October 23, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John Lenaerts (JL).
Pam St. Laurent noted that on Friday night on Prescott Road between
10:00 P.M. and 10:30 P.M., a tree had fallen on some wires, which caused
them to hang down to the ground. This situation was left like this all
weekend. It was a dangerous situation as kids play on that road. Why
wasn’t it fixed sooner? For safety purposes, it was not a good idea as a child
could touch one of the wires or even ride over it on their bike.
Also, when something like the occurrence such as what was ha ppening on
Friday night, why were there no police present at the end of the road? I
came home around 11:30 P.M. and the police were way up the street. Why
wasn’t there someone at the end of the road? I am not complaining, but
merely asking?
(AM) noted they were unable to answer that question right now, but would
look into the matter.
Close Public Input
(LS) EDC Appointment, Non-Public Information; (EV) CIDC Members;
(LK) Welfare Letter Update, Update on the Letter from the Rotary; Photo
ID’s; (LKe) Welfare Department Proposed Letter, Sand/Salt Shed Contract,
Police Department Weekly Report, E-Mail from Paul Skowron Canceling
Union Negotiations Meeting Tomorrow.
Action Items
1. Davis & Towle October 12 2007 Letter – Lower Insurance Cost
(LKe) noted that this firm contacted him “out of the blue” in regard to lower
insurance costs for Town providing same benefits at lesser expense. The
new firm would be Standard Insurance Company. (LS) Exactly the same
benefits? (EV) Have you seen the contract they offered? (LKe) noted that
he had not seen the contract, but noted that they are a very reputable agency.
(EV) Motion to accept new proposal for group life insurance providing there
is the same coverage and benefits as currently. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Paul Metcalf Request to Rent Parking Spaces, Oak Street Lot
(LKe) noted that Mr. Metcalf has requested to rent four spaces in the Oak
Street Lot for $600. per year. There are currently no rentals for 2007.
(LS) noted that it was two parking spaces for $600 before and now he would
like to rent four parking spaces for $600? Is there any policy as to how we
rent these spaces? (LK) “Are any being rented now?” (AM) related that the
rental space availability was advertised, but no one came forward to rent
them. Previously, Paul Metcalf suggested the price and we went with that.
(LS) noted that the 2006 rental fees were fair. (EV) How many spots are
there? (LKe) noted that there were about 12, though he related that George
was not sure that the identifying lines were still visible on the pavement.
(LK) noted that this would result in less people parking on the street.
(LS) did not agree with (LK). After further discussion, (AM) suggested that
Town suggest to Mr. Metcalf that rental cost would be for four parking
spaces at $200 per parking space for one year. No one should be parking
there unless renting space.
(LS) Motion to allow Mr. Metcalf to rent four parking spaces at $200 per
space for one year. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Don Chase Resignation from Website Committee
(LS) Motion to accept Don Chase resignation from Website Committee
thanking him for his service. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Central NH Regional Planning Commission – Support Letter for
Grant Application
(LKe) The Commission is seeking to acquire funding for project to identify
critical source areas and best management practices. (EV) noted there are no
monetary commitments by Town.
(EV) Motion to accept request for support letter for grant application.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
5. EDC Appointment
(LS) noted that the EDC is losing a few people. She noted that this person is
her business partner. I do feel that she would be quite an asset to the
(LK) Motion to appoint Marilyn Roberts to EDC. (EV) Second.
Carried 2-0. (LS) Abstain.
(EV) noted that he thought this was a great move for the Committee.
(AM) suggested that it would be appropriate if every so often (LKe) could
evaluate where we are in regard to committee member additions prior to the
necessity. (LKe) to either advertise and/or sent letter out for potential
6. Sample Welfare Reimbursement Request Letter
(LKe) Per our discussion last week, (LK) mentioned that Welfare would
like to send letters to past Welfare participants who signed a “promissory”
note to refund to the Town the financial assistance previously provided to
(AM) noted that the third paragraph should indicate “you may start by
mailing….” Rather than stating, “If you wish”. (LS) noted that she thought
the letter sounded good. After further discussion with a few minor changes,
(LS) Motion to accept draft letter with minor changes as indicated.
(EV) Second. Carried 2-0. (LK) Abstain.
7. Welfare Letter – Unlicensed Apartments
(LKe) This is a letter for landlords who are not licensed due to unawareness
or because of non-inspection. This is to let them know that the Town will
pay the rent but not until unit is licensed. The document is good for 45 days.
(LK) We should not be denying housing just because unit is not licensed.
We are advising the landlord that the apartment has been accepted but needs
to be licensed. We should send draft to the Town attorney for review. The
Welfare recipient can continue to live in apartment unless there is a life
threatening or life safety issue. (LS) noted that this will solve two issues.
One being that it will give landlord so many days to pay; and two, it will
secure individual’s living conditions for that period of time. (LK) noted that
the letter will put burden back onto the landlord.
(AM) suggested that HSA should be involved in this. Housing Inspector
would have to go down after 45 days to evaluate and we do not have the
authority to dictate to Housing Standards Authority. (LKe) to send letter to
HSA for review and feedback as soon as possible, to make changes and then
send to Town attorney for their input. (LKe) noted that the situation has
improved in the last few weeks. Cara is now doing the administrative part of
it and Fred is getting out to inspect. The major issue is people breaking or
not showing up for their appointments.
Other suggested changes to letter included Paragraph 2 add, “not currently
licensed,” and “Please make sure you get HSA approval at your earliest
convenience,” and “HSA will be contacting you within fifteen (15) days of
this letter.”
8. Sand/Salt Shed Contract
(LKe) noted that bids were opened and reviewed last Friday relating that
there were ten firms taking spec information. Summarizing the bids, each
one is a bid well without the range of our expectations. The lowest bid is
from D.L. King and Associates, Nashua. They came into today and
discussed with George and myself some suggestions which we all feel would
be beneficial regarding construction of footings and cross walls. This will
result in additional costs but will essentially keep the building “in plumb.”
This would be similar to a “pier effect.” (EV) questioned what the cost
would be and it was noted that it would be $195,000 including posts which
is cheaper even with adding the footings, etc. (AM) questioned whether
George or (LKe) has ever had dealings with this company before. We can
do a conditional approval of $195,000 with successful research of
(LK) Motion for conditional approval of contract, not to exceed $195,00 and
with references. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(Lke) noted that George and he would be “Clerk of the Works” on this
project. He noted that it has been budgeted for $220,000. Any changes
necessary will be dealt with via a change order through the BOS.
1. Dustin Park Gazebo – Mike McLaughlin Memo October 15, 2007
(LKe) In spite of the enthusiasm, there are currently no monies to acquire
the columns needed. Parks and Rec would have to wait for another budget
season as it is felt that this is not a real threat for collapsing. (AM) suggested
barricading this area off, but after discussion it was felt that this could be
more of a hindrance than a help. (LK) noted that he will be watchful of any
2. Loudon Road Town Forest – Conservation Commission Response
(LKe) inquired of Conservation Committee the circumstances of the
harvesting of the Loudon Road Forest. DPW Department Head feels it was
out of character to be done this way with poor execution and a mess left
there. (AM) questioned how things like this can be managed so that
Committees and Department Heads know what is going on. This is poor
communication. A forester was hired. (LKe) noted that Town so seldom
has an opportunity to meet with our committees. (EV) suggested that in the
future, a proposed list of projects could be posted to make everyone aware of
what is going on in Town.
3. Staff Meeting Notes October 23, 2007
(LS) noted that she wanted to comment on the notation that Police
Department is being depleted. What should be done to compensate for that?
(LKe) explained that there were several people out with viruses, including
Chief, one officer had foot surgery and another internal surgery. I believe
that the Chief will be seeking provisional approval for background checks
and will also be doing some interviewing for additional personnel.
(LS) also noted that on the Police Department Weekly Report, the Animal
Control Officer had given a presentation at Little Fish, Big Fish in
Chichester. How does doing this in Chichester benefit Pittsfield?
(LKe) noted that this would make them more receptive to taking some of our
(EV) questioned whether part-time police officers from other towns could
come in to help with the personnel problem? (LKe) noted that they could be
deputized, if necessary.
(LS) also noted that the walking patrol seems to be getting overtime. Why is
there an officer on walking patrol and not the part-time officer on foot patrol
out there? Who originally was supposed to be out walking and how was it to
be charged? (LKe) noted he would provide an update on this next week.
4. LGC Chainsaw Safety Workshop November 13, 2007
(LKe) noted that this is coming up on the 13th. It will start at the Town Hall
and then will continue in the field.
5. Sample Welfare Reimbursement Request
This was discussed earlier in the meeting.
6. Cancellation of Union Negotiations Meeting
(LKe) has notified us via E-Mail that this meeting is cancelled. The Union
requested that this meeting be cancelled.
7. CIDC Member
(EV) related that at a meeting with Mr. Phipps, it was noted that there is a
seat available to Town. He recommended we delegate a person for that for
our one vote. (LKe) noted that the Committee meets approximately four
times a year with several sub-committees that are more active meeting
perhaps every two to three weeks. He related that Peter Phipps is leaving on
the 10th and will be working for the co-op. (AM) Historically, we seem to be
afraid of this committee, but I think it would be a good idea. Attempts to
provide a committee member will be made.
8. Photo ID’s
(LKe) Nothing on this, but I will check on this.
9. Rotary Letter Update
(LK) questioned whether (LKe) had had the opportunity to contact Fred
Welch. (LKe) noted that he had not yet.
1. Tax Deed Property Report
(LKe) noted that hopefully this would be available next week. He stated that
more info is necessary and he wants to be very careful about follow through
on this.
2. Taxi Ordinance
(LKe) Not yet.
1. Petition and Pole License, PSNH 41-196 Town
(AM) questioned whether George is consulted before placement is made?
(LS) noted that a letter was prepared by Donna Keeley previously stating
Town’s position on this matter. I think we should review that letter. “I am
not willing to approve this at this point. (LKe) noted that Mike had spent a
lot of time with Scott Ward regarding the electrical lines going across his
property. (AM) noted BOS would not be approving this tonight. (LKe) to
write letter denying permit.
(LKe) noted that the permit is a relief of liability. Town cannot order it
removed, and Public Service is compelled to provide service as a licensed
provider. (AM) suggested Town send a letter to the Public Utilities
Commission and explain circumstances to them. The PUC rules and
regulations need to reflect his.
2. Collection of Land Use Change Tax, Tax Map R6, Lot 5B – Perry
(EV) Motion to approve land use change tax, R6, 5B in the amount of
$5,600. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Account Payable holding check No. 7624.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) questioned check No. 7624 – Sam’s Club card membership fee for
Department Heads. Do we pay $35.00 for each Department Head? I
thought we paid for only one membership?
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2007
(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2007. (LS)
Second. Carried 3-0.
(AM) noted that the name referencing the Welfare Lien, though public
knowledge, should be stricken from the Minutes. All agreed.
3. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2007
(LS) related that she would like to discuss these Minutes in non-public.
1. Tax Rate Setting Status
(LS) questioned whether we had heard anything in regard to setting the tax
rate. (LKe) noted that though he has called them, Town has still not heard.
He will call again.
2. Budget Sessions
(LS) questioned when will we be starting these. (LKe) noted that Board
needed to “refresh” proposal of firm accepted in April or May. (LS)
reminded him that this was for general assessing only. She noted that there
is a software issue and reval issues. We have two decisions to make. (AM)
related that Board needed to award contract next week in reference to the
software and re-evaluation. (LS) requested (LKe) make some phone calls to
a couple of people listed as references to inquire on what their thoughts
were. (AM) questioned whether we are paying for the conversion from what
we have now. It was noted that the conversion would be $7,000.
3. Budgets
(LKe) noted that he had reviewed the budgets that have been presented and
estimates that it will take about three sessions of three to four hours each.
He related that he has alerted staff to make themselves available for this.
Several dates and times were suggested. Board agreed that that would start
next Tuesday, October 30th, continue on November 6th and November 13th if
necessary and review budgets from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Denise Morin wanted to know if the budget sessions would be open to the
public. (AM) noted that they would be, but there would be no public input.
Pam St. Laurent noted that the BOS should know what committees are doing
and what is going on. She noted that, as she suggested before, BOS should
be meeting with committees regularly to get an idea of what is going on.
(LK) noted that Dee will be on vacation Thanksgiving week and we will
need to start looking now for someone to take the minutes.
(LK) noted that the Drug and Alcohol meeting times and minutes should be
on the Website. (LKe) to follow-up on this.
Close Public Input
(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 2 (a).
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0. Members polled individually and all agreed.
APPROVED: October 30, 2007
_________________________ _______________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date