification to the Discharge Permit because of
new test for E-Coli, the former test no longer is valid.
4. FD Monthly Report – September, 2007
(LKe) noted that this is a good report, though slightly late.
5. Executive Councilor Shea October 3, 2007 Letter – G&C District
(LKe) This is just an update.
6. Perambulation with Chichester – Confirmation of October 20,
(LKe) Cara has pulled the records from 1999, which also includes the
Statute on this. We will be meeting on Route 28 near the DOT sign
boundary at 8:30 A.M. on Saturday.
7. DES October 8, 2007 Letter Announcing Seminar – WWTP
(LKe) noted that our system is noted as a “stressed” WWTP requiring
updating and equipment. There may possibly be some grants coming down.
8. Merrimack Valley Regional Water District Meeting
October 18, 2007
(LKe) stated that (JL) is the representative for this Committee but will be
unable to attend this meeting. He noted that several other towns would also
be unable to send representation due to the budget season. He related that
the case has not been concluded before the Court yet. (AM) advised (LKe)
to contact them that we will not be in attendance.
9. UNH T Designation of Road Scholar I – Brian Eldredge & Edward
(AM) noted that a letter should be sent to them congratulating them and
encouraging them to proceed further.
10. NHDOT October 2, 2007 Letter Re: Maintenance Patrol Shed and
Fuel Facility
(LKe) noted that the DOT recognizes that the old shed (Quonset hut) is in
poor shape and needs to be removed but when this will happen is unknown.
An alternative will be needed as fuel source. Town buys fuel, both diesel
and gasoline, from them and they are open 24 hours. An alternative to this
use needs to be reviewed with the possibility of looking into our own fueling
source system. (LKe) to come up with some recommendations on how to
address this and will respond to this particular letter.
11. TA Memo Regarding Town Hall Door Power Unit Protocol
(LKe) noted that the door opener is now in place. The protocol involved is
that the unit needs to be disabled when the building is closed. He noted that
this unit has been used a great deal in the short time that it has been in place
by variety of individuals.
(LK) Motion to waiver bid policy for Town Hall power unit installation.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
12. Arrest Log
(LKe) noted that this is the latest report noting that there are four young
individuals noted in the log for misuse of alcohol.
13. DPW Monthly Report
(LKe) This is the first report and the start of regular reporting.
14. Route 28/107 Signals
(LKe) noted that there was yet another accident on Sunday at this
intersection. He noted that he has contacted the Traffic Bureau to take a
look at this intersection and make any modifications necessary. He will
discuss with them the possibility of lowering the speed limit also.
15. Welfare
(LK) related that after discussing with Betsy, the idea to send out “friendly”
reminders for “promise to pay” welfare recipients was suggested. They
would like to try doing this for 3-4 months to see how it works. Betsy and
(LKe) will get together to see if they can come up with a “form” letter. BOS
would like to approve “form” letter prior to it being mailed.
16. Budget
(LS) related that in the future, that timeframes for submission of budgets be
respected so Budget Committee can have sufficient time to review. BOS to
advise (LKe) of their availability so that timeframes can be set up for their
1. Contract Service for Emergency Trash Removal
(EV) Motion to accept contract for Shaver Disposal of Loudon.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Taxi Ordinance
(LKe) related that he has several versions, which he will condense and
present to BOS as soon as possible.
3. Tax Deed Property Report
(LKe) related that Mike and he had taken photos of the various properties
and noted that there is value in all of them. He related that he would like to
do more research before he outlines any recommendations for the BOS. He
related that he would like to further research the liabilities to the Town.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 3 -0 in
Public Session after discussed in Non-Public Session.
(EV) questioned the towing company check; was it for a police cruiser? It
was noted that it was for a Town truck that was towed to Bow.
(LK) would like to address Check No. 007593 in Non-Public.
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 2, 2007.
(EV) Second. A few minor errors were noted. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 2, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
(AM) wanted to reiterate that the form letter for Welfare should be reviewed
by BOS so it will not be misconstrued. (LKe) and Betsy to get together to
draft a form letter so that all individuals will basically get the same letter.
(EV) wanted to note that the Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase was
a success. The employees at the Town Hall should be commended for the
excellent job they did with their presentations. (LKe) to do.
Pam St. Laurent suggested that the Welfare lien not denote the address of the
individual, as this is not public information.
She also noted that when Ordinances or Policies are revised, a copy of the
original should be maintained in records as a reference should it be
necessary to go back and check the original.
Close Public Input
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session 91-A:3 2 (a) and (c).
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0. Board members were polled and all agreed.
Public Session was adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
APPROVED: October 23, 2007
_____________________________ ___________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date