October 7, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(DM) Employee of the Month Bulletin; (LS) Tax Rate Study; (EV) SVRTA Update, Vacation Next Week; (LK) Planning Board Alternate; (PS) Accounts Payable; Several Informational Items including: Police Arrest Log September 21-27, 2008, Letter to Editor/Hopkinton/Leon Kenison, Letter to Selectmen Candidates, New Voting Location/Town Clerk Concerns, Welfare Department Monthly Report, Board of Land and Tax Appeals Decision – Suncook Leathers, Inc., $20 M Dollar HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program, Employment Dates – Michael McLaughlin, USDA Approval to Retain Pittsfield WWTP Funds, Office of Energy and Planning Press Release, and Police Shift Schedule October, 2008.

6:05 P.M. – Jen Tedcastle, EOM

(DM) Jen Tedcastle is the Employee of the Month for August 2008. (DM) read into the Minutes an article for the Suncook Valley Sun noting the varied qualities of Jen’s attributes. (Picture was taken with Ed Vien for publication in the Sun.) Congratulations, Jen Tedcastle.


1. Selectmen to Act Upon Tax Deeding of Properties

(PS) Before you is a package of information prepared by Tax Collector on each property being brought to the Board and awaiting a decision as to whether you wish to issue a Tax Deed on the properties or not. A Tax Deed would result in taking the property with taxes and interest continuing to accrue. Some of them have dwellings and others trailers. If Town takes property, you essentially become a landlord. Board discussed the responsibilities involved and the methods and timeliness in which these properties can be acquired. It was noted by the Town Administrator that once the property is sold, the Town can only take what is owed and the additional amounts are returned to property owners. (EV) When was the last time that Pittsfield had a “tax sale?” (LK) suggested sending a letter to property owners giving them an opportunity to contact us or come in to make some kind of arrangements regarding the property taxes, etc. (EV) I think we should put a time line on the return response, say sixty days. He noted that about half the properties included trailers. Board agreed that this would be the way to approach the matter. (PS) to write letters to property owners giving them this opportunity.

2. Request of the AFT-NH Union/Management Committee to Extend Report Deadline

(PS) related that there were two letters in the file authored by Chief Johnson
in this regard. Chief Johnson related that more time is need to get a good
comprehensive report. I would recommend getting something in writing
that they are agreeable to this. (EV) related that he wanted Board to know
that he was on this Committee. It was noted that (LS) is the BOS
representative for this.

(DM) Motion to approve deadline extension as proposed to November 15,
2008 with final report by December 31, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Memorandum from Liz Hast Concerning Dedicated Phone Line Installation at the School for the November election.

(PS) There is also an information item submitted by Town Clerk as well as
a letter received today from the Superintendent of Schools outlining their
concerns about permission. (PS) noted that it could be accomplished in the
Town Hall Building. Board discussed parking, handicapped parking and
accessibility, volunteers for moving balloting equipment and
assembling and disassembling ballot booths, etc. It was noted that the ballot
“counter” is very sensitive equipment and needs to be handled with great

(LS) Motion to approve moving voting equipment and ballot counter to the
Pittsfield Elementary School for Election Day, November 4, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Board noted that this should be advertised in Suncook Valley Sun,
Channel 24, Website, Post Office Bulletin Board and Town Hall Bulletin
Board. Arrangements will also be made to have a sign indicating the voting
location change at the Town Hall on the day of elections.

4. Employee Change of Status

Chief Johnson related that Karen Brown has now completed the Paramedic
Program at her own expense and is requesting her pay scale be adjusted

(EV) Motion to approve Karen Brown be placed in Paramedic classification
at $13.40 per hour. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) Amend Motion to note that this Paramedic classification for Karen
Brown is retroactive to September 4, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) To send letter of congratulations for this achievement.

(EV) While Chief Johnson is present, I would like to give the Board an update on the Board meeting of the SVRTA. Chief Johnson was guest speaker and gave us several things to think about. The members of that Board wanted the BOS to know that Chief Johnson did an excellent presentation and wanted to thank him for offering his time to do this.

5. Closing of the Town Hall on the Columbus Day Holiday utilizing the Floating Holiday.

(DM) Motion to approve closing of Town Hall on Columbus Day utilizing the floating holiday. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (LS) I have a problem with shutting down the Town Hall. When we negotiated the contract we tried to give Columbus Day as the floating holiday. Now, they want to close the Town Hall on that day to use the floating holiday. “Correct, Paul?” (PS) noted that you are not incorrect in noting this. It was on the table. (DM) What authority do you have to deny them using this as a floating holiday? (LS) As the Board of Selectman, we have the right to keep the Town Hall open. (EV) noted that Board had discussed this in the past, when a holiday falls on a Monday that the Town Hall could be open late on the following day. (LS) I have a problem shutting down the Town Hall on a Monday, which is the day that it remains open later. (EV) noted that this is a three-day weekend and people will probably not be coming in on that Monday. The contract gives each individual the option to take a floating holiday. It comes back to what we have been doing right along. (LK) “I would say that we keep it open.”

(PS) In reference to Election Day, Nancy will be going with Liz to the polls. (DM) “What is her capacity?” (PS) She is Deputy Clerk. (LS) Nancy is a Town employee and should be here. During the last three elections, she has not been involved. (PS) I posed that question. (DM) We need to find out what her capacity is. Why are that many needed and what are the obligations to keeping the Town Hall open. (LS) Operations do not stop because of elections. Board agreed that this would be tabled until next week


6. Planning Board Alternate

(LK) noted that there is not an alternate to the Planning Board from the BOS. All Board members were unable to offer their services in this capacity due to full schedules.


(PS) Cara and I have reviewed the changes and revisions last week and there are a couple of questions, which have come up. The first one: Is the non-union employee increase retroactive or effective on the 13th week with all the other Union personnel? (EV) I would think it would be March-to-March. One of the accomplishments of Union negotiations was to make any adjustment in pay after Town meeting. (LS) I think we should keep it the same as the rest of employees.

(LS) Motion to approve non-union personnel receive increases on 13th week as opposed to retroactive. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) Regarding the Fire Chief, once we get the information from LGC, we can make the proper adjustment to that category.

(PS) The spreadsheet did not include the 13th week. Board agreed that this adjustment should be made.

2. Memos from Police Chief Robert Wharem Re: Computer Purchase and Shooting Range.

(PS) This is regarding the replacement of two computers. (LS) How can they schedule for it if it is not budgeted? This should be in the budget. We appropriated $18,000 and this would have to be part of the upgrade system. So far we have spent $16,500. Was it part of the overall plan and do we need it? We need to first find out what our plan was. (PS) noted he would check regarding the overall plan.

(PS) Concerning the Memo from Chief on redoing the shooting range, I have discussed with George and we both went out to the PIT and it certainly does need some work. The $5,000 noted is for the rental of equipment. George is not recommending to Board to budget for the $2,500. (PS) suggested contacting the Army National Guard Corp of Engineers who is equipped to handle this type of endeavor. They have the equipment and often will do projects such as this as a “practice enterprise.” I agree that something does need to be done down there, and if there is any money left over, perhaps we could encumber it for this purpose. It should be noted that George embraces the fact that this work should be done. (EV) noted that to better understand what the shooting range revisions entail, I would like to see a plan or drawing with rough estimates.

(LS) agreed that the work needs to be done. It should be noted who else utilizes the shooting range, who has keys to the gates and who gets in/out. This could be worth money to Town. There are two separate issues here and we need to take a bigger look at the shooting range. (LK) noted that there are shell casings all over the area. This will be tabled until further information can be accrued.

Recess: 7:17 P.M. Board returned at 7:21 P.M.

3. Recording Secretary Leave of Absence

(LK) noted that they have been unable to find someone to replace Dee while she is on leave of absence. Board agreed that (LK) would try to find a replacement.


1. Draft Minutes of September 24th EDC Meeting

For Board review.

2. Proposal from Diamond Sign for New Town Hall Sign

(LK) noted that he has two quotes from Diamond Sign regarding the replacement of the Town Hall sign in the front of the building. One was for $300 and the other $500 along with a draft of the proposed sign. Board agreed that (LK) could pursue other avenues for sign replacement.

3. Rite Aid Prescription Acquisition Procedure for Public Assistance

(PS) This is for Board review.

4. Employment Agreement Utilized by the Police Department for Police Officers.

(PS) The Board requested a copy of this agreement for information purposes. I would suggest sending a copy to legal counsel for review of contents should this ever be challenged.

5. Motion for Rehearing the ZBA Approval for James Snedeker’s Junkyard Business

(PS) This is also for information purposes. Once this has been completed, applicant will be coming to the BOS for license to operate.

6. Setting of the Tax Rate

(LS) Have we heard anything from the DRA? (PS) noted that he would contact DRA regarding this.

7. Employee of the Month Bulletin

(DM) related that since we are trying to get more support for this program, and there are a lot of questions in reference to it, I have prepared a Bulletin that will hopefully answer some of those questions as well as stimulate interest in this program. I have run off a few for Board approval and if agreeable will distribute to the various departments’ bulletin boards. Board agreed that this was excellent and that this should be accomplished.

8. Ed Vien, Selectman, Vacation

(EV) noted that he will be on vacation next week and will not be present at the BOS or the EDC meetings.


7. Parade Permit – Pittsfield Elementary School

(EV) Motion to approve Parade Permit for Pittsfield Elementary School for October 31, 2008 at 1:00 P.M. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Revised WWTP Budget

(LS) Motion to approve revised WWTP budget for total amount of $396,284. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Police Arrest Log September 21-27, 2008

For information purposes.

2. Letter to Editor/Hopkinton/Leon Kenison

For review.

3. Letter to Selectman Candidates

Board agreed that this was a very nice letter being forwarded to candidates.

4. New Voting Location Concerns – Town Clerk

This has already been addressed.

5. Welfare Department Monthly Report

For informational purposes.

6. Board of Land and Tax Appeals Decision – Suncook Leather

(PS) noted that he had discussed this with Cara and a discrepancy was noted on the original decision, which could save Town a great deal of money. (LS) requested a copy of the original decision and this will be provided by (PS).

7. $20 Million Dollar HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program

(PS) This is provided to Board as part of the whole “Congressional” package. I think EDC might find this very interesting.

8. Employment Dates – Michael McLaughlin


9. USDA approval to Retain Pittsfield WWTP Funds

(PS) I have discussed this with Ron Vien in regard to drawing down of grant monies. All the work needs to be accomplished by the December 31st deadline.

10. Office of Energy and Planning Press Release
11. Police Shift Schedule – October 2008

Informational purposes.

12. Broken Window – Town Hall

(EV) noted that there is a broken window that I was going to fix but it looks like it has been cemented in. (LK) I have looked at it and we will need to get a quote to fix it as soon as possible before winter.


1. Town Hall Improvement – Life Safety Codes )
2. Management Analysis for GASB34 ) Pending

3. Capital Improvement Plan

This has been accomplished and (LS) to request Cara to incorporate into a spreadsheet. This will be taken off the Agenda for next week.

4. Space Needs Study )
5. Sidewalk Improvement Plan ) Pending

6. Library Attic Insulation

(PS) Trustees to get idea of costs.

7. Request for Voting Space at School Facility

This has been reviewed and will be taken off future Agendas.

8. S-D-S Proposed Agreement Extension

(PS) Board has a copy of the original Agreement and will be focusing on extension request and future agreement.

9. Waste Management Contract Renewal

(PS) related that he has discussed with Department Heads and there seemed to be less than positive comments in reference to sharing a large container because of necessity to “transport” to Town Hall and also if it is a larger container, the possibility of other individuals using for large items.

(PS) “I would like to send out requests to a couple of other waste haulers to get an idea of costs, etc.”


1. Notice of Intent to Cut – Charron, Mountain Road and Dowboro Road

(LS) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut for Charron, Mountain Road and Dowboro Road. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Notice of Intent to Cut – Telos Construction, Governor’s Road

(LS) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut, Telos Construction, Governor’s Road. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Application for Veterans Exemption – Leffel

(LS) Motion to deny application for Veterans Exemption, Leffel. Applicant does not qualify. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Check Manifests. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) I have received the decision from HSA with reference to reimbursement to Fred Okrent. It is their recommendation to exclude the $185 and the check will be voided and a new one issued.

(LS) Motion to void Check #9336 in the amount of $398.24 and reissued to Fred Okrent in the amount of $277. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) In the future, when rental of buffer and wet/dry vac is necessary, please contact me as I have one that could be used.


1. Public Session Minutes of September 30, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of September 30, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of September 30, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of September 30, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Non-Public Session Minutes of September 23, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of September 23, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.




(EV) questioned skipping non-public session once in a while. (LK) advised that it is necessary tonight.

(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a) and (c).
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:01 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of October 7, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


Police Department – 4210:

Line 413 – (LS) Motion to approve Line 413, Trash Removal to $800. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Line 121 – (LS) When this position was started, it was for specific reasons, which included to alleviate some of the paperwork of Detectives. I think that an excellent job is being done, but it has not alleviated the problem of “putting additional police on the streets.” I had requested a cost versus benefit report but I did not get what I asked for. Is this position fulfilling the intent and purpose for which it was created? “The Police Department has not gone in the direction I anticipated it would.” (LK) suggested that perhaps this position could also be utilized in Town Hall. (LS) “I would like to see that.”

(LS) Motion to remove Line 121 that was put in to alleviate Police Department paperwork. (LK) Second. After Discussion Motion fails. (LS) and (LK) Yes; (DM) and (EV) No.

Discussion: (LK) Although I do not like the idea of eliminating a position, what with the economy the way that it is, I feel we can eliminate it without putting the Town at any risk. (LS) The only reason I am following through is because of all the light duty. There are many hours of light duty to be utilized. (DM) This is still temporary. We have a level funded budget and I would hate to delete a position. Light duty is not the norm. (LS) The policing strategies should be reviewed to determine if the part-time position is fulfilling the objective outlined by Chief Wharem.

(LS) Motion to not appropriate monies for police vehicle as recommended for $34,222. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to establish Capital Reserve for Police vehicle and appropriate $15,000. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Regarding the Shooting Range:

(LS) Motion to not appropriate monies at this time for shooting range. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Building Inspector – 4240 – Line 190:

(LS) Motion to approve $250 Training/Conferences. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

General Government Building

Line 413: Trash Removal

(LS) Motion to approve Line 413 Trash Removal for $780. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Welfare Administration

Line 691: Mileage

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare mileage for $1.00. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to add a new line for general welfare inspector for $500.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Line 111: (LS) Motion to approve Line 11 for $7.400. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


Board discussed pool “waste management” and (PS) will check with Cara regarding this. (LS) advised that Economic Development, Line 310 will be requesting about $15,000 for consulting services.

Regarding the purchase of Police cars, (PS) related that he has discussed with Chief going back to Hillsboro Ford to determine the possibility of availability of 2008 vehicles. He noted that Ford leasing is approximately 1% higher than other make vehicle. (LS) I think starting a capital reserve and replacing a car per year would be a good idea. Getting three new cars in one year would not be a good idea.

(LS) We do not yet have the health insurance figures, but we can ask Cara to refigure the retirement, FICA and Medicare. The Budget Committee will be meeting on October 15th.

Board again reviewed Line 121:

(LK) Motion to change budget to $4,500. (LS) Second. Vote: (LK) Yes. (LS), (DM), and (EV) No. Motion dies.

Board discussed various scenarios as to the way this could be adjusted but could not arrive at an agreeable solution.


(DM) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.

Approved: October 14, 2008

____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes