October 4, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
October 4, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairperson
Mary Paradise
Chris Ward
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Peter Roche, Business Administrator
Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Tobi Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Chairperson Brown called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
Dr. Freeman added a support staff nomination and information regarding the
Follow the Child team. Dr. Compton added informational items including NHSBA
and dental insurance. Ms. Erlandson added informational items regarding
community service event. Ms. DeLois added information regarding a grant.
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to approve minutes of the September 20, 2007
Pittsfield School Board 1 October 4, 2007
A. Library Assistant
Dr. Freeman recommended the Board consider hiring Ms. Nella Hobson for the
position of part-time library assistant. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and
seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Hobson.
B. Follow the Child Team
Dr. Freeman reminded the Board that people attended a Follow the Child
conference this summer. The Team has met and increased its membership
with additional participants, which will bring the team to approximately sixteen
people from both schools. The goals will include analyzing reading and math
achievement across the grade levels.
C. Honor Roll
Mr. Ward expressed concern about the elimination of the honor roll. He
suggested that students see the honor roll as a goal for students to work
toward. Dr. Freeman explained that the honor roll is not as meaningful at the
elementary level and can sometimes have a negative effect on children. Ms.
Paradise expressed her concern that members of the community may be
disappointed in the elimination of the honor roll. Mr. Brown also expressed his
concern that it may eliminate a goal, which many students work to attain. He
suggested considering an alternative to the honor roll, such as a Recognition
Breakfast. Dr. Freeman stated that he would share the sentiment of the Board
with the staff at PES.
A. Resignations
Ms. Stevens asked the Board to consider accepting the resignations of Ann
Banks and Terry Azotea. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by
Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignations of Ms.
Banks and Ms. Azotea as recommended.
B. Hiring
Ms. Stevens recommended the Board consider hiring Cara Baker as an
educational assistant in the high school and Jodi Porter as an educational
assistant in the middle school. On a motion made by Mr. Ward and secon ded
by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Baker. On a motion
made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted
unanimously to hire Ms. Porter
Pittsfield School Board 2 October 4, 2007
C. NECAP Testing
Ms. Erlandson distributed a schedule for the administration of NECAP tests.
D. Guidance Update
Ms. Erlandson distributed a Guidance Update completed by Ms. Bergevin.
E. Community Service Project
The 10th grade advisories planned three community service projects recently.
The projects included helping with painting in the community, visiting the Epsom
Manor Nursing Home, and assisting the physical education classes at PES.
Ms. Erlandson read a letter submitted by Ms. Laura Smith, the physical
education teacher, thanking the students for their remarkable work. The
painting project was postponed temporarily due to inclement weather .
Continuation of these, and additional community projects, has been planned.
F. Brown Center
Mr. Colby expressed accolades to the staff for providing an opportunity for
students to participate in activities at the Brown Center recently. The program
has been, and continues to be, very successful.
A. Status of Hiring
Ms. Chassie explained that there are three vacant educational assistants, one
in the middle school and two in the high school. Work is being done to increase
the commitment level of paraprofessional staff when accepting a position,
helping applicants to remember that leaving mid-year is very disruptive to the
B. Medicaid Reimbursement
Ms. Chassie explained that federal legislation is pending regarding the extent of
the Medicaid to School reimbursement available to school districts. The
aspects of the program in question are the reimbursement for one -on-one
educational assistants (for communication, personal care, behavior) and for
transportation. She distributed information that provided the extent of the
financial impact on Pittsfield if the legislation passes. Ms. Chassie encouraged
Board members to submit letters of opposition to their elected officials.
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C. Out of District Placements
Ms. Chassie provided a table of information regarding out -of-district placements
and their costs.
D. Distribution of Duties
Ms. Chassie distributed a list of responsibilities that have redistributed due to
the administrative changes that have occurred in the district. Ms. Erlandson,
Mr. DeLois, Ms. Bergevin, Ms. Stevens and Ms. Chassie will revisit the list
during the summer of 2008 to ensure that an accurate and efficient assignment
of responsibilities has been made.
E. Drop Out Prevention Grant
Ms. Stevens explained that she and Ms. Bergevin have written a grant proposa l
for dropout prevention and recovery. The grant proposes hiring a full -time
alternative educational assistant to help students choose and pay for an
appropriate credit recovery option, monitor student progress, and provide
tutoring and additional support as needed. Also, it proposes a high school
summer school program and funds to support career exploration activities for
students at risk of dropping out. Dr. Compton acknowledged the effort of Ms.
Stevens and Ms. Bergevin to complete the grant in time to meet the deadline.
A. Transfer Approval
Mr. Roche explained the rationale for the function transfer requests that were
distributed. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the
Board voted unanimously to approve the transfer request as recommended.
B. SAU Planning
Dr. Compton stated that there are nine applicants for the Superintendent
position. The Board will meet on October 18, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. to review the
Mr. Brown stated that several members of the Board and administration visited
potential sites for relocating the SAU office. Although there will be one year
remaining on the lease for the current space, there seems to be a legitimate
way out of the lease. There may be reasons relative to the agreeme nt with
Barnstead that would warrant remaining in the current location temporarily.
Pittsfield School Board 4 October 4, 2007
C. Capital Projects
Mr. Roche explained that based on the Board’s recommendation, he went back
out to bid on the PES window replacements and received a more reasonable
bid. The PES phone system has been successfully installed and came in
approximately $10,000 lower than expected. Other projects include stairs and
propane at the Technical Education Annex, PMHS security cameras, and gym
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board
voted unanimously to approve the Technical Education Annex stairs bid as
proposed with Mr. Brown, Ms. Vogt, Ms. Paradise, and Mr. Colby voting in the
affirmative and Mr. Ward abstaining from the vote.
Discussion ensued regarding the slow progress that is being mad e on the
replacement of windows at PES. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and
seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to approve the bid of
$15,000 for the replacement of two windows.
D. Dental Program
Dr. Compton explained that there is potentially a program available for second
and third grade children. It provides the opportunity for students in those
grades to receive protective sealants to their teeth. Dr. Compton asked the
Board for their opinion on the district allowing a program such as this free dental
program to take place. The Board suggested that Dr. Compton investigate
other similar towns to see if a comparable program has been successful. The
Board requested that Dr. Compton continue to pursue the program.
E. NHSBA Delegate Assembly
Dr. Compton distributed a letter from the NH School Boards Association
explaining the resolutions that have been submitted to the Association for
delegates’ consideration. Mr. Brown invited any member to attend the meeting
on November 17, 2007, representing the Pittsfield School Board.
A. Drake Field & Facilities
Mr. Colby stated that the old swings at Drake Field have been removed and the
new ones installed. The Board thanked Mr. Roche and Mr. Dawson for their
work to accomplish this task.
There is painting to be done, which will be done as part of a community service
project by the 10th graders.
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Mr. Ward will ask about having the tennis court nets returned.
B. Budget
Ms. Vogt suggested that the Administration provide the members of the Budget
Committee with some demographic information, as well as documents such as
the Course Offering Book and Student Handbook, which may help in
developing their understanding of the budget proposals.
C. Drug Awareness
Mr. Colby explained the efforts of the Drug Awareness Committee, including
suggestions being made to increase education available to residents.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 5:30 at the
Pittsfield Middle High School.
XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary
Pittsfield School Board 6 October 4, 2007