October 21, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
October 21, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Linda Small (LS), Matt Monahan (MM) representing
CNHRPC, Scott Spradling (SS) from the Spradling Group LLC, and Ted Mitchell.

3. Minutes from October 14, 2009 accepted and approved

4. Community meeting
A. EV will start the meeting and introduce all the people on the committee including Matt Monahan
and Scott Spradling.
B. SS will explain what we are doing and why, then introduce Matt Monahan
C. MM will discuss the survey, results and observations
D. MM will also talk about the newsletter and the Tool Box
E. Next topic will be Downtown revitalization using the Charette
1. Can include “Safe routes to school” project
F. Rt 28-limited access because of limited curb cuts
G. Website
H. Questions and answers

5. Next meeting Wednesday November 4, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 6:44 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary