October 16, 2012 Minutes

October 16, 2012, 7:43 pm

Present: Dana Sansom, Chair, Sylvia Wallace, Treasurer, Nancy Fogg, Alternate Trustee, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary.

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia, Dana) to accept minutes as corrected of Sept. 18, 2012.

Old Business:

• Building Maintenance update: Mr Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector for the town, said that an archectect is coming this week to look at the building to access the feasibility of a stairway from the lower floor for a second egress. Mr. Paul Richardson, one of the committee members who did the library renovation 8 years ago, introduced himself this afternoon to the director and announced that he would speak to the selectboard regarding that issue.
• Window Restoration update: Sylvia reported that Mr. Roeper was coming on the 17th to put in windows that are completed.
• Library Goals: Subcommittee (Dana, Mary and Director) report on Policy revisions:
A meeting was scheduled for the committee to meet on December 11 to continue policy reviews.
• Library Goals : Fundraising: Before the meeting began, Mr. David Denis, Director of United Community Northeast, a fundraising enterprise, spoke to the director and trustees. The motion was made to accept Mr. Denis’ proposal of fundraising with the understanding that the library would have a separate account for deposits to facilitate ease of accounting for monies related to fundraising earnings. (Mary/Sylvia) The fundraising involves library patrons shopping at companies that United Community finds who are willing to share their profits with given charities whose members use a card. The library card holder would indicate that the charity to be assisted is the library when signing up. The library’s work in all this would be to promote the use of the cards to our patrons.
• CD Reinvestment update: Sylvia, Treasurer, has been reviewing the ways we could invest our CD monies representing trusts the trustees must oversee. Dana suggested that Sylvia speak to a financial advisor at Citizens Bank and proceed from there. Due to the relatively small amount of monies ($8000) and the rate of interest offered at this time, there are not too many viable options.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion.

New Business:
• Letter to Globe Manufacturing Co on occasion of 125th Anniversary: The secretary presented a congratulatory note approved by all to send to owners and employees.
• Card Catalogue: The director received an e-mail from someone looking for a card catalogue. The trustees gave the director permission to accept an offer above the amount they felt appropriate.
• CliF Project: The director will be having an informational sheet distributed to students in the lower grades (double sided) so that parents know of the library’s involvement in this project and how they can get these books at the library. The Friends of the Josiah Carpenter Library will be aiding this project with funds to offset the cost of this informational sheet.

Adjournment: Moved and seconded (Mary/Sylvia) to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 pm. (Mary/Sylvia)

Next Meeting: November 13, 2012, 7 pm (Public announcement needed since it is not 3rd Tuesday of month due to Thanksgiving vacation conflicts.)

Submited by: Mary Schelble, Secretary