September 10, 2007 Minutes

Drug Awareness and Education Committee Meeting Notes
Members present: Robert Wharem, Denise Morin, John Webber, Larry Berube, Scott Brown, Dan Ward
Absent: Donna Keeley
Introduced as new members: Larry Berube, Rick Walter, and Gary Colby
Minutes approved from 08/27/07
Discussion of what the committee’s actual goal is
Figuring out the best way for education and enforcement
Money is available to use toward education and enforcement
Dan and Scott- felt that we needed to figure out some target areas from the input we received from the public
Bob- went over the 16 items that he came up with listening to the public input
Committee narrowed down some goals/objectives
Dan- felt that we should put together a study in the schools
Larry B- felt that it was an all ages problem
Bob- asked if we were going to focus on education or enforcement
Larry K- would like to see the focus on education
Discussion of what we are already doing and if we can tweak anything we are doing, DARE, Big Brothers,
Larry K- felt that enforcement should be a strong part of the committee; People will think that nothing will
happen to them if there is no enforcement. Would like to see recommendations from PPD go forth. Ex if,
someone suggested a K-9 unit.
Still trying to figure out how the committee can influence enforcement.
Dan- the community together because of the enforcement aspect
Larry B- Felt PPD should be more proactive than reactive.
Scott- our research may show that PPD needs a K-9, another officer, or what PPD may need.
Bob- PPD is very busy there is not a lot of time to be proactive
Larry K – can officer be put on shift for certain times because of a pattern when things happen.
Bob- there are no patterns to what is occurring.
Larry K- can we see a presentation
Scott- what do you see as a sub committee
Larry K- one person from the committee and others to set up town programs
Discussion if crimeline has had more calls
Larry B- people don’t want what happened to him to happen them
Dan- people are unwilling to call because of what has been occurring to Larry B
Bob- people who leave an anonymous call may not see the reaction from the police that they want
John- PPD business line is not the way to call in a crime
Dan- discussed Safe School Zone, we should ask school to make Drake Field part of the zone
Citizen Sharon Blaise- keep the community informed when sings for crimeline go up
Citizen Gary- There is a need to educate older kids 20-30
Citizen Matt Hanson- Use the word recovery not rehab. Preemptive may not work for Pittsfield, we need to
help with recovery. Concept should be attraction not promotion
Citizen Dan Schroth- Please investigate the possibility of the Pittsfield Investment Company
Citizen Jennifer Reed- work with the 19-30 year olds
Citizen Denise- How do we draw the group to them?
Citizen Dan Schroth- Will the courts help out with getting people to his program?
Citizen Matt Hanson- Felt that people would be shamed into the Investment Company and would come back
angry. Recovery is the answer.
Bob- We do need to gather stats so we can show results/ show by evaluation
Citizen Tom Hitchcock- when was the last time someone was arrested for dealing drugs and what was the
outcome. They go to trial. I see it happening why can’t we do something about it.
Citizen Jon Laughlin- more people that are successful need to band together
Bob- people need to step up and go on record reporting crimes.
Larry K- Select board have talked things to hold landlords accountable
Old Business- Denise is working on a brochure, we gave her new info and numbers
New Business- New members, Scott is stepping down Gary Colby will be replacing him to represent the school
Citizen Tom Hitchcock- are there time lines- no not yet
Citizen Lee Faust- DARE is it new, no
Citizen Sharon Blaise- spoke about teen institute
Larry K- spoke about teen challenge
Citizen Matt Hanson- asked about money for programs. Advised AA and NA are free
Next meeting set for 09/24/07 at 1900 hours