October 4, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting
OCTOBER 4, 2007
ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Vice -Chairman.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present: Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice-Chairman, Paul Metcalf, Jr.
(PM), Fred Hast (FH), Rich Hunsberger (RH), Arthur Morse (AM),
Selectman Ex Officio Alternate, Chris Conlon (CC), Alternate, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Members Absent: Eric Bahr (EB), Chairman, Daniel Greene (DG), and
Peter Newell (PN), Alternate.
ITEM 3. A Public Hearing for an application for a Site Plan Review for the
purpose of improvements to an existing Tee-Ball field to a Babe Ruth field
as well as paved parking, driveway accesses and other future improvem ents.
The application is filed by Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association, P.O.
Box 112, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R-14, Lots 59 and 60A) by and
through its representative, Larry Berkson. This property is owned by
Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association and is located in the SUBURBAN
(BM) Eric Bahr, Chairman has recused himself. Tonight, we do not have a
full Board, but we do have a quorum. Would you like to proceed tonight
with what essentially is a “short Board?” Mr. Berkson questioned, “If t he
short Board votes “No,” can we come back before a full Board? (BM)
related that this would be possible within the 30-day appeal process. He
related that currently Planning Board only has two alternates and we are
attempting to have additional members appointed to the Board so it is
difficult to often have a full Board. Mr. Berkson elected to go forward
tonight as scheduled.
Arthur Morse recused himself and was seated in the audience.
(BM) related that the first element of the process would be for the Board to
review the application and accept it as complete. This is a formality, but is
part of the beginning process.
(RH) Motion to accept the application as complete. (PM) Second.
Carried 5-0.
No discussion ensued in relation to acceptance of the application.
(BM) explained the process of how the meeting would proceed including the
Public Input portions of the meeting prior to the Board voting. He related
that Larry Berkson would be making the presentation tonight assisted by
Cathy Corliss, Engineer.
Mr. Berkson related that he had presented a conceptual to the Board
previously. All Board members present tonight were also present for this
conceptual, except for Chris Conlon, Alternate. In lieu of (CC) not being
present and hearing the conceptual, Mr. Berkson proceeded with his
Mr. Berkson related the present configuration of the fields and noted that the
fields are also utilized by the girls’ high school softball team as well as
approximately 15 softball/baseball teams and soccer teams. He related that
about five years ago, they purchased the land but because of the size of the
fields, approximately one-half of the games are played away. The original
plan was to improve the Tee-Ball field and construct a Babe Ruth field to
accommodate 15-16 year olds.
Contractors and engineers became involved and related that this project
should not be done the way they had originally planned. Since the present
fields are in such bad shape, being 25 years old, they changed the
complexion of how this should really be accomplished. A new plan was
devised to include a new Babe Ruth field and total re-construction of the
existing fields. He related that the other problem was parking. A lot of the
games cause a parking “mess.” The new design in cludes parking up away
from the fields and also designates “Handicapped Parking Areas” and will
result in approximately 100 parking places. (BM) questioned whether this
would include paved parking areas? Mr. Berkson related that is something
that they would like to do to keep the dust down and allow for designed and
delineated parking spaces. There would be no parking on Tilton Hill Road. I
have discussed with Police Chief Wharem the possibility of putting up NO
PARKING signs on Tilton Hill Road in the area of the fields.
Mr. Berkson related that this is going to be a massive project as opposed to a
simple fix of the Pittsfield Youth Baseball fields. He related this project is
supported by the Board of Selectman, School Board, Abutters, Fire and
Police Departments, Road Agent, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Economic
Development Committee, Conservation Committee to name a few, as well
as various other committees and Town residents.
“To offer a quick overview,” Mr. Berkson related the advantages of offering
this type of facility to 15-16 year olds, which can only be constructive. He
noted that this will be good for the Town and the infrastructure of Pittsfield
and will include a beautification committee, which is now know as the
WOW Committee, offering trees, flowers and flag poles at the entrance to
draw participants into the field. He noted that all electric facilities and
irrigation would be underground and that they would like to see the fields
lighted eventually.
Ms. Corliss, Engineer, noted that they did apply to the Zoning Board of
Adjustment for an area Variance which was approved.
Dan Schroth noted that he thought this was a wonderful project, and is in a
good spot. He noted that if the “Stoneman” can help, to let him know.
Larry Williams, Jr. related that he was the former President and has been a
member for the past 25 years. He noted we are looking forward to including
15-16 year olds. Often kids get lost at the 13 year old level, and we strongly
need to keep these kids involved. This is a great organization and I support
it totally.
Dan Ward noted that he is one of the coaches and has coached for the last
five years. He stated that working with these kids is a wonderful experience
and he would also like to offer assistance for teenagers. He related that it
would be wonderful for Pittsfield to be the host to other towns for these
tournaments in light of the recent unfavorable publicity. This is a quality
Daniel Mullin offered the scenario to the Board as to when t he use of the
fields begin in the spring and fall and how many kids are involved. To
answer, he noted that teams start in the spring and include the school teams
and accommodate about 185-250 kids throughout the course of the year.
Soccer teams also use the fields through October.
Steve Davis, President Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association, noted that the
girls would be involved as well, which would increase the number of teams.
He noted that Pittsfield High School has girls’ teams and it is often difficult
for them to find a place to play.
Close Public Input
(RH) Motion to approve Site Plan application. (FH) Second. (After
discussion – Carried 5-0.)
(FH) noted that it never seems to fail, you may have 100 parking places, but
you will be limiting yourself if you have No Parking on Tilton Hill Road.
During tournaments, there will be a lot of out-of-towners. Is there any
chance of bending the NO PARKING in case of emergency? Mr. Berkson
noted that there is an overwhelming consensus that there will more than
ample parking available. During tournaments, two teams will be playing at
one time and though there will be some overlap, probably we will have more
than enough parking areas. There will also be delineated bus parking areas,
and many of these teams will be coming by bus. (FH) related that he would
not like to see them tied into something they cannot break with no parking
on Tilton Hill Road. Mr. Berkson related that during tournaments, Chief
Wharem has related that, at his discretion, he would assign an officer to be
up there. (RH) related that another possibility would be for attendees to park
at the high school and be shuttled up to the field, which would eliminate
some parking issues. (BM) noted that probably there would be overflow
parking maybe two or three times a year only.
Larry Williams, Jr. related that an abutter across the street has related that he
would offer additional parking spaces around his garage. He noted that there
is a road down the side of the field, the lower corner of which can
accommodate about a dozen cars. (FH) related that he would just not like to
see them get in a position where they were locked in with a No Parking
condition on Tilton Hill Road, just in case.
(RH) noted that there are proposed improvements in about two years for
Tilton Hill Road. (BM) noted that the No Parking issue would be the
decision of the Board of Selectman anyway. Mr. Berkson reiterated that
there is quite a big area across the street and at least 15 -20 additional parking
spaces along the side, which could be utilized if necessary. (RH) questioned
the Variance given by the Zoning Board which was explained to the Board
members by Mr. Berkson.
(BM) questioned the access easement on the West side of the property. Mr.
Berkson related it is to be kept open for use by Jeff Freeze anytime he wants
to use it. He has total access. (BM) noted “Jeff Freese property surrounds
(BM) questioned the lighting, and I believe this is in the RURAL Zone.
What is the light impact going to be? Board members noted that this is in
the SUBURBAN Zone. Mr. Berkson noted that the first drawings for
lighting were presented today, and he did not understand it. He related that
there would probably be low-pressure sodium lighting for night games to
assist people walking out of the area. (BM) questioned when they would be
lit through the course of the year? Mr. Berkson related that they would be
shut off completely after October and probably put on timers. (BM)
questioned if this would be a problem for people living near-by? Mr.
Berkson assured him that the lights would shine away from the neighbors’
(BM) noted that there were no major lighting indicators on plans and in
application. Any changes for lighting you would have to come back. If
there is no lighting indicated now, you cannot put lighting in later if not
approved tonight. This is not a blanket approval, and since no plans are
offered tonight, no approval should be granted for lighting. Mr. Berkson
indicated that the places where lighting would be is noted on the plans,
though he is unsure when the lights will be installed as this would be
dependent upon whether sufficient funds would be available to allow this to
be done during initial construction. The lighting will be done by
professionals. (BM) wanted to know what impact they would have on the
people around that area. Mr. Berkson noted that the lights would be faced
way from the surrounding houses. He indicated that all the abutters had seen
the plans and signed off on this. (BM) noted that the Board had the
obligation to be aware of the lighting impact on the surrounding properties.
“How many light stanchions will there be and what would be their wattage
Mr. Williams noted that it would be a rare occasion to have the lights on
every night, as it would be an astronomical drain on our budget. They
would be lit probably during tournaments on Friday or Saturday nights but
not daily. Mr. Berkson noted that these are younger participants and could
not be kept out late at night. Mr. Davis noted that the games are usually
over no later than 10 P.M. Mr. Williams indicated that the lights would be
on only when needed and by 10 P.M. lights would be off no matter where
the teams were at due to the ages of those involved and parent input.
(RH) noted that lights are indicated on the plans and once the underground
electricical lines go in, then the lights will be more or less locked into those
areas. (BM) noted the type of lighting had not yet been determined and that
lights on field are more intense and it is an undetermined variable. Mr.
Berkson noted that the people directly concerned about it are not present
tonight and do not have an issue with the lighting. (CC) noted it is
specialized lighting. Since the lighting is to be done by professionals, they
will take into account energy conservation, timers, solar issues, and using
low energy lighting. This is a baseball field and there are only so many
places that a light can go. It looks like there are sev en field lights indicated
on the plans and that seems like a reasonable number.
(BM) questioned wattage, placement of poles and explained that right now
lighting is a big blank and we need to know what we are approving. We
cannot approve a “loose end” and something that is not on the plans. (RH)
noted he was willing to amend his Motion to include poles and wattage in
excess of what is needed.
(BM) questioned landscaping and whether they would be planting “things?”
Will it be confined to planting and not involve moving earth? Mr. Berkson
related they the sign might be moved to the central part of the front area with
three flagpoles. Sod would be placed on the fields and the rest of the areas
would be hydro seeded.
(PM) questioned whether there would be stone stabilizers in the back area.
Ms. Corliss noted that the have applied for all DES permits and they want
vegetation. It was explained that there is a well in the concession area now
and a well will be put in for irrigation purposes.
Mr. Pritchard questioned the height of the poles and the wattage involved.
He noted that the height limits in the Zoning Ordinance is 35 feet. (RH)
noted that this is for buildings and not lighting on a pole. (BM) noted that
(RH) was willing to amend his Motion to accommodate pole height and light
Jim Buatti noted that he supported this project 100% and had already
contributed to it. “The field is not lighted now, but do the abutters know it is
going to be lighted? This is a significant change and they should be made
aware of this.” (BM) noted, “I believe if you decide to light the field, it will
change things radically and the abutters should be able to comment on this.
You could be asked to come back with a Site Plan for lighting.”
Dan Schroth noted that he would like to see this project approved. This
Board is not qualified to argue on the lighting. Leave that out.
Close Public Input
Vote: Carried 5-0.
(BM) noted that the Site Plan has been approved. “When do you plan on
moving dirt?” Mr. Berkson noted that this was dependent upon
contributions. The current plan is for the teams to play next summer, start
project in September 2008 and completion will be Spring 2010. Teams
would have to find a place to play in the interim.
Recess at 8:05 P.M. (FH) left meeting at this point. Resume at 8:14 P.M.
(AM) resumed seat on Board.
ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of September 20, 2007.
(BM) Since there would not be a quorum of Board members who were in
attendance for meeting of September 20th, approval of the Minutes will be
postponed to the next meeting.
ITEM 5. Work Session
(BM) Since our Chairman is not available to conduct the Work Session, and
I do not feel qualified to proceed with this, the Work Session will not take
place tonight.
ITEM 6. Members Concerns
ITEM 7. Adjournment
(RH) Motion to Adjourn. (PM) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 P.M.
____________________________ ____________________
Bill Miskoe, Vice-Chairman Date