October 23, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:30 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman at the Josiah Carpenter Library, 41 Main Street, Pittsfield, NH


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Fire Chief John DeSilva, Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector, and Dan Schroth.




5:30 P.M.: Library Walk Through

(LK) noted that those present would walk through the various areas requiring repair and all questions would be addressed when Board re-convenes at the Town Hall.

Building Inspector noted the drainage issues on the walkway side of the building and the reasons why there are issues.

Proceeding to the back door entrance, Chief DeSilva explained the need for a “paved” area for egress for handicapped individuals as well as the lack of the required lighting for this area. Also, because of the height of the back door, there is a drainage issue.

Everyone proceeded inside the Library where Building Inspector demonstrated the future placement of the stairs for the lower level egress. Those present toured the lower level including the boiler closet and the Children’s Room. Building Inspector noted that there are no smoke detectors in room but rather heat sensors.

At this time (5:45 P.M.), (LK) noted there would be a break and Board would re-convene at the Town Hall.

Board re-convened at Town Hall (6:00 P.M.) with Chief DeSilva and Building Inspector Jesse Pacheco present.


5:30 P.M.: Library Wall Walk Through

(LK) Is there any additional input? BI noted that he had the drawings to present to Board noting according to the plans, it was supposed to be a meeting room.

Fire Chief DeSilva: It would be two different calculations for occupancy as a library as opposed to a meeting room. I think we need to stick with these calculations.

Jesse Pachco, BI: I was not the Building Inspector at the time of the “renovation,” Hank Fitzgerald was at the time and is present if you would like him to address this. Board agreed.

Hank Fitzgerald: Basically, from memory, I believe the way it was discussed with me it was going to be a meeting room for Library Committee as well as storage area. It was not to be a public place. There were changes made continually during the construction period. Extra funding was required from Town to put in the trench which then introduced a different frost line which has disrupted the foundation. I was told that there was an engineer, architect and clerk of works and that Building Inspector would not be needed. They moved things around, altering the calculations which is basically what transpired. The furnace was one of the things that were added and things were constantly changing. The solutions were not well thought out. This was all through a Federal Grant. The Town should consider talking to the original architect about the defect issues. They do need to offer an explanation as it was part of the grant.

Jesse Pacheco: It makes more sense now as to why there are heat sensors down there. They would not need smoke detectors if it was a storage area. (LS) How did it become the Children’s Room? (No one present tonight was sure of why it became the Children’s Room.) (LK) It was not right from Day One. We are currently waiting for a report from the Fire Marshall. Jesse Pacheco: Roza said that her office was originally downstairs but she has moved her office upstairs. (LK) Anything that the Board can do assist in this matter, please let us know.

Chief DeSilva: Board might want to consider getting a third party review such as a Registered Fire Protection Engineer. A list can be acquired from the Website. This would take the burden off the local authorities. (LK) How would this be paid for? (PS) You could probably pay it out of the Building Maintenance Expendable Trust. (LK) This would cost what about $1,500 to $2,500? The goal is to address all the major issues. I think it might be a good idea. Chief DeSilva: When the Fire Marshall gets back to me, it will not be with a design.

(LS) Motion to approve having Paul Skowron have a third party review of the Library by a Registered Fire Protection Engineer at cost of up to $2,500.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: Fire Chief DeSilva: In the interim, there should be no members of the public going downstairs in the Library for any purpose. Also, it should be reiterated to the staff members concerning fire safety.

Fire Station Roof and Removal of the Municipal Fire Alarm System

Chief DeSilva noted that the Fire Station roof would be started this week and removal of the municipal fire alarm system would also be started this week.


Bill Abbott: Do you have any results regarding the building on Concord Hill Road I mentioned at the last meeting? (LK) I went down with the Building Inspector, Jesse Pacheco, and that is private property and there is nothing that we can do pertaining to private property. Bill Abbott: How does that look for people coming into Town and coming down Concord Hill Road? (LK) If it was a rental through HSA, it would be different but we have no power to do anything concerning a private home. Bill Abbott: The place is a dump. No one wants to push the owner of this building. People look at Pittsfield and wonder why we want to live here. (LK) If you can think of an Ordinance that might be violated… Bill Abbott: That is not my job, that is your job. It is not what you know but who you know.


(LS) Jitters Waiver; (PR) Skateboard and Bicycles on Sidewalks, Hours posted for Library Director; (LK) Matt Monahan at Board meeting and Letter from Larry and Pat Stockman pertaining to AHG.


6:15 P.M.: Police Chief Robert Wharem Re: Part Time Officer

Chief Robert Wharem: I have talked to him and he is at a conference and could not make it tonight. He can come in next Tuesday.


1. Board of Selectmen to Sign MS-1

(PS) This is an annual form to the DRA which represents the value of properties in the Community.

(PR) Motion to approve the MS-1 form for signing. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Board of Selectmen to Sign MS-5.

(PS) This is submitted to DRA and prepared by the auditors.

(PR) Motion to approve the MS-5 form for signing. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Action on November Meeting Dates (Change from 1st to 3rd & 2nd to 4th)

(PS) The first Tuesday of the month is Election Day and the Board will be meeting on October 30th.

(PR) Motion to approve Board of Selectmen meeting on November 9th and November 30th. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. LGC Medical Coverage and Rates

(PR) Motion to approve Chair signing LGC Medical Coverage and Rates for 2013. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Skateboards and Bicycles on Sidewalks (Requested by Paul Rogers)

(PS) Selectman Rogers has asked me to place this on the Agenda. I have accessed some Ordinances from other locales and this will be on next week’s Agenda.
(PR) We could have an Ordinance that would get bicycles off the sidewalks. They fly out from in between buildings. It would be best if we could get it fixed as a policy. I thought it was already an Ordinance. The Police Department has tried to get them off the sidewalks and this would make it legal to keep them off.

6. Review of 2013 Budget – WWTP and Police Department

Waste Water Treatment Plant (Page 28) – Ron Vien present

Ron Vien: It is mostly the same as last year except for a few changes.

Line 18 – Pagers & Cell Phones: This line is incorrect; it says $7.00 and should be $963.72.

Line 21 – CSM – Contract Services: This is for servicing generators and will be done soon, usually late October.

Line 22 – Electricity: Should be $72,000.

Line 29 – CSM – Major Repairs: Reduce to $4,000.

Line 42 – Joy Street Electricity: Should be $5,900.

Line 44 – Joy Street Maintenance: Reduce to $100.

Line 47 – Carroll Street Maintenance: $100.

Line 49 – So Main Street Electricity: $815.

Line 52 – Route 107 Electricity: $700.

Line 55 – Upper Winant Road Electricity: $700.

Line 56 – Upper Winant Road Maintenance: $100.

Line 58 – Lower Winant Road Electricity: $250.

Line 61 – Baldwin Lane Electricity: $325.

Line 65 – Interest Long Term Bonds & Notes: (PS) This provides for one interest payment which was budgeted rather than two. This was an interest payment that was not budgeted for.

Line 68 – User Fee Collection Software: (PS) This is a as recommended by Cara and Erica and pertains to purchase of an Avitar system that would be compatible with Tax Collector’s System. I will get you the information. (LS) How is it done now and how would it be improved? (PS) to do.

(LS) Motion to approve remainder of operating budget for WWTP as proposed. (EM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Total WWTP Debt Service:

(LS) Motion to approve Total Waste Water Treatment Plant Debt Service for $31,682. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Ron Vien left meeting at 6:47 P.M.

Police Department. (Page 9) – Police Chief Robert Wharem was present

Line 130 – Administrative Assistant: We could make the part-time hours 30 hours and do away with the part-time secretary. This also allows doors to be open five days a week instead of four days. (LK) What will the increase to 30 hours cost? (It was determined this would be about $21,037.)

Line 137 – Retirement: Decreased but we also lost employees.

Line 148 – Contract Dispatching: We are awaiting the current rate.

Line 162 – Security: Line indicates $1.00 to allow line to remain active. Board discussed eliminating this. This was before the Building Maintenance line came into existence.

Line 165 – New Equipment: Digital camera has to be replaced.

Lines 166 – 173 – Sergeant, Patrolman, Part-Time Officers: (LK) How many Police Officers are full-time now. Chief Wharem: Five.

Chief Wharem: If I could understand what the Board is looking to do and where you are looking to be, it would make it less difficult. (LK) If there is an increase I would like to see it fairly minor. (LS) Chief, yours is the only one that has such a large increase. Chief Wharem: I put back several items from last year. (LS) Is there any place where you can reduce? Chief Wharem: If I know where you are looking to be. (LK) We are looking to level fund. Chief Wharem: I can go back and rework it. (LS) Look at it again yourself and put on your “thinking cap.” It would be nice to see you do that and see what you can come up with.

Chief Wharem: There are eight full-time positions – five of them filled right now. There also may be some back salary payable to the officer out on administrative leave dependent upon the outcome of the Court’s findings. The trial is in December and will probably roll over into 2013. Chief Wharem brought up Details and Highway Safety Grants. (LS) Please stay within the operating piece of the budget. I would not like to go forward with an inflated budget. (LK) We can make an amendment should a Warrant Article fails. (LS) I would like to see you decrease the total budget to about $845,000. Chief requested several weeks to make the changes but (PS) advised that the budget will be going before the Budget Committee on November 14th which is in a couple of weeks. Board will be meeting on October 30th and next meeting after that will be November 13th.
Chief agreed he would work on it.

Animal Control (Page 20) – Police Chief Robert Wharem was present.

(LS) Motion to approve proposed 2013 Animal Control Budget. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Chief Wharem: Anne has been asked by Barnstead to also be there Animal Control Officer. I think it would be a good idea to work with them in regionalizing one department to see how it works. They have the same insurance company and it would offer us a chance to see how it works. It has been discussed for a period of time for other departments as well and this could be an experiment as to how it would work. (EN) How would that work – using Pittsfield’s vehicle.
Chief Wharem: We would split all the costs.

(PS) Regionalizing comes under State Statute and there is a prolonged process to combine services. Some towns have done it; I believe the first town did with assessing. It is a lot of work for a small issue. I would suggest Barnstead Animal
Control Officer services be charged on an hourly basis. (LK) I can see that point. (PS) There are some pitfalls such as when both towns want the ACO at the same time. It would be the same concept that exists in the B.C.E.P. It would require a separate body of people to manage. You could consider it along the same lines as Details. It is more difficult that you think. Chief Wharem: If two departments wanted her services at the same time, it would depend upon the reason. From my perspective, we have a hundred-year old building with energy wise issues and could benefit from one police department. Moving forward, it would save money. My take is that you would get better service. (PR) Why not wait and see what Barnstead proposes. (PS) Why not have them just hire Ann. (LK) We would have to do more research on this. (PR) I think it is a great idea. (LK) The Board will consider.

Chief Wharem left at 7:33 P.M.

7. Library Director Hours

(PS) The Trustees of the Library are responsible for hiring and firing at the Library. (PR) We are paying the Library Director and she does not record her itemized hours. Everyone else at the Library submits their hours, and even the Police Chief and Fire Chief who are on salary post their hours. Why not her?
(PS) If you like I will discuss this with her. (PR) Even HSA submits his hours. (LS) The Library is more autonomous. We just do their payroll. (LK) I agree with Linda; we have no authority on this.

(PR) Motion we request Library Director to start itemizing her hours on Pay Sheet. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (PR) Roza is the only one that does not put in her hours, everyone else does. (LS) We can just ask why she does it that way. (EN) She can just give us her hours. (LS) This is not an unusual request.

8. Matt Monahan Appointment

(LK) I would like to postpone Matt Monahan’s visit until the applicant submits an application to build on Class VI roads. We could have him come at that time to let us know where we would go from there. He could be present when the application goes before this Board. (GL) I would like it in writing so that the Chairman of Planning Board knows. I have not dealt with Class VI roads previously. (PS) The next time Matt Monahan comes to an EDC meeting, I could request that he come and talk with you prior to the meeting to explain the process. (GL) I would like to wait for the Class VI Waivers to come in. Matt Monahan developed the original Agreement and Release and he deserves a pat on the back for the job he did. Board agreed to postpone Matt Monahan’s visit to a future date. (PS) to make arrangements for Matt Monahan to meet with (GL) regarding building on Class VI roads.
9. Jitters Café Waiver

(LK) I have a letter from Building Inspector/Code Enforcement. (LS) What is his recommendation? I do not see it being hazardous. (LK) Paul, did you find out about the Town’s liability? (LS) How many weeks before we put this to bed. (PR) As a taxpayer and businessman, I would like to see this put to rest by next Tuesday. (EN) I do not see any major issues except for the liability aspect. It is difficult to categorize it within the codes as most of the codes deal with new construction. He explained the scenario of having a free standing flag and related that he would continue to research. (PR) Just to make you aware, I have discussed with my insurance carrier already, and was advised that if the item belongs to the business, then the business is liable.

10. Letter from Larry & Pat Stockman

(PR) read the letter into the Minutes. (See Attached.) A copy of the letter will be sent to the Planning Board and Matt Monahan. (GL) We will have to check if they were originally noticed. (LK) That is why I would like to see conditions met before Matt Monahan appears before BOS.


1. Library Water Proofing/E-Mail Granite State Water Proofing

(EN) Jesse called a lot of people and apparently there are not many people that want to seal a granite wall. (LK) There is a bid of $22,950. At this time, we will proceed with having an evaluation by Registered Fire Protection Engineer.

2. Air Quality Report – Fire Station

(PS) We have a report from Zoyas regarding the Fire Station. Apparently, the outside air is the marker and I guess the dispatch office is the real issue.


1. Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization Ongoing
2. Policy for Access to Town Property Pending
3. Policy for Recruitment & Employment (To Be Revised) Pending
4. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending

5. Tax Collector/Action by BOS-Tax Deed Waivers

(PS) We have had the closing for 4 Franklin Street. Laura Spector has met with Cara and Erica and there is some paperwork that needs to be accessed and some things are not available or “lost.” Laura Spector has suggested some things as what we need to do on each property that has been tax deeded.

6. Library Basement

Ongoing and will be removed from list of Old Business

7. Appointment of Selectman to Foss Scholarship Committee

(PS) I have talked to Cara and she has advised that it would make it very difficult if all the Board members participated on the Committee. They would need one person to do it continuously. Mr. Foss asked at the last meeting, “Where is the Board of Selectman member?” Board agreed they would think about it. (PR) If they could have the meetings in the afternoon after 2:00 P.M., then I would be available to do it. (LK) noted that it was difficult as all members of the Board work.

8. Amendment to the Obstructing Streets & Sidewalks Pending




11. Letter to Bill Abbott

(LS) Could we have a follow-up letter sent to Bill Abbott explaining that Board cannot do anything about buildings that are on private property? (PS) to do.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2012 with Corrections. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


Page 3, Paragraph 6: Add after – ….more than the Library. (LS) noted that Fire Chief DeSilva had inspected the premises and issued a deadline of December 31, 2012.

Page 5, Paragraph 4, Line 3: add….and approved it as an unmarked cruiser.
Page 5, Paragraph 4, Line 4 should read: This Board feels it should be lettered but not at this time because there is not money in the budget to do it.

Page 7, Paragraph 3, add after …..supporting it due to philosophical differences.

Page 10, No. 3 Jitters Sketch… add after …..next meeting (10/23/12). (LS) This should be wrapping up as soon as possible.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 16, 2012.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (c). (EN) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:22 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:32 P.M.

(PR) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of October 23, 2012.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

REVIEW OF 2012 BUDGET – Continued

Welfare (Page 21)

Line 397 – Welfare Director: (PS) to check on number of hours Director is working since hours are reduced and will advise Board.

Line 398 – Welfare Assistant:

(LS) Motion to delete Line 398 for $500. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Line 401 – Training:

(LS) Motion to approve Line 401 – Training for $100. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Total Direct Assistance:

(LS) Motion to approve Total Direct Assistance for $78,000. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Line 411 – Community Action Program:

(LS) Motion to approve Line 411 – Community Action Program for $3,931. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Line 412 – CASA:

(EN) Motion to delete $500 for Line 412 – CASA. (LS) Second. Carried 4-1 (LK).

Recreation, Library & Patriotic Purposes (Page 22)

Line 436 – Memorial Day: (GL) I would still like to know what the funds for Memorial Day is spent on ($600). (PS) to check.

Line 437 – Old Home Day: (PS) to check with Louis Houle regarding total for this line.

Conservation & Economic Development (Page 23)

(LS) Motion to approve proposed 2013 Budget for Conservation for $650.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Line 444 – Consulting Services:

(PR) Motion to approve Line 444 – Consulting Services for $6,500. (LS) Second. Carried 4-1 (GL).

Debt Service (Page 24)

(LS) Motion to approval Total Long Term Bond Principal & Interest for $31,682. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Line 448 – Tax Anticipation Note Interest

(LS) Motion to approve Line 448 – Tax Anticipation Note Interest for $15,000. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.




(PR) Motion to adjourn. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:53 P.M.

Approved: October 30, 2012

_____________________________ _______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 23, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on October 25, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes