October 19, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Ted Mitchell: He wanted Board to know that five members of the Safe Routes to School Committee had met with two members of the DOT to walk Catamount Street to Depot (State roads) to offer some insight as to costs. It was noted that that intersection “needs to work better.” DOT did make the observation that Depot Street is quite wide and suggested that perhaps diagonal parking on the side of street could be utilized to allow for additional parking.

Close Public Input (6:03 P.M.)


(PS) Copy of Intent to Cut – Rocky Point Road, etc., E-Mail/Related Documents to WWTF Bid Award Recommendation from TTG Consulting, Transfer from General Fund to Sewer Fund/Sewer Hook-up Fees – $62,000, Sewer Rate Fee Modification Proposal, Board of Selectmen Meetings, Merrill Vaughan – Ethics Committee; (DM) Chimney Cap, Volpe Property.


6:00 P.M.: Schooner Concrete – Window Frame Bid
6:15 P.M.: Larry Tassin – Window Frame Bid

(DM) Both bidders were invited here tonight because Mr. Hast had some specific questions for you both. We have looked at both bids; Mr. Guy (Schooner Concrete) do you have people working for you? Mr. Guy, Schooner Concrete: I have sub working for me. (This individual was present and offered to provide insurance information to Board.) Mr. Tassin: He noted that he works with subs and would be present with them on the job and that they carry their own insurance. (DM) One bid is for 42 windows and the other is for 48 windows. Mr. Guy noted that some of the windows appear to have been done in the basement and would only need minor repair. There are 17 in the basement and 30 windows on the first floor. (FH) What about the third floor? (It was noted that this was not done.)
Mr. Tassin: There are 27 windows on the main floor and 15 windows in the basement.

(FH) You will be using pressure treated wood? Mr. Guy: Either pressure treated or the new composite wood depending on what it is going to be used for. Mr. Tassin: The new trim would be pine. Pressure treated wood as was known before is no longer used because of the arsenic content, but there is something similar. (DM) How long would it take to complete? Mr. Tassin: About 30 days.
(FH) Working or calendar days? Mr. Tassin: A good question, but it will be 30 working days. Mr. Guy: Though I did not note in my bid, it would take about a week for the basement and about a week and a half for the main floor. (FH) I assume you would also fix any loose bricks. Mr. Guy: “Yes.”

(DM) questioned Mr. Guy, “What is non-rotting material?” Mr. Guy explained that some of the sills are rotting and would require concrete mortar blend and anchor screws to repair. If trim in vinyl can be found to match, would use that, if not then pine. (FH) Will you guarantee it for 50 years (kidding)? Mr. Guy: No response. (DM) Is loose fiberglass part of the Energy Code? Do you recommend that? Mr. Guy: It depends on the gap.

Mr. Tassin questioned what the working hours would be and it was explained that it would be during normal working hours. (FH) read the recommendations of the Building Inspector to the bidders and both noted that their work would meet codes.

Mr. Guy, as he was leaving, related to the Board that the cold weather will soon be upon us and it would be beneficial to have this accomplished soon.

(DM) related to them that the Board would notify them.

6:25 P.M.: John Taylor – Delinquent Taxes

(PS) Mr. Taylor has responded to the Board’s request to meet with Board and discuss delinquent taxes and to making arrangements for a payment plan.

(DM) Mr. Taylor we have the letter you sent to us noting you will be paying $75.00 a month and you have been doing that right along. Mr. Taylor: My son is disabled and has filed with Social Security and if approved, they will owe him for three years and if they pay I will bring down $1,000. My son has fibromyalgia and is disabled and my wife is totally disabled. Also, once my car is paid off (another five payments,) then I can make double the payments.

(EV) explained to Mr. Taylor that the Board is responsible for collecting taxes and we do not like to have to take resident’s property. It is our charge to do something. By making minimum payments, you will never catch up. Mr. Taylor explained that he resides in an 11 year old trailer. (FH) The sooner that it is paid up, the less interest you will have to pay. (EV) If we come up with an agreement, can you live with these arrangements? Mr. Taylor: “Yes.” (PS) to draw up an agreement and Mr. Taylor will make arrangements to come in and sign.

6:30 P.M.: Bob Heroux

Mr. Heroux related that regarding the first motorcycle registration problem and why it all started, he wanted to explain because of things that were said in the Minutes. He requested that Mr. Hast recuse himself, but “I guess that is not going to happen because there are only three of you on the Board.” (DM) That is correct.

He related this all started because the Town Clerk’s office did not have the appropriate software and last year took an arbitrary guess as to the value of the motorcycle. I became the “bad guy” because I questioned it based on Mr. Hast’s comments. I still do not have an adequate answer. No one knew who was responsible. I do not know how they came up with the amount of the refund that was returned to me.

This year, there was a second new set of circumstances. I am questioning how they came up with the figures? They said they need a Bill of Sale to get it registered. The computer formatted a tax that is still higher than the manufacturing costs. I called the Town Clerk looking to find out. If I am wrong, then why?

You need to look at what is going on in the Town Clerk’s office. How did they come up with the figures? Was I undercharged or overcharged?

Mr. Hast made some comments regarding my motives. I think Board needs to sanction Mr. Hast before I file an Ethics complaint. I am asking Mr. Hast to resign from the Board. “He is a loose cannon on this Board.”

(PS) I am confused as to whether you want information on the issuing of the refund or the value of the second motorcycle? Mr. Heroux was presented a copy of the Town Clerk’s findings on value and the registering fees.

(DM) related that he could either file a letter of complaint in writing to this Board or submit a complaint directly to the Ethics Committee, but it did have to be in writing.

(PS) Just to share with you Mr. Heroux, the dilemma that exists here and why the Board chooses to reserve judgment. If you file a complaint with the Ethics Committee, they would decide on it and then it would come before the Board of Selectman for discussion as they are the judicial forum. This Board would make the final decision. Mr. Heroux: I know that before it can be submitted to the Ethics Committee it would have to be submitted to the individual’s immediate supervisor. (DM) I am not Mr. Hast’s immediate supervisor, the people of Pittsfield are.

Mr. Heroux requested and was granted an opportunity to review the information he was presented with tonight and requested he be allowed to address the Board once again after he had reviewed it. Board agreed.

6:35 P.M.: Jim Spaulding – WWTF Bid Review (6:40 P.M.)

Mr. Spaulding presented the Board with a letter regarding awarding the Bid of $814,870 to Apex Construction, Inc. along with a copy of their references. Apex was the low bidder and Town has dealt with them in the past and was pleased with the results.

(PS) Has DES and USDA reviewed this yet? Mr. Spaulding: This will not occur until receipt of this letter from this Board. It will take about two weeks before approval is noted.

Mr. Spaulding: There is a small amount left from the grant monies. (PS) All money remaining is from the USDA loan. I have discussed with Ron Vien that all items stored by the Police, Fire and WWTP Departments will all be consolidated and will then be stored in the dewatering building. The box behind the building will be disposed of, and the trailer will be used elsewhere.

(EV) Motion to award Apex Construction, Inc., Rochester, NH with contract for Chlorination/Dechlorination Facilities and Operations Building Rehab in the amount of $814,870 pending approval of DES and USDA and authorize Chair to sign contract. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

Mr. Spaulding left meeting at 6:48 P.M.

Bob Heroux Appointment Continued

Mr. Heroux wanted to discuss the information that he received at tonight’s meeting. (DM) related that she had not yet read it and would not have an opportunity to do so tonight and probably it would be best if done another night. Mr. Heroux agreed and left meeting at 6:53 P.M.


1. Police Cruiser Purchase

Chief Wharem explained to Board the cost estimates as received from Hillsboro Ford, Inc. (Crown Victoria), MacMulkin Chevrolet Cadillac (Impala), Irwin Motors, Inc. (Crown Victoria Police Interceptor) and Central Dodge (Charger with 4/8 – 2009 and 2010 model) along with trade-in figures. Board discussed the size of the vehicles, warranties, model and year, gas consumption, and any additional items that would be necessary for purchase on the various models. Board ultimately agreed that the Dodge Charger would be the best purchase and hopefully in the long run the most economical.

(FH) Motion to approve purchase of 2010 Dodge Charger for Police Department. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (FH) questioned where vehicle would be serviced since it would be purchased form a dealer in Mass.? Chief Wharem: Probably Mariano’s, but any Chrysler dealership will honor it. He agreed that he would procure an invoice and a copy of the Service Warranty Contract for Board review.

1 a. Board also discussed the Stealth which it was agreed would be sold at
auction, since it is basically a non-functioning vehicle.

1 b. Chief Wharem related that the front door at the Police Department is
now open during regular business hours except when errands and lunch are necessary. He will be purchasing a buzzer for use by public when Deb
is not stationed directly at the front desk.

1 c. The Explorer is now having body work completed.

1 d. Chief Wharem noted he would be submitting an estimate soon for a
suspended ceiling and new lighting on the right side of the building which
would help conserve heat.

1 e. He noted that eventually he would be addressing Board about changing
the seal/lettering on the Police cars to a more economical product.

1 f. Trick or Treating will be on Sunday, October 31st from
4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

2. Oak Street Parking Lot

(PS) Fred Hast requested that this be put on the Agenda. There is a spreadsheet in your packet of information noting names and amount of payments.

(FH) noted that Elm Street Parking gets $325 per spot, per year for their parking spaces. Mr. Metcalf pays $175 per space and has four spots, though he needs twelve and the street parking is utilized more than it should be with more than two hour parking. Each year, we say we are going to review this for next year. I would like to see it go up to $300 per year.

(EV) I would never go with $300. I would rather rent it for $175 than see it 60% empty. It is hard to compare one parking lot with another. (FH) Tenants are misusing the parking on the street and there is nothing being done about that. (DM) I do not see it happening. (EV) I think we should leave it where it is. (DM) was in agreement with this because of where the economy is at this time. (PS) Last year we started sending letters out to renters reminding them of renewal and this will occur shortly.

3. Building Inspector Software

(PS) You all have a copy of the Software Purchase and Installation Agreement for the Avitar Building Permits System. This was discussed with Board and Building Inspector.

(DM) Paul, you were requested to look at the budget. (PS) At this point, there is some flexibility with the hydrant rental account.

(FH) Motion to approve contract for Avitar Building Permits System at a cost of $1,791 a year for three years. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

Board agreed that this system would be a big help to the Building Inspector as well as Cara. The Building Inspector has been very busy. This will complete information between departments and assessing company as well. (DM) Paul, please make sure it is in the budget that way.

4. Welfare Department Hours

(PS) An E-Mail has been received from the Welfare Director. As you know, the Building Inspector and Welfare Director work part-time for Allenstown and part-time for Pittsfield.

Diane has indicated that the Town Administrator in Allenstown has moved the Department Head meetings to Monday at 2:00 P.M. She would like to change her work schedule to Monday 3:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. and Wednesday to 12:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. When available and not with a client, she does attend Pittsfield Department Heads meeting.

(DM) I have no issue with this. It should be noted on the Website and Channel 24 and posted.

(EV) Motion to approve changing Welfare Director hours on Monday from
3:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. and Wednesday 12:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. (DM) Second.
Carried 2-0. (FH) Abstain.

(PS) to advise Welfare Director and notice to be posted on door.

5. Review of Proposed 2011 Town Budget

Deferred to Board of Selectmen meeting when Budget is updated by Cara.

6. Copy of Intent to Cut – Rocky Point Road, etc.

(PS) Included in your packet of information is the authorization for Intent to Cut which is now occurring. Mark Wallace has requested, via E-Mail, that Board sign the Timber Harvest Activities Having Minimum Wetlands Impact Form.
(DM) This is the only form that needs to be signed? (PS) Yes.

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Harvest Activities Having Minimum Wetlands Impact Form and authorize Chair to sign. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

7. E-Mail and Related Documents to WWTF Bid Award Recommendation
from TTG Consulting

See Appointment with Jim Spaulding 6:35 P.M. above.

8. Transfer from General Fund to Sewer Fund/Sewer Hook-up Fees –

(PS) This is the issue that some of you may remember which Maurice Wells had addressed at a Board of Selectman meeting earlier in the year. Cara has reviewed the records regarding the sewer hook-ups and they are currently in the General Fund and should be in the Sewer Fund. These figures go back to 2000.

(FH) Motion to transfer from General Fund to Sewer Fund/Sewer Hook-up Fees
in the amount of $62,000. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

9. Sewer Rate Fee Modification Proposal

(PS) This is another matter which has been on the back burner for awhile. The spreadsheet indicates a history of user fees and was modified in 2001 and 2006. For a while there was a surplus when Suncook Leather was in operation, but since then the sewer fees have dropped.

(PS) What I am recommending is a proposed rate/cubic foot increase of 5% per quarter in 2011 and an increase of 2% per quarter increase in 2012. These projections will balance out the sewer fees.

(DM) Do we need a Public Hearing to do this? (PS) Board can just do it. These fees should be reviewed at least once a year. (DM) Can we do something with the percentage increases. (PS) We can work on the numbers. (FH) I think it is fine the way it is. (EV) It gets us there quicker as the last increase was in 2006. (DM) Maybe we could come up with a better formula. (PS) If we do not frontload it we will not get where we want to be in two years. (DM) I would like to see another scenario. (PS) agreed that he would review and rework numbers and offer additional information at the next Board meeting.

10. Board of Selectmen Meeting Schedule

(PS) I would like to see the Board meet next Tuesday, October 26th for budget review. Cara will update the budget information. November 2 is Election Day, the 9th there will not be a meeting and then the 16th is regular meeting. (DM) I would like to meet on Wednesday, November 3rd. Board agreed.

11. Volpe Property

(PS) related that Laura Spector will be sending me a form letter which we will adapt to send to Mr. Volpe regarding the cellar hole safety concerns.

(FH) Regarding Mr. Volpe’s property, he would like to shingle his roof (the house next to the burned house) and utilize a dumpster which will be parked on Main Street taking up about two parking spaces. The Building Inspector and I went down and looked at it and felt that it would not be an issue with no projection into the street. (DM) I would think more information would be required (size and how long it would be there) and put something in writing. He would need to address with this Board. (DM) and (EV) agreed.

12. Chimney Cap

(DM) When will we be putting the chimney cap back in place? (PS) I had a recent conversation with Dan Kramer, BI noting that we had contacted several contractors when Kyle was here and they all declined to do the work. We will attempt again to have it accomplished. It will need to be reformed.

(DM) Also, Larry Konopka has offered to fill the cracks in the cement in the back of the building and will be purchasing some silicone for that purpose.

13. Merrill Vaughan – Ethics Committee

(DM) It is noted that Merrill Vaughan would like to meet with the Board and will be scheduled for next Tuesday, October 26th at 6:00 P.M. The Ethics Committee has not yet had a meeting for the newly elected official to review Ethics Code which they are supposed to do on an annual basis.




1. Capital Improvement Program

(EV) The CIP Committee is moving forward. By next Monday, we should be finishing everything and putting it together and will then put on CD.

2. Tax Deeded Properties

(DM) This will be addressed at the November 3rd meeting.

3. Town Hall Fire Alarm Contracts

(PS) I have received an E-Mail from Chief Johnson, this is still pending.

4. Board of Selectman Budget Review Schedule Pending

5. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation

(DM) I am unhappy with both bids. There is still unanswered questions regarding sill composition, pressure treated materials, insulation – foam or fiberglass, the subbing out issue pertaining to insurance. (PS) I will get in touch with the two bidders and ask the questions posed. (EV) We could send letter and let them give us an updated quote as well as the insurance information and telling them exactly what we want. We should also get an exact count of the windows. (PS) The basement is the most critical. They would have to examine every window and work on whatever needs to be accomplished.

(DM) There were funds left over after the roof was done – $5,000. I would wonder if that money would be available?

(PS) Information requests will be sent to the bidders regarding insulation, rot-resistant materials, and Workers Compensation insurance for any workers or subs.




(EV) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 5, 2010.

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 5, 2010.
(FH) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 5, 2010.

Discussion: Non-Public Session Minutes were not sealed after public session on October 5, 2010 and therefore, become part of the Public Session Minutes of that date and were approved as part of above Motion.

(FH) Correction – Non-Public Session Minutes – Page 1, under General Discussion, Line 2 add: …hours per week, Monday through Friday….

Break 8:19 P.M., Resume at 8:23 P.M.


Larry Konopka: When reviewing the budget, has there been any discussion for a General Maintenance Line, say for an on-call individual (15-18 hours and up to about $7,500 per year) to do general maintenance such as carpentry, changing light bulbs, and/or procuring bids. This could be a retired person with no set hours and could work on an as needed basis. It would ultimately result in big savings for the Town. Board noted that this had not been discussed.

Mr. Konopka also offered some suggestions as to company that may be helpful in replacing the chimney cap.

Mr. Konopka: The Planning Board is revising the Zoning Ordinances. Have any Public Hearings been scheduled? (FH) These will probably occur in December if we get things together.

He also noted that the air conditioner in meeting room needs to be taken out. (Air conditioner removed from window by Larry Konopka and Fred Hast.)

Close Public Input

Mr. Konopka left meeting at 8:30 P.M.


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (b). (EV) Second. Carried 3-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:32 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:43 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 19, 2010.
(FH) Second. Carried 3-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Approved: October 26, 2010

_____________________________ _____________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 19, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on October 21, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes