October 5, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(FH) Non-Public, Personnel; (PS) Parade Permit Request/Pittsfield Elementary School, Sewer Warrant-Third Quarter, Request for Family Medical Leave, Building Permit Program Purchase, Canine Program (Chief Wharem).


6:10 P.M. Larry Konopka – Deputy Welfare Director

(DM) A motion was made at our last meeting to approve you as Deputy Welfare Director to do some inspections for Town. Is this something you would like to do? Larry Konopka (LK): “Yes.” (DM) No formal discussion has been held but some type of payment would be in order. There is currently a $500 budget for this and perhaps, $20 per each visit. (LK) I would not like to see you go over budget on this. I am here because I care and want to help community. (He suggested $10 per visit.) (DM) noted that $20 per visit would give us 25 inspections. (LK) If I ultimately feel it is too much I will come back to address. I will need the use of a Town car and keys should I need to get into building for files. Most inspections are made after hours. Board agreed.

(DM) On behalf of this Board we would like to thank you. Diane is anxiously awaiting your arrival. (LK) Anything I can do to help.


8. Parade Permit Request – Pittsfield Elementary School

(FH) Motion to approve Parade Permit, Pittsfield Elementary School on
October 29, 2010. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.


6:05 P.M. – Safe Routes to School

Nik Coates, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission was present as well as committee members John Freeman, Philip Gordon, Ted Mitchell and Chief Robert Wharem.

Nik Coates offered a brief presentation regarding the Pittsfield Safe Routes to School Travel Plan. He noted that there has been a lot of input from the community, Town Board members, and School. Report includes information on Tilton Hill Road, Catamount Road and Barnstead Road which are heavily travelled roads by school attendees and:

Parent Surveys
Scientific Data Collection
Identification of Key Issues such as Safety
Practical Solutions
Engineering Report

He explained that Walk to School Fridays has been instituted and approximately 50% of students now participate.

Grant rounds opened today and grants can be up to $250,000 per school. A site visit is planned in the near future with DOT because of State roads involved.

I would suggest that this Travel Plan be adopted as part of your Master Plan.


(FH) Regarding Barnstead Road, how many walk from that area? Chief Wharem explained that it is a busy intersection there and there are quite a few walkers. He noted that during the morning hour a police car is stationed there to control traffic for the walkers.

(PS) After reviewing the maps, it is noted that Barnstead is labeled incorrectly. Chief Wharem noted that DOT has labeled them, though 911 has it correctly documented. Nik Coates: We received this kind of data from DOT.

(PS) Also, on Page 4, I would suggest that Item No. 3 should be Item No. 1 and Item No. 1 should be Item No. 3. Nik Coates: Speed issues are a major issue and should be first because of potential dangers. In the next week or so the grant applications will be accomplished and the committee can consider this. (PS) noted that the committee can decide this. Chief Wharem: A lot of this information will be shuffled around because of funding.

(DM) Regarding the roads in conjunction with the sidewalks, the road would also need to be straightened out. Philip (Sparky) Gordon: The Highway Department will be trying to do the roads as the sidewalks are constructed. Chief Wharem: Many of the kids do not use the sidewalks but rather walk down the middle of the street. (DM) What will be the costs of all this? Nik Coates: We do not have costs yet. We are going to prioritize these factors and then ask engineers for costs involved.

Close Public Input (6:25 P.M.)

(FH) Motion to approve adopting the Pittsfield Safe Routes to School Travel Plan. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

Nik Coates, John Freeman and Philip Gordon left meeting at 6:30 P.M.


6:16 P.M. – Tom Laliberte

Mr. Laliberte thanked Board for allowing him to be present tonight. He explained his “unique situation on home shopping in regard to 11 Locke Road.” (See attached letter.) He explained the process by which he contacted the Tax Collector regarding tax information and obtained copies of Real Estate Tax Bill. Through the process he was informed (he was not exactly sure by whom) that the taxes were in reality $2,000 more than noted on the tax bill which would considerably raise his closing costs and monthly mortgage costs. He ultimately decided against the purchase and is requesting refund of monies expended by him for a home inspection and septic inspection ($750.)

(DM) Who informed you that the taxes would be $8,448 – the Lender or Alpha Title? Mr. Laliberte was unsure as to where this information was derived from. (PS) explained to Mr. Laliberte the process by which the tax bills were sent out, and that the abatement which was given would “go with the property” and not be rescinded if property changed hands. He also explained the early tax bill and the new tax bill that were issued that indicated the new assessments. The Board of Selectman has been trying to understand where the Town is at fault. (PS) explained that between the applicant, lender, and title company there is a “lot of room for error.” No one here would have said the taxes would go back up to $8,440. I suggest you contact the lender and Alpha to try to determine where the tax figure of $8,400 came from. Mr. Laliberte: Where did HUD statement get that amount? The Board agreed that they did not know. Mr. Laliberte related that he did not come tonight to try and deceive this Board and he would contact the lender and title company for further information and advise Board accordingly. (PS) If you need more information, please let us know.

Mr. Laliberte left meeting at 7:00 P.M.


11. Building Permit Program

Dan Kramer, BI, related that he had visited Deerfield for a demonstration of their Building Permit Program. He noted that he was impressed with the program as it had many features, was very flexible and would integrate into our current system benefiting the Town. With this program, we can “make our own forms.” The program is well-designed and I would encourage the Board of Selectman to consider it. The program would contain and track variances, violations, inspections and anything else that is being done with the property, as well as any other information that would go “with the property.”

(FH) I have discussed this with Dan and I think it would be an asset to the Building Inspector Office and the front office.

(PS) I would like to review budget to determine where funds can be acquired before approval of purchase is made. Board agreed they would address this at the next BOS meeting.


6:20 P.M. – Budget Review: Library, WWTP, Police, and Miscellaneous


Roza Benoit, Library Director, presented Financial Activity as of August 31, 2010. She noted that the Trust Funds offerings have been decreased for 2011 by $3,334 and that the Library is dependent on the Town for support. She has not denoted any funds for any unexpected expenses. Board and Ms. Benoit reviewed presented budget and agreed they would address in-depth at a future date.

Waste Water Treatment Plant:

Ron Vien offered a Power Point presentation of his proposed 2011 budget.
He noted that Line 3 indicates an increase because if Town gets their permit this year from the DES, that a third operator will be required. Line 14 indicates an increase due to environmental testing that is now required, telephone and electricity lines have been increased as well as the water charges, Line 19 now contains Dig Safe, NH Fire Protection funds as well as the generator contract services. He was advised that Line 61 is now zero as the land purchase is completed. Ron noted that he would get these revised budget figures to Cara.

Police Department (8:00 P.M.):

Police Chief Wharem presented budget explaining Line 102 – figures for which will not be available probably until early February, Line 108 for 2010 shows a figure of over $5,000, which he thought was part of a Warrant Article, Line 109 – that equipment will need to be recertified, Line 116 is because of an aging fleet which will require additional maintenance, Line 126 is increased due to more programs within the schools and with the Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition Program. He noted that the Rotary is being billed $568 additional for police detail for the Balloon Rally.

He noted that the increased health insurance rates really “hurt” his budget.
He also reviewed Capital Outlay information with Board concerning a new vehicle. None of the fleet vehicles are under the Extended Service Warranty any longer. One of the vehicles does need to be replaced this year and quotes for this were available. He was requested to acquire an additional quote for comparison. He related that this is the last year that the Ford Crown Victoria will be produced and it was his hope that the new purchase could be a Crown Victoria due to transfer of equipment. The current vehicle does not have any trade-in value and could possibly be sent to auction. The only Capital Outlay would be for the vehicle and he would like to make this an Expendable Trust.

Animal Control Officer:

Chief Wharem noted that Anne Taylor has resigned and for now, the officers will handle these calls until an individual can be found for this position.


12. Canine Program

Chief Wharem related that he would like to present to Board the information on the K-9 Program along with the officer involved. He would like to discuss proceeding with the program without it being a tax burden (Towns shared program).

2. Permission to Use Buildings-Police Chief/Fire Chief Request

Chief Wharem indicated that both Chief Johnson and he are members of the Lions Club and in conjunction with Barnstead Public Safety Department and the Pittfield-Barnstead Lions Club would like to have a Food Drive for the Food Pantry in respective towns. He requested that the Police and Fire Department buildings be utilized as the drop off points. This would be between October 6 and November 14th. “The Food Pantries are really in need of supplies at this time of the year.” Board agreed that this would be acceptable.

7. Animal Control Officer Resignation

(EV) Motion to accept the Animal Control Officer, Anne Taylor, resignation with letter of thank you. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(PS) to post ad for Animal Control Officer.

1. 14 Depot Street

(PS) There is a letter which I penned to Brandon Guida, which crossed in the mail with a letter from him concerning 14 Depot Street. The only issue that has not been addressed is the barbed wire on the top of the fence. Does the Board still want this? Board agreed that they did not. (FH) It is an eyesore as it is. (DM) What has been repaired is not a permanent fix to the property. (FH) This property and the fence, etc. should be kept repaired. (PS) to advise property owner.

3. Request to Abbreviate the Town Clerk/Tax Collector Office Hours

(PS) As you will note, there is a memo in your packet of information from Nancy Bates requesting to abbreviate one day of Town Clerk’s office hours. Nancy needs to continue her physical therapy program and Liz will be at a conference that week. She has proposed that the office be closed one-half hour earlier on Thursday, October 14th (3:30 P.M.) and will only attend one therapy session that week.

(DM) I would think that in the future other arrangements could be made since it was apparently known in advance that Liz would not be in the office and Nancy has therapy sessions. There would be no problem this one time.

(DM) Motion to approve office closure at 3:30 P.M. on October 14th with posting made immediately. (EV) Second. Carried 2-0. (FH) Abstain.

It is noted that this information will be on the Website and Channel 24.

4. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation

(DM) There are two bids here for this and “I will open them now.” The two bids included:

Schooner Concrete $10,600
Larry Tassin Construction $14,500

Board agreed they would review bids and made a decision at next BOS meeting.

5. Transfer from Planning Board Escrow Account to General Fund
(Catamount Road)

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $140 from Escrow to General Fund (Catamount Road). (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

6. Transfer from Planning Board Escrow Account to General Fund
(Shaw Road)

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $350 from Escrow to General Fund (Shaw Road). (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

9. Sewer Warrant – Third Quarter

(EV) Motion to approve Sewer Warrant – Third Quarter for $79,565.09,
(DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(PS) related that Cara and he had been discussing the sewer rates and this will be on the next Agenda. This will include recommendations as to how and what needs to be done regarding the rate structure. (EV) related that Ron Vien has a formula which they could use which he gave to us in the past. (PS) to check with Ron for this.

10. Request for Family Medical Leave

(PS) related that this is all in order for Ambulance employee to begin medical leave on November 15th for 12 weeks.

(EV) Motion to approve request for Family/Medical Leave effective
November 15, 2010 for twelve (12) weeks for Kristen Ahearn. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.




1. Capital Improvement Program

(EV) Could we ask Cara to provide committee with updated spreadsheet for Highway Department equipment? This should be forwarded to Cher.

2. Tax Deeded Properties (Appointments for Future Agendas)

It is noted that no property owners have responded but one.

3. Town Hall Fire Alarm Contracts Pending

4. Board of Selectmen Budget Review Schedule

Board agreed that it would not be necessary for other departments to make presentation. Board will review budgets on October 19th.




(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (EV) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (EV) The Zee Medical Supply bill, couldn’t the Fire Department do that? (PS) I believe they updated the medical cabinet (eyewashes, etc.)

(EV) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (DM) Did we get an answer as to the overtime for Ambulance.
(PS) This was due to an incident.


1. Public Session Minutes of September 28, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of September 28, 2010.
(DM) Second. Carried 3-0.




(EV) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-a:3 II (b). (DM) Second. Carried 3-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:40 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:47 P.M.

No Motion was made to seal the Non-Public Session Minutes. Non-Public Session Minutes become part of Public Session Minutes. (See attached.)


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

Approved: October 19, 2010

_____________________________ ______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on October 5, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on October 7, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03261



Non-Public Session called to order at 9:40 P.M. by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM)), Chairman, Ed Vein (EV), Vice-Chairman,
Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator and Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary.




(FH) The Fire Chief has a contract and is supposed to be working forty (40) hours per week, Monday through Friday and I believe he is only working part-time. He noted the Fire Chief denoted the time he appeared to present his Budget as work hours. None of the other salaried Department Heads do this. A lot of people have been telling me that he is not around a lot and they have concerns. (EV) I believe you just have a vendetta against the Fire Chief. (FH) I just want him to do his job. If I had a vendetta I would be asking him to account for all hours worked and it may come to that. Board members did not feel that they would like to discuss this.

(DM) Motion to return to Public Session meeting. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:45 P.M.

Approved: October 19, 2010

____________________________ ____________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date