October 19, 2006 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board

October 19, 2006

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman

Mary Paradise

Christopher Ward

Gary Colby

Leslie Vogt

Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent of Schools

Toby Eaton, Business Administrator

Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS

Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS

Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS

John Freeman, Principal, PES

Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES

Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.


Mr. Ward added Capital Improvement Plan to the agenda. Ms. Erlandson deleted Brown Center Event from the agenda.


On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 21, 2006 meeting as written.



A. Halloween Parade

Dr. Freeman explained that the Halloween parade is scheduled for October 31,

Pittsfield School Board 1 October 19, 2006

2006 at 1:30. In compliance with the Wellness Policy, several changes have been made, according to grade level, for the acknowledgement of Halloween.

B. Body Systems Fair

Dr. Freeman reported that the Body Systems Fair was taking place simultaneously with the School Board meeting; October 19, 2006 from 6:30 to 7:00.


A. Support Staff Nomination

Mr. Jarvis nominated Stephanie Hunt as an educational assistant. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Hunt.

B. Montreal/Quebec City

Ms. Erlandson requested a tentative approval of the concept of a trip being planned to Montreal and/or Quebec City, which the Board provided. Further plans will be developed and presented to the Board at a future meeting.

C. National Honor Society

Six students were recently inducted to the National Honor Society.

D. Advisory Program

Ms. Erlandson reported that seven out of thirty-four teachers withdrew their participation in the Advisory Program. Karen Plante has been appointed the Advisory Program Chair and the program has been opened up to support staff.

E. Follow-the-Child Initiative

Mr. Brown inquired as to the progress of the District in Commissioner Tracy’s Follow-the-Child initiative. Dr. Compton will investigate and report to the Board.


A. PMHS Security

Mr. Eaton requested guidance from the Board on issues of school security. Ms. Chassie explained that there is a Crisis Intervention Plan for the District, which was developed with the help of Mr. Champlin from NH Emergency Services. New employees are informed of procedures. Mr. Brown suggested that students be thanked and shown appreciation for their good behavior. Mr. Jarvis

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explained that, in fact, that is one of the primary purposes of the annual Field

Day celebration at Drake Field at the end of each school year. The Board

agreed that Mr. Eaton should continue to investigate the feasibility of repairing the security camera and/or increasing the number of monitors to include the

entrances near the industrial arts building and the cafeteria. Dr. Compton will

bring a proposal to the next Board meeting.

B. Accident

The unfortunate accident of a student was reported. The gate, on which the injury occurred, shall be kept locked and a key will be provided to the Pittsfield Police Department and the Pittsfield Fire Department.

C. 2007 NHSBA Delegate Assembly

According the Mr. Brown, the NHSBA Delegate Assembly is open to any member of the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the 18-year old dropout requirement and other proposed resolutions.

D. Personal Leave Requests

On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to grant a day of leave with pay to Jennifer Valley for her honeymoon, with best wishes.

On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to grant up to three days of leave with pay for Faith Whittier to fulfill her responsibility to supervise the checklist.

E. PES Heating

Mr. Eaton reported that repairs are being made at PES.

F. PMHS Heating

Mr. Eaton reported that repairs are planned for the early release day on October 23, 2006.

G. Capital Improvement Plan Committee

Mr. Eaton listed the projects that he and Mr. Ward will be presenting: PMHS gymnasium roof, PES window replacement, PMHS gymnasium floor, and PES parking lot, in that order of priority. The next meeting of the Capital Improvement Plan Committee is scheduled for November 16, 2006.

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H. Superintendent Compton’s Goals

Dr. Compton reviewed a draft of goals and objectives for the Superintendent of Schools. He explained his proposed goals and asked that the Board endorse them on November 2, 2006. He invited the Board to offer their suggestions for additional goals. Mr. Brown suggested that the Board should also develop goals that would be utilized in guiding budget decisions.

I. Superintendent Evaluation

Dr. Compton distributed a proposed tool to be used to conduct an evaluation of the Superintendent. Ms. Paradise suggested that the SAU Board make the final decision on the evaluation tool. Mr. Brown added that if there is discussion, all SAU Board members should be present. Mr. Brown further suggested that there is a need to schedule an SAU Board meeting for budget planning purposes and that the issue of the evaluation could also be on the agenda.

Dr. Compton stated that he has enjoyed his first three weeks and has met all employees. He expressed his hope to have a positive impact on the District and thanked the Board for their support.


A. Drake Field & Facilities

Mr. Colby shared pictures of the dugouts that are being proposed.

B. Budget

A letter will be submitted to the paper to rebut inaccuracies expressed by members of the public at the Special School District Meeting. The Board will exert an effort to promote the budget process as it progresses.

C. SAU Planning

There is a public hearing scheduled in Barnstead on October 24, 2006 at the Barnstead Elementary School at 6:00. On October 26, 2006, a meeting has been scheduled to begin developing a strategy depending on the decision made by the Barnstead School Board. Dr. Compton reported that the effective date of the separation is dependent on the plan submitted to the DOE by the Barnstead School Board.


The next meeting of the Pittsfield School Board is scheduled for November 2,

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2006. Agenda items will include: Brown Center, Capital Improvement Plan,

security system, transfer of funds, and budget timelines.

X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Paradise, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM.