October 25, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
October 25, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:07 PM, by PCC Chairman Mark Wallace

Present: Chairman Mark Wallace (MW); Vice Chair Nancy Bates (NB); Sec. Nancy Christie (NC); Paul Metcalf (PM); Alternate Jon Greenwood (JG)

Minutes: After briefly looking over the minutes of the September 20, 2010, meeting, PM moved to accept the minutes as written (JG seconded). Motion passed, 4-0.
Action: MW will post the minutes on the Town’s website as required by law

Financial Report: None

Public Input: None

Old Business

1. Update on Rocky Ridge Selective Forestry Harvest
Action: MW will make periodic visits to the site, as lumber operations are in progress and are expected to take about 3 weeks.
Action: MW will contact consulting forester Charles Moreno for an estimate of the cost of having UNH forestry students informally mark the boundaries of the Rocky Ridge tract.
Action: A motion was made to expend funds from the Conservation Fund to hire a professional surveyor to survey and blaze the boundaries of the town-owned parcels collectively known as Rocky Ridge Forest, pending a job estimate by Charles Moreno (NC motioned; PM seconded; passed 4-0)
Action: NC will draft an article about the forest management plan and the timber cut on Rocky Ridge and circulate it to the PCC for input. NC will finalize the article and submit to the Suncook Valley Sun for publication.

2. Public Education Night: “Conserving Your Land: Options for NH Landowners”
Action: PCC will convene at 6:15 PM on Thurs. Oct. 28th to set up the room, etc. Assignments: refreshments (PW), change for the $4 booklet we will be selling (MW); introduction of PCC (MW); introduction of the speaker, Tom Howe, Senior Director of Land Conservation at the Society for the Protection of NH Forests (NC); camera and “official” photographer (MW); audio recording (NB)
Action: NC will contact Tom Howe to ask if it’s OK to audio record the workshop.
Action: NC will draft a follow-up article for the Suncook Valley Sun, to be accompanied by a photo.

3. Presentation of the Plan’s Recommendations to the Selectboard
Action: Tabled

4. Second Review of New Draft of the PCC By-Laws, Policies & Procedures
Action: Tabled, to give NC sufficient time to create another draft, incorporating information from the Town.

New Business

1. Possible Warrant Article re the Forest Management Capital Reserve Fund
Action: Tabled, to give NC time for additional research

2. PCC Member Vacancies
Action: Tabled

3. NH Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC): Annual Meeting & Conference, Sat., Nov. 6, 8 AM – 3:30 PM
Action: MW and NC will send in their reservations and checks, to be reimbursed later by the Conservation Commission’s general operating fund.

4. Belknap Range Conservation Coalition
Action: NC motioned (JG second) to renew our membership in this Coalition and to expend $40 from our general operating account for this purpose.

Mail review
Action: Tabled

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM (JG motioned; PM seconded); motion carried 4-0.

Submitted by: NC, Secretary