October 29, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
October 29, 2008

1. Meeting called to order at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (DJ), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff
(HS), Susan Muenzinger (SM), and Ellen Barbasso (EB).

3. Minutes from October 15, 2008 approved with correction on Topic 4D: should be “Charrette”.

4. Mike Vlacic of NH DRED will be available to come to our meeting on December 17, 2008.

5. YMCA Cover Letter Reviewed
A. It was agreed that the letter should be sent to the YMCA home office
B. Editing and changes in phrasing were made.
C. DJ will make corrections and send an e-mail to each member to get an approval on the letter

6. CNHRPC budget- it was suggested that we ask Matt what the charge would be for 24 hours per month

7. At the next meeting we will discuss letters regarding RSA 79E and R&D tax credit

8. It was recommended that we send a Thank You letter to Gov. Lynch. HS will do it.

9. Meetings for November and December
1. In November meetings will be Nov 12 and November 19. (EV will not be at Nov 19 meeting)
2. In December meetings will be December 3 and December 17.
3. First meeting in 2009 will be January 7.

10. Next meeting Wednesday November 12, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.

11. Meeting closed at 6:45 P.M.

Submitted by
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary