October 2, 2008 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Scott Brown
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent of Schools
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


Ms. Vogt added two budget items. Dr. Freeman added stipends as an information item. Mr. Kilmister added a follow-up on a residency issue and an information item regarding a long-term substitute teacher. Mr. Gremlitz added the use of donated equipment.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Colby, the agenda was approved as amended.


A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Vogt to approve the minutes of September 18, 2008 as written. The motion carried with Ms. Vogt, Mr. Colby, Ms. Paradise, and Mr. Wolfe voted in the affirmative, while Mr. Brown abstained from the vote due to his absence from the meeting.


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A. School Climate

Mr. Kilmister reported the data collected and the observations he has made regarding the positive school climate. He stated that the school participated in an assembly today, during which students and staff all participated in a school-wide morning meeting.

B. Long-term Substitute

Mr. Kilmister explained that there were nine certified teachers who applied for the third grade position. The interview team talked to six candidates, all of whom were very impressive. A decision was made to hire Joanne Cassale.

C. Residency

Mr. Kilmister reported that the residency issue that has been pending has been resolved. He now has a copy of the family’s Pittsfield lease.


A. Core 9 Program

Mr. Gremlitz explained the progress being made by the 9th grade core team, a pilot program developed last spring. The grade 9 teachers share a common planning time, at which time they are aligning and integrating curriculum. He asked for the approval of the Board to establish a stipend for the Core 9 coordinator, Derek Hamilton. Discussion ensued regarding the other stipends for similar positions. Mr. Gremlitz stated that Mr. Hamilton will become part of the Educational Leadership Team and the District Leadership Team. Mr. Brown raised a concern for the teachers at PES who are working on committees and do not receive a stipend.

Dr. Freeman distributed a list of stipend positions for 2008-2009. He suggested that the Board revisit this schedule to work on issues of equity and consistency. Dr. Freeman stated that the suggestion of a Core 9 coordinator stipend is within reason, given the expectations in the context of the other stipends provided to district teachers for various duties. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by, the Board voted unanimously to approve a $1,400 stipend for the Core 9 coordinator.

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B. JV Soccer Coach

Mr. Gremlitz nominated Derek Hamilton as JV soccer coach. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Derek Hamilton as JV soccer coach.

C. Uniform Donation

Mr. Gremlitz explained that the NHIAA is sponsoring a used uniform collection to benefit impoverished students and schools in Africa. PMHS has a collection of old uniforms that could be donated. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the donation of the NHIAA to donate uniforms to children in South Africa.

D. Class Officers

Mr. Gremlitz called attention to a document in the packet listing the class officers that were elected at PMHS.

E. Athletic User Fees

Mr. Gremlitz provided information regarding the status of the athletic user fee receipts.

F. High School Redesign Forum

Mr. Gremlitz reported that he, along with Dr. Freeman and English Teacher Silas St. James, had attended a high school redesign forum. He reviewed the highlights of the conference and explained that attention is being paid to four areas of children’s development: personally, social, physical, and academics. He was pleased to report that the connection between major reform efforts is strong and align with many of the efforts in our district.

G. Foss Scholarship Fund

Mr. Brown pointed out that the Board may want to consider replacing him on the Foss Scholarship Committee, as he would likely not be able to fulfill the obligations of the entire term.


A. Social Worker

Ms. Chassie nominated Jane Johnson for the position of school social worker. She explained that this position is funded by a grant received from the Merrimack County Diversion Program. Ms. Johnson will work for three days per

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week for the school year. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the hiring of Ms. Johnson.

B. Changes in Enrollment

On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board was
polled and voted unanimously to enter into a Non-Public Session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (c) to discuss student matters at 6:06 PM.

Ms. Chassie reviewed the changes in enrollment that have occurred during the past two weeks relative to students with disabilities.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board was polled and voted unanimously to exit the Non-Public Session at 6:16 PM.


A. Request for Use of Facilities

Mr. Lawrence Konopka, Chairperson of the Pittsfield Board of Selectmen, has asked for permission to use the elementary school gym for the purposes of voting on Tuesday, November 4, 2008, due to an expected large voter turnout, inadequate space for voting booths at the town hall, and concern for adequate parking. Mr. Wolfe expressed his concern for the traffic patterns during school hours. Mr. Brown explained that the Town Hall does not meet the space requirements that are needed to conduct the voting process. Mr. Brown suggested that the Select Board provide people to assist in parking and directing people to the voting area. Discussion ensued regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using the elementary school during regular hours of operation. Alternate suggestions were made, such as the middle high school or the fire station. Concerns for the disruption to students’ education and the danger of the traffic were raised.

The Board directed Dr. Freeman to draft a letter to Mr. Konopka, stating that the middle high school gymnasium would be a better selection. Also, two police officers would be required to help direct the traffic flow, including enforcing the one-way stipulation in the morning and afternoon.

B. School Board Policies

Four draft policies were provided to the Board for their consideration:

· Policy GCG – Substitute Teachers – Dr. Freeman explained that, in spite of the revision completed on this policy last year, reconsideration is necessary in order to recruit qualified long-term substitute teachers.

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· Policy IFA – Instructional Needs of Students with Different Talents

· Policy JICFA – Hazing

· Policy JLF – Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

Dr. Freeman explained that these are proposed new policies and represent the first of several policy statements required by the Department of Education for school approval.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve Policy GCG amendment, Policy IFA, Policy JICFA, and Policy JLF as the first reading.

C. Capital Improvement Plan
Dr. Freeman reported that it has been difficult finding contractors to come to PES and PMHS to offer estimates. He distributed a memo outlining a recommended ten-year plan for capital improvement projects. The plan allows for a relatively stable tax impact on the community, while meeting the building maintenance needs that currently exist in both buildings.

The projects proposed to be considered, in order of priority, include PMHS gym roof replacement, PMHS gym floor replacement, PES window replacement, PES roof replacement, PES siding, and PES air conditioning. Mr. Brown questioned including the repaving and/or expansion of the PES parking lot. In addition, a timeline for project completion was provided with the PMHS gym roof replacement to be completed in the 2008-2009 school year, the PMHS gym floor replacement to be completed in the 2010-2011 school year, and the PES window replacement to be completed in the 2012-2013 school year.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommended Capital Improvement Plan.

D. Memorandum of Agreement

Dr. Freeman stated that approval of the memorandum is not required at this time due to items remaining in question by the Education Association of
Pittsfield, after EAP consultation with the NEA. Dr. Freeman explained the three points of contention and stated that the NEA representative was unavailable for discussion until October 14, 2008. Dr. Freeman will continue discussions and will keep the Board posted of future developments.

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E. Master Plan for Professional Development, Revision

Dr. Freeman explained that although the original Master Plan was approved the Board and the Department of Education in 2007, the Professional Development Committee, which consists of teacher and support staff members from both schools, has worked to clarify the number of hours associated with various activities. The recommended changes were highlighted and, with the Board’s approval, the document will be forwarded to the Department of Education for review.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the revisions to the Master Plan for Professional Development

F. First Quarter Expenditure Report

Dr. Freeman reported that work continues on the first quarter expenditure report. The known errors in the report will be corrected, and a revised copy will be sent to the members of the Board. The report will be sent to the Budget Committee before the end of the month.

Dr. Freeman reminded the Board that the allocated technology funds are being used to purchase a student information system, these funds being available as a result of the technology investment made by the district using funds available in the 2007-2008 budget. Investigation is underway by a committee, co-chaired by Mr. Gremlitz and Mr. Kilmister, to find an appropriate replacement to the current system.

G. Drake Field Clean-Up

Dr. Freeman explained that Mr. Wolfe was responsible for the chipping the brush at Drake Field. The Board thanked Mr. Wolfe for his work and commented on how nice the property looks.


A. Budget Committee Representative – Ms. Vogt

Ms. Vogt recently attended a conference on budget development. She reviewed several points, including using caution regarding using a warrant article for items addressed in the operating budget. Ms. Vogt stated that Dr. Freeman will be meeting with the Budget Committee to discuss negative
discrepancies between allocated and expended funds in budget lines of the 2007-2008 district budget documented in the final expenditure report.

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B. Drug Awareness

Mr. Colby stated that Dr. Freeman has agreed to gather information regarding the progress being made by the Drug Awareness Committee.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. The agenda will include policies, superintendent job description, Math Task Force report, school district mission and vision, district data profile.

XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:07p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

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