October 3, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 10/03/07
1) Meeting called to order at 5:07 pm. In attendance: Eric Bahr (EB), Ed Vien (EV), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), Deborah
Jordan (DJ), Merrill Vaughan (MV), Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC. Also attending: Linda
Small (LS), Lyn Roberts (LR), Leon 123, and Peter Phipps.
2) Minutes of 9/19/07 approved by MV and seconded by EV
3) Babe Ruth Baseball Field Project-How do we support it?
a. Draft a letter of support to PYBA.
b. Hold until they have approval from Planning Board then send it to them.
4) Eric and his wife are purchasing a new home in Manchester. They will be closing 10/25/07 and moving in
November. We need to nominate a new chairperson and vice-chairperson.
a. Letters have been prepared and will be sent out.
b. There are still some businesses that need an invoice in order to pay for the advertising brochure.
6) Pittsfield Medical Center-nothing has been done yet for them to relocate to Epsom Circle area.
a. Concord Hospital bought the practice not the building and land
b. EV spoke to Mike Green at Concord Hospital – they wanted a location on Rt 4 to take some pressure off
the Horseshoe Pond location
c. We can offer sewer and town water if they stay in Pittsfield.
7) Kentek –A suggestion was made that a personal visit be made to them to assess their needs for additional space.
We can then make a suggestion based on what is space is available in town.
a. Do they need warehouse, manufacturing or office space?
b. Could they use part of the vacant Pittsfield Weave building?
c. Do they want to lease or own?
d. LS suggested that Leon, the Town Administrator and Deb Jordan, the Chamber of Commerce Rep make the
first contact with them
8) Globe Manufacturing may be looking for more space. Maybe they could use one part of the Weave building and
Kentek could use the other part.
9) Peter Phipps, manager of Capital Region Development Corp (CRDC)
a. It is a regional development corporation that provides service to four counties-Merrimack, Belknap,
Sullivan and Grafton.
b. It is a non-profit corporation and is self supporting through investments
c. Its main basis is to provide an expansion of tax base and develop quality jobs in a community
d. It can make certified SBA loans to small companies from 6 or 7 loan funds
e. Must have a local development corp. in the community-not the community itself.
f. In some cases they purchase a property then lease it to a business, after 3-5 years the business buys it from
g. In 2001 made a study of greenfields areas in 10 communities
h. Will help a community form a local development corporation (we can use Bow as a model)
i. Steve Hevener will be new director. He is looking for a challenge. No investments will be made until he is
actually there – about 2 months.
j. .Medical field is one of the largest growing fields for employment – Lakes Region Hospital in Laconia is
looking for satellite offices
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso