October 21, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.


MEETING MINUTES OF October 21, 2008


Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman,Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM),
Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Donna Keeley, Recording Secretary


Linda Small, Vice Chairman




Action Items to be added to list

(PS) explained URD process for Salt Shed, Agreement to town by PSNH.

(DM) Motion to authorize Chair to sign Agreement for single-phase agreement, $5807.00. (EV) Second. (PS) 5-year payment broken down $144.90 to cover line extension. Motion carries 3-0

1. Application for Veterans Credit – PS, applicant does not qualify for V credit. Denise motioned not to approve for Brian Castle, EV 2nd. Motion carries 3-0

Informational Items –

1. Letter from Pittsfield Youth Baseball, PS, thank you for work SB did relative to tires.
2. Letter to Library Trustee Chairman, PS, follow-up with issues that Library Trustee brought to SB’s attention.
3. Memo to George Bachelder, re: gravel pit, PS, best if George provided to the board, history on property of Gravel Pit, what property has been used for in the past, so the board has a more comprehensive overview.
4. Draft Minutes of Budget Committee 10/15
5. Letter from BI to PB regarding Amenico status at Suncook Leathers site
6. Letter from Housing Standards Agency regarding budget question raised by BoS. HSA indicates they are self-funded and budget is on target. LK suggested we have a meeting with them regarding budget process. PS, agreed to this suggestion and will contact them for appt.
7. E mail from Matt Monahan regarding EDC 2009 work plan for 2009, e-mail sent to ED committee. EV, cut back a lot to stay within our $25k budget, have stretched it for two years. Getting to end of this amount. Only bringing in Matt from CNRP only when we need him. Asked him for 2 or 3 different options for 2009 contract amount, he works for $45 per hour.
8. Draft letter to YMCA corp. office that deals with expansion of YMCA activities to different locals. This is for EDC and for SB info. EV, explained that when town had survey done, one of the issues was to have more services from YMCA for our area, folks in our area.
9. E-mail and attachments from Town Attorney, regarding 79-E program. PS, explained 79-E. This is centered around EDC activities. EDC has this info.
10. Memo to George Bachelder regarding tree trimming, PS, have had phone calls and visits by resident regarding tree trimming

7:00 PM – Board of Selectmen Candidates

Nancy Christie
Denise, what strengths would you contribute to the Board?
Nancy, one strength, my approach is a collaborative approach to decision-makings, no special agendas, look forward to working in groups to achieve common goals. Openness and team approach would be my greatest strength.

EV, in your cover letter, you mentioned that you are semi retired; this gives you a lot of time. How much time could you give to this job. Nancy, I have come to grips that I am finally retired. Have worked for 40 years and have now thrown myself into volunteer work 100% of the time. The Gov. to the NH water council appointed me. I am joining the board of the Loon Preservation Center and am on the CC here in Pittsfield. I have a lot of time to devote. Not only the Tuesday meeting but in-between meetings, doing what is needed. I suspect 15-20 hours per week.

LK, how do you feel your involvement with this SB can be beneficial to the town of Pittsfield? Nancy, certainly I have a reason to want to be on this board, I have lived in Pittsfield for 12 years. Was on NR Committee and Master Plan in 2001. Then with my work demands 60 hours per week, had to resign from some volunteering. With a career in the non profit sector, being responsible for budgets, I have always been in the black, worked with board of directors, as CEO of non profit, aware of relationship with employees, what duties are in terms of making policy, overseeing budgets and then following budgets and making sure expenditures are appropriately expended. Very frugal, coming out in the black is not easy. I am good at looking at bottom lines and asking tough questions, being creative, working out of the box to cut costs. Our revenues are pretty well limited but costs can increase.

Nancy, is there an orientation for new SB members? Not really.

Denise, what type of efforts have you made to educate yourself about SB and what is going on in town. Nancy, I have looked at the website, read the minutes and aware that SB members are on various boards as SB rep.

EV, is this something that you are just interested now? Nancy, not sure, have to see how this goes, really cannot anticipate, I have never been in a campaign.

Nancy, if serving, does that mean that I would have to give up Chair of Conservation Easement Steering Committee. LK, PS, we don’t think so.

James Donini

I don’t have experience as SB; have experience as Supervisor for Federal Government, 30 years.

Denise, what do you see as your strengths?
Jim – decision making process if I was familiar with the situation I would speak in general terms to come up with an answer. I am not sure what you are asking?

Denise, certain strengths, what would you, could you add to the board?
Jim – to support the actions of the board.

EV, time commitment?
Jim – retired, I am home all the time.

LK, how do you feel about involvement on the SB and how it could be beneficial to the town of Pittsfield? Jim, is there a job description for this?
PS, it is all noted in the RSA, very general, LK, you do a bit of everything. You could be dealing with BI issue. Jim, I was a BI for 5 years.
Jim, I was in the Navy in charge of two Subs and worked for electrician and had 9 employees working for me there……….Had 35 employees in Fed. Gov. Before I left Fed. Gov, was Super of Public Works, 400 employees.

EV, have you been on any other committees or committees in Pittsfield?
Jim, no.

Denise, what kind of efforts have you made to get informed about SB and town?
Jim, been involved with Planning Board meetings re: subdivisions of property, as far as town business. I had trouble with Locke Road and had to deal with the town.

EV, you spent 26 years with the Fed. Gov, were you in the military? Jim, In Navy 57-73 and then civilian after that. EV, in military, very rigid do you see this being an issue for you? Jim, no

Denise, why do you want to be a Selectman? Jim, thought I would try it and if I like it maybe I will run?

LK, if you do get this, would you be interested in select board rep on PB? Jim, yes.

Fred Hast

Denise, you were already a Selectman once, why again? Fred, because I enjoyed it. While I was on the SB I worked with 11 different people. Most of us got along pretty good. Been in town since 1946, seen town go up and seen town go down, would like to see it go back up.

EV, I was reading your official letter, short and sweet. Is there a reason for that?
Fred, I can be short and sweet. I have been called argumentative. I don’t think I am argumentative; I can have discussion with anyone. I have been wrong, more than I have been right.

EV, you heard me ask Jim about being rigid, how would you respond to that? Fred, I see that you need to bend. EV, sometimes I have seen you in action and there is not much bend. Fred, sometimes when I think I am right, I don’t bend.

LK, how can you help the board? Fred, I know the people on other things, can talk to them. LK, would you be interested in PB rep on PB? Fred, I am on the PB now so I would have to give that up. Yes.

Denise, I know you did not run to be a SB member in the last election. What has changed? Fred, I think I can come in and help you people and help the town. Projects in town that should be carried forward more than they have been. Have not had the time to look into. Some of these subjects and I have time to.

Denise, will you run in March? Would consider it. I was Pres of NH Fire Chiefs for two years and National Fire Chiefs for 4 years. I did not run and lost by one vote. Been in fire service for 56 years.

EV, if you had to pick, one subject that is personal to you, of interest to you, very important to the town, what would that be. Fred, I was very involved, wanted the town to buy the Aqueduct, was blindsided. Right now we want to take it by Eminent Domain, I don’t know where you people stand with that. We joined MV Water and very first meeting in Nashua; I made it very clear that if they were successful of getting it from Pennichuck, we would want to be by ourselves. I think this still would be agreeable.
We had it figured out on paper that if we bought it we could have invest paid back in 10 years and lower rates by 3% per year. Signed an agreement for a $750k grant to put water across 28 up Loudon Road for upgrades.

LK, thank you.

LK, any ?’s for us?

Fred, I can put in 15-20 hours per week.

LK, one last question for Nancy, PB? Would you like to be on it? Nancy, yes very interested, very excited to be on the Planning Board.

LK, you should hear within 20 days.



1. Highway Safety Committee Appointments
PS explained current committee, two vacancies or outdated appointments. Make recommend to appoint to BI and Chair of SB by name to update.

Denise, motion to appoint Kyle Parker as member, EV 2nd, motion carries 3-0, Denise motion to appoint LK, EV 2nd, motion carries, 2, one abstention.

2. Municipal Agent Automation Project (MAAP) User Agreement Update
PS, town clerk is the MA for this project, town needs to update the agreement. Chairman of SB authorized to sign with town clerk. Denise, motion to allow LK to sign and note LH as town clerk, EV 2nd, motion carries, 3-0 one abstention.

3. Raffle Permit/Pittsfield Rotary Club
PS, put on agenda to confirm whether TA can sign. Confirmed to move forward and TA authorized to sign.

4. Raffle Permit/Pittsfield Youth Workshop – same as above. Permits to both be signed.

5. Contract for Engineering Design/WWTF
PS, brought to my attention by Turner Group, Engineers, as I understand, in speaking with Mr. Spaulding from Turner, info was prev. forwarded and discussed sometime during the summer, however document was never executed. Looking for authority for BoS, Chair to sign the Eng. Contract. Spoke with Ron Vien from WW, 1st page of contract give you basic understanding of document.

Denise, motioned to contract for WW treatment design, amount $65,775
Ed 2nd
Discussion, Denise, this is who we agreed to do the design work only. Covered under the grant. After this phase, you go into construction phase.

PS, understood that town had contract with Wright Pierce for some phase of this project. Denise, Wright Pierce was hired or contracted to gather info to secure permits for work that happens down the road at the WW plant.
Motion carries 3-0.


Added info items

Denise, Employee reviews – PS, will put them out for review. Put back on agenda in a few weeks.

Add to info on agenda for next week.

Denise, LGC, just wondering where were we at for job description project. PS, was in touch with Barry Cox at LGC, he will review and get back to the board.

Denise, extending of the deadlines for Police on bi-weekly payroll. PS, sent e-mail to Sparky, Phil Gordon, asking him about bi-weekly payroll committee and conversation with Police Chief – committee has not really been composed or met yet it would appear. PS, will ask again and follow up.

Public Input

Public Session

1. Audit Report-Division of Motor Vehicles/Town Clerk, PS, reviewed audit report by Dept. of Motor Vehicles, everything looks good.

2. Merrimack Valley Regional Water District, PS, there is a bill that the town received for dues for 2007 and 2008 associated with legal and operating expenses for the being a member of Water District. Discussion about whether we are obligated to pay. EV, asked them for financial report. LK, my thoughts are if we are not going to part of it we should not be in it. Table this until we can obtain more information. PS, what info would you like me to obtain? LK, financial report and how the dues are calculated.

3. Unemployment Compensation 2009 Rate, PS, notice from Primex indicating that our unemployment rate ratio will be increasing for 2009. Very small cost to the town. Rate is not an actuarial rate, rather a common rate, increase of $453 annually.

4. Community Action Program 2009 Budget Request, PS, add info. budget back up ($3931.00) already in the budget.

5. Statutory Compliance/Accessible Parking, PS, added info. for new statute regulations. Discussion as to whether we need to be in compliance for leased spaces. Will look info.

6. Memo to Police Chief/Complaint, PS, resident who had concerns related to police matter, PS, suggested they contact the Police Chief directly.

7. Example of NH Police Academy Schedule, PS, Chief is continuing to get additional info. on the academy, now that we are following through with creating an agreement for those who go through academy etc.

8. Fire Department Monthly Report – September, PS, September departmental report, LK, very good report. EV, office remodeling looks very nice.


1. Town Hall Improvements, Life Safety Codes (7-22-08)

2. Management Analysis for GASB34

3. Space Needs Study

4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan

5. Library Attic Insulation (7-29-08)

6. SDS Proposed Agreement Extension

7. Waste Management Contract Renewal

8. Loitering Ordinance – Denise, what we want for fines? LK, go small, $50 for first, 2nd $100, 3rd $250

9. Cost of Broadcasting Selectmen, Planning, and Zoning Board Meetings
PS to check internal files for information.



Denise, motioned, EV 2nd, carries 3-0, Payroll and AP, EV put check back in for this week for WIFI. Motion carries.

Denise, motion to release Metrocast check for $479.75, EV 2nd, EV, part is one time fee and the other is monthly fee. Motion carries.

Denise, motion that all legal fees in the Pennichuck matter be charged to the one Pennichuck account in the budget. $1981.60. EV, which account is that coming out of?
Denise, this is for muni. services for attorney to attend the Pennichuck hearings and services before and after. Motion carries, 3-0

Denise, clock bill, PS, still holding.
Fred Hast indicates that it was working tonight.


1. Public Session of 10-14-08, Denise motioned, ED 2nd, ED abstained from vote, motion carries 2 with 1 abstention

2. Non-Public Session of 10-14-08, Denise motioned, ED 2nd, all in favor


Jim – how are you doing with sidewalk improvement plan?
Denise – I have made copies of grant and PS will be working on it.
Safe routes to school grant, allows you do improve sidewalks.
EV, Matt Monahan might be able to assist.

Tom, a friend of mine runs the downtown Main Street Program, Executive Director, Nan Hagen, might be able to assist Pittsfield.
She gets grants, figures out how to get grants, helps downtown prosper.
I think Pittsfield should review its Main St, that is an asset that needs to be developed and I don’t see that happening.

EV, one of the requirements is that you need a Director and we have not had the funding in the past.

Tom, all the more reason that you might want to talk to her. Like anything in the world, you need to market your business and I have some ideas, I have a Marketing Company.

LK, I think you have been invited to EDC, that is the place to go.
Tom, I have been to a few meetings. I work late and cannot get to meetings.
EV, suggested that Tom move his business to Pittsfield.
Tom said he might move his business to his barn.

Fred, I would like to speak and ask you people to look into MVW. We also hired a person, can’t think of his name. Lets face it Nashua spent $1mil. You could use MVW.

LK, you had a lot of good knowledge on this Fred and the board asked for your help and you refused. Fred, I did not refuse, I said no.

Close Public Input


Denise motion 91:a3 para II 3a, employee, EV 2nd, motion carries, 3-0

Submitted by Donna Keeley

APPROVED: October 28, 2008

____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date