October 26, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.





(FH) Building Inspector Hours Change; (PS) Canine Program Presentation, Forestry Truck Bid Award, Capitol Area Compact Vehicle Purchase, Cruiser Purchase Update, D.A.R.E. Car Disposition, Perambulation of Town Lines, Energy Assistance Program Authorization, LexisNexis Debit/Credit Card Installation Agreement – Town Clerk, Merrill Vaughan, Ethics Committee, Sewer Rates.





9. Merrill Vaughan – Ethics Committee

Merrill Vaughan: Thank you for inviting me. I would like to request Board add a Line Item in the budget to be utilized by Ethics Committee, if necessary, for mailings, secretary, procedural items and Court if necessary. This would be rolled back to the Town if not utilized during the course of the budget year. Board agreed they would take it under advisement.

(DM) questioned why the Ethics Committee has not held a meeting for newly elected officials as yet, which is according to their By-Laws? Mr. Vaughan: It has not happened yet. I have talked to Cara and next year it will be done as close to Town Meeting as possible. (DM) Has the Ethics Committee met at all. There are, I believe, four on the Board, though I do not know who they are. Mr. Vaughan: The Ethics Committee has met and talked about future meetings in the near future and discussed changes that will be made to go to the Town Meeting. (DM) Please take this under consideration.


6:00 P.M.: Interviews for Board of Selectmen Candidates

(DM) I want to thank you all for wanting to be a Selectman and appreciate your submitting your letters.

William Elkins:

(FH) Are you in favor of having a Town Manager as opposed to Town Administrator? Mr. Elkins: Yes. (DM) What motivating factor convinced you to want to be a Board member? Mr. Elkins: With the economy the way it is as well as the infrastructure within the entire Town, though I have no particular agenda. I know it requires a lot of time and effort and I have given it a lot of thought and consideration. (EV) questioned whether he would be able to fill other positions as the Board has a lot of other committees that Board members must fill. Mr. Elkins: Yes. (DM) Many of the workforce are Union members. What do you feel are the advantages/disadvantages of having collective bargaining in Town? Mr. Elkins: It has its advantages in that workers have a voice and disadvantage is that Town does not have a say over wages and benefits. I do have an open mind. When questioned about his intent to run in the spring, he noted he possibly would be interested. The “buck stops here.”

Heather Brown:

(FH) Are you in favor of having a Town Manager? Ms. Brown: I would need to see the differences and if it would be better for the Town, than Yes. The last couple of years I have been working with the State on issues within the community. It has given me a desire to bring this back home and I think it would be beneficial at the Town level. (EV) I do not see you at the BOS meetings.
Ms. Brown: I do not attend, however I do read the Minutes on the Website and I would not like to participate in the “arguments.” I believe the Board is the governing body of the community. It all starts here. (EV) Time wise, are you aware of the time constraints? Ms. Brown: I am a stay-at-home Mom and do volunteer work. Availability is not a problem for me. When asked about the advantages and disadvantages of having a workforce that are Union members,
Ms. Brown noted that she had dealt with unions in Mass. I do not see anything wrong with unions as this offers a representative to speak on behalf o the employees – good or bad. Not everybody would be able to have a voice. (DM) What are your strengths that you would bring to the Board? Ms. Brown: I am extremely open- minded, non-judgmental and can explore both sides of an issue while trying to remain neutral. I would collect information first and then decide. She explained that she was concerned about the many families losing their home because of high taxes within the community though I understand the need for taxes. It hits home as this is the Town I live in and my hope is to represent the community as a whole and not as an individual.

Fred Okrent:

(FH) posed the same question on having a Town Manager. Mr. Okrent: I am in favor of a Town Manager as it gives the Board more time to consider and set policies. A Town Manager would do a lot more day-to-day management allowing the Board to think more long range. (EV) How would you rate yourself in dealing with a lot of different people? Mr. Okrent: I try to treat all people the same. Yes, I do tend to question people’s motives but tailor my approach to what their agenda is. (EV) Are you hoping that becoming a member now will help you with re-election purposes? Mr. Okrent: Typically, incumbents get elected. I would expect my sitting on the Board would be a leg up. Sitting on the Board for the next month, hopefully, I could accomplish some things. He explained that he has been a resident for 18 years and I really, really like Pittsfield but it can be better and I would like to try to make it better. One of his goals would be to work with the EDC to bring in more economic development. He explained that he felt that the Union gives everyone a voice though it can be a double edged sword. The Union protects the employees though the population of Union membership is small. His strength would be that he had the ability to deal with a wide range of people and knowledge of project planning is my strong skill.

Art Morse:

(EV) I guess we know Art. My only question is “Why – knowing what you know? Mr. Morse: I would be doing it to help the Town out. I have no desire to be a Selectman. I am not planning on running in March. He noted that the time to fight the battle for Town Manager is not at this time. I would just like to help out and that is the only reason that I applied.

(DM) The Board will re-address this matter later and we will get back to the applicants. If you would like to stay, you are welcome to do so.


6. Canine Program Presentation

Chief Wharem and Off. DiGeorge were present. An estimated cost/donated amount report was distributed to Board members.

Off. DiGeorge explained the rationale as to reasons for the project and the various situations where a canine could assist the Police Department such as in drug detection and lost individuals. He noted that the issue is obtaining the use of a canine in a timely fashion and related to the Board the various instances where it has taken an inordinate amount of time to procure use from a neighboring town which could be up to two hours. Chief Wharem noted that he has been discussing with adjoining Towns as to the feasibility of coordinating a schedule where a canine would be available within three to five minutes and at the very most twenty minutes. We are present tonight to determine if the Board would support the concept. He noted that grants could be applied for but would need canine approval first. The work life of a canine in this capacity would be about six years. Yearly costs after initial cost would be about $900 a year. This would involve one officer/one dog/one take home vehicle fitted for canine. He explained the training process for the officer and the dog as well as the care and maintenance of the animal and liability involved.

(DM) I think it is a good idea and an asset to the Town. I would like to see some numbers as to the costs on a yearly basis. Chief Wharem: This endeavor would be implemented with the least amount of impact to the community. (EV) I would agree that we would need to see the full impact on a yearly operation. (DM) I would also like to see grant information and the proposed employment contract for the officer involved.

7. Cruiser Purchase Update

Chief Wharem related that the purchase of the new patrol car as discussed at the last Board meeting would cost an additional $1,670 for complete coverage with an overall cost of $22,781 with trade-in.

8. D.A.R.E. Car Disposition

Chief Wharem related that he would like to take this car over to Atlantic Traders for auction. Board agreed.

10. Forestry Truck Bid Award

Fire Chief Johnson distributed information to the Board regarding the Forestry Grant Award. (See Attached.) He noted that he wanted to publicly thank all the members of the Committee that assisted in gathering the information as to purchase. The Town share of this would be $6,250. Various bids have been received and to meet the grant performance period deadline, it is necessary to place the chassis and body order as soon as possible.

Board and Chief Johnson discussed the bids, committee recommendation of these bids, chassis and body purchase and costs. (FH) posed some questions as to the necessity and numbers of supply purchases. (DM) The Town’s share of $6,250 – where would that come from? (PS) That would be coming out of the 2011 budget.

(EV) Motion to authorize Chief Johnson to purchase chassis from Hillsboro Ford ($33,495) and body for forestry truck from Valley Fire Equipment ($72,760). (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

1. Appointment of Forest Fire Warden and Deputies

(PS) The Fire Chief has provided a list which requires Board approval and signature.

(EV) Motion to approve the 2011 Forest Fire Warden/Deputy Reappointment List as provided by Chief Johnson. (DM) Second. Carried 2-0. (FH) Abstain.

11. Capital Area Compact Vehicle Purchase

Chief Johnson noted that Car #1 is out of commission currently due to the need for a new alternator, three tires and body work (hole in fender.)

He noted that the Capital Area Compact vehicle has now been approved for sale at a cost of $10,000 and they are willing to lease it to the Town for $250 a month which can be deducted from the purchase price. The terms would be that the $250 would be a monthly lease payment if the Town does not approve the purchase. Town would be required to maintain the vehicle and provide insurance and registration. (EV) You are planning a Warrant Article for this? Chief: Yes – funding it out of the Capital Reserve. (FH) What is the mileage on the vehicle? Chief: 130,000 miles.

(EV) Motion to approve agreement for Capital Area Compact Vehicle.
(DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 2-1 (FH).

Discussion: (FH) I think you are wrong about this vehicle.

Chief Johnson updated the Board on the recent fire which occurred this afternoon.

Break 8:18 P.M. Board resumed at 8:22 P.M.

2. Order for 36 Main Street in Accordance with RSA 155-B:7 and 9

(PS) Included in your packet of information you have the formal order regarding 36 Main Street. The Board had agreed to sign this previously and the proper information has been inserted into the document.

(EV) Motion to approve order for 36 Main Street as noted. (FH) Second.

Discussion: (FH) I think the respond date should be November 12th not November 19th. He has already been given some indication of this with no response from him. (EV) I can agree with November 12th.

(EV) Motion amended to note response date of November 12th. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

3. Discussion of LGC Property Casualty/Workers’ Compensation Renewal

(PS) You now have LGC renewal information on property-liability, workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation coverage rates. This is offered for a three-year renewal contract. We currently have Primex, not LGC. Looking at the rates, they are not really in Town’s favor. The Board does not have to make a decision tonight and can address this at another meeting. I would go with a one year program. (DM) When was the last time we shopped around? Could we get a quote from Primex? Contract starts on July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. It was noted that the town association had been considering doing it as a consortium. (FH) We have the time to get some other figures together. (PS) agreed he would request information and add to Old Business for future consideration.

4. Review of 2011 Proposed Budget

(DM) Budget will be addressed later in the meeting.

5. Confirmation of November 1st Selectmen Meeting in lieu of
November 2, 2010 Meeting

(PS) Due to the election, we can meet in the small room. (DM) The meeting will be strictly regarding the Budget. (PS) to post meeting information.

12. Perambulation of Town Lines

(PS) Eric Nilsson stopped by to discuss the perambulation of Town lines with Barnstead. Since he is no longer a Selectman, he is not eligible to do the perambulation. (EV) agreed that he would be willing to do this, but he would definitely like to GPS it and perhaps, ask Barnstead to share the costs.

13. Energy Assistance Program Authorization

(PS) A redrafted letter is enclosed within tonight’s information packet which refers to release of information and requires signature of Chair.

(EV) Motion to approve redrafted letter to Energy Assistance Program and authorize Chair to sign. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

14. LexisNexis Debit/Credit Card Installation Agreement – Town Clerk

(PS) Town Clerk, Liz Hast, gave me this Agreement today which has previously been discussed with Board. The proposal is utilizing LexisNexis as the debit card processor with no intent to take credit cards, only debit cards. It would require a dedicated phone line. (EV) What is the length of the contract? (PS) There is no term. “It’s time has come.”

(FH) Motion to approve LexisNexis contract as debit card processor.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

15. Building Inspector Hours

(DM) The Building Inspector has requested that his hours be changed to all day Tuesdays and Fridays and one-half day on Thursdays.

(EV) Motion to change Building Inspector hours to all day Tuesday and Friday and one half day on Thursday. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(DM) Please make sure this change is posted on the Website and noticeed on door at Town Hall.

16. Sewer Rates

(PS) Regarding the sewer rates, Cara has offered some alternative numbers, and this will be put on the Agenda soon. It was not on the Agenda today because the Agenda was quite full for tonight’s meeting.

17. Board of Selectman Selection

(DM) It is a hard choice to make. Three applicants have stayed for this meeting. Experience goes a long way in my book. Art Morse can help us in getting through the Budget and to the next election.

(EV) explained that his inclination would be to go with Fred Okrent. He has shown a desire and is familiar with the workings of the Town. Ms. Brown, I liked what you had to say though you do not have the experience. My selection would be Art Morse and Fred Okrent. (FH) I appreciate all of you taking the effort to apply and the energy to come in.

(DM) Before we proceed any further, I would like to go into Non-Public Session which will only take about three minutes.

(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (c). (EV) Second. Carried 3-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:47 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:50 P.M.

(EV) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 26, 2010.
(DM) Second. Carried 2-1 (FH).

Minutes will be sealed.

(DM) My position, as always, is to allow the citizens to make the choice. I like to see the people make their own choices.

(EV) Motion to approve Art Morse as member of Board of Selectmen.
(DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Fred Okrent as member of Board of Selectmen.
(FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(EV) I want to assure you that this is no reflection on the other candidates. I liked your comments on what you had to say about serving on the Board and I would encourage both of you to be candidates come spring as there will be three openings on the Board.

(DM) Please know that this is not personal but what is best for Town.

18. Town Hall Windows

(PS) Board had requested that I write the two bidders and get clarification on the bids. (DM) Why did we not get estimates for the third floor? That way we have a whole package. The third floor would have to be accomplished as well as it would affect the other floors. (FH) We would need the official cost for everything. (DM) Paul, could you write them and have them do the estimate for the third floor as well as the questions posed previously. (PS) to do.




1. Capital Improvement Program See No. 4 Below

2. Tax Deeded Properties Pending

(PS) I have made one agreement. Individual spoke with me and is willing to increase the amount of payments.

3. Town Hall Fire Alarm Contracts Pending

4. Board of Selectmen Budget Review Schedule Pending

5. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation Pending




(EV) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest.
(FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposits. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (EV) Though the check has not been issued for the cruiser, should we approve it for the exact price as noted tonight? Board agreed.

(EV) Motion to approve check in the amount of $22,781.for purchase of cruiser and authorize it being processed. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0/


1. Public Session Minutes of October 19, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 19, 2010.
(FH) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0.


Page No. 6, Last Paragraph – (EV) Change: “They” to “I”.

Page No. 9, Paragraph 6 – Change: (PS) to (DM) Also, Larry K………

Page No. 9, Paragraph 6, next to last line – Change: …..not yet had a meeting for the employees for “newly elected official to review Ethics Code.”

Page No. 10, Second Paragraph from bottom of page – Eliminate: (PS) It is not an expendable trust.

(EV) Approve Minutes as amended. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(PS) Regarding the chimney cap, I do not have the name of the company as suggested by Larry Konopka. It is noted that this is contained in the notes of the Recording Secretary and will be provided to (PS).

(EV) Whatever happened to the insurance monies for the damage that occurred upstairs on the third floor? (PS) to check.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 19, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 19, 2010.
(FH) Second. Carried 3-0.


Fred Okrent: Those two forestry trucks that are used in Bow and Alton. They both have an excellent opinion of the Valley Fire Equipment Company who provided their equipment. (FH) They are not going to be able to put this truck into the woods.

Close Public Input


4. Review of 2011 Proposed Budget

(PS) The budget figures have now all be updated by Cara. Budget will be reviewed on November 1st.

(EV) The CIP reports are a little behind. It is noted that they are currently underfunded.

(PS) We will go through the Budget and then the Warrant Articles will be prepared.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried: 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:27 P.M.

Approved: November 1, 2010

_______________________________ ______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 26, 2010 and transcribed and publicly posted on October 28, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes
Board of Selectmen Minutes of October 26, 2010