September 11, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John Lenaerts (JL).
(LS) Non-Public, Personnel, Information: Budget, and Crime Line Signs.
(LK) Information: Meeting with Landlords, and Pavilion Repairs.
(LKe) Pittsfield Arrest Log.
6:10 P.M. – Elizabeth Hast, Tax Collector/Town Clerk – 2007 Tax Liens
Ms. Hast explained that she was present tonight as Tax Collector regarding
2007 tax liens and explained the process of when a property lien is eligible
to become a Deed. She noted that there are five properties where taxes have
not been paid for the past three years. She explained the situations regarding
each property owner including Patricia Brickner, Deborah Pawlowski, John
Taylor, David Griggs, and David Blackey.
She related that according to Statutes, it is necessary that she do the Deeds
and that at that point, the BOS would have to make decisions on what to do
with the properties. She explained that once this is accomplished, individual
property taxes would have to be paid in full by the now property owner, if
possible. She reminded Board that if they are allowed to stay on property
after Deed is recorded, Town essentially becomes their landlord. She noted
that there is a procedure that needs to be followed in notifying these property
owners as to what is going to happen. She stated that she would begin
preparing the Deeds and forward to BOS for their final decision regarding
the status of these properties.
6:30 P.M. – Wendy Sauvageau – Tax Abatement Request
Ms. Sauvageau related that the last time she was in regarding past years’
taxes, she was told to contact the State of New Hampshire, Board of Tax and
Land Appeals, which she did. She related that she explained the situation to
them and they explained to her that it is up to the Board of Selectman, not
the Board of Tax and Land Appeals. She related, “I do not believe that I
should be charged for the Assessor’s mistake. The house is not 100%
complete.” Mr. George Eaton, who accompanied Ms. Sauvageau, related
that he had asked the Town to have the Assessor come back when his taxes
went up to $8,000 and were usually $3,600. The Assessor returned and
agreed that he had made a mistake and was willing to opt for 70%
completion of the house. They disagreed on this percentage and finally
agreed on 50% and property was reassessed. However, two years prior,
Assessor did the same thing. He related that the BTLA noted that it is a
Town of Pittsfield matter and up to BOS to correct it. Mr. Eaton noted that
Assessor could not have looked at building and that someone made a
mistake, which was corrected for one year, but other two years were not.
Ms. Sauvageau related that she did not know there was an “abatement
process until last year.”
(LKe) explained that the law is quite clear on this and there is not a lot of
flexibility. Abatement must be done within the timeframe as noted within
the Statutes. Mr. Eaton felt that someone needed to be responsible legally as
someone was at fault, and that the Town had hired him and he did not do his
job right.
(AM) related that he understood their frustration in this matter, but
abatements that do not fall within the perimeter of the Statutes are not
refundable, and that the BOS will not go back per Statutory limitations. He
explained that BOS would not go “after” the Assessor in this matter; if there
was an error. It would not be changed at this point because of the
timeframe. Mr. Eaton explained that the cost of taxes is starting to hurt them
financially and felt that an attorney was needed to deal with the situation.
Action Items
1. WiFi Grant Acceptance.
(EV) Motion to accept Grant. (LS) Second. Carried 2-1 (LK).
Prior to final vote on this, discussion ensued with (LK) noting that he felt
Town is “putting the cart before the horse.” He related that there are too
many issues downtown that needed to be dealt with first and then maybe
down the line, we could think about this. (EV) related that he felt now is the
time for something new and the time to offer this and put it in place is now.
“We can try it for one year, if it does not work, we can stop it. Other Towns
already have this and are increasing their service because it has worked so
well.” (LK) related that he was hopeful that he was wrong but reiterated that
he felt that there were many issues to clean up in Town first. (LS) noted that
she agreed with (EV) in this matter. “Pittsfield needs something unique and
positive. It will be good for businesses. The time to promote Pittsfield is
now and as (EV) noted, if it does not work, we can stop it. Not too many
Towns have this and it would be good for the Town.” (AM) related that he
thought it was a good idea though he understood (LK)’s point of view. He
noted that at this point we were just accepting the grant with no monies
involved. (LKe) noted that it was outlined in the application and in a couple
of weeks it could be discussed further. (AM) noted that if it encompasses
Town Hall, we could access it through the Town Hall at no cost. (EV) noted
that they were soliciting sponsorships to cover the costs.
2. Holidays – Office Closure Memo
(LKe) related that Administrative Assistant Cara Marston and Town Clerk
Elizabeth Hast wish to take off October 8th as Columbus Day as well as the
day prior to Christmas and close their respective offices. He noted that he
would be here on those days. BOS noted that this would be agreeable.
(LKe) related that the posting for these “closed” days should be done well in
(AM) noted that in the future, it should be considered that when the Town
Hall is closed on a Monday due to a holiday, that the offices are open late on
another day that week to accommodate citizens. It was related that this be
discussed with staff to get their ideas regarding this.
(LS) Motion to approve additional days off, Columbus Day, October 8th and
December 24, 2007 for Town Office. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Resignation of Part-Time Police Officer – Andrew Sargent
(LKe) noted that he was a part-time officer here in Pittsfield and will be
working full-time in Concord.
(LK) Motion to accept resignation of Andrew Sargent. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
It was noted that Chief would like to cover situations such as this in future
4. Contract Award for Salt Shed Site Work
(LKe) noted that George had already done a great deal of site work to keep
the costs down.
(LS) Motion to accept J.P. Parker & Daughters contract for salt shed site
work. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
5. Ambulance Fund Abatements
(LS) noted that this should have been done a while ago and that accou ntants
have accounted for this.
(LS) Motion to accept ambulance fund abatements as noted. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(AM) noted that is separate from the collection issue. Chief Johnson related,
“There is a patient responsibility amount outstanding of about $6,200. At a
previous Board meeting, Paul Skowron had noted that approximately 50% of
this amount was collectable and the BOS indicated it was not interested in
pursuing this. However, if Board would like to revisit the issue, we can look
into it.” Board consensus was that Town would not pursue collection on this
outstanding amount.
6. Time Extensions – WWTP Projects
(LS) Motion to accept time extension for WWTP Project as outlined in
Memo. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
It was noted that Ron Vien was agreeable with this time extension as
1. Accrued Vacation Time – Summary
(LKe) detailed some information regarding the maximum accrued time
earned since contract in 2004 is 80 hours unless accrued before
January 1,2004. He noted that there are actually only one or two parties that
fall in this category. In 2008, it will be only 80 hours, except if earned
before 2004.
(LS) noted that she did not remember seeing it in the vacation time and that
it was only for compensatory time. She related that our policy is that only
80 hours can be carried over. (EV) noted that 80 hours is the maximum that
can be carried over year-to-year. (LKe) to check with Cara on this and
pursue further, if necessary.
2. Welfare Department Monthly Report – August
(LKe) related that this report continues to show trend of critical screening
with savings to the Town. (LKe) noted that on future reports he would ask
Betsey to indicate cumulative as well. (LK) noted that this was with thanks
to Betsey.
3. Highway Department Monthly Report – August
(LKe) noted that this report was for informational purposes. (EV) noted that
there was a recent accident at Crescent Street and Concord Hill Road. He
noted that there is some brush blocking view to Crescent Street and perhaps,
we could ask George to have that cut down/removed. (LS) questioned
whether there were any monies allocated for sidewalks? “Some of the
sidewalks are atrocious.” (AM) requested that (LKe) discuss with George
and perhaps it could be part of his upcoming highway budget. He noted that
this was covered previously in a Warrant Article, which was not accepted by
the Town. “We could do engineering and perhaps acquire grants to help us
in this endeavor.”
4. Staff Meeting Minutes, September 11, 2007
(Lke) noted that this was for information purposes only.
4a. Budgets
(LS) noted that Budget deadline for the various Departments was supposed
to be September 1st. (LKe) noted that he was meeting with the various
Department Heads to review their budgets prior to presenting to BOS. It
was agreed that since he was reviewing them prior to their presentation to
Board, that the deadline would be October 1st instead of September 1st. If
any are ready prior to this time, (LKe) will forward to BOS.
(LS) noted that the Budget Committee would be meeting on October 17th at
7:00 P.M. and that the Budget Committee had requested if (LKe) might be
available to attend. (LKe) noted he would be available and attend this
(EV) noted that (LKe) was attending quite a few of the various Committee
meetings and thanked him for his attendance and interest.
5. Turner Group – WWTP Project History
(LKe) noted that BOS has received copies of this to assist them in
understanding what has been done and why the time extensions are
6. Crime Line Signs
(LKe) related that he had hoped Chief Wharem would be here. He noted
that the signs are ready and merely need to have holes drilled. Vendor is
apparently involved in track business due to upcoming Race Car Road
Show. (AM) questioned who decides where signs are to be placed. (LK)
noted that Police Chief, Road Agent and Town Administrator would be
responsible for this. (LKe) noted that placement will be done on
paper/reviewed by BOS/changes or placement approved.
7. Landlords
(LK) related that he had talked to the Chief and what they would like to do is
having a meeting with the landlords on September 20th to review list of
issues and start the process of working with the landlords. This meeting
would include (LK), Chief Wharem, Betsey – Welfare, HSA, and Town
8. Parks and Rec – Pavilion – Dustin Park
(LKe) related that Mike (MM) had sent a memo requesting Parks and Rec’s
plan for action on pavilion considering the monies available in their budget.
They may need to request additional budget monies for this. (LK) noted that
he felt something needed to be done to the structure soon and not wait for
Budget to be approved. He noted that it is “an accident waiting to happen.”
He related that he does not feel comfortable waiting until Budget time. “Do
they have money in their budget now.” (LKe) noted that there was
approximately $4,000 presently and (LS) noted that about $4,350 was
needed to do it now. (LKe) suggested that, perhaps, they could get a better
“off-season” rate. It was suggested that the Army Reserves could assist
them in this endeavor. (LKe) noted that though they used to do civic work,
they are not currently in an outreach mode due to war in Iraq.
(LK) suggested they check with Jesse to determine how dangerous of a
situation it is now. (LKe) to do this.
9. Pittsfield Arrest Log
(Lke) This was provided to Board for information purposes. He related that
it is anticipated that something will be forthcoming in regard to the cemetery
1. Tax Abatement – Lily Pond Road, LLC
(LK) recused himself.
(LKe) that this was not a tax abatement of assessing property but rather a
correction due to Town charging incorrect amount.
(LS) Motion to accept tax abatement as noted. (EV) Second. Carried 2-0.
(LK) returned and was seated on Board.
2. Contract Service for Emergency Trash Removal
(LKe) related that company was to provide this information to him, but they
have not yet done so. He will contact them again.
3. Park & Rec Pavilion Damage Repair – P & R Committee Meeting
September 7, 2007
This was covered previously.
4. In-law Apartment Permit – LGC Response
(Lke) noted that this would be available at next BOS meeting.
5. Crime Line Signs
This was covered previously in meeting.
1. Land Use Change Tax, Tax Map R3, Lot 7 M – Ramzi Al-Shawafi
(LS) Motion to accept land use change Tax Map R3, Lot 7 M. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0.
2. Notice of Intent to Cut, 119 Berry Pond Road – Jennie Gringras
(LS) Motion to accept Notice of Intent to Cut, 119 Berry Pond Road.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Notice of Intent to Cut, 45 Quail Ridge Road – Joseph Parent
(LS) Motion to accept Notice of Intent to Cut, 45 Quail Ridge Road. (LK)
Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Permanent Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit, R-22, Lot 1.15 –
Paul Messineo
(LS) Motion to accept Veteran’s Tax Credit for Paul Messineo. (LK)
Second. Carried 3-0.
5. Permanent Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R8, Lot
13B – Chester Smith, Jr.
(LS) Motion to accept Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R8, Lot 13 B –
Chester Smith, Jr. (LK) Second.
Discussion: (LS) questioned whether veteran and spouse were both getting
credit. (LKe) to check on this application. Motion and second withdrawn.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 3 -0.
(LS) questioned Check No. 7418 in amount of $794, Tires Inc. No invoice
is attached. Hold this check and (LKe) to check on this.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
1. Public Session August 28, 2007.
(LS) Motion to accept Minutes of Public Session for August 28, 2007. (LK)
Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Public Session August 28, 2007 Continued.
(LS) Motion to accept continued Public Session Minutes for
August 28, 2007. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Non-Public Session Minutes of August 28, 2007.
(LS) Motion to accept Non-Public Session Minutes of August 28, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0. (LK) To be addressed in Non-Public Session.
4. Public Session Minutes for August 30, 2007.
(LK) Motion to accept Public Session Minutes for August 30, 2007. (LS)
Second. Carried 3-0.
5. Non-Public Session Minutes for August 30, 2007.
(LK) Motion to accept Non-Public Session Minutes for August 30, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes for August 30, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) noted it would be nice to send something to John Lenaerts. (LK) Nice
to send him something along with a card to get well soon and r eturn when he
is better. (LKe) to do.
Maurice Wells inquired if the Town had timber cut on Loudon Road. He
was answered affirmatively. He questioned, “Where does that money go?”
(EV) noted, he believed, it went to the Conservation Committee. Mr. Wells
indicated that this is Town property and why would funds go to a
committee? (EV) noted that Board would find out for sure where monies are
allocated. Mr. Wells noted that the land was given to the Town by the
Dustins to help with taxes and he did not think the monies should go to a
Committee. He noted that he thought the timber had been cut two or three
times. (EV) noted that he may be wrong on this and would check and let
him know.
(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91A:3 II (a).
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0. Members were polled individually and all
Public session was adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
APPROVED: September 18, 2007
__________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date