September 14, 2005 Minutes


(Minutes accepted October 12, 2005)

Place: Josiah Carpenter Library

Time: 6:30 pm

Date: September 14, 2005

Attendance: Joan Osborne, Bob Lemer, Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble

Acceptance of Minutes for August 10, 2005: Bob moved, Joan seconded.

Treasurer’s Report: Accepted as presented. Treasurer reviewed the time sheets and signed checks presented by Director.

Miscellaneous Item Update:

– Window repair to be done soon. Light fixtures to be done soon also

– Vacuum cleaner is working well. Dell printer is fine. Discussion was held regarding color copies and the cost. Director will monitor cost to see if price needs to be raised for patrons on color copies.

– The Director was advised to monitor the check we should be receiving for interest on the CD from the bank.

– Linda Pandolfi, risk management rep for our local government, advised on evacuation procedures which the Director will compose and will look into Ms. Pandolfi’s suggestion that there be a marked crosswalk in front of the Library. It is not known who holds responsibility for crosswalks. The town administrator will be advised of that recommendation.

– Ms. Pandolfi also advised that we post a sign on the rear west side of the building stating, LIBRARY ENTRANCE with an arrow to front of building. The Director will look into a metal sign.

– The Director will also speak to the Town’s building inspector so he can check on the building bases on the east side.

– The roof was replaced in 1984 with repairs (due to leakage) done in 1992 or ‘93. We researched this information so it is available for the selectmen/budget.

– Our custodian has gotten a full time job. The Director will speak to him regarding his plans since snow removal would be a problem with his new job time commitment.

– The budget to be sent to the Town was reviewed with the motion by Bob that a 3% raise be given to library employees for the 2005-6 year, seconded by Joan and accepted by all. Other proposed budget items were reviewed also and office supplies line item was increased to $850.

– End of year available funds are to be used for purchase of needed bookcases that will be in the main room of the Library.

– The Director will look into getting a permanent sign for the front of the building and also a moveable one that would announce events or post information.

– An Open House will be held in December when all should be in order on lighting, window repairs and books back in place.

The next meeting was set for October 12, 2005.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.