October 30, 2008 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Scott Brown
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Jean Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.


• Ms. Chassie explained the six documents that were distributed:
o Pupil Cost Comparison
o PMHS class size
o Tech v. College prep
o Major anticipated increases
o Budget cuts
o Budget report – version #11383

• Ms. Vogt asked if it was considered to cut guidance counselors, as there are three at PMHS; Mr. Gremlitz stated that the need in this school for the services provided by guidance counselors is critical.

• Ms. Paradise questioned the suggestion to eliminate the Drake Field Summer Program and further questioned whether Sanderson Trust funds or other sources were used to supplement the cost of the program. Dr. Freeman will investigate and report back to the board.

• Ms. Vogt asked if the summer school program at PES is still in the budget to which Mr. Kilmister answered in the affirmative. Ms. Chassie explained that if we were to eliminate the extended summer school program (including Title I), it would save $8,800.
Pittsfield School Board 1 October 30, 2008

• Ms. Vogt asked if the State’s standards on middle school requirements would be met if we reduced the computer teacher, family and consumer science teacher, and music teacher to .5 each. Mr. Gremlitz stated that on an alternate year scheduling status, we would not meet the minimum standards every other year.

• Mr. Brown asked if the State’s standards are met for physical education, to which Mr. Gremlitz explained that currently we are offering beyond the standards.

• Mr. Brown explained that the $0 level budget is actually an increase because of two items including (1) debt service and (2) food service budget transfers.

• Mr. Brown asked why there was an increase in coaching salaries ($2,036 in middle school and $4,025 in high school). Mr. Gremilitz will investigate and report back to the board.

• Mr. Brown asked why the cuts in supplies, etc. were not on the list of cuts. Ms. Chassie explained that the cuts in those areas were made prior to last Thursday’s work session. Mr. Kilmister added that approximately 10% was cut from many lines.

• Clarification was made on 02-1100-5610: the total 10% reduction was made separately in the areas of art, English, language, industrial arts, physical education, consumer science, math, music, science, and social studies.

• Health insurance questions were answered generally in terms of some new teachers requiring a different plan (single v. family) than non-returning teachers. Ms. Vogt will investigate the specifics of these changes with Ms. Blanchette.

• Mr. Brown asked for clarification on 00-2600-54220, given that a snow plowing contract was recently approved that did not reflect a significant increase. Dr. Freeman will investigate and report back to the Board.

• Mr. Colby asked if there should be consideration given to decreasing the athletics program in lieu of decreasing teachers and increasing class size. Discussion ensued.

• Mr. Brown reminded the Board that the reduction in teachers could be in light of reduction in student population.

• Mr. Gremlitz explained the rationale behind the decisions on cuts made in the proposed budget. For example, consumer science, computer, and music.

• Mr. Brown asked for clarification about Dr. Freeman’s email that suggested the elimination of three teachers at each school. Ms. Chassie reported that Dr. Freeman corrected this statement in a phone call today; the elimination was one teacher at the elementary school and two teachers at the middle high school.

• Mr. Brown asked for clarification about the special education secretary that is currently working with a reduction of days due to a medical leave of absence to care for an aging parent.

Pittsfield School Board 2 October 30, 2008

• What is the increase in the principal’s office support staff attributed to? 01-2410-51120 reflects an increase of $19,659.66 and there is no apparent reason why. Dr. Freeman will investigate and report to the Board.

• Mr. Brown suggested that looking at the major anticipated increases; we may need to consider the condition of the current budget. Ms. Chassie explained that this was discussed briefly today and will be addressed by Dr. Freeman upon his return, with the help of the administration.

• Mr. Brown asked about the increase of $17,883.10 in 03-1200-51130. It was speculated that two newly hired educational assistants that were hired do not receive retirement and that they might account for the increase. Dr. Freeman will investigate and report to the Board.

• The Board contemplated the question of the next step. Mr. Brown asked that Ms. Blanchette put effort into the expenditure report and revenue projections to see how close we can get to a $200,000 fund balance. This raises the question of the need for a budget freeze.

• Mr. Brown asked if more time can be bought to further consider the budget. Ms. Vogt expressed her concern that the budget books should be delivered on
November 19, 2008, as previously promised. If another meeting is needed before November 19, 2008, the Board would consider scheduling it.

• Ms. Paradise suggested the Board study the second page of the budget cuts to prioritize the way in which cuts are made, if necessary. Mr. Gremlitz clarified that the list is prioritized by level, as written. Mr. Brown stated that the administration should also consider further prioritization.

• Discussion ensued regarding special education and other specific related expenditures.

• Ms. Vogt raised the issue of the moving of the SAU and what expense that would incur. Mr. Brown expressed his opinion that the SAU should be moved on-site in light of the cuts that are being considered.

• Ms. Vogt suggested further consideration of whether secretarial staff should be decreased. Ms. Chassie stated that the allocation of secretarial responsibilities at the middle high school would be reconsidered as decisions are made regarding the SAU move.

• Mr. Gremlitz stated that the budget proposal reflects moving the athletic director responsibilities to the role of assistant principal. Ms. Paradise questioned that decision based on the previous unsuccessful attempt to do just that. The administration agreed that although it is not an ideal situation, the current financial situation may warrant the change.

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• Mr. Brown stated that the number of credits required at PMHS is 22.25, while the State is now at 20. Mr. Gremlitz stated that he would suggest the possibility of raising the credit requirement to 24, realizing that six credits per year is not an unreasonable expectation. Ms. Chassie suggested considering the impact that would have on students with disabilities.

• Ms. Vogt asked if participation in after school unified arts would have the potential of providing credit to students. Discussion ensued regarding earning credit for participation in athletic programs.

• Mr. Brown asked if there is potential for students using VHS for foreign language courses, to which Mr. Gremlitz answered in the affirmative and added that currently a teacher is supervising a VHS French class.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary