OCTOBER 20, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.











Call to order at 5:34 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.




Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.








          5:30 P.M. Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Parks and Recreation, Capital Expenditures


Liz Hast related that she had several questions for the Board in relation to use of debit cards and E-Reg before going through the budget.


She also noted that in regard to the salary line, “I realize the economy is bad, and Town needs money, but it bothers me that non-union personnel will not be getting a raise along with the union personnel.”  I cannot be union unless I take it to the Town Meeting and I think it is disturbing.


I have just spent $5,000 on record preservation and now my records are done.  I am now working on records of the Board of Selectmen.  One book costs about $1,800 and these books are “one of a kind.” 


Ms. Hast explained the process by which residents could register vehicles (E-Reg) online and then the necessary paperwork that would be generated by the Town Clerk’s office to accomplish this.    She also noted that there is also a program for use of credit cards for this purpose, though she is hesitant in using this.


She related that she would like to begin use of debit cards adding a fee of about $2.50 plus a convenience fee.  I would like to have approval for use of the debit cards and maybe also the E-Reg.  There is no charge to the Town for the use of the debit card system.  However, once you enroll in the E-Reg system whether it is utilized or not, you are locked into the program permanently.


She also noted that there is currently $236,000 outstanding in taxes.


Board discussed the use of the debit card and agreed that this would be beneficial to the Town.


(LK)  Motion to approve the use of Debit Card System for Pittsfield for 2010 as outlined by Town Clerk.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


Elections, Registrations, & Vital Statistics (4140):


(LS)  Motion to approve Line 13 at $30,160.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Line 14 at $21,970.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 4-1 (FH).


(PS) noted that he felt that this Line 14 was incorrect.  (LS)  Withdraw Motion regarding Line 14.  (LK)  Agree.


(LS) Motion to approve Line 19 for $2,500.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


(LS)  Motion to approve Line 21 for $100.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


(LS)  Motion to approve Lines 17, 18, and Lines 22 through 27 as submitted.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


Financial Administration & Revaluation of Property (4150):


(LS)  Motion to approve Line 39 for $1,500.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


(LS)  Motion to approve Line 38 for $100.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


(LS)  Motion to approve Lines 40, 41, 42, 43 as proposed.  (LK)  Second. 

Carried 5-0.




          6:05 P.M.  Edward Dudek – Tax Deed


(LS)  Mr. Dudek, we have your request letter and information.  Is there anything that you would like to add?  Mr. Dudek noted that all the information is contained within his letter.


(LK)  questioned whether this had ever happened in the past?  (PS)  No, not that I know of.  (FH)  Not that I am aware of.    Mr. Dudek, are you aware that it would take about two years for these taxes to be paid.  How do you plan on leasing this property when technically you do not own it?  Mr. Dudek noted that he did not realize that he did not own the property.  (LS)  When you purchased the building, did you research the property?  Mr. Dudek noted that he knew there were back taxes due.  He stated that he did get notice from the Town but he did not understand it.  Board and Mr. Dudek discussed his payment of back taxes, method by which he felt he could get funding, cost to Town and time needed to do so.


(EV)  Motion to deny Edward Dudek request as noted in letter of October 9, 2009 for payment of tax balance.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


Mr. Dudek agreed to seek funding and get back to Board as soon as possible. 




Mr. Robert Heroux appeared noting that he was trying to find out the results regarding his motorcycle registration.  “I understand the information was kicked back to this Board.”  (PS) noted that the issue has gone back to Town Clerk.  She was going to acquire a software package which BSMI produces offering an assessment package for motorcycles which will be used henceforth for registration of all motorcycles.  However, I will inquire of Liz again of the status.


Board and Mr. Heroux briefly discussed the abatement process. 




          6:15 P.M.  Police Chief Robert Wharem


Chief Wharem related that he would like to discuss matter with Board in Non-Public Session.


(LK)  Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). 

(DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.  Individual members of the Board were polled and

all agreed.


Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:27 P.M.


Board returned to Public Session at 6:49 P.M.


(DM)  Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 20, 2009.

(LK) Second.  Carried 5-0.


Break at 6:50 P.M.  Board returned at 6:52 P.M.



          ACTION ITEMS


          6.  WWTF Bond Issue/Bond Counsel Opinion


(PS)  The Board, following the process as noted by Laura Spector, has sent an E-Mail to Cher putting her on notice relative to the special Town meeting relating to the bond issue for the sewer upgrades.  Rural Development has us under strict timetable.


Cher indicated that she has contacted the members of the Budget Committee and is able to have a quorum for a vote on November 14th at 10:00 A.M. for which she has reserved the cafeteria at the Elementary School.  (PS) agreed to provide her with a timetable as presented by Town Counsel along with a brief description of the history and some details on the matter.  Cara will be contacted in reference to advertisement for this special Town meeting.


(LK)  Motion to move forward with plans for Special Town Meeting for December 12th.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


(PS) will determine positive plans for location and work on the Warrant Article along with Town Counsel, Laura Spector.  It was noted that since it is a bond issue it requires a ballot vote with at least two-thirds vote for passing.


          1.  Welfare Lien Map R-8, Lot 12


(LK)  Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R8, Lot 12.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.



          2.  Welfare Lien Tax Map U6, Lot 8


(DM)  Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map U6, Lot 8.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


          3.  Parade Permit – Pittsfield Elementary School


(FH)  Motion to approve Parade Permit – Pittsfield Elementary School. 

(EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


It was noted (PS) that Police Chief is aware of this.


          4.  Purchase/Sale Agreement Boermeester Property


(PS)  Board has given approval to contact Mr. Boermeester who is willing to sell property to Town for the amount of back taxes.  Enclosed is the Purchase/Sales Agreement and prior to signing we will need to go through the process of statutory steps which need to be followed.


(FH)  Motion to authorize purchase Boermeester property at 25 River Road, Pittsfield, NH (Tax Map U5, Lot 4) and authorize Town Administrator to proceed with necessary statutory requirements.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


          5.  Acquisition of Pittsfield Aqueduct


(EV) requested that this be discussed in Non-Public Session later tonight.


          7.  Safety Committee Appointments


(EV)  Motion to approve Denise Morin, Paul Skowron, Chief Robert Wharem, Chief Gary Johnson, George Bachelder, and Ron Vien to Safety Committee. 

(LK)  Second.  Carried 4-0.  (DM) Abstains.


          8.  Intent to Cut – Tax Map R41, Lot 7-1


(LK)  Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R41, Lot 7-1.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


          9.  Intent to Cut – Tax Map R6, Lot 9-1


(LK)  Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Tax Map R6, Lot 9-1.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


          10.  Right to Know Request filed by Don Chase Re:  Legal Opinion:  Miskoe/Pritchard


(PS)  Don Chase has provided Board with Right to Know Request for legal opinion by Town attorney.  I have forwarded this request to Laura Spector, Town Attorney.


(LK) recused himself and was seated in the audience.  (7:17 P.M.)


(PS)  Board can deny his request if it so chooses. 


(EV)  Motion to respectfully decline request of Don Chase for legal opinion by Town Attorney, Laura Spector as requested.  (DM)  Second.




(EV)  Board needs to be able to maintain attorney-client confidentiality regarding matters and I do not want to set a precedent for something like this as I do not see the need for it.  (LS)  We have the option of waiving this and it might put “things to bed” on this matter.  It is confidential unless we want to waive it.  It would clarify things on everybody’s part.  Paul, what is your opinion?  (EV)  I would just not like to open a floodgate of these requests.  (PS) related that there were probably some things contained in the letter that would not be favorably viewed by various individuals and that we should be prepared not to offer that.  I would offer this current communication which is quite candid.  Board discussed whether part of the letter could be exacted and what Mr. Chase was looking for exactly.  (DM)  Is he seeking an answer to a certain question?  He is entitled to that.


Vote:  3-1 (FH).


(PS) agreed to talk to Don Chase to see if he could be more specific as to what he would like to know about this communication. 


(LK) returned and was seated on the Board (7:25 P.M.)




DOT Letter (10/12/09) Re:  Concord Hill Sidewalk/Retaining Wall; Letter – Mitchell Group Re:  2010 Rates; Bill (10/5/09) Re:  Merrimack Valley Regional Water District; Letter to DES (10/15/09) Re:  Joy Street Pump Station ARRA Funding; DOT Letter & Agreement directed to John Freeman Re:  Safe Routes to School; Letter (10/16/09) to James Pritchard Re:  Snedecker; Letter (10/14/09) from James Pritchard Re:  Snedecker; Letter (10/16/09) directed to Diane Vaughan Re:  Registration Refund; Right to Know Request, Don Chase Re:  Legal Opinion-  Miskoe/Pritchard; Laura Spector Opinion Re:  Don Chase Request for Legal Opinion; Draft Health Regulations compiled by Kyle Parker for BOS Review.




          1.  Town Hall Improvements – Life Safety Codes                   Pending

          2.  Sidewalk Improvement Plan


(PS)  There is an Agreement that has been sent to John Freeman regarding this program.  The School is hesitant about signing the Agreement because of having to spend the money before it is received.  I have discussed with Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC, who notes that he does this a lot and it is not an issue.  He will contact John Freeman and discuss with him and then get back to me.  (FH)  What area does it cover?  (PS)  It probably would only cover those streets coming off Tilton Hill Road.  (DM)  It is determined by mileage from the school and what routes are used to go to school, which would be the next step in the process of the grant. 


          3.  Capital Improvement Program


(PS)  The Department Heads are in the process of completing these forms and they should be available by the next BOS meeting.


          4.  Health Officer


(LK) noted that this is something that should be done right away due to the pending issues with the flu season.  Paul, have you had an opportunity to check with the school (school nurse)?  (PS) No, not yet.  (LK)  I would like to have this done really quickly before the issues become really necessary.  (PS) related that the position of Deputy Health Officer is appointed by the State, though the BOS would make the final decision.


          6.  Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals & Objectives          Pending

          7.  Firefighter/EMS Cross Training                                         Pending


This will be addressed after contract negotiations with Fire Chief have been completed. 


          8.  Fire Chief Contract


Board agreed they would address this later in the meeting.

          9.  Health Insurance Increase


(LS)  It is significant.  I would like to propose that we rehash through these budgets again to protect citizens.  (EV)  Have we gotten an official number?  (PS)  We just have just the unofficial numbers and we should have the official one within a week or so.  (FH)  I think we did a pretty good job on the budget.  I cannot see where we can “nitpick” any more. 


          10.  Other


(PS)  I apologize, but I meant to ask you to review the draft response letter to Mr. Pritchard.


(LK) recused himself and was seated in the audience (7:38 P.M.)


(PS) If everyone is good with it, I will formalize it and disperse.  Board agreed.


(LK) returned and was seated on the Board.  (7:40 P.M.)


          11.  Details


(PS) It is noted that PSNH pays on a quarterly basis.  (PS) to check on several outstanding detail accounts and will advise.


          12.  Emergency Management Vendors


(DM)  Have we compiled a list of vendors?  (PS) noted that Chief Wharem and he had started to compile this list but other pressing matters were more eminent, but they will be getting back to this in the near future.




(FH)  Motion to approve Veterans Credit Tax Map R27, Lot 12.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.




(DM)  Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 5-0.




(DM)  Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.  (LK)  Second. 




(LS)  noted that after going through the Police Department schedule and payroll that she did not understand why full time officers were working overtime when we have part-time officers working details.  Routine shifts are being scheduled with  overtime.  Why do we have overtime automatically built into the shifts and would like an explanation concerning this.  Also, why are we utilizing full-time officers for detail rather than part-timers?  (PS) to check. 


Vote:  4-0 (LK) Abstain.




          1.  Public Session Minutes October 6, 2009


(LK)  Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 6, 2009. 

(EV)  Second.  Several corrections duly noted.  Carried 4-0.  (LS) Abstain.


          2.  Non-Public Session Minutes October 6, 2009


(EV)  Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes October 6, 2009. 

(DM)  Second.  Carried 4-0.  (LS) Abstains.


After brief discussion:  (EV) withdraws Motion and (DM) Second.





          1.  Merrimack Valley Regional Water District


(FH) related that he had not attended the last meeting because he was embarrassed since we did not offer payment.  (LS) related that there were quite a few towns that had not offered payment.  (EV)  We had requested information as to what they had done and what the money was being spent on.  (FH) noted that he had talked to them previously and they noted that it would be appreciated if some payment was made.  He noted he would contact them once again regarding accountability.








Capital Outlay:  (PS) related that there have been a few recommendations regarding this but suggested the rest of budget be completed before addressing this.  A lot of the lines were deliberately left unfinished until the rest of budget was addressed. 




Cher Keuenhoff requested information as to what percentage the increase in the health insurance was going to be.  (PS) noted that it was in the low double digits.  Once I formally get confirmation, then I will share with you.




(EV)  Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (d) and (a). 

(DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.  Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.


Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:10 P.M.


Board returned to Public Session at 9:00 P.M.


(EV)  Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 20, 2009. 

(DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.




(FH)  noted that he would like some direction from Board about contacting Mr. Sancoucy and setting a meeting date.  Board agreed but not for the next BOS meeting.


Board discussed the possibility of holding a meeting next Tuesday, October 27th to finalize budgets.  Board agreed and meeting will be at 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, October 27th just to finalize budget. 


Non-Public Minutes of October 6, 2009:


(LK)  Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 6, 2009 with corrections.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.  (LS) Abstain.





Board noted that Parks and Recreation was scheduled for tonight but that a representative did not appear to review.  Board briefly discussed budget but ultimately decided that there were various questions concerning the budget and agreed to reschedule for another night.




(EV)  Motion to adjourn.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 5-0.


Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.



Approved:  November 3, 2009





___________________________             _________________________

Linda Small, Chairman                                                  Date



I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 20, 2009 and public posted on

October 22, 2009.




______________________________________                       _____________________________________

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary                                                                              Date




II Tapes