October 30, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(GL) Letter from Jim Pritchard; (EN) Pay Sheet for Roza Benoit, Bids – Dumpsters and Alarm Systems; (PR) Revisit Library Budget, Action: 36 Loudon Road; (LK) Computer and Generator – Highway Department, Non-Public;
(PS) SVTRA Health Insurance, Resignation Acceptance/Ambulance
Department, Selectmen Nilsson Critique of the Jitters Waiver Request. Other: Test Run Voting Machines, Life Safety Proposal, HSA and Fire Department, Life Safety Committee, Building Department.


6:15 P.M.: Police Chief Robert Wharem Re: Part-Time
Officer Appointment

Chief Wharem: This is Jim Wilson, Part-time Officer appointment. Jim Wilson: I grew up in Pittsfield, was married here and moved away in approximately 1983 and will be moving back to the Town soon. He offered Board information on his background and related that he “would like to give back to the Town.”

Chief Wharem: He has a strong background in alcohol and drug enforcement which will be a valuable asset to the Town. His hours will be flexible when available dependent upon his other position.

(PS) Chief and I interviewed three individuals with two potential candidates for part-time – one is certified and one is not and we will do a background check and would like to make a conditional offer to them. We still do not have anyone for full-time position; we are still looking. Chief Wharem: I am asking Board to authorize Paul to offer conditional employment after the background check.

(LS) Motion to approve Jim Wilson, part-time Police Officer. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to authorize Paul Skowron to offer conditional employment for viable candidates. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Review of 2013 Budget
a. Police Department
b. Parks & Recreation
c. Fire Department
d. Capital

1 a: Police Department

Chief Wharem was present to review 2013 Proposed Budget dated October 31, 2012. (Page 9.)

(LS) Thank you, Chief, for getting this to the Board in such a timely manner

Chief Wharem: I have submitted a level budget at this time, but if we hire any individuals, there may be changes. (LK) Chief, the Administrative Assistant,
Line 130, could you explain that line. Chief Wharem: She is temporarily working thirty hours a week which allows us to have the doors open at the PD five days a week. (LK) Chief, with this Budget will it take care of the Town’s needs? Are you comfortable with this Budget? Chief Wharem: Yes, though the oil and gas lines are in question. There are also some things like the fire alarm system and tracking which are not in the budget. (EN) We just need to get a full-time officer hired.

(LS) Motion to approve 2012 Proposed Police Budget for $844,911.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: Chief Wharem: There are no costs for the cruiser yet, I am getting that information together. (LK) Thank you for working on this budget.

(PS) About a year ago, you mentioned that the Interceptor did not have a large enough seat. Chief Wharem: The seat has been redesigned and there is now more leg room in the front. The Interceptor has some excellent qualities. Chief Wharem noted when asked about the black/white Explorer replacement, that the Chief’s car could last for up to 15 years what with the same driver and the use it gets.

Animal Control Officer

Chief Wharem: I have forwarded the E-Mail I received as a courtesy to Animal Control Officer. After talking with Barnstead, she feels under-appreciated. (EN) When was the last time that she received a pay raise? Chief Wharem: When everyone else did. (PS) Could you do a little survey of pay scale of other animal control officers? Chief Wharem: Yes and also a comparison of what she makes at the SPCA. I will have this for you next week.

Chief Wharem left meeting at 6:24 P.M.

1b. Parks and Recreation

Nick Abell and Minnie Plante were present (Page 22).

Nick Abell explained the 2013 proposed Budget for Parks and Recreation.

Line 423 – Red Cross Fees: I have eliminated that line since they have not charged us in past years.

He noted that they have received a Grant again from Wal-Mart due to a parent who works at the store. The Ski Program has increased quite a bit and now they will not be transporting the participants but rather will rely on parental transportation. We have increased the cost per student of the Basketball Program which ultimately is a revenue generating line.

(PR) questioned the use of electricity at Dustin Park when it is utilized during the summer by other individuals. Nick Abell: I have looked into that and there is really no increase in costs. Also, Fair Point has now offered us “vacation service” for the phone at the pool. The pool is open from June to September and the meter will be moved which will also save us some money.

There is an increase in the budget of about $600 which mostly comes back as revenue offset. (LS) Line 423 – Red Cross, I would put in $1.00 to keep that line open, just in case.

Nick and Minnie explained the rationale concerning increase for certain employees because of their qualifications such as Life Guards and the different levels they can achieve. Minnie Plante: On Line 415, I think we will be okay with that. Concessions, swim lessons and gate fees go back into the General Fund.

(PR) Have you considered increasing the cost of concessions? Minnie: Our goal is keep the kids there and give them a place to be. We make about thirty cents on a can of soda. We are trying to keep it affordable for the kids that are there.
(EN) Thirty cents a can, I think is enough. (PR) Perhaps, we could discuss the concessions part when the program starts.

Nick Abell: The Basketball Program (Line 431) runs over into the next year – part is in this year and ends in the next year. The money charged for the Basketball Program goes into the General Fund.

(LS) Motion to approve Line 423 – Red Cross Fees for $1.00. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to eliminate Line 428 – Repairs and Maintenance. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LS) Repairs and Maintenance will come out of the Building Maintenance Expendable Trust.

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Parks and Recreation for $25,183. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Swing Set at Pool: Nick Abell: The swing set at the pool can no longer be repaired. We would like to take money of the Capital Reserve and would like to do a Warrant Article for this. (LS) You will have to get some quotes for this. (PS) If you will get about three quotes for this, we could proceed with this.
(EN) The quotes should just be for the purchase. Nick Abell: Yes, members of Parks and Recreation felt that they could make arrangements for the construction part of the purchase. (EN) offered his assistance for this project if could help in any way.

Pool Dredging: Minnie Plante: I assume that the money from the Rotary is still acceptable for dredging the pool. Nick Abell noted that they are in the process of acquiring a special permit through the DES to complete this project.

Board and Nick Abell briefly discussed billing individuals for the use of Dustin Park.

Nick Abell and Minnie Plante left meeting at 6:45 P.M.

(PS) noted that he is in the process of contacting Louis Houle regarding
Line 437 – Old Home Day.

2. Library

(PR) All the budgets have been coming in level funded except for the Library which had an increase ($1,473.) What about revisiting this Budget?
I know that the Friends of Library help quite a bit.

(PR) Motion to level fund the 2013 Proposed Budget for Library by decreasing budget by $1,473. (GL) Second. After Discussion: (PR) Withdraw Motion. (GL) Withdraw Second.

Discussion: (LS) We could contact them and ask them to take another look at their budget.

(PR) Motion to request Library to level fund their 2013 Proposed Budget.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Pay Sheet – Roza Benoit, Library

(EN) I have reviewed the payroll. What about Roza’s Pay Sheet with itemized hours? (PS) to check.

4. Test Run – Voting Machines

(PS) Just for Board’s information, Erica and Steve are doing a test run of the voting machine tonight.

5. Highway Department Computer & Generator

(LK) Bob has a computer at the PD that he can donate to the Highway Department.

(LK) Motion to transfer computer from the PD to Highway Department as soon as possible. (EN) Second. After Discussion: (LK) Withdraw Motion.
(EN) Withdraw Second.

Discussion: (GL) Is this for E-Mail and what about a printer? (LK) Let’s get the computer down there and see. (PS) Computer replacement happens annually according to the “pecking order.” It was nice of Chief to volunteer to give them one of his old computers, but I would want the computer company to give it an “okay” to make sure it is a workable computer for the Highway Department. I believe that Bob has a couple of the oldest ones and I would recommend waiting until Spring for the rotation to take place. (EN) What happened to the computers from the Fire Department? (PS) They went to the dump as they were not really usable. (EN) The Highway Department would probably only use them for E-Mails. (PS) Chief DeSilva might know.

Chief DeSilva returned from a fire call and was seated in the audience. Chief DeSilva: The cost now of a new one is minimal. (LK) I would like to get them one. (EN) I can get you some prices.

(LK) Thank you Chief for all your help during the storm. Chief DeSilva: Yes, everyone worked hard.

1c. Fire Department

Chief DeSilva was present (Page 11).

Chief DeSilva: I have a few changes.

Line 198 – EMT Assistant Ambulance Director decrease by $1,000. This is the longevity amount pertaining to Jennifer Tedcastle who is resigning. (PS) Board has a copy of her resignation and will be acting on that before the night is over.

Line 219 – Software Maintenance Services: Decrease to $1,350.

Discussion: (LS) I am the author of the current Warrant Article concerning the Ambulance as year after year the Warrant Article turns out to be a mess. Most of the money goes back to the General Fund though there is not a lot of revenue coming in from the Ambulance Department. There is no cross training and there is not a lot of revenue involved. There has to be another way to do it. Chief DeSilva: There is, by changing the name of the fund to EMS/Fire/Rescue and Equipment, it would allow you to use the revenue. Board and Chief DeSilva discussed several ways this might be accomplished.

(PS) This subject would better be discussed after a written “roadmap” is available. (LS) Fire and Rescue should be one department. Chief DeSilva: I would suggest that having only one department would better serve Pittsfield. I have rarely seen towns that only go out on one type of call. I would suggest accomplishing this by phasing it in. He informed Board of those in Group I and Group II and their eligibility to progressing to the next Group. I believe that ultimately it would cost the Town about $2,200. (LS) Chief could you work with Paul on this and rework the Budget accordingly.

(PS) Jen Tedcastle’s resignation is a window the Board has to move forward with FF/EMT with duel certifications. Now is the time to do this and we can advertise for the vacant position in this manner. We will start retaining personnel with duel certification. (LS) It only makes sense and would be more beneficial. Chief DeSilva: You would have to discuss with the Union also.

(GL) I have always lived in Pittsfield and I was always under the assumption that the Ambulance and Fire Department was one unit. Most people think that way. Joining the two departments is the wisest move that I have seen.

(LK) If it is to be on a Warrant Article, it will require a different budget.
(LS) Chief, can we send this back to you to rework? (LK) We will work on the Warrant Article.

6. Life Safety Proposal

Chief DeSilva: I am still working on this.

7. HSA and Fire Department

Chief DeSilva: I am still researching HSA as a branch of the Fire Department.

8. Life Safety Committee

(PS) We will advertise for a FF/EMT. We also need to appoint members to the Life Safety Committee. In the past the Fire Chief has always been a member but Chief DeSilva has not been appointed to that committee. The Life Safety Committee has not met in quite a while and will have to get in a couple of meetings. (LK) Are you agreeable to this, Chief? Chief DeSilva: Yes.

(LS) Motion to appoint Fire Chief John DeSilva to the Life Safety Committee. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (PS) It is a time consuming job. (LK) Would you be willing to serve as acting chair until a chair can be appointed? Chief DeSilva agreed to this. Is there anything pending? (PS) There are a couple of matters that need to be addressed. This is often a committee that “falls by the wayside.”

Board discussed with Chief DeSilva the additional training required for members of the Ambulance Department and cost of training.

Continuing with the proposed budget for 2013, Chief DeSilva indicated that he would like to increase the Secretary position to 21 hours ( three seven hour days) especially should Board decide to continue with part-time Fire Chief. He noted that she offers tremendous support to the department.

Emergency Management & Forest Fire Suppression – Page 15

(LS) Motion to approve 2013 Proposed Budget for Emergency Management and Forest Fire Suppression ($1,847.) (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Fire Station

Chief DeSilva reported that the since the replacement of the Fire Station roof, the facility remains dry. There is still the issue of mold and he will be acquiring quotes on that. There is still also the water drainage in the rear of the building and George will be contacted in reference to that.

Chief DeSilva noted that the Fire Marshall has consulted with him in reference to the Library and it is not customary for him to file a written report.

Break 7:40 P.M. Resume 7:47 P.M.

10. Highway Department Computer and Generator

(LK) noted that Board will table the acquisition of a computer for Highway Department at this time to offer time for some research.

(LK) noted that some quotes for generator should also be done. (PS) to do.
11. Trash Removal Bids/Alarm System

(PS) noted that they will be advertising this next week for trash removal. He noted he is in the process of drafting a bid for alarm system.

12. 36 Loudon Road

(PR) I am going to lose my lease effective January 2013 but would like to run for re-election to the Board of Selectmen. Because I will be unable to reside in Pittsfield temporarily, I have talked to Erica and she advises me that I have up to sixty (60) days window for this. What do we have to do to proceed this way? I am hoping to close in January, but obviously I cannot live there as the house is not livable. (LK) noted they would check with LGC. (PR) I believe the Board can accept outside living arrangements due to short period of time. (PS) This will be addressed on the next Agenda.

13. Jim Pritchard Letter

(GL) We have received a letter from Jim Pritchard (see attached) and he wants to eliminate four of the Selectmen (LK, LS, GL, and PR) from any further participation in the AHG Stagecoach Station matter. (PR) The letter had been sent to Laura Spector for interpretation.

14. Building Department

(GL) Have we gotten a quote on the books yet? (PS) This is pending.
(GL) Also, Jesse was not involved in Emergency Management and would like a separate E-Mail address for the Building Department. (PS) This can be done, but I would not recommend it. No one else has one. (EN) noted that Building Inspector has a lot of “spam mail” which makes it difficult to access his other E-mails.
(PS) I will talk to Jesse and Cara and we can review it.

15. SVTRA Health Insurance

(GL) There have been no meetings scheduled lately. (PS) to send letter to inquire as to meetings, etc.

16. Resignation Acceptance/Ambulance Department

(PR) read into Minutes resignation letter of Jennifer Tedcastle. (See attached.)

(PR) Motion to accept with deep regrets resignation of Jennifer Tedcastle effective December 1, 2012. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

A thank you letter will be sent to her signed by all Board members.

17. Selectmen Nilsson Critique of the Jitters Waiver Request

Paul Rogers recused himself and was seated in the audience (7:58 P.M.)

(PS) This individual is requesting a Waiver. A letter from the applicant is needed pertaining to insurance. (EN) The Town is not responsible. (See attached.)
(LK) I would like a response from LGC in writing. I want to make sure who is responsible for the items on the sidewalk if there is an accident. Eric, your report is very clear but I would like to wait until a response is received from LGC.
(PS) to contact LGC. (LK) Concerning No. 2 in your report, the applicant should be directed to Zoning Board. This will be tabled until the next Board meeting

(PR) I have already spoken to (PS). My insurance carrier will verbally assure you of coverage but will not put anything in writing. Anything that belongs to the establishment is covered under the “umbrella of the insured.” (LK) This will not be acceptable unless LGC agrees. (PR) Maybe Town Administrator can get them to do it. (LK) LGC may say that the Town is libel. (PR) This is a seasonal thing only and will not include the winter season.

Paul Rogers returned and was seated at the table. (8:05 P.M.)




1. Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization Ongoing
2. Policy for Access to Town Property Pending
3. Policy for Recruitment/Employment To Be Revised Pending
4. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending
5. Tax Collector/Action of BOS/Tax Deed Waivers Pending
6. Appointment of Selectmen to Foss Scholarship Committee

This will be removed from the Agenda. (PS) has discussed with Board but each is committed to a work schedule but someone from the Board will try to be there when they do the scholarships. (LK) noted he would “try” to attend morning committee meetings.

7. Amendment to the Obstructing Streets & Sidewalks Ordinance Pending
8. Skateboards and Bicycles on Sidewalks Pending




(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 22, 2012.

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 22, 2012 with Correction. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


Page 8, Paragraph 2, Line 6 should read: (LK) I agree with Linda; we have no authority on this.

2. * Non-Public Session Minutes of October 23, 2012.

(PR) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 23, 2012 with Correction. (EN) Second.

Correction to be addressed in Non-Public and Vote thereafter when Board returns to Public Session.




(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (e).
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:25 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 30, 2012.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

*Board voted on approval of Non-Public Session: Carried 4-1 (GL).


(PR) Motion to adjourn. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Approved: November 13, 2012

_______________________________ ____________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 30, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on November 6, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary