October 28, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.


MEETING MINUTES OF Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Donna Keeley, Recording Secretary.




Jim Pritchard requested information on his Petition form he left at Town Hall a few weeks ago as well as the ZBA meeting earlier this month, noting that Mr. Vien was present at that time. They had an issue before them regarding an application that was submitted.

(PS) noted that Mr. Pritchard came in late in the day on October 14th. Could not recollect what the decision was. Mr. Pritchard explained that he felt the BOS has to review the language, approve it and then send to the Planning Board. Board discussed the process. (PS) explained that the Planning Board reviewed this. Mr. Pritchard cited the RSA as to what is required and that the BOS has to review. (LS) and (LK) advised that (PS) would take a look at the letter to see if the process has been handled correctly. (PS) to get back to Mr. Pritchard with this information.


(DM) Rescheduling of the Goals, Town Hall Election Coverage, and Building Inspector Interviews; (LS) Budget, PD Schedule which has been requested, (PS) to handle, F/U to School Board regarding Decision for Election Site, Thank You letter to accompany this and Non-Public – Employee; (EV) Tax Liens – (PS) noted he is working on this letter, Suncook Valley Regional Town Association, 12/4 at Strafford – they are the 6th town to join, Board’s desire to address Cost of Shooting Range for all Towns; (LK) Vacancy for BOS – Non-Public – Employee/Reputation.

(EV) In regard to the Food Drive as requested by the Boy Scouts, I have spoken to George Robbins, Scoutmaster, and he noted they have had difficulty with the bag process. There is a letter in the bag to have people drop off bags at Town Hall instead or in addition to. He wants the letter to note that they can drop off the bag when they come in to vote. Bins could be outside? (PS) Maybe we could speak with the people in the Food Pantry to accept food on this day outside somewhere at Town Hall. Will run this by Town Moderator, Cedric Dustin.


6:15 P.M. Dorothy Chapman/Winsunvale Road

My husband, Ray, just passed away. He put in many hours volunteering for Pittsfield. I am wondering if Winsunvale is ever going to get repaved. They came in about a month ago and fixed some spots. It is getting bad. (PS) I have shared this with Road Agent and he explains that from his assessment of the road that they may not have been built to the standards they should have been. As requested in the CIP, cost would be $240 K for entire subdivision. This quote is not current and he will get another quote. (LK) explained that there are a few things to check into and with the economy the way it is, we would like to try and keep things level. (PS) There probably will not be anything substantial done in 2009, but possibly in 2010.


1. Request of Pittsfield Youth Baseball for Electrical Permit Fee Waiver

(LS) Motion to waive the Electrical Permit Fee. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Two (2) Quotes for Repair of Town Hall Front Door

(LS) Motion to accept Portland Glass quote. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-1 (EV).

Discussion: (EV) wanted to know why Portland Glass instead of Granite State Glass? (PS) Jesse felt more confident with Portland Glass.

3. Board of Selectmen November Meeting Schedule

Board agreed that no meetings would be held on November 4th and November 11th. (LK) noted that an emergency meeting can be called if needed.

4. Holiday Schedule for the Town Hall

(PS) I have had a conversation with the staff at Town Hall regarding day after Christmas and also day after New Year’s. Staff is requesting that the BOS approve closing the Town Hall on these days. They will take vacation days for these days. He indicted that the Board would be more agreeable if the staff would agree to come in if needed and if so, it would be at regular time, not overtime. Staff agreed.

(EV) Motion to approve holiday closings at Town Hall. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.

5. Select Board Vacancy

(EV) Board first needs to decide whether we would like to select someone or wait until March. “I would like to pick someone now. We need to vote on it.” (DM) “I would like to wait until March and let the citizens decide. If we were not being productive, it might be different.” (LS) “I will follow the direction of the Board. It does not matter either way to me. I do not want anyone to think that we wasted their time, though. At the same time, the clock is ticking.”

(DM) Motion to let seat be unfilled until March. (LK) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-1 (EV).

Discussion: (LK) I agree with (DM), we are working well together. (LS) “How strongly does (EV) feel about filing the seat?” (EV) If we go that way, I would vote for someone now.” If we got/get to that point, we have to wait.

PUBLIC INPUT (from Jim Pritchard so he would not have to wait till the end of meeting.)

He requested a needed response regarding the Petition he submitted. It will not be addressed in time if the BOS waited till November 18th. BOS agreed to allow (PS) review the letter and reply to Mr. Pritchard in writing regarding his Petition.

(LS) Motion to authorize (PS) to review letter and respond accordingly to Mr. Pritchard’s petition. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. Tax Collector Warrant – Second Half of 2008 Taxes

(LS) Motion to approve Warrant in the amount of $4,453,057. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. Application for Veterans Credit

(EV) Motion to approve Veterans credit for Henry Welch. (LS) second.
Carried 4-0.


1. Police Department September Activity Report
2. Letter to Resident re: Police Department Complaint
3. Letter of Resignation Acknowledgement

4. Proposal for Removal of Bats from the Library

(PS) A quote has been received for $2,295.

(LS) Motion to approve quote fro $2,295 for removal of bats from Library.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) What did we decide about the window at Library? (PS) will follow-up, look at CIP plan and ask Library Trustees for a more detailed estimate.

5. Economic Development Committee Meeting Notification

It is noted that Mike Vlasisch from State will be at meeting of EDC on
November 17th.

6. Pittsfield Aqueduct Company/Town PUC Filing

Information has been received from Laura Specter and Towns’ responses to the PUC filing. (LS) We should make sure that all fees come out of and go into Pennichuck Water Fund in budget.

7. LGC Health Trust Insurance Premiums – 2009

(PS) This is renewal sheet related to the current plan that the Town offers. Town now has a different plan effective January 1, 2009. I penciled in the numbers that I believe replicated the premiums for January 1st. Cara and I worked on a cost comparison for the health insurance for 2008 and 2009. Town is fortunate to have gotten the reduction in premium costs for 2009. I have also given this information to the School SAU.

8. Request for Road Acceptance and Bond Release

(PS) This is in regard to Bailey Drive off Route 107. I was going to send this to the Planning Board asking them for their recommendations. As I understand, they retained an engineer to follow the road process. (LS) I would like to have Road Agent review this. (LK) I would like Louis Berger to review also. (LK) requested (PS) contact Louis Berger or ask Planning Board Chair to handle.

9. Building Inspector Applications Review

(LK) This will be on December 2nd. Goals and Objectives will be at 5:00 P.M. and interviews at 6:00 P.M.

10. Election Coverage on November 4th

(LK) 7:00 A. M. to 11 A.M.
(LS) 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
(DM) 2:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
(EV) 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

11. Budget Wrap-Up on November 18th Agenda

(LS) noted that she would like to put a real curb on spending. The tax rate is $26.37 projected for 2008. We need to be very frugal and careful in our spending. A memo should go out to everyone stating this information. Revenues are down. (PS) agreed and noted that the Board is making the right move on level funding. (EV) I treat the Town’s money like I do at home. Our responsibility is to give everyone forewarning.

12. Merrimack Valley Water District

Board read Minutes. We need to know what we agreed to and then make a decision based on what we agreed to.

13. Waste Management Contract

(PS) suggested a 12-month contract. BOS agreed to have (PS) check into this.

14. Perambulation

(EV) discussion his last Perambulation. He would like to consider having markers put into GPS so we do not have to do this each year. (PS) will contact him and set something up beginning of December and suggest sharing costs.

15. Fire Chief Memo

(PS) Gas install inspections – does the Town do these inspections? Board noted that this is not currently done because of staffing and the need for an ordinance.

15. Metrocast

(PS) Renewal of Franchise Agreement is coming up.

16. Highway Safety Project Grants

Four grants will be filed by Chief of Police.

17. ZBA Letter

ZBA letter to Paul and Carole Richardson noting that the proper course of action is Superior Court.


1. Town Hall Improvements – Life Safety Codes )
2. Management Analysis for GASB 34 )
3. Space Needs Study ) Pending
4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan )
7. Waste Management Contract Renewal )
8. Loitering Ordinance )

5. Library Attic Insulation

(PS) Kyle has spoken with Leslie Vogt about Energy Audit and has requested a copy of this.

6. SDS Proposed Agreement Extension

(PS) I have had a conversation with Darlene Johnson and explained that Town has reviewed site but no updated information on this yet. He noted that in his memo, he indicated that he did not have enough information and suggested considering extending the contract for one year with no changes but noted that it is not my decision to make. Mr. Goss explained his position in regard to cost reductions if the process was taken over by SDS. He noted that they have a plan for the solids management but it has a cost to it. If you have any questions that is why I am here. (LK) noted that it could be on the Agenda for November 18th. (LS) If there is any additional information, that can be forwarded to (PS) and Ron Vien. Mr. Goss noted that they had received their pricing on the upgrades including the pad and process which came to about $41K based on $3 M gallons. We would take over solids management. Upgrades are owned by the Town.

9. Cost of Broadcasting Selectman, Planning and Zoning Board Meetings.

Donna Keeley will obtain current up-to-date information on this.




(PS) The check regarding the clock tower was held from last week’s meeting. The bill is legitimate and should be paid. The clock is working fine on three faces. The minute and hour hand is being hung up on Roman numbers.

(LS) Motion to release this check. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Regarding the postage check that was held, (PS) noted that we pay Pitney Bowes on a quarterly basis. (LS) recommended the third quarter payment be made but not the fourth.

(LS) Motion to pay third quarter with check for $22.50. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (DM) Second. Tabled for Non-Public Minutes.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 21, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 21, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0. (LS) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 21, 2008





(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91A 3 II ©. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

(LS) Motion to Seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 28, 2008. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Motion pending to approve Payroll: Carried 4-0.


(DM) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Approved: November 18, 2008

_______________________________ ________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date