September 13, 2004 Minutes

Pittsfield Parks & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes

Monday September 13, 2004 7pm Town Hall


Michelle Bahr x

Mike Blais x

Kathy Boudreau x

Lynne Fahy x

Bill Provencal

Ella Stickney

Dave Valentyn

Lyn Ward x

Ray Webber x

August minutes were accepted as written.

Jeremy Lamson as Guest

We were asked to review and fill out the 2005-2009 Capital Expenditure Plan for the town, including any items which we wish to purchase over $25,000.
The Selectman’s Letter on ethics was read and understood by the Committee. Jeremy will follow up with a copy of the Code of Ethics for all members
Jeremy confirmed that we only need separate insurance for the swimming area, since it is not publicly accessible. For residents and non-profit groups, we can keep our current process of personal liability insurance and naming the Town as an additional insured. Non resident or commercial events would be considered differently.
Jeremy confirmed that all documents have been updated regarding the open container policy.
Warrant Articles

We will ask for a warrant article for $35,000 : $20,000 from our capital reserve fund, $15,000 from town revenue. This is due to the quotes for the Dustins Park electrical work coming in much higher than we expected. As an alternative, if that article is denied, we will also ask for our standard $3,500 be allocated into capital reserve. That will be withdrawn if the first article is approved.
Swimming Area

We reviewed the Pool Director’s season summary. Due to weather our income was down, but as this was in line with other state beach experiences this summer, we feel we had a successful season. The committee agrees that the Pool Director did a great job this year and we look forward to another great season in 2005.
There was some confusion on reserving the Swimming Area for events this year, therefore we will update the approval sheet to add a pulloff section with rules, the process for approval (must be contacted by the pool director with an okay, if you don’t hear you must call), and a 2 week notice requirement. Michelle will draft this.