October 16, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Clayton Wood: I would like to take exception to the comments made by Gerard LeDuc towards me and the Planning Board. I have a copy of the DRAFT Minutes and have reviewed the tapes. I am not sure how he represents my role on the Planning Board. I looked at the BOS Minutes of October 4th and kind of wonder if he was even at the meeting. We all agreed on what is necessary to complete the plat and have heard comments noting “I have never seen this application of diligence from the Planning Board.” I have reviewed the Planning Board Minutes, sent a letter to the applicant, and the report from CNHRPC.

The Planning Board’s job is difficult and I do not need to be under minded. Selectman LeDuc did not say anything during the meeting and he can say whatever he wants. He noted at the BOS meeting, “Clayton has a vested interest in the outcome.” The Board of Selectmen needs to review the role of the Selectmen Representative at Planning Board meetings. My vested interest has never been questioned. He needs to address these matters during the Planning Board meeting. This was not in the best interests of the Town, Board of Selectmen or the Planning Board.

At the October 2nd Board of Selectmen meeting, Larry’s last words after reviewing the CNHRPC report was “anything we can do to help you, let us know.” I requested a meeting with the Board for October 9th and this was denied. The Board needs to make a decision and work with the Planning Board.

(LK) As an Alternate, I do not feel I am a part of the Planning Board. I do not agree with some of the things that have transpired but I have not been part of the ultimate decision Clayton Wood: I am just asking you to work with me. I have spent more than two months working on this and with CNHRPC. (LK) It was a very good report as presented by CNHRPC and you do have your hands full. I think you can work it out with the CNHRPC and the applicant. I know that Matt Monahan is due to appear to discuss the road issue in the near future.

Clayton Wood: Please consider removing the comment about my having a vested interest in the outcome. Thank you.

Carole Richardson: I know that I am one of several to appear tonight regarding the Library. I am very concerned about what is happening at the Library. When originally renovated, we had an architect and an engineer do the work. What is happening inside? A lot of thought should be given to matters before any changes are done. I do not think there is a lot of information out there. (LK) The Children’s Room was closed because of life safety issues. Fire Chief DeSilva noted the wall demonstrated that there was a leak on the basement wall including a dark mark which was thought to be mold. (PS) There is a report pending on this. Carole Richardson: They were supposed to run dehumidifiers down there all the time and I do not know if that was done. The Librarian is not in the same office any more. How long is all this going to take?

(LK) Our concern is life safety. We went over all these things. Carole Richardson: The original plans are in the Library. Have you looked at them? I am concerned that you are not asking questions before you do these things.

Paula Belliveau: I am President of the Friends of the Library and we have spent thousands of dollars to improve the Library. We did the Children’s Room. You are going to cut a hole in the middle of the Library which will take up a lot of space. I understand life safety but what about the handicapped? How are you going to be able to help these people? We want to promote the Library; as it is it is not as well used as it should be. It is closed now and that is not encouraging. You are going to tear up what we spent lots of money to redo.

Paul Richardson: I want to the Library today. I understand your concerns regarding the egress via the boiler room, which was new when the room was renovated. It has always been in the same place. It is a steam boiler and works on outside air and is not vented into the Library. I researched some codes and I did not find any codes about walking by an enclosed steam boiler. The previous stairs that were there were worthless. By installing stairs there, you will be taking a lot of space from the room itself. The Board should concentrate more on the foundation. You should be more concerned with the building falling down. It is a new steam boiler but you should be more concerned with springing a leak in the radiators; that would be more of a life safety issue.

(LK) The Board has not made any decision about putting egress stairs down there. Paul Richardson: Someone needs to evaluate the whole situation.

Nick Abell: Regarding the lettering of the K-9 vehicle and looking back through the Minutes, the request for that came from this Board. Did Chief Wharem request lettering? (LK) The Board has not made a decision on that yet.

Nick Abell: The tax maps online are very helpful. When they are updated, will they be back online? (PS) Yes.

Fred Hast: Several meetings ago, I asked this Board to go to DOT to discuss selling the land on Barnstead Road. Has anything been done? (PS) As I recollect, I do not remember the BOS requesting that. (LK) I believe it was before the EDC. (PR) Right. (LS) There has been no direction from this Board to go forward with that. Fred Hast: The way to do it is to send a letter to DOT coming from this Board. Why do you keep waiting? The property could yield about
$10-14,000 in taxes. We need a tax base and this is a decent building. You are not willing to do anything that the people ask. I am hoping, wishing that you get some tax base back into the Town.

Fred Hast: Regarding the Library, you shut it down because of the egress. There is another building in Town that was supposed to be brought up to fire code and they were notified 15-20 months ago and they have apartments in it. This could hurt Town more than the Library. (LS) noted that Fire Chief DeSilva had inspected the premises and issued a deadline of December 31, 2012.

Fred Hast: The lettering of the K-9 vehicle – who has money to do it? It is a donated vehicle and there was no cost to the Town. There are many police vehicles around that are not lettered and they are fine.

Fred Hast: What about the Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization that you note under Old Business? (LS) Fred, I thought you had a copy of that. (FH) I do, but there are no figures on it. I note that you have closings on Berry Avenue and Franklin Street properties, what about the rest of the properties. (LK) We are in the process of reviewing the properties. Fred Hast: In the past I tried to get the tax deeds out, and some of these were deeded six to seven years ago with nothing done. You have got to do something with them. (LK) We are checking into it. Fred Hast: Has the amended Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance been done yet? (LK) We have sent it out to the Department Heads for their review/comments. Fred Hast: What is wrong with the old one? (LK) It needs to be updated and we wanted to see what recommendations the Department Heads would come up with.

Fred Hast: What about the Fire Department storage? (LK) You will find out when we find out. Fire Chief DeSilva has sent us a letter and we are following up on that. Fred Hast: I would like to see you people take the incentive and send a letter to DOT. (LK) Fred, how long that the lot been there? Fred Hast: About four to five years, EDC was looking into it for a Park’n’Ride. That would be the worst thing to happen since we have a decrease in police officers. Send the letter and see if you can get it moving.

Fred Hast: I would like everything I discussed tonight be verbatim in the Minutes. (LK) denied his request.

Public Input Closed


6:05 P.M.: Police Chief Robert Wharem: Re: Part-Time Officer

(PS) I have talked to Chief Wharem and he has explained that he does not yet have confirmation from the candidate of acceptance of the position. This is postponed to a later date.


1. Approval of Avitar Contract for Assessing

(PS) This was the contract received a couple of weeks ago and I have asked Cara to look at the proposal and provide recommendations. Cara has reviewed the contract and recommends that we continue the contract forward and allow them to perform the next full revaluation.

(LS) Motion to approve contract for Avitar Associates of N.E. Inc.from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Estimate for Lettering K-9 Vehicle

(PS) In your packet of information, you have an E-Mail which was sent with an estimate from Diamond Signs from Chief Wharem. Cost of lettering the K-9 vehicle would cost $275. Chief Wharem’s E-mail also contains information pertaining to the weathering process for lettering of this type.

(LK) Currently, there is no money in the budget and if we would like to see it lettered, then we should budget it for next year. The car was donated to the Town, the then Board of Selectmen accepted and approved it as an unmarked cruiser. This Board feels it should be lettered but not at this time because there is not money in the budget to do it.

(LS) Motion that we do not approve lettering the K-9 vehicle (Tahoe) at this time. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Award of Bid for Re-Shingling the Fire Department Roof

(PS) There is a Memo from Chief DeSilva recommending that Board approve Jasmor Properties LLC for the Fire Station roof repair. Chief DeSilva is here and prepared to address tonight.

Chief DeSilva: Jesse did a lot of background checking and reviewed the bids and this company has a very good portfolio accomplishing a lot of commercial jobs. (EN) They wanted 50% down. (PS) Once the materials are on site, we will then pay that part to the contractor. Chief DeSilva explained the procedure which the company follows.

(EN) Motion to approve Jasmor Properties LLC for the Fire Station roof repair in the amount of $27,155.80 which includes removal of old fascia and soffit and installation of vent soffit, fascia and insect screen. (LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (GL) I talked to Jesse today regarding placement of the antenna and the use of steel bolts for proper anchoring. Chief DeSilva: He brought that to my attention also. The starting day will be Saturday – which is their “stripping day,” and by all indications it will be pretty quickly done. The color of the roof was chosen today by members of the Fire Department and will be a dark gray color.

(LK) This will be out of the Building Maintenance General Trust.

7. Fire Department Storage Trailer

Chief DeSilva: At the back of the Fire Station, there is a storage trailer that has been there for about twenty years. There is also a shipping container stored at the WWTP which the Town purchased. What I would like to do is take what is still “good” out of the storage trailer, store in the shipping container and get rid of the rest. Then, the shipping container could be moved to the back of the Fire Station. The storage trailer contains a minimal amount of things that would be salvageable. There are some old ladders from the ladder truck that do have some minor value.

(LS) Motion to allow Fire Chief to salvage items from the storage trailer (which can also be disposed of) and store in the shipping container, which can then be moved to the rear of the Fire Station. (EN) second. Carried 5-0.

Board members thanked Chief DeSilva for his diligence in proceeding with the Fire Station bids and “cleaning up the storage trailer.”

(EN) Has anyone heard from George concerning his grading of the area in back of the Fire Station? When it rains, water comes into the building. Chief DeSilva: Jesse has looked at it and agreed a trench of some type should be made to carry the water away from the building. (PS) to check with George

Reminder: Chief DeSilva wanted to remind everyone that Open House at the Fire Station is Thursday, October 17, 2012 from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

4. Parade Permit Requested by the Pittsfield Elementary School

(PR) Motion to approve Parade Permit for Pittsfield Elementary School for October 31, 2012, 1:15 P.M. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Action on Race to the Top Grant

(PS) There is a letter to Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent noting in the body of the letter completion of what he has requested of the Board of Selectmen. (See Attached.)

(EN) Motion to approve letter to Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent pertaining to Race to the Top Grant and authorize Chairman to sign. (GL) Second. After Brief Discussion: Approved 4-1 (LS).

Discussion: I have done extensive research on this Grant and will not be supporting it due to philosophical differences.

6. Forest Improvement Harvest and Timber Sale Agreement

(PS) The Board had a discussion concerning this Agreement last week and Mark Wallace, Chairman of Conservation Committee is here tonight. He has discussed this Agreement with George Bachelder regarding the timber cutting, road, and etc.

Mark Wallace: I would refer you back to the Forest Management Plan that was distributed a couple years ago. There is one more that is off Tan Road which we will be leaving alone for now because of lack of easy access. As you can see, we had three companies bid to do the work which is specialized work requiring specialized equipment. We want to take what we can out before it gets too big that way there will be a better “crop” of trees in the future. This is all chip material, not lumber. The cost is $5,395 which provides for all the mechanized machinery. Fifteen years from now we might get some logs out of there. I have discussed with George about using local loggers to do the job. I explained that not many can do this type of work. There are 38 acres up there and we are trying to open up the area for animals (woodcocks, deer, etc.)

(LK) How were the bids advertised? Mark Wallace: We requested this through the Forester and requested someone good and reliable to choose. Not all loggers can do this type of work. (LK) I know of some others who can do it and they are not on this list. Mark Wallace: This is something we requested the Forester do. (LK) I would like to see local people bid on it. Mark Wallace: This is a big operation. (EN) What about them being on site before contract negotiated?
Mark Wallace: He explained the rationale included the time of year, and wanting to complete the job prior to the upcoming November rains. Conservation

Commission requested they bring in the equipment early though bidder did not wish to do so, therefore any costs that should occur pertaining to this would be covered by Conservation Commission. “They do have their equipment sitting up there.”

(LS) Motion to approve Sweet’s Logging for timber sale of Thompson Road Town Forest and authorizes Chairman to sign. (GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (LK).

Discussion: (LS) I would like to echo what Larry said in that it would be better trying to utilize local individuals and in the future, I would like to see local people do the work. (LK) There must be specs that went out on this bid. Board would like to have been part of the bidding process. We have not seen how this was advertised. Mark Wallace: As you will note by the bidding sheet, this individual is fairly close. (EN) Please get together with George after it is done.

Appointment to Conservation Commission

Christopher Hill applied to Conservation Commission. He has had 25 years of military experience. He is the owner of the largest forest in the Town. He is good and knowledgeable. (PS) This gentleman applied a while ago.

House on Rocky Ridge

Mark Wallace: There is a “house” up on Green Road in the Rocky Ridge area which is in shambles. It needs to be knocked down and I approached Board previously and there were some concerns about the asphalt roof. It is a rotten, old building; the windows are out, and the floors are falling in. We think it would be a good idea to have George knock it down. (LK) We can send the Building Inspector up there to take a look at it and advise us. Mark Wallace: George would love to do it but would need Board’s approval. (PS) to notify Building Inspector.

Mark Wallace left meeting at 7:04 P.M.


(LK) Info Re: Barnstead Road property; (PS) Annual Contract for Maintenance of Tax Maps, Approval of Election Warrant, Closing Requirements Re: 20 Berry Avenue and 4 Franklin Street and Non Public


8. Award of Bid for Boiler at WWTF

(PS) The boiler at WWTF needs to be replaced and Ron Vien got four quotes. He is recommending awarding contract to NPI Mechanical Contractors.

(EN) Motion to approve NPI Mechanical Contractors to replace boiler
at WWTF for $14,565 and authorize Chairman to sign Agreement.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) Funding will be through Sewer Fund.

9. Review of 2013 Budget

Board agreed to address after remainder of Agenda was completed.

10. Annual Contract for Maintenance of Tax Maps

(PS) This is the annual maintenance contract from Cartographic Associates, Inc. They have been doing the tax maps for a number of years and we are satisfied with their efforts. Cost is $1,900 and we are recommending Board enter into contract. This is about the same amount as in past years.

(LS) Motion to approve 2012 Maintenance Contract with Cartographic Associates, Inc. for $1,900 for data recorded 4/1/12 through 3/31/13.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (EN) Will these be put on the computer when completed? (LK) Yes, same format as in past years.

Break 7:12 P.M. Resume 7:20 P.M.

(PS) The disc will be sent to Clayton Wood.

11. Approval of Election Warrant

(PS) The Election Warrant needs to be signed by the Board. Board noted that only one Board member is required during voting time and two during the count.

(LS) Motion to approve Election Warrant. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board members determined hours of coverage each would provide.

12. Closing Requirements Re: 20 Berry Avenue and 4 Franklin Street

(LS) Motion to approve Paul Skowron signing closing documents and authorize Board of Selectmen to sign Deed. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

13. Appointment to Conservation Commission

(LS) Motion to appoint Christopher Hill as full member to Conservation Commission on recommendation of Mark Wallace. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Recommended Bid-Fire Department Roof See Page 5
2. Notice of Intent to Bargain – AFT-NH Non-Public Session
3. Jitters Sketch Re: Placements – Sidewalk Path

(PS) We now have the sketch as requested in association with the Waiver filed by Paul Rogers. We do not have a letter from Code Enforcement. (EN) This will be provided within one day. (PS) to check on Town liability and schedule at Board’s next meeting (10/23/12). (LS) This should be wrapped up as soon as possible.

4. BOS Agreement Class VI Road For Board Review

(PS) This was an Agreement that Hank Fitzgerald brought in for Board review. It was noted that Matt Monahan, CNHRPC, should be provided a copy of this. He is due to appear before Board on October 30th.

5. Barnstead Road Property – Former State Garage

(PS) I think that Fred Hast’s intention is that it should be used for commercial purposes and render tax revenue. If someone would like to make a serious offer to obtain the property, there is a procedure by Statute that would need to be followed. It would first have to be offered to other State agencies, and then offered to Town for sale. Town could not purchase it and then offer it for private sale. I do not know what purpose it would serve to contact the State. If there were serious inquiries about the land, then I would agree but the Town cannot purchase it and then sell it. It would have to be used for municipal services.

I will write to Fred Hast should he know of someone who would be interested in purchasing the property to contact the State, Board of Selectmen or DOT.


1. Intent to Cut Tax Map R26, Lot 19 and 4

(PR) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R26, Lot 19 and 4.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Intent to Cut Tax Map R24, Lot 8 (Town Owned Property)

(LS) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R24, Lot 8.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization Pending
2. Policy for Access to Town Property Pending
3. Policy for Recruitment & Employment to be Revised Pending
4. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending
5. Tax Collector/Action by BOS/Tax Deed Waivers

(PS) We have received an E-Mail from Laura Spector speaking to 36 Loudon Road. She notes that the proper parties should be notified by regular as well as certified mail with the letter pertaining to payment of taxes or loss of property. Laura Spector has suggested we “start the process over” and move forward from there. (GL) It would be better to err on the side of caution.

(EN) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to work with Town Attorney to provide proper notification to property owners and lien holders of 36 Loudon Road. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0 (PR) Abstain.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 9, 2012

(PR) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 9, 2012 with Correction. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


Page 6, Paragraph 5, No. 3, Line 5: Sentence noting Clayton Wood……….interest. should be deleted.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 9, 2012



Clayton Wood: Thank you for deleting that sentence from last week’s Minutes.

Nick Abell: Thank you for putting the K-9 vehicle lettering “to bed.” I agree with Linda that it was accepted as is. Thank you for addressing the Fire Station roof and trailer and resolution. The Tax Maps – can I get a copy of it? (PS) Probably not without a cost. (LS) They will be online. Nick Abell: Can the Fire Department have a copy of the disc. Clayton Wood: He can have a copy of the disc; it is not copyrighted. I will look into it. Nick Abell: It would be easier to determine a lot line at the scene of a fire if we were able to access tax map through command car. (PS) You should be aware that the tax map is not a legal document and should not be used for “legal purposes.”

Close Public Input (7:55 P.M.)


(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II e. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:57 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2012.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


Ammy Ramsey

It is noted that Ammy provided clean-up services to the “linens” in the conference room.

(PR) Motion to write a thank you letter to Ammy Ramsey for services to Town. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Break: 8:22 P.M. Resume 8:24 P.M.


9. Review of 2013 Budget

(PS) The renewal rate for 2013 for the medical program has been set at 4.3%. Cara will go back and adjust all the health insurance lines for each department.

(LS) Motion to approve adjustment of the health insurance lines for all departments at 4.3%. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) We will be getting a letter from LGC pertaining to the Premium Holiday for Health Insurance. The surplus funds will be distributed to employer and employees since they do pay 10% of the premium. This is all partially associated with the LGC lawsuit.

Financial Administration & Revaluation of Property (Page 3)

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Financial Administration for $136,062. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Line 77 – Reappraisal of Property (Page 3)

(LS) Motion to approve Line 77 – Reappraisal of Property for $35,000.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Revaluation of Property at $36,900. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

General Government Buildings (Page 6)

Line 97 – Custodian:

(LS) Motion to approve Line 97 (Custodian) for $2,500. (GL) Second.
Carried 5-0.

Line 103: (EN) Is everything corresponding to computers under contract? (PS) Yes. (EN) Could we send this out to bid? (PS) This is a difficult one but I will discuss with Cara about the maintenance contracts.

Total General Government Buildings:

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for General Government Buildings (Page 6) for $70,503. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Cemeteries (Page 7)

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Cemeteries for $300 (Page 7). (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Insurance, Advertising & Regional Associations (Page 8)

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Insurance (Page 8) for $53,000. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Regional Associations (Page 8) for $6,880. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Building Inspector & Housing Standards (Page 14)

Line 281 – Building Inspector: Leave as is.

Board discussed Line 292 and 294 briefly but will discuss at a later time.


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:47 P.M.

Approved: October 23, 2012

__________________________ ______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on October 16, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on
October 18, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes