September 10, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
September 10, 2008

1. Meeting called to order at 6:00.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Helen Schiff (HS), Susan Muenzinger (SM) and Ellen Barbasso (EB).
Also attending Linda Small (LS), and Leon Kenison (LK).

3. Minutes from August 27, 2008 reviewed and accepted as written.

4. Wi-Fi update
A. HS contacted Mike at DRED. He thinks the Governor will attend our wire cutting ceremony.
B. The week of September 22nd will be the target date
C. Also contact Congressman Paul Hodes, John Sununu and Jack Barnes.
D. Put an ad in the Suncook Sun
E. HS had some problems getting hooked up to the Wi-Fi
F. One of the businesses she contacted asked if there would be a link to their web site through the ad
G. There was some concern that money from ads that we sell on Wi-Fi will go into the general town
fund rather than EDC fund

5. RSA 79E -we will publicize it by putting the information on the web site

6. Development Guide for New Businesses
A. Review the copy from West Springfield, MA. Keep what applies to Pittsfield.
B. Other departments should review it also – Planning Board, Zoning Board, Building Inspector.
C. Ask for a response back by October 31, 2008.

7. May be able to get a grant from DRED for $1,500.
A. Use for administration of EDC, pay for MM from CNHRPC
B. It is a grant for matching funds
C. Based on volunteer hours
Board of Selectmen have to apply for it.

8.Other – Pictures will be put on the web site within the next few days.

9. Next meeting Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.

10. Meeting closed at 6:20 P.M.

Submitted by ____________________________________
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary