October 20, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
October 20, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:00 PM

PCC members present: Mark Wallace (MW), Nancy Bates (NB), Paul Metcalf (PM), Nancy Christie (NC), Jon Greenwood (JG)

Absent: Donna Keeley (DK), Planning Board Rep, Fred Hast (FH)

Minutes – September accepted

Old Business:

1. MW – Library has agreed to facilitate distribution Conservation book bags
2. DK will get bags to library & MW will produce a donation container
3. MW – The UNH trail assistance has been rejected due to costs.
4. MW/DK – The PSNH $1,000 grant has been submitted for town forest signs. JG will check on sources for related signs
5. MW/DK – Shingle Mill Brook pollution/erosion issue being referred to DES
6. NC –Pennichuck Water Easement committee meeting report was encouraging. A meeting with the committee is planned for November 12th.
7. PM – Dustin Barker Town Forest gate project is moving ahead.

New Business

1. The NHCC annual meeting and workshops scheduled for November 1st in Concord. The NH Watershed Council meeting is November 15th. Any members attending will be reimbursed for the cost of workshops.
2. Warrant article issues postponed to the November meeting.
3. PCC agrees to repay NB $24.95 for samples ordered for PCC education
4. The Kimball easement annual walk-through is December 6th

Public Input: None

Next PCC meeting November 10, 2008

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM