October 4, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:30 P.M.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Ted Mitchell: Last week I mentioned moving the map cabinet from the basement to the Building Inspector’s office. Paul let me in to measure the area and it will fit fine, just by shifting some things. I would like the Board’s approval to do it so we can move things around on Friday morning. (EV) Cara has noted that it normally would be upstairs anyway. The concerns are the dampness. Ted Mitchell: It would be workable and not cluttered in the BI’s office and I would like to do it before the new Building Inspector arrives. (FH) I think the drafting table can came right out of that office. (DM) Thank you, Ted, for your efforts.

Close Public Input (5:37 P.M.)


(PS) Columbus Day Holiday, Proposed Warrant Articles Re: Personnel, Tax Deeded Property (Non-Public.)


1. Review of Police Budget and WWTP Budget

(EV) Tonight, review of Police Budget. Chief Wharem deferred to WWTP noting there were other matters on the Agenda involving Police Department.

Waste Water Treatment Plant Budget

Ron Vien noted that before he begins that there will be some added items. The generator at the plant has blown a head gasket and we are having it looked at for repair but will not know until the end of the week. Also, the Joy Street pump requires the purchase of a new pump. These will be included in the 2012 budget.

Ron Vien reviewed the WWTP budget. It was noted by the Board that he is reading from his revised budget and figures are different than those noted on Board copies dated September 27th. He will forward the WWTP budget to Cara via
E-Mail for updating. He noted that these figures may change but reviewed the following with the Board:

Line 10: This was not spent in 2011. A lot of the DOT training is free which we
participate in. (DM) Are there any updating of requirements for
personnel training? It is noted that this occurs every two years.

Line 14: This is for rental of uniforms – five per week. The contract is up in two
years and then might look into Lakes Region, which is cheaper.

Line 17: This was budgeted too low last year and is increased for next year.

Line 18: This is increased.

Line 21: Though a minimal amount has been currently spent, they are due to come
in and service the generators soon.

Line 24: These costs are up due to added Pennichuck charges.

Line 26: This is currently over budget but we had a to replace a temperature
control which was a one-time charge of about $146.

Line 30: Depending on what happens with the generator, we might have to rent a

Line 38: There is an increase in the cost of chemicals due to the recent upgrade
increasing the line item.

(DM) When will you know the exact costs for the generator? Ron Vien: I will be ordering it around the first of the year. He was requested to find out approximately the costs which he noted he would do.

Ron Vien left meeting at 6:15 P.M.


1. 6:16 P.M.: Thomas Hogan – BTLA Appeal

Mr. Thomas Hogan, 125 Jenness Pond Road was present and presented several handouts to the Board concerning his property assessments. He related that he was present tonight to discuss the assessment on his property. He noted that he was shocked that the assessment on the house lot was increased by 82% and the assessment on the waterfront lot was increased to $17,500. (He noted that he is not now disputing the assessment on the waterfront property.) He explained the sequence of events of filing the abatement, denial of the application along with the assessor’s rationale, and his filing an appeal with the Board of Tax and Land Appeals.

Mr. Hogan noted that he had hired Walsh Appraisal & Associates, Inc. to appraise his property. (See attached.) Mr. Walsh’s assessment of the property in April was $158,000. In lieu of a hearing at the BTLA, Mr. Hogan is requesting that the assessment on his property be brought in line with what is a “fair market value of $158,000.

(EV) The Board will review this. There is a lot to look at and in order to do it justice, we will address at the meeting of October 18th.

Mr. Hogan left meeting at 6:30 P.M. thanking the Board for their consideration.


Police Department Budget:

Chief Wharem was present and explained the rationale pertaining to the proposed budget:

Line 142: Cell phones and pagers are no longer in use; we have another system
we use.

Line 144: This is a prorated payment and will be dispersed before the end of the
year. Chief: I am not sure what it encompasses. (PS) This is the
equipment maintenance agreement and I will provide you with a
copy of it.

Line 146: The same as last year, this will be set in February.

Line 147: This is a line that has been added to the budget.

Line 154: Our equipment is getting old and it would be a good idea to start a
Capital Reserve for future equipment replacement.

Line 161: I have increased this as we now have three cruisers with mileage over
150,000 miles.

Line 162: We have an end of the year purchase which will use up this line.

Line 171: The part-time officer line has been increased to $25,500. This would
help in covering the 720 vacation hours and holiday hours of the full-
time patrolman. We are very tight on overtime with the funds we have.

Line 183: There is an estimated increase of about 3-4% coming.

Line 186: There will be some training coming.

Chief Wharem explained Details and the funding that it generates. “Details have no impact to the Town.” The Police budget is increased but this is what it is going to take to run the department. There really are no outrageous costs noted.

He explained some ways which could ultimately save the Town money but noted that all these things come with other services being changed/cut.

Emergency Management:

Line 299: Code Red Notification System is a new line that has been added. It is
not mandatory but an effective simple-to-technical notification system to citizens concerning anything that might be pertinent to the Town –
floods, fire, road closings, hurricane (tornado) warnings, possibly
school closings and anything else that might be necessary.
Animal Control Officer

Chief Wharem related that this budget is level funded. Currently there are only two unregistered dogs.

Chief Wharem: Does the Safety Committee have a budget? (PS) Yes, about $250.

Board noted they would review these budgets and ultimately scheduled a Board meeting on Tuesday, October 11th at 6:00 P.M.


3. Approval of Highway Safety Grant Application

(PS) This is a Grant application provided by Chief Wharem – Operation Safe Commute which requires Board approval and authorization for Chair to sign. Chief Wharem: It is to make people more aware of what is going on (less distracted driving) which results in less accidents.

(DM) Motion to approve Grant for Operation Safe Commute and authorize Chair to sign. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Chief Wharem was able to take this signed paperwork with him and left meeting at 7:30 P.M.

4. Notification from Conservation Commission Re: Membership

(PS) I have an E-Mail from Mark Wallace regarding the resignation of Nancy Bates, Jon Greenwood and Nancy Christie from the Conservation Commission. A member and two alternates are now required. Would you like me to advertise? Board agreed.


1. Columbus Day Holiday

(PS) The staff at the Town Hall would like to use October 10th (observance of Columbus Day) as a floating holiday resulting in the Town Hall being closed on that day.

(DM) Those that would like to work, can do so.

(PR) Motion to approve Town Hall staff utilizing October 10th as floating holiday resulting in Town Hall being closed. Individuals who desire to appear for work on that day may do so. (GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (DM) and (FH) Abstain.

2. Proposed Warrant Articles Re: Personnel

(PS) This is a topic that the Budget Committee has burrowed down with regard to personnel. If there is a movement to modify the budget it is with respect to modifying personnel. It is within the parameters of the Board of Selectmen to present Warrant Articles that would continue three positions (one from Police Department, one from Ambulance (EMT), and one from Highway Department) through the end of the year (36 weeks.) I have authored these Warrant Articles and you have them before you for review and to possibly address at the next meeting. It gives the Board an alternative and can recommend/not recommend approval. There really is nowhere else to make adjustments. Everyone has been skirting the issue for the past three years and in this way you can leave it up to the taxpayers to continue or not continue these services and the consequences thereof. Let the voters decide.

The concept by which I have written these is the “last in – first out.” I have observed that neither Union contract addresses a provision to describe which employee is to be laid off.

(EV) The budget of 2010 was inadequate to provide services. The reduction this year is thought to be by the removal of personnel. The voters do not really know what the loss of services really mean. When services are needed, they would like them to be in place. This is something that we need to think about.

(GL) I think I can foresee since I have lived here all my life, that George’s department will be okay as will be the EMT, but we will probably lose the police officer. (PS) This would be up to those at the Town Meeting. (EV) I would rather have voters tell us rather than do the cuts myself. (PS) The Budget Committee has been discussing staffing in the Ambulance Department more than any other.

(EV) We are here to serve the public. (PR) There are two people in Registrations, maybe we should cut back on registration and have a “one-person show.” Liz did this for many years by herself. Maybe we should add this as a Warrant Article also. (FH) Now there are more registrations, sewer bills are sent out four times a year and tax bills are now sent out twice. (DM) Also, with Liz leaving, one may need more help depending upon who fills that position. (PR) What about cutting the second person to part-time?

Board will address this matter at the next meeting.

3. Tax Deeded Property

(PS) I would like to discuss this in Non-Public Session as a real estate issue.






(FH) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

Discussion: (GL) I noted a police officer did three days at Deerfield Fair.
(PS) This is paid to us by Deerfield.

(FH) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of September 17, 2011

(FH) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of September 17, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of September 27, 2011.

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of September 27, 2011. (PR) Second. Carried 3-0. (FH) and (DM) Abstain.


Maurice Wells: I was supposed to have a list of names that had sewer abatements. (PS) will do.

Maurice Wells: I talked to the Chief regarding the light at the intersection of Leavitt Road and Route 28 which was plowed in last winter. Mr. Wells related that a woman with a child and a dog was unable to push the button to cross because of the snow. (EV) to check with Chief.

Close Public Input

Break 8:00 P.M. Resume at 8:05 P.M.


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II, (d), (a), and (c).
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:06 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:25 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 4, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.


1. Chichester Registrations

(PR) Chichester recently had a theft with the office being partially burned. We have two registration people and one is doing Chichester. When Chichester went down, shouldn’t they have come before this Board? One person is being utilized for Chichester. Was anyone made aware of this? (PS) Liz has explained to me about the break-in and the fire and she said Pittsfield is helping Chichester until the systems are back up. (PR) I have had two people call me asking why. (PS) Some other towns are helping as well. I did see the Town Clerk in Chichester and asked her when the system would be back up, and she did not know. There was an emergency and we stepped up. We do need a greater understanding as to when Chichester will be back in business. (PS) will check. (GL) I have no problem helping them.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Approved: October 18, 2011

_____________________________ ________________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 4, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on October 5, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes