October 9, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:30 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




(PR) Motion to recess for discussion with Atty. Paul Fitzgerald. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board recessed at 5:32 P.M.

Meeting resumed at 6:33 P.M.


Scott Jackson: I have some questions regarding the Building Permit Fee Schedule. There are not a lot of clear definitions for getting permits for structures and no clear guidance as to how permits apply. I have talked to Jesse Pacheco and I am still not clear on this. I acquired a permit for a portable garage which notes there is a fee of $25 yet your minimum fee is $45 but I guess, if combined, the lesser rate is used. (LK) This is something the Building Inspector can explain to you.

Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector: One of the things he brought up is the cost of permits – for what he wants is $25.00 but combined with any other project you are doing rather than be $45 it would only be the $25. I explained to Eric regarding the sign thing as Mr. Jackson has a letter from the Zoning Board.


4. Discussion of Building Permit Fee Schedule and Requirements for
Installation of Signs

(EN) The Zoning Ordinances, Article 9 SIGNS reads: Signs of whatever size and material shall be a permitted accessory use in the Commercial and Light Industrial/Commercial districts of the Town and on the premises of businesses or permitted industry in other districts, provided that any such signs do not constitute a nuisance, in the opinion of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, by emitting an unreasonable amount of light or noise and are compatible with the surrounding area.

(EN) If it is not in the proper zone, then you have to go to Zoning. (LK) I would like to see applicant meet with Building Inspector and Eric Nilsson, Deputy Building Inspector, review it all and work this out. This was agreeable with all parties. BI indicated that people need to be made aware of the costs when doing more than one “project” such as Mr. Jackson. (EN) noted he would work on this.

PUBLIC INPUT (Continued)

Bill Abbott: I have two concerns. There is an empty garage on Concord Hill Road that has been sitting there since about 2005 and is in shambles. Is it condemned? Or to be torn down? Can you explain why the building is still standing?
(LK) About 3-4 years ago, the property owners were told what had to be done and it was done. Bill Abbott: But there are safety issues for children there. (LK) At this point, we can send down Building Inspector to review the situation. Bill Abbott: I am concerned about other buildings, but it seems they are taking a back seat. Homeowners in Town need to take care of their property; a lot of properties have junk lying around. (LK) If there is a particular issue, we need it in writing and then we will check. If the building is just run down, we cannot get involved, but if there is a definite issue, we can send the Building Inspector down to check it.

George Bachelder: On the Forest Improvement Harvest and Timber Sale Agreement, I am unhappy what is going on there. There is a company out of Maine that is doing the cutting. There are plenty of local loggers around here; why do we have to go to Maine? It is taking away sales from local loggers. This guy uses the same company from Maine all the time. We should be using local competitors. (PS) We can send something in writing to Conservation Commission and table the Agreement until next week. If the Agreement is not signed by this Board, the timber will not get cut. Board agreed to table this matter (Forest Improvement Harvest and Timber Sale Agreement as recommended by the Conservation Commission) until next meeting.

Sylvia Wallace: Have there been any bids regarding the Library? (LK) There have been no bids yet. We are trying to get an engineer to take a look at the foundation.

Close Public Input


1. Action on Race to the Top Grant

(PS) This is on the Agenda at the request of the Board after John Freeman spoke last week concerning the grant for School.

The RED folder contains the grant application and includes a Summary handout and letter of support to be signed by the Chair. I would suggest tabling this until next week so there is an opportunity to review the information. Board agreed to table until October 16th meeting.

2. Forest Improvement Harvest and Timber Sale Agreement (Recommended by the Conservation Commission

(PS) Based on the conversations I have had with Mark Wallace, he is awaiting a narrative report on this project. We can table this for the next Agenda.

(PR) How can we get it so that they use more of the local loggers in the future? (PS) This is something you can discuss with Mark Wallace. (PR) People everywhere are downsizing and by using local loggers, we could give back to the community with the tough times that are in progress.

3. Review of 2013 Budget (Library and Highway Department Scheduled)

George Bachelder: I have tried working with the budget and have added in some areas and have cut in other areas. He explained the condition of the Sterling but noted that they would try to “limp along with it next year.” He noted the highway projects for the next budget including Wildwood Drive, Molly Lane and Berry Pond Road. “There will be Block Grant money left over this year but I would like to see it saved and used for the roads in conjunction with the Safe Routes to School.” He related that he was somewhat concerned about the capacity of the fueling facility tank at the Highway Garage. A larger capacity tank would cost about $70,000 delivered but there would also be costs in building a pad for it, crane use, and wiring costs. He related that he realizes that they cannot fit it into the budget, but it is something that should be thought about for the future. In the past when diesel fuel was down, a maximum amount could have been purchased and now that the prices are up, it would have saved some money. If we have a major blizzard or hurricane or such, it would be beneficial to have the ability to utilize it as necessary. Irving prices fluctuate quite a bit.

(LS) How about for the rest of 2012 budget? George Bachelder: I think it will be okay. I have tried to be very conservative and careful. I did not do what I did not have to do and will probably end up with leftover monies. (LS) Thank you for your efforts in helping the Board. How about the overtime line? Could you deduct a little from that line? George Bachelder: I wish you would not cut from that line. In the past it was cut by one third and I think we are going to have a “bad” winter. Historically, we have a mild winter and then have a severe winter. (GL) You would be better off anticipating a worst case scenario.

(PR) Motion to accept Highway Department Budget as presented.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Library: Roza Benoit, Sylvia Wallace, Mary Schelble, and Dana Sansom were present. Roza offered a PowerPoint presentation on the history, sources, online services, book groups, support sources and Government services of the Josiah Carpenter Library. It is noted that there is an increase in the budget of 1.9%. She related that the Library does a lot with little money. (LS) What about grants and gifts? Could you do fundraisers for what is above and beyond the budget? Roza Benoit: Hopefully, this can happen, but we cannot depend solely on this. (PR) questioned whether there were any problems with the Internet users. Roza noted that there was not.

(LS) So, basically this is about a 2% increase.

Roza: I would also at this time like to request a Waiver to open the Children’s Room at the Library. Board noted that because of safety issues, this could not be approved. Fire Chief recommended that it not be used because of the safety issues. (LK) If something would happen down there, how would people get out? There are no windows down there.
(EN) Just to let you know that on Friday, 10:30 A.M. there is someone coming to provide an estimate on sealing the granite foundation. Also, an architect will be coming on October 19th to estimate the work involved.

Sylvia Wallace: The window project is wrapping up and should be done before winter.

Roza: Basically the money is for salaries and operating costs. No one is getting an increase in salary; it is because of the increase in summer hours which amounts to about eighty hours per year. (PR) We are trying to level fund all the budgets. I know this is a small amount, but I cannot support it.

(LK) Motion to approve Library budget as presented.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-1 (PR).

(LS) The last few years, there has been a very modest increase in this budget. I am asking you to consider doing some fundraisers. I believe it is a very valuable resource for the Town. The egress issue is a problem and I hope that in the future matters can be coordinated a little better so that we would not face this type of issue. It was questioned by the Library as to where the funds would come from to rectify the egress issue. (LK) It may come from the Building Maintenance Expendable Fund but it will depend upon what the costs are.

Roza, Sylvia, Mary and Dana left at 7:47 P.M.


(GL) CNHRPC Re: AHG; (EN) Letter Re: Town Ordinances for Sidewalks; (PR) Status of Town Owned Properties; (LK) Full-Time and Part-Time Police Officers.

1. Letter from Citizen Re: Sidewalk Ordinance

(EN) Regarding items on the sidewalk, could we get a hold of the Town Attorney regarding a Waiver? (PS) I will check with the Town Attorney as well as LGC. (PR) I could recuse myself but would like to impart some information from my insurance carrier regarding Main Street. If it is owned by a business, then it would be covered by the business insurance carrier. Anything else would not be covered. (EN) All companies should have insurance but that is not always the case.
(PS) to respond to the letter (See Attached.)

2. Status of Town Owned Properties

(PR) What is the status of the sale of 4 Franklin Street? The people are discouraged and need to be informed as to what is going on and the length of time it has taken. (PS) Mr. Ward came in to see me. He asked about the Town notification process and I explained that Erica was putting together the information
regarding mailings and lien holders. When this is completed, it will be forwarded to Mr. Ward.

(PS) Twenty (20) Berry Avenue will be having the closing in December;
36 Loudon Road – this is Town owned property. HSBC informed PSNH to sever the service which has been done. I have no idea how HSBC got involved in this as they are not a lien holder.

(LK) Erica is working hard to clarify that all involved parties have been notified. All notices pertaining to 36 Loudon Road have been sent to Laura Spector. To date, we have not received a response from her.


(GL) Clayton Wood did not bring in Matt Monahan to explain his findings to the Planning Board. Clayton is still saying that this is not a completed plan. In my view, it is complete. He is not listening to anyone on this. I am requesting that Paul request that Matt Monahan come to a Board meeting to explain what is going on with the AHG subdivision. Board agreed. (GL) The Planning Board has requested an expert to review it and CNHRPC is the closest to an expert you can get. (PS) to check with Matt Monahan as to when he would be available to appear before Board.

4. K-9 Vehicle

(PS) Attached there are two photos pertaining to methods of painting police cars in conjunction with the painting of the K-9 vehicle. It is noted that letters and seal will fade when not painted on white background. (EN) What about white letters painted on a black vehicle, will that fade? What would be the costs? (PS) He has not provided me with any costs yet. (LK) It would be nice to have the vehicle lettered. (EN) This should be paid for by the K-9 fund. (PS) to get prices.
5. Full-Time and Part-Time Police Officers

(LK) I would like it stated for the record, that the Select Board are in agreement to fill the full-time positions for the Police Department as soon as possible. They would also like to move forward with recruitment for the part-time positions.

(PS) The Police Chief will be coming to the Board for approval for first-time police officer and also two part-time officers.

(LS) Paul, are you getting all the resumes? (PS) Not all. I believe interviews will be next week.




1. Administrative Plan for Budget Stabilization Ongoing
2. Policy for Access to Town Property Pending
3. Policy for Recruitment and Employment to be Revised Pending
4. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending
5. Tax Collector/Action by Selectmen/Tax Deed Waivers Pending
6. Library Basement See Page 5 Above
7. Estimate for Painting K-9 Vehicle See Page 6 Above
8. Appointment of Selectman to Foss Scholarship Committee Pending


1. Intent to Cut Tax Map R24, Lot 8 (Town Owned Property)

Tabled till October 16, 2012.

2. Veteran’s Tax Credit Tax Map U01, Lot 59

(EN) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit Tax Map U01, Lot 59. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (EN) Abstain.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (EN) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 2, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 2, 2012 with Corrections. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0. (PR) Abstain.


Page 2, Paragraph 3, Line 5 should read: ..address this. The Board has twenty (20) days to appeal this decision but will discuss the appeal option with legal counsel.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 2, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 2, 2012.
(EN) Second. Carried 4-0. (PR) Abstain.

3. Joint Meeting Minutes of Board of Selectmen, Budget Committee, and Department Heads of September 19, 2012.

(EN) Motion to approve Joint Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2012 with corrections. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. (GL) Abstain.


Page 4, Paragraph 4 is noted verbatim and should read:

Police Chief Wharem: What mechanism are we using to determine the impact of the services for the cuts that have been made? How are we going to determine the services that have been impacted at this point for the future when going into the next budget? This way we can have an understanding of what you are looking for when compiling our budgets so that we know.

My department had the biggest impact by not having an officer replaced as well as the full-time secretary being cut to part-time. We lost police details, overtime and the Safety Grant so we had a significant impact. How are we going to determine what the impact is to the Budget?

(LS) First of all, this Board has not stated that none of positions will be filled. It is a matter of getting out there and finding some manpower for the streets; we understand that. Let me clarify that the Board has said to find the manpower for the street. Not to fill any positions has not come from this Board. We have said get out there and find some full-time and/or part-time individuals – advertise and get the manpower back on the street.

Chief Wharem: All I am saying is that the eighth position that was cut to save money, whether it was cut or put on hold, you are not spending the money for that particular position and without that how are you going to offset the impact of what the budgetary cut this year was going forward.

(EN) Give us some documentation saying this is what I think we need to make a functional full-time Police Department and tell us what you think you need. Then we can determine exactly what we can afford and what we can do. Is that not fair? Chief Wharem: Yes, that will be fine.


Bids: (EN) Have the bids been sent out for the dumpster and the alarm system? (PR) Prior to doing that, I need to know if (EN) and Building Inspector have obtained any information about replacing the door downstairs. Both related that they had not and (PS) related that the bids will be sent out.

Avitar Contract: Cara is reviewing.

Encumbrances 2011: This information will be sent to (LS) for review.

BUDGET – 2013

Highway Administration (Budget Page 16): See Page 4 above.
Library (Budget Page 22): See Page 5 above.
Executive (Budget Page 1) : Line 6 will be proposed at $5,000.

(LS) Motion to approve Executive 2013 Proposed Budget for $122,663. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Elections, Registrations, & Vital Statistics (Budget Page 20):

(LS) Motion to approve Elections, Registrations, & Vital Statistics 2012 Proposed budget for $46,613. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Total Legal Expenses (Budget Page 4):

(LS) Motion to approve Legal Expenses 2012 Proposed Budget for $20,000. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

Total Personnel Administration (Budget Page 4): Line 83 will be $500.

(LS) Motion to approve Total Personnel Administration 2013 Proposed Budget for $3,422. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Planning and Zoning (Budget Page 5):

Line 89 will be $3,600.

(EN) Motion to approve Planning and Zoning 2013 Proposed Budget for $4,628. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.






(EN) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M.

Approved: October 16, 2012

___________________________ _______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on October 9, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on October 11, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes