October 3, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
October 3, 2012

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Paul Sherwood (PSh),
Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PSk), and Bob Legg (BL).

3. Minutes for September 19, 2012 accepted and approved with changes. Delete 5C and add “i” to

4. Irving letter sent to Cobalt Properties regarding a parcel of land owned by Irving/Cobalt.

5. Letter sent to Amenico inviting them to an EDC meeting and offering to help clean up an area
next to the bridge sidewalk.

6. Business Information Cards
A. Information cards to be sent to local businesses once a year
B. Keep up to date on website and keep in touch with them

7. Website for EDC
A. Everything is done except adding/updating the businesses
B. Need to add Paul Sherwood’s name to list of members-Ted will contact website to correct it

8. You Tube Video
A. Bob Legg can open the video convert it to a different file and do minor editing
B. Could not replace pictures or music
C. Bob Legg and PSh will get together to try to make changes

9. Other
A. PSh will invite Anna Colon-Pagan to an EDC meeting. She is a senior and is willing to help with
a Pittsfield Facebook page
B. Safe Routes to School-TM left message for Nik Coates-no response. He will call again
1. Are there any updates on sidewalk repairs on roads leading to the schools?
2. PSk will be going to DOT for an all day training-will be discussing this

10. Next meeting will be October 17, 2012 at 5:30 PM.

11. Meeting closed at 6:00 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman

Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary