October 31, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
October 31, 2006
6:00 PM Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Larry Konopka. Present were Linda Small, Donna Keeley, Ed Vien, and Larry Konopka.

Fred Hast asked Donna Keeley why she refrained from voting for Dan Greene for the Planning Board after Dan had asked for all five board members to vote. Donna explained that she recused herself because she is a personal friend of Dan Greene’s. Mr. Hast stated that he assumed that had Donna voted, she would have voted yes, and that would have forced a vote from Art Morse. Donna explained that she felt the public would understand that her decision to recuse herself was for the right reasons.

Fred Hast asked Linda Small about her recommendation last week that people should get involved and get themselves placed on boards. Mr. Hast stated that he doesn’t understand how he could be expected to get on a board if the Selectmen wouldn’t vote him onto a Board. Linda explained that what she actually said was that people could get involved with committees without actually having to be on a board. She reiterated that she feels strongly that there is no need to bring up past issues.

Larry Konopka



Waste Water Treatment Plant – Septage Pretreatement Contract

Letter of Appointment to Conservation Committee

Basement Heat


Letter to the Board

Application and Warrants

MS1 Form


Police Department



Ed Vien


Service Contract for Furnaces

6:00 PM Appointment ~ David Hynes, Department of Revenue

Appointment was cancelled.

6:15 PM Appointment ~ Beautification Committee

Only one member of the Committee was present. Will address at a later date.

6:30 PM Appointment ~ Ambulance Department (Jen Tedcastle, Non-Public)

Linda Small made a motion to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (a). Donna Keeley seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

When the Board came back into public session, Donna Keeley made a motion to hire Lyle T. Deane to fill the vacant EMT position. Linda Small seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Ed Vien recused himself.

7:00 PM Appointment ~ Interview: Delores Fritz

7:15 PM Appointment ~ Interview – Cheryl Topliffe

7:30 PM Appointment ~ Interview – Barbara Olivera

Donna Keeley made a motion to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II, (a). Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

When the Board came back into public session, Donna Keeley made a motion to offer employment to Deloris Fritz as secretary to the Planning/Zoning Boards at $11.00 per hour, beginning November 9, 2006, contingent upon receiving a formal application from her. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Ed Vien abstained from voting.

Action Items
1. WWTP Employee
Ron Vien reported that he has another applicant from the first round of interviews who is licensed, and he would like to offer him the position. He will pursue the matter with Paul Skowron and will report back to the Board.

2. Towing Policy

A revised policy was submitted to the Board. The Board will review it and discuss it at next week’s meeting.

3. Pole License

Ed Vien made a motion to accept the pole license for Clough Road. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Donna Keeley recused herself.

4. Letter from Town of Chichester

Paul Skowron recommended that the Board contact the Chichester Board of Selectmen. The Board will send a letter welcoming the opportunity for them to speak to our department heads. For coordination purposes, they should go through our Town Administrator.

5. Appointment Forms for New Board Members

Tabled until next week.

6. MRI

The Board will schedule a meeting with Don Jutton from MRI on November 18, 2006, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Library. It will be a posted non-public meeting to discuss advertising for the town administrator position.

7. Waste Water Treatment Plant – Septage Pretreatment Contract

Ron Vien has been in negotiations with Septic Disposal Solutions. Matter will be tabled while Ron works with that company.

8. Letter of Appointment to Conservation Committee

Dana Sansom put her letter in to be appointed to the Conservation Committee; however, there are currently no openings. The Board will keep her letter on file.

9. Service Contracts for Furnaces

Mike McLaughlin has had P&M going around and looking at all of the furnaces. Mike will also check with Irving on this matter, and will report back to the Board.

10. Basement Heat

Mike McLaughlin would like to get some quotes for heating the Town Hall basement, where the Food Pantry is located. The Board discussed a few possibilities such as an electric blower or electric baseboard. Donna Keeley informed the Board that PSNH rates are better than propane right now. Mike will get some proposals and report back to the Board.

Information Items
1. Elderly Exemptions

Larry Konopka is gathering information from other towns, and will report back to the Board.

2. Letter to the Board

An anonymous letter was left in the town office. The Board did not address it because the complainant did not sign their name.

3. MS1 Form

Once the MS1 form is signed, the Board will fax it and mail the original. If it is not acceptable to fax the document, Donna Keeley or Mike McLaughlin will deliver it. The Department of Revenue reviews the value of the property of the town and develops a tax rate based on the 2006 school and town budgets. Donna Keeley made a motion that the Board sign the MS1 form. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


1. Revaluations

David Hynes from the Department of Revenue will be meeting with the Board on November 7, 2006.

2. Economic Development Committee

Paul Skowron will check to make sure the meeting of November 1 has been posted. Ed Vien reported that HUD is always looking for new places to build 55+ communities. They are looking for land only, not buildings.

3. Letter from Forrest Sell – Hilltop Drive

The Board referenced an email from Lois Beckter sharing her concerns about whether or not Hilltop Drive is a private road. The Board wants to make sure that all of the requirements have been met before taking over the road.

4. HSA and Town Assistance to Non-Compliant Properties

Larry Konopka has scheduled Betsy and Fred Okren to meet with the Board of Selectmen on November 21, 2006.

5. Payroll Service (schedule meeting with Cara in November)

6. Expectation Policy of the Board

Larry Konopka had drafted policies for attendance and education.. Policy would allow for boards to give permission for more than 70% absentees if medical or family emergency. Paul Skowron suggested that the Selectmen adopt the policies for itself to set the standard prior to expecting other boards to adopt it. Donna Keeley will draft policies based on Larry’s draft.

Applications and Warrants
Donna Keeley made a motion to approve the PTO drawing contingent upon Chief Wharem seeing it. Ed Vien seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

The Board received an application for property tax credit for veteran’s spouse. The Board will send back the application to get more information.

Checks and Manifests

Payroll and Accounts Payable checks dated November 2, 2006

Linda Small made a motion to approve the accounts payable manifest dated 11/2/06, with the exception of the Bret Purvis check #5469. Ed Vien seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

Linda Small made a motion to approve the payroll manifest dated November 2, 2006. Donna Keeley seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


Public and Non-Public Session

Ed Vien made a motion to accept the public minutes of 10/24/06, with changes. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

Donna Keeley made a motion to accept the non-public minutes of 10/17/06 and 10/24/06. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Donna Keeley made a motion to seal the non-public minutes of 10/24/06. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

Public Input
No public input.

Donna Keeley made a motion to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II, (a), (b), and (c). Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0


October 24, 2006

6:00 PM Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Art Morse. Members present were Art Morse, Larry Konopka, Linda Small, and Ed Vien.

Public Input
Fred Hast expressed his concern about the Board commenting last week that he is argumentative and negative. Mr. Hast stated that he has been on many committees in this town for many years. He feels that he does not argue with people, he has discussions with people to get to the truth. He feels there should be consistency on the Board, yet one person has no knowledge of the workings of the board. The Planning Board needs some good guidance, but he doesn’t feel like the selectmen think he is good enough for it. Linda Small acknowledged that Fred has a lot of knowledge, but does not see the point in hearing what others have done wrong any more. She wants to see people like Mr. Hast get on boards and committees and show us what can be done right, rather than drudging up the past.

Denise Patterson referenced the letter that was in the paper by Dan Schroth regarding moving the SAU, and merit raises for the teachers. She feels that administration needs to be cut at the PMHS to save money. It was shocking to hear that some people at PMHS make more money than others who work for the town. The principal’s salary is too high. Students and parents should be able to evaluate the teachers. Ms. Patterson feels that firefighters and police should be making salaries comparable to the principal. She questioned how we could get ideas written in paper form so that people pay attention to it. Art Morse informed Denise Patterson that she should go to the School Board with her concerns, and that she should ask to be put on the agenda.

Fred Hast referenced the draft minutes of last week. He stated that Dan Greene asked that all five members of the Board vote, but only 3 voted regarding placing Dan in the full-time position on the Planning Board.

Agenda Review
Larry Konopka
Action – Next Week’s Board Meeting
Linda Small

Action – Master Plan Copies

Information – Website

Seacoast Computer concerning the Copier

Ed Vien

Action – Wastewater Employee

Art Morse

Information – Town Manager Study Committee

Suggestion for November 7 Meeting

Appointment – David Hynes
Paul Skowron has spoken to David Hynes of the Department of Revenue. Mr. Hynes is the person responsible for reviewing the assessments. He has not completed his review, but so far, he is comfortable with what he has seen. He would be happy to come talk to the Selectmen, and he is available 10/31/06 or 11/7/06. His review will be complete by 11/7/06.

Paul also talked to Mr. Hynes about how the Town would like to handle future assessment responsibilities. Many communities are doing market value updates each year prior to their review year for Department of Revenue, rather than doing all the work during the last year before it is due.

6:00PM Appointment ~ George Bachelder

George reported that the engineers flagged off a two acre site, but that it would be too expensive to level the whole site. Therefore, they, looked at an alternative site, where only 1 ½ acres would have to be cleared. That site will be flagged next week. George has gotten the insurance papers to Paul Skowron from the logger. The Board will be shown the actual plans for the site. The Board will do a site walk after the site is flagged.

6:15PM ~ Towing Policy

The Board members have submitted their comments on the towing policy to Paul Skowron, and the Chief and him will get together to review the comments.

6:30PM Appointments – Budgets

Planning & Zoning – Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson was not present.

Capital Outlay

Linda Small asked about the grater, and whether or not the repairs are in addition to purchasing a new grater. George did not prepare a budget to repair the grater because it would cost too much, and it wouldn’t add to the life of the grater. The grater is 17 years old.

$31,700 will be received from FEMA for bridge aid. The Shaw Road bridge will be brand new when the project is complete. Should be completed around 2011 or 2012. The bridge, as fixed now, is only good for 3 years. Maybe we can get the bridge aid sooner if George writes a letter attesting to that. Paul Skowron explained that it has been his experience that if a town moves on a project, FEMA takes it seriously and sees that you are working towards the end result.

Chief Wharem had asked for $15,000 for a digital phone system. This will record incoming emergency phone calls. $10,000 for building improvements for a suspended ceiling, and to update the lighting fixtures, and additional electrical work. This is just a ballpark figure because Bob doesn’t have all the estimates in yet. $7,000 is budgeted for a used pick-up for the animal Control Officer. Currently she is using a cruiser. The life expectancy for the pick-up would be 7 or 8 years. The Animal Control Officer would use the vehicle on Tuesdays and Thursdays and any time she is called out. She would have catch poles, animal crates, and have-a-heart traps in the vehicle. There is also money appropriated for a new cruiser.

Linda Small also questioned the sewer plant upgrade in the budget. Ron Vien was not at the meeting, so Paul Skowron will ask Ron about that.

OEM generator – Chief Wharem

Chief Wharem reported that there was a meeting today to discuss the project. The Chief, George Bachelder, Paul Skowron, and the Building Inspector will meet again to discuss how to best accomplish this job. There may be a more economical way of doing it. Currently, the generator is in George’s building. They need to look into wiring it because of its age. They may also look into a newer, smaller generator. They will have a report for the selectmen by the 11/7/06.

7:45PM Space Needs Study Committee

Art addressed the members of the Space Needs Study Committee who were present. He explained that the Committee is to review the town’s needs in the way of buildings, town hall, police, fire, and highway, and to come up with some recommendations. The Committee should prioritize the needs so that the select board and future select boards could have a blueprint to use. The Committee could also gather information from other towns. Deadline should be date of town meeting.

New Business

a. Halloween Parade Permit

Ed Vien made a motion to approve the Halloween Parade Permit. Larry Konopka seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

b. Pole License


c. Food Pantry Letter

Larry Konopka made a motion to allow the Pittsfield Food Pantry to install a wireless router for internet service. Linda Small seconded the motion. The Motion carried 3-0.

d. Forms for New Board member Appointments

The forms for new board members are in Cara’s computer. Cara will swear new board members in, and the completion of the forms will be done later. The ethics sign-on should be done at the same time as being sworn in.

e. Board Meeting

Larry Konopka suggested, and the Board agreed to, having a board meeting next week even though it is the 5th week of the month. The Board will interview for the Planning Board Secretary, and talk about posting the town administrator position.

Art Morse suggested, and the Board agreed to, having a work session on 11/7/06 because it is election day and they won’t be able to use the conference room.

f. Wastewater Employee

Ed Vien feels this should be put back on the agenda for next week. The person they offered the position to declined. Since the position was never filled, they do not have to re-advertise, and they will look at the applicants from the first round.

g. Master Plan Copies

Copies of the Master Plan will be ordered.


a. Budgets (Schedule)

The Board will wait until after 11/7 to schedule the Tax Clerk and Town Clerk budgets.

b. Fire Department Monthly Report Discussion

Larry Konopka will talk to Lenny Deane about the report.

c. Policy – Board Members

Larry Konopka spoke about the possibility of developing some expectations for all people appointed to boards in the town. Each board member will draft some ideas and put them together at a later date.

d. Website

Paul Skowron will speak to Bill Provencal about removing two links from the town website.

e. Seacoast Computer concerning the Copier

Paul Skowron will check on that.

f. Town Manager Committee

The Town Manager Committee is almost finished with its study. They want to know how the Selectmen want it presented, ie, public hearing, written report, report to selectmen. Board wants a written report to review, and then the Committee can do a presentation in front of the board.

g. Elderly Exemptions

Larry Konopka will research. He has some information on it, and it will be addressed at the next meeting.

Old Business
1. Space Needs Study (letters)

Previously addressed.

2. Revaluation Update

The Board wants to meet with David Hynes to go over what the town should do next year. We need to get the tax bills out soon. The MS1 needs to be signed and sent out by Tuesday. Board wants to see David Hynes on the 10/31/06.

3. Town Hall (BOS) Staffing Needs

No report.

4. Economic Development Committee

The Economic Development Committee will be meeting on 11/1/06 at 6:00 p.m.

5. Planning & Zoning Secretary

Table to next week.

6. Master Plan Copies

Previously addressed.

7. Letter From Forrest Sell on Hilltop Drive

Larry Konopka recused himself from this portion of the meeting. George Bachelder oversaw the project. He reported that plans had to be changed to comply with our regulations. He followed every step of the process, and it’s a good road. It does not have the underground utilities, and the town attorney said that we couldn’t make him do it. Ed Vien asked about the consequences if an engineer comes in and says something is wrong with it. George says it comes within all the town specs, so there should not be a problem.

Paul Skowron reported that Mike McLaughlin checked with Louis Berger to obtain a cost for an evaluation by an engineer. The cost could range from $1500 to $2500. Paul believes that what George has reported is accurate. If the Planning Board hadn’t made the arrangements for the engineer to come in, then the town would have had to pay for the evaluation. Paul thinks that the board should accept what George is presenting.

Board needs to decide whether these types of matters should be brought to the town, or dealt with by the selectmen. Linda Small prefers going through the selectmen. She’s comfortable with taking George’s recommendation. The Board decided that it would not act upon this at this time. Ed Vien will contact the Government Center attorney, and will report back to the selectmen. Will probably not have an engineering firm go out to inspect. Paul Skowron will send a letter to Forest Sell letting him know that the Selectmen are gathering information.

8. HSA / Town Assistance to Properties that are not in Compliance

Art Morse suggested that the selectmen develop a policy on this, and not deal with it on a case by case basis.

9. Payroll Service

The Board will wait for Cara to return.

Applications and Warrants (Paul)

Check Manifests
Payroll & Accounts Payable Check Manifests for checks dated 10-24-06

Larry Konopka made a motion to approve the payroll manifest dated 10/24/06. Linda Small seconded the motion. Discussion was held relative to the supervisor’s initials being missing on two of the checks. Paul Skowron will remind the Department Heads. The motion carried 3-0.

Linda Small made a motion to approve the accounts payable manifest dated 10/24/06. Larry Konopka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Linda Small requested that Paul Skowron make sure that overtime is being worked because it is needed.

Public Session – October 17, 2006

Larry Konopka made a motion to approve the minutes of the public session of 10/17/06, with changes. Linda Small seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Nonpublic Session – October 17, 2006

No non-public minutes presented at this time. Still need non-public minutes for 10/10 and 10/17.

Public Input

Laurel Collier suggested that the Conservation Committee do a site walk for the salt storing shed site also.

Paul (last name?) reported that state law permits towns to hold funding if rental properties do not meet code.

Pam St. Laurent reported that the expiration date of occupancy used to be on the welfare form, and it was also in the guidelines. Pam also talked about there being books regarding board responsibilities and duties. She feels that the Board should conform to deadlines on agenda items that seem to be repeated at board meetings.

Fred Hast expressed his concern about the Town Office being closed at times because of staffing. He feels that Board members should be spending more time in the Town Office.

Denise Patterson noted the letter to the editor about the elderly. She’s glad to hear that the board will work on exemptions for the elderly. She also expressed to the Board that she would like to see the Ford Ranger for the Animal Control Officer be approved.

Non-Public Session (in accordance with NH RSA 91-A:3 II) (a) (b) & (c)

Larry Konopke made a motion to go into non-public session. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

Non-Public Session (in accordance with NH RSA 91-A:3 II) (a) (b) & (c)

1. Ambulance Staffing Needs

2. Police Department – Administrative Assistant

3. Fire Chief Process

4. Any other Personnel Issues


October 17, 2006
6:00 PM Meeting called to Order by Chairman Art Morse. Present were Linda Small, Donna Keeley, Larry Konopka, Ed Vien, and Art Morse.

Public Input
Laurel Collier Expressed concern that a cluster development is evolving in south Pittsfield. She questioned when the last water study was performed, and would like the Board of Selectmen to look into it. Donna Keeley will look into it as a member of the conservation committee.

Dan Schroth spoke about the Deborah Magliozzo situation, and requested that the Board of Selectmen abate the $2,200 fine. Dan will start a petition to change the fee scale for these fines, because he feels fines should be no more than double the original fee. Paul Skowron will meet with Dan tomorrow at 3:00, and Dan reiterated his request for an abatement.

Agenda Review

Linda Small added:

Website Policy.

Larry Konopka added:

Voting Booths

Dave Simpson CIP

George Batchelder – Sandpit tTree Cutting

Donna Keeley added:

Assessing Letter

Raffle Permit Request

Cartographic Contract

Intent to Cut

Art Morse added:



6:00PM Appointment ~ Budgets

Animal Control – Chief Wharem

The only change this year is in salary line item; 10 hours per week to 12 hours per week to cover administrative work. The Animal Control Officer is currently handling 250-275 cases per year, and is under time restraints. SPCA charges the town for dropping off dogs after we’ve held them for 5 days. Relative to Human Society costs, we’ve spent anywhere between $200 to $1,100 in the past.

OEM – Chief Wharem

Chief Wharem reported that there will be a significant increase from the originally budgeted $2,500 if the generator is put in the place that George Batchelder suggests. The new cost will be $7,100. The estimate was received after the budget was submitted. Most of the cost is labor, and we have to buy some cable. Linda Small asked how we would utilize the $2500 from this year for. Chief Wharem suggested the money can either go back to the town or encumbered and put towards the generator project next year. Chief Wharem will obtain more information on the project and report back next week.

Chief Wharem reported that $3,000 had been budgeted for paint and bodywork for the old cruiser to be used by the Fire Chief. Hillsboro Ford can do the work for $1,100.00. Discussion was held relative to the intent of budgeting the $3,000. Larry Konopka made a motion to approve having the work done at Hillsboro Ford for $1,100. Linda Small seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-1.

Lenny Deane reported on the forestry part of the emergency management budget, specifically, fire supression and training.

Conservation (Donna)

Donna Keeley reported that there is no changed to the budget this year.

Planning and Zoning

Dave Simpson reported that Jeremy has always presented the budget to the planning board in the past. Dave will get the budget from Paul Skowron and will present it to the Planning & Zoning board this Thursday night.

Planning Board Appointment Interviews

It was decided that the interviews would be held in public session.

7:00 PM Dan Greene

Prior to the interview starting, Larry Konopka stated that he did not see any reason to abstain from voting unless the Board or Dan Greene asked him to. Dan Greene indicated that Mr. Konopka’s vote was welcome. Donna Keeley reported that she would recuse herself, and the interview began. Dan Greene explained why he would like to be on the Planning Board. He is currently an alternate on the Planning Board. Mr. Greene likes to help people, and he feels he has sufficient experience to be appointed as a full member on the Planning Board. He reported that Thursdays are not a conflict, and he is also willing to attend classes. Mr. Greene stated that he has a broad range of knowledge regarding what goes on in other towns, and he would always keep the future of the Town of Pittsfield in mind if he were appointed to the Planning Board. Ed Vien pointed out that Dan has missed 6 out of 10 meetings as an alternate since April, and he is concerned about Dan’s attendance record.

7:15 PM Fred Hast

Fred Hast stated that he had been on the Planning Board for four years in the past. He’s been to many seminars, and he knows the ordinances and feels he would be a good asset to the Planning Board. He stated that his skills and background include construction and knowledge of land. He knows the ordinances and RSA’s, as well as how the Planning Board works. He stated that he would be able to attend at least 90% of the meeting, and that he would continue to attend the classes. Ed Vien expressed his concern regarding the history of personalities on the Planning Board, and he feels strongly that members need to get along. Mr. Hast agreed.

7:30 PM Peter Newell

Mr. Newell has lived in Pittsfield for 2 ½ years. He has traveled with the army, has a background with planning boards and working with cities, has maintained buildings, worked with railroads, and sited new buildings. He can also read blueprints and site maps, he knows the laws and how to interpret them. He reported that he would be able to attend 90% of the meetings, and that he would be willing to attend classes.

7:45 Paul Metcalf Jr.

Paul has worked for the DOT for 20 years, and he is a civil engineer. Wants to help the town and is interested in the planning board. Mr. Metcalf can attend most Thursdays and would attend the classes.

Linda Small made a motion to move Dan Greene from the alternate position on the Planning Board to a permanent member. Donna Keeley seconded the motion. Larry Konopka was concerned about Mr. Greene’s attendance. More discussion was held about board member attendance. A vote was taken and the motion was defeated 2-1.

Larry Konopka made a motion to appoint Fred Hast to the Planning Baord as a full time member. Ed Vien seconded the motion. Art Morse recommended that Fred not be appointed to the Planning Board because withholding information while sitting on a Board in the past. Linda Small also felt it important to take into consideration the argumentative piece of it, in that Board members must get along. Donna Keeley felt that Peter Newell and Paul Metcalf Jr. have a great deal of experience. A vote was taken, and the motion was defeated 3-2.

Ed Vien made a motion to appoint Paul Metcalf Jr. to the permanent position on the Planning Board, and Peter Newell to alternate position. Larry Konopka seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


Action Items

a. Towing Policy

Chief Wharem reported that cars should be towed to a location in Pittsfield. Out of town towing companies are occasionally used when they fill in for Pittsfield companies. Larry Konopka questioned the liability issues if a company filling in for a Pittsfield company didn’t have worker’s comp insurance. Paul Skowron and Chief Wharem will work out the language for that in the contract. The Board members will write further comments on the draft contract, submit them to Mr. Skowron, and Mr. Skowron will discuss them with Chief Wharem.

b. Town Hall Bathrooms

Larry Konopka talked to Jesse (the contractor) last week. Jesse has not been able to obtain access to the town hall. He will work with the Chief Wharem to gain access. He may not be able to get to the work until the end of November.

c. Sandpit Tree Cutting

George Batchelder reported that site engineering has been completed for the salt building, and that more land needs to be cleared for sand and salt storage. Over 100,000 square feet needs to be cleared. A logger is in there now cutting neighboring property, and George would like to use him now while he’s still there. If we have to bring him back or someone else in, it would cost us money. The logger said that he would cut the wood now for free because he’s already there. He will be there for another two weeks. This part of the property should not be affected by migration or fish and game. Papers will be filed with the town, and then the selectmen will make a decision on it.

d. Website Policy

Linda Small noticed two links on the Town Website that should be removed. They are Concord Monitor and NPR. Bill Provencal said that he will remove them at the direction of the Board. Linda Small made motion to have Bill Provencal remove the links to the Concord Monitor and NPR. Ed Vien seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

e. Voting Booths

There are new handicap requirements for voting booths, and the room in the town hall is no longer big enough to meet those requirements. Liz Hast is checking with the Secretary of State to see what it is we need to do. Perhaps we can move the supervisors to another room, or a handicap voting booth can be moved to another room. Another option would be to perhaps knock out a wall and get some sliding dividers. Problem may not be resolved by November election.

f. Cartographic Contract

Board will wait until next week to sign.

g. Raffle Permit Request:

The Board will wait until they receive a copy of the raffle ticket before they act on this. Chief Wharem will take care of it.

h. Intent to Cut

Stipulation from the superior court which allows one party to sign the intent to cut. Therefore, the board can accept it. Donna Keeley made a motion to approve intent to cut R50-C Kathy and Roger Morency. Ed Vien seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 with Larry Konopka abstaining.

i. Assessing Letter

Donna Keeley reported that a complaint was received that someone had to wait too long for the assessor. Paul Skowron gave the letter to the assessors. The Board will have the assessors review it and get back to them. The Board will let the complainant know that they are investigating the matter. The letter to the assessors will also let them know that there are other complaints relative to the assessors.

j. Pennichuck

Steve Ginsberger would like to meet with the Board. Paul Skowron will schedule a meeting for December 5, 2006. The part of the meeting relative to the dam will be public, but the rest deals with eminent domain and should be non-public. If they can’t make the 5th, the back-up date will be 12/12/06.

Information Items

a. Budget Schedule

The following budgets will be presented at next week’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting

Planning and Zoning


Office of Emergency Management

The remaining budgets will be scheduled for November 1

b. CIP

Dave Simpson reported that the new packet was approved by CIP last night. If the selectmen have anything to add, it is to be given to Dave by 10/30/06.


1. Space Needs Study (letters)

Letters have not yet gone out to the committee members, but Mr. Skowron will send them out.

2. Revaluation Update

Paul Skowron spoke with David Hines. He will be scheduled to meet with the Board. Paul will see if David can make it to the next board meeting.

3. Town Hall (BOS) Staffing Needs

Larry Konopka wants to hire temp help. Next week several people will be out, and the Board is receiving complaints. Mr. Skowron feels that the town office needs some temporary assistance because there are not enough people to cover the hours. Mr. Skowron will research the possibilities of either extending a part-time person’s hours or retaining someone on a temporary basis. Regarding the welfare portion of it, Mr. Skowron can possibly contact someone on a temporary basis.

4. Economic Development Committee

Paul Skowron will check on check #5367.

5. Planning and Zoning Secretary

The cut-off for applications is 10/27/06.

6. Master Plan Copies

Donna Keeley received a quote of 13.70 per copy. The board will order 15 copies. Also, the Board will try to have the master plan put on the town website.

7. Letter from Forrest Sell on Hilltop Drive

The Selectmen received a note from George Batchelder that everything is good at the site, and it should be ready for the next step.

8. HSA /Town Assistance to Properties that are not in Compliance

Paul Skowron will research the matter.

9. Payroll Service

Will table this matter until Cara returns. Larry Konopka reported that Anne Taylor says that 90% of payroll is putting it together from each department. Will have a formal meeting with Cara.

Checks and Manifests
Donna Keeley made a motion to accept the payroll manifest for 10/17/06. Larry Konopka seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

Larry Konopka made a motion to accept the accounts payable manifest for 10/17/06: Linda Small seconded the motion. Check #5254 for the exhaust can now be issued. The following two checks have no invoice and no signatures:

5387 Merriam Graves

5409 WB Mason

Check #5367 to Central NH regional Planning will be reissued next week for the books that we purchased from them, but will hold payment for services provided. Motion carried 4-0.

Larry Konopka made a motion to accept the public minutes of 10/10/06. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

Linda Small made a motion to accept the non-public minutes of 10/3/06 Ed Vien seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

The Board needs to talk about the non-public session of 10/10/06.

Public Input
Carol Dodge stated that since there are five people on the board, she feels that Art Morse should be voting. She feels that his voting would be a positive thing. Regarding the voting for the Planning Board, Dan Greene had asked for everyone’s vote. She also felt that Larry should have recused himself. Feels it is unfair that they took Dan’s past attendance into consideration. Carol made a formal request that they take a revote on this matter.

Fred Hast questioned when the non-public meeting of 10/5/06 was posted. The meeting notice had been posted that day, and Fred informed the Board that meetings needed to be posted at least 24 hours in advance. The Board acknowledged its mistake, and reported that it was unintentional. Mr. Hast also compared Mr. Morse’s comment that Fred withheld information, which was unintentional, to this unintentional posting of the meeting. Fred indicated that he is very disappointed that he was not appointed to the Planning Board. Fred wanted to know how we are going to revitalize the downtown. Fred is concerned about the town hall being short-staffed, and feels that board members should come in during the week and pick up their correspondence. He also feels that the Board conducts too much of its business behind closed doors. Larry said that the board is heading in the right direction now, and that every board member is working as hard as they can.

Laurel Collier agrees with Carol Dodge about Dan Greene not being moved up on the Planning Board. She feels that it was a personal grudge. She also feels that if one person recuses him/herself, then Art Morse should vote. Regarding the non-public meeting, she feels that the board should admit their mistake, which they already had.

Denise Patterson stated that this is the first time attending a Selectmen’s meeting. She appreciated that Linda Small stood her ground at the school district meeting. She also commented that even though she doesn’t know Dan Greene, he was volunteering his time, and should have been moved up to the full time position on the Planning Board. Ms. Patterson feels that attendance policies should be reflected in a formal statement. Art explained that the legislature would have to set that policy. Ms. Patterson asked for each member of the Board to introduce themselves to her.

Fred Hast complimented Linda on her behavior at the school district meeting last Thursday

NonPublic Session
Donna Keeley made a motion to go into nonpublic sesssion. Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


October 10, 2006
6:00 PM Meeting called to Order by Chairman Art Morse. Present were Linda Small, Donna Keeley, Larry Konopka, and Art Morse.

Public Input
No public input.

Agenda Review

Larry Konopka added the following to the agenda:

Information – Explore Payroll Service

Non-Public – Police Department, Welfare, and Ambulance

Art Morse Added the following to the agenda:

New Business – Request from Mary Ellen Plante to be appointed to the Recreation Committee.


6:00PM Appointment ~ Lenny Deane, Jen Tedcastle, 2007 Fire/Ambulance Budget

Jenn Tedcastle spoke about the ambulance budget. Currently, we have one Paramedic, two Intermediates and two Basic EMT’s. $1000.00 was added to the equipment line to replace the batteries for eight defibrillators. EMT Director is a separate line. If position is not going to be filled, the Director and EMT lines could be combined, which would allow for a 6th EMT. The Board would like to leave as is for now. Sick and Vacation line was increased because someone employees will earn more due to their years of service.

Lenny Deane spoke about the combined budgets for ambulance and fire. There should be an increase in electricity and fuel. Irving Oil recommended an amount of money for 2007 for hearing oil. DOT recommended $10,000 for diesel fuel. Dispatch service will be increased by $6.00. PT secretary will receive a 3% raise.

Regarding the Fire Department side of the budget, gasoline will increase. The new Fire Chief will have access to the police cruiser that is being recycled for his/her use. DOT suggested $2000.00 for the cruiser. New Equipment increased by $1000.00 for six new pagers because they can no longer get parts for the current pagers. Increase will also go towards new hoses and hand tools. Fire prevention line is increased from $300 to $1000 for fire prevention programs and materials. Lenny Deane reported that it was difficult to get donations this year.

Lenny Deane also reported that changes to NFPA codes for firefighter clothing has increased the costs to the Globe. The fire department will need to outfit the new fire chief. NFPA dues line has increased because the code books and software for reporting has increased. There is a decrease in contract services now that the FD owns the copier. New equipment line will be spent on metering equipment, hoses, and hand lights. Although, Lenny Deane reported that the new equipment line is usually held until the end of the fiscal year in case there are costs to repair more expensive equipment first.

6:30PM Appointment ~ George Batchelder, 2007 Public Works Budget

George Batchelder presented the Public Works budget. There will be an increase of $11711 for health insurance, an increase of over $2,300 for retirement, a $1,500 increase in fuel, and a $200 increase in the telephone line item. Employees with their own cell phones are not reimbursed for calls.

George reported that street sweeping couldn’t be done before balloon rally last year, so he increased the line by $300 to be able to sweep before balloon rally next year.

Other areas that will increase are sand and gravel, gasoline, diesel, equipment, and salt. George added additional money in Sidewalk Repairs for a section on Elm Street that is in need of repair.

Road Projects next year will include Quail Ridge, River Road, Lyford Hill behind the car wash, and

Lyford Hill and Water Street. Hot top has increased $21,000.

George would like to have $500 put back in the budget for cutting trees.

Regarding the Webster Mills 250 ft of guardrail that needs to be replaced, George will wait another year. The two worse sections of the road have been completed..

The grant total for River, Water, and Lyford is about $85,000.

Donna Keeley suggested decreasing the PSNH portion of the budget to $14,000 because an adjustment is being made by PSNH for a better rate.

7:00PM Appointment ~ Ron Vien, 2007 Wastewater Budget

Ron Vien presented the Wastewater Budget. Most line items are staying the same as last year, with the exception of an increase in health insurance, a $500 increase in fuel oil, and a $5,000 increase in equipment and repairs.

State retirement has increased, and Jeremy should have put that in the budget. Linda Small will check to make sure that Jeremy included that increase.

7:30PM Appointment ~ Fred Okrent Non-public RSA 91-A:3 II personnel, reputation

Larry Konopka made a motion to enter into non public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II, (a) and (b). Linda Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

New Business

a. Planning Board vacancies, set up interviews with candidates

Interviews will be conducted next Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. with Peter Newell, Fred Hast, Paul Metcalf Jr., and Dan Green. Paul Skowron will contact the applicants and set up the interviews.

b. Fire Chief, schedule 2nd interviews

The interview committee for the Fire Chief’s position will consist of Chief Bruce Philips, Scott Weden from the Local Government Center, Paul Skowron, and the Board of Selectmen. Tentative dates for the interviews are 10/26 and 10/30. Paul Skowron will contact the candidates to schedule the interviews

c. Police Cruiser contract

Linda Small made a motion to sign the contracts for the two police cruisers. Donna Keeley seconded the motion, then she left the room. The motion carried 2-0.

d. Tow Policy

The Board tabled this item for next week in order for them to look at it.

e. Interim Town Administrator, pending weekly scheduled hours/days.

Paul Skowron’s schedule will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and he will arrive between noon and 2:00 p.m. Friday is flexible for him. Paul met with the Department heads, and he will be holding a department head meeting every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to exchange thoughts.

f. Discussion regarding Selectmen/Building Inspection office staffing needs for Town Hall administrative duties. Possible Temporary office staff hiring.

Larry Konopka suggested that the Board hire temporary personnel because the Town Office is understaffed at this time. Discussion was held regarding the workload, in particular the many interruptions due to citizens coming in to the Town Office because of their new tax assessments. Larry has been spending several hours at the Town Office assisting the staff. The Board recommended that Larry not come in to assist in order that Paul Skowron may be able to assess the situation and make some recommendations regarding what the Town would need for assistance. The Board may need to revisit the expectation of the building inspector and the person filling in for the administrative assistant. Paul will also assess whether or not the building inspector position should be assisting during the staffing shortage.

g. Format of minutes, use Agenda as the minute template, easier to create by the secretary and read/follow by the Selectboard and public.

Minutes that are posted in town hall must say “draft” on them. After board approves the minutes, Chris will email them to Bill Provencal to place them on the Town website.


a. Budgets, next scheduled departments to meet with SB?

Board will schedule the following departments to present their budgets next week: Conservation, Animal Control, Emergency Operations, Planning and Zoning. Town Clerk and Tax Clerk will be scheduled for the following week (10/24). The recommended deadline for completing the town budget will be Thanksgiving. Paul will notify the department heads.

b. Payroll Service

Larry Konopka would like to look into hiring a payroll service, which could save the Town Office staff a great deal of time and would be efficient for the town. When Cara returns, the Board will ask her to get some quotes.

c. Appointment to Parks and Recreation Committee

Larry Konopka made a motion to appoint Mary Ellen Plante to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Linda Small seconded the motion, and added that a notice will be sent to the Parks and Recreation Committee. The motion carried 3-0.

d. School Board Request for District Meeting.

Art Morse reported that Scott Brown of the School Board requested that one of the selectmen report at the school district meeting the affects of the new property assessments and the $297,000 request for teachers’ raises. Linda Small will call Scott Brown to find out what his expectations are.

Old Business
1. Space Needs Study – committee appointed, letters to appointees? 1st meeting? Goals?

The Space Needs Study Committee will meet Oct 24 at 6:00 p.m. Paul will send letters out.

2. Revaluation Contract – sign?

The Board needs the net assessed value of the town.

3. Economic Development Committee – inform them of status with CNRPC, update?

CNHRPC believes that they may have a replacement to work with the town..

4. Master Plan Copies – DK sent to Granite Image for price quote, 15 color copies, bound.

Donna Keeley reported that the master plan is at Granite Image.

5. Letter from Forrest Sell re: Selectboard/Town acceptance of Hilltop Drive – further review pending Public Works/Building Inspector review and site visit.

Larry reported that George Batchelder assessed Hilltop Drive, and that it is in excellent condition except beginning of tar needs to be leveled out. Donna Keeley sent a memo to Mike McLaughlin to contact Berger Engineering to find out how much it would cost to evaluate it.

6. Housing Standards Agency and Town Assistance for apartments that do not have a current HAS license.

Paul Skowron will send a letter to HSA telling them that the Board is concerned about the town paying for housing that does not meet town standards. The Board of Selectmen is researching this matter and would like the input of the HSA, as well as meet with them.

Applications and Warrants

There were no applications or warrants

Check Manifests
Payroll & Accounts Payable Check Manifests for checks dated 10-10-06

Linda Small made a motion to accept the payroll check register dated 10/10/06. Donna Keeley seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

Linda Small made a motion to accept the accounts payable register dated 10/10/06. Donna Keeley seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


Public Session – October 03, 2006
Larry Konopka made a motion to accept the minutes of public session for 10/3/06. Linda Small seconded the motion. Discussion was held, and clarification was given to Chris Topham for her to make changes. Motion carried 3-0.

Nonpublic Session – October 03, 2006
The minutes of the nonpublic session for 10/3/06 have not been typed yet. Will table until next week.

Public Input

Ron Vien reported that the invoice from Barton’s Lumber last week was in fact from his department.

Donna Keeley reported that Chief Wharem had taken the invoice to Granite Image for business cards for the planning/zoning secretary. The Board feels that perhaps they could streamline the process for purchasing.

Discussion was held regarding questioned asked of Paul Skowron. Chief Wharem had asked if the $20,000 originally budgeted for roof repairs could be used for general repairs. Building Inspector indicated that the roof would probably cost 80,000 because it’s a slate roof. It was the Board’s understanding that the $20,000 is to be used for the roof, and that the Chief should bring his request to the board if he wishes to spend the money allocated for the roof on other general repairs.

Chief Wharem also inquired of Paul Skowron about sending the cruiser for the fire chief to Hillsboro Ford to do the repairs in the rear, paint it and install the light bar for the fire chief, rather than bringing it down to Maaco. The Board determined that repairs for the cruiser was not authorized. $3000 was budgeted this year for the fire chief’s vehicle, which is probably what Chief Wharem was refering to. Art Morse’s recollection is that the money would be put in the budget for a vehicle for the Fire Chief, however it was never really finalized. Chief Wharem should put his request in writing to Paul Skowron and attend a Board meeting.

Non-Public Session (in accordance with NH RSA 91-A:3 II) (a) (b) & (c)

Town Hall workload and staffing needs, personel, reputation

Letter from Resident, employee complaint, personel, repuation

Donna Keeley made a motion to go into nonpublic session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II, (a) (b) and (c). Linda Small seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.


October 3, 2006
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Art Morse.

Chairman Morse introduced Paul Skowron from Municipal Resources, Inc., who is acting as the interim Town Administrator.

A member of the public expressed her concern relative to the balconies at the rental property at which she resides. The property had been inspected recently, however, the balconies were not inspected. The public member feels that the balconies are unsafe. She asked if the Board would be willing to contact the inspectors and let them know what they need to be looking at when they conduct an inspection, including the outside of the buildings. She wondered if the Board could expedite the process.

David Simpson – HSA can act upon the public member’s request and it can be kept it anonymous.

Dan Schroth expressed his concerns regarding a situation involving Deborah Magliozzi, who was scheduled for a 7:30 appointment with the Board to address the matter of a $2,100 fine imposed upon her by the HSA. Mr. Schroth expressed the following views relative to this matter: 1) Mr. Schroth feels that a penalty should reflect the offense, and that $2,100 is an exorbitant about of money for failure to pay a $60 fee; 2). It was never proven that Ms. Magliozzi was ever contacted about the fee; and 3) Mr. Schroth will not live in a town that will not correct this injustice.

Betsy Booth of theWelfare Department distributed copies of the welfare budget, which was written by Jeremy Lamson. Ms. Booth feels that she will be able to work with this budget. She has only worked here for two months and had no input in writing the budget. Although she cannot say at this point in time if anything in the budget needs changing, she will analyze the budget and will alert the selectmen immediately if there are any concerns. In the meantime, the welfare office is a very busy, with a constant stream of new clients. There was some discussion regarding the possibility having someone come into the office temporarily to assist in organizing the office to make it work more efficiently. While reviewing the welfare budget and the quarterly figures for expenditures so far, it appears that the budget is on track. The years listed at the top of the columns need to be corrected. For the most part, the selectmen were comfortable with accepting the budget as written.

Donna Keeley made a motion to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:III, (a). Linda Small seconded the motion.

Building Inspector Michael McLaughlin presented his proposed budget for 2007. The HSA Inspector receives $50.00 per week for administrative duties in the Town Hall in addition to the $15.00 per inspection conducted. The line item for the HSA Inspector totals $7,000.00. The HSA Inspector conducts approximately 350 inspections per year. Approximately 20-30% require reinspection. The Town bills for reinspections unless it is an owner occupied unit. The selectmen questions why the number of inspections varied week to week. Fred Okrent explained that rental properties are inspected every two years, and that he cannot schedule inspections any earlier than one month before a building is due for inspection. Fred also explained to the Board that often times a landlord will let Fred know that the building will fail inspection. If the rental unit is vacant, Fred gives them time to bring the building up to code. Mr. Skowron pointed out that the budget spreadsheet and the handout did not reconcile. Fred had adjusted the handout, Ms. Small will update the spreadsheet. Mr. McLaughlin also pointed out that Jeremy Lamson had increased the vehicle maintenance line from $300 to $1000.

Police Chief Bob Wharem presented the proposed budget for the police department for 2007. The proposed budget reflects the increase in the retirement fund adjusted by the legislature. Chief Wharem prepared the budget, and made the adjustment. Overtime and salaries – $45,598. All salary line items changed. The PD custodian will receive a 5% raise as well as an increase of ½ hour per week. Health care has also increased. The Chief added one more bulletproof vest. Dispatch services have increased by $11,000 because we prepaid ½ this year due to a surplus in the budget. Water charges and trash removal increased because fees increased. Need replacement batteries for the portable radios. The fuel line stayed the same because gas prices are going down. Service maintenance contracts have increased. The PD is looking into installing the alarm system on the 1st and 2nd floors. Currently the alarm system exists only in the basement. The PD needs three additional tazer guns. The PD also needs a new radar system for car 54, as well as investigative supplies and equipment needed for Sergeant Walter. The County Prosecutor line was increased this year because that was another fee that was prepaid last year. There is also an increase in the DARE line item due to shirts and equipment for classes and graduations. The training line has been increased for specialty schools such as accident reconstruction, fingerprinting and recognition programs, and accreditation courses. The Selectmen asked for the Chief to submit a report that will explain the benefits of these classes. FY 2006 – $648,643. FY 2007 – $684,055.

The Chief reported that two officers may be leaving the Police Department .

Regarding postage, mailings go through the town office. Cara breaks out the numbers for the postage.

The equipment line is to complete a grant project, but it is not an obligation. It would allow for the car equipment such as radar and laptops to be the same for all cars.

The Chief does not anticipate spending all of the money in the vehicle maintenance line item because we have new cruisers.

The Highway Safety Grant is a revenue offset. The PD hasn’t received reimbursement for this year’s grant as of yet. The grant does not reimburse for vehicle use.

Walking patrol is out once per week. Five arrests were made within the last couple weeks. Officers are out between 10 and 20 hours per week, and they also use the bikes.

Revenue for detail is $50,000. Revenues come back into a separate account. A warrant article would have to go before the town for approval. $150,000 cap and then it goes into the general fund. Would take revenues off the tax portion. Would like to find an account that would be self-sustaining. Parking tickets revenues equal approximately $3,500.

The Chief would like to have some help with filing, answering the door, preparing court papers by photocopying. The Chief will contact AARP for some volunteer help, however, there may be an issue with confidentiality.

Chairman Morse will place ads for the Planning/Zoning Secretary position with an ending date of October 27, 2006. A bin will be placed on the door of the Town Administrator’s office for people to place planning and zoning applications.

Selectman Ed Vien reported that Jeremy had locked in the oil price. Mike McLaughlin will call the oil company to confirm the arrangements.

Selectwoman Linda Small made a motion to sign the contract with MRI for the services being provided by Paul Skowron. Selectwoman Donna Keeley seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

The Board needs to sign the letter for the BCEP Budget Committee appointment which was made last week.

Curtis Wilson spoke on behalf on Deborah Magliozzi regarding a $2,100 fine imposed against her. Mr. Wilson maintains Ms. Magliozzi’s property. The fine was issued by former town administrator Jeremy Lamson. Mr. Wilson stated that he is an honest person and that he doesn’t appreciate being lied about. He claims he has not seen any of the letters sent from the Town Office relative to this matter. However, he believes that the letters were addressed to him, and not Ms. Magliozzi. Mr. Wilson demanded receipts of delivery of the letters. The Board responded that the letters were addressed to Deborah Magliozzi and sent via certified mail; however the addressee did not accept them. Mr. Wilson expressed his discontentment that a $60 bill would have grown to a $2,100 fine. The Board responded that Ms. Magliozzi had been told to appeal to the HSA, but she did not appeal. Fred (last name ?) also stated that he had spoken to Ms. Magliozza about the appeal deadline. Mr. Wilson stated that he submitted a letter requesting an appeal on the date that Jeremy told Ms. Magliozza that she needed to submit such letter, not weeks later as Ms. Lamson’s letter indicates. Chairman Morse suggested that Ms. Magliozzai return to Housing Standards and explain any discrepancies. Hopefully they can deal with the issue. At this point in time, Ms. Magliozzi is not able to appeal through the Board of Selectmen because she missed the deadline for appeal.

The deadline for Planning Board member applications is October 6, 2006. The Selectmen will wait to receive all of the applications, then set up interview dates.

Regarding the letter for the Route 28 Traffic Light, Selectwoman Keeley is only person left to sign. Then it can be mailed out.

The Selectmen will call Chief Wharem back in for the Board meeting of October 17th to receive a report on the Animal Control budget.

FEMA Grant – FEMA has agreed to 31,791 for Shaw Bridge because George Batchelder appealed the 17,000+. They actually need over 65,000 to apply for the bridge grant.

Selectwoman Linda Small submitted her resignation as the alternate selectmen’s representative for the Planning Board. Selectman Larry Konopka motioned to accept the resignation. The motion was seconded by Selectman Keeley. Motion carried 3-0, with Linda Small abstaining.

Selectwoman Linda Small made a motion to appoint Selectman Larry Konopka as the planning board selectmen’s alternate. Selectwoman Donna Keeley seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0, with Larry Konopka abstaining.

Selectman Konopka suggested that the Fire Department submit a weekly report from the regarding the calls and persons responding. The Board agreed on a monthly report. Selectwoman Keeley will write the letter.

Selectman Konopka reported that the Department Heads want to report to since Mr. Lamson is no longer the Town Administrator. Selectman Konopka suggested that they report to Chairman Morse. He also suggested that they put a box in the office for department heads to drop things off. The bin will be in the back office for the purpose of confidentiality.Paul Skowron will try to give the board a schedule which should be about 3 days per week, plus any meetings the board wants him to attend. He will make his schedule known to department heads. Paul will also set up a meeting with the department heads, and he will try to meet with them on a weekly basis.

The Board added the following items to the agenda for non-public session:

· Waste Water Treatment Plant employee issue

· Police Department employee issue reported by a department head

· Fire and Ambulance

The Space Needs Committee has been appointed. Will invite the CIP.

Master plan – Donna Keeley will deliver a copy of the actual document to Granite Image.

Board acknowledged letter from Forrest Sells. The letter will be forwarded to George Batchelder, and he will check Hilltop Drive. A memo will be sent to the Building Inspector to have him check with Berger Enginering and get a price for them to review the road construction.

Selectman Larry Konopka made a motion to approve the payroll. Selectwoman Linda Small seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Selectman Larry Konopka made a motion to approve the check manifest. Selectwoman Linda Small seconded the motion. Discussion was held relative to an invoice from Barton’s Lumber and an invoice for business cards. Will hold checks 5309 to Brett Purvis and 5293 to Barton Lumber. Motion carried 3-0, with Selectwoman Keeley out of the room.

Selectman Larry Konopka made a motion to accept the public minutes of 9/26/06. Selectwoman Linda Small seconded the motion. Discussion held relative to removing the statement that Selectwoman Small was appointed to the Space Needs Committee, and Selectman Ed Vien clarified that Fred Hast would liked to have seen public input for the traffic light. In addition, Selectwoman Small stated that the minutes should have indicated that a letter would be sent to AHG. Motion made by Selectman Konopka to accept the minutes as corrected. Selectwoman Small seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0, with Selectwoman Keeley abstaining.

Selectwoman Linda Small made a motion to accept check # 5293 for Barton’s Lumber. Selectwoman Donna Keeley seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Selectman Larry Konopka made a motion to accept the non-public minutes of 9/2606. Selectwoman Linda Small seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0, with Selectwoman Donna Keeley abstaining.

Laurel Collier questioned how the approval process for Hilltop Drive will work. Mr. Skowron explained that often times the town votes to approve a road. However, he explained that there is also a methodology through state statute for the Board of Selectmen to accept the road.

Morris Wells stated that the HSA did not inspect upstairs at 16 Manchester Street. Fred Okrent said he was not made aware that there were two bedrooms upstairs, and he will go back to reinspect.

Fred Hast reported that the traffic light mechanisms were not installed in 1970 because the road wasn’t built until 1980. He questioned why there would be not traffic light at Loudon or Leavitt Roads.

Selectwoman Donna Keeley made a motion at 8:35 p.m. to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:III, (a) (b) and (c). Selectman Ed Vien seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.