October 17, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 10/17/07
1) Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm. In attendance: Eric Bahr (EB), Ed Vien (EV), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), Deborah
Jordan (DJ), James Hetu (JH), Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC. Also attending: Linda Small
(LS), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Leon Kenison (LK), Don Chase (DC).
2) Minutes of 10/03/07 amended to show “Leon 123” as” Leon Kenison”, and on number 8 to show “use one part of
the Pittsfield Weave building on Fayetteville Street”. Minutes approved as amended by EVand seconded by DJ.
3) Eric is definitely moving at the end of the month.
a. EV suggested that James Hetu may be willing to serve as vice-chair
b. EV willing to serve as interim chair until a new one is elected.
c. EB suggested that Select Board should get additional people to serve on EDC since we will now be down
by two people –Eric and Lester Firstenberger
d. EB wants to serve on the private development corporation 501C
e. Vote will be taken in two weeks on interim chair.
f. DJ nominated JH as vice chair. Unanimous vote to accept him.
g. Lynn Roberts is currently an alternate. Ask Select Board to vote her as permanent member
a. Letters have been sent out.
b. Thank you letters to sponsors will be sent out.
5) Medical Center/Lakes Region Hospital.
a. We will go no further on Pittsfield Medical Center.
b. EV spoke to Tom Clairmont at Lakes Region – they don’t think people from Pittsfield will go to Lakes
Region, more likely to go to Concord. So not feasible to put a medical facility in Pittsfield.
6) Kentek –.
a. Eric will give Deb Jordan and Leon Kenison contact information. They will arrange a meeting
7) We need to develop a business retention strategy.
a. A Chamber and EDC member will contact and talk to major employers
b. Personal meeting for businesses with 20+ employees
c. A letter approximately every 6 months to businesses with 5-19 employees
d. DJ and MM will generate a potential top 10 list for the personal visit
8) Local Development Corporation –(a 501C – charitable corporation)
a. There is a need for it since Pittsfield Center Development Corporation is not currently acting as such
(it is more of a property management corporation)
b. We can use their charter and mission statement as a basic idea
c. Use documents from Bow as a model
d. Will be funded with private money and federal and state grants
e. Still need EDC to promote the town and encourage events like USAC
9) Capital Regional Development
a. Follow up with Peter Phipps about open seat on their board
b. Try to get on building committee or real estate committee.
10) Don Chase brought up several questions
a. On WIFI there may be liability problems – can town be sued by a victim of internet predator?
b. How much money did the town make on USAC event? (information not available yet)
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso