September 16, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth noted that the Planning Board is requesting CIP reports be forwarded to them for review. (LKe) advised they will be forthcoming shortly. Mr. Schroth also noted that the Master Plan Committee is suggesting the State Quonset hut, which is soon to be demolished, be made into a Park and Ride. He was requesting information as to how this process could begin. (LKe) noted that once the demolition has been completed, the availability of the property will be first offered to other State agencies, then the community and finally private entities. Mr. Schroth also wanted to know if the BOS had reviewed all the budgets? (LK) advised that they are in the process now. He noted that Department Heads should come in with 0% increases in their budgets; George Bachelder did it, and they can do it. He noted that he has recently seen in the newspaper that the State is trying to come in at 0% increase in their budget and there may be a 3% decrease. “I would suggest that any budget that comes in with a one cent increase be returned to the Department Head.”

Close Public Input


(LS) Elections; (LKe) Police Department Schedule; (LK) Building Inspector Car and Board of Selectman applications to date.


6:05 P.M. – Ms. Bronwyn Asplund-Walsh, County Commissioner County Work Release Program

Ms. Asplund-Walsh introduced herself as County Commissioner of the County Work Release Program relating that she has been in this position for six years. She noted that there is a Drug Prescription Program available to individuals without health insurance that allows them a 20% discount on all prescribed medications, which is through every pharmacy within the State. She left prescription cards and a sign explaining the program for display.

She explained that the counties in New Hampshire are currently suing the State of New Hampshire and Department of Health and Human Services due to an unpaid Bed Tax that has been absorbed by the taxpayers for the last three years.

Ms. Asplund-Walsh introduced Dan Ward and Ron White of the County Correctional Facility. Mr. White proceeded to explain the Work Release Program, which has been quite successful. He noted how this program came about, education provided, why inmates are selected and the skills associated with those incarcerated. He explained that those involved in the work release program are not competing with local contractors but provide a workforce which are able to complete small community tasks in a short period of time.

Mr. Ward reviewed with Board several projects that Work Release Program members have already accomplished in Pittsfield. He offered their services for any task that Pittsfield felt might be applicable and which could save Town considerable amount of money.

(LS) noted that the program sounds like it would be beneficial in saving the community money and noted that the enthusiasm attached to the program is well received.

6:30 P.M. – Town Clerk Hast – Tax Deed Properties

Liz Hast, Town Clerk advised Board that the Deeds have now been done explaining that several mortgage companies still need to get back to her on various properties, and that several are in trailer parks. Two trailers have been removed from the park without first checking on delinquent taxes. These were moved without the consent of the Town. She provided Board with copies of the Deed Process, which explains how the Board needs to proceed. Liz also offered a brief history associated with each of the properties. Board decided to table this matter to allow them sufficient time to review.

6:45 P.M. – John Topouzoglou – Cram Avenue Sidewalk

Mr. Topouzoglou requested the Board to consider solutions to the Cram Avenue water collection problem in front of his home. He related that he has discussed this with Town Administrator previously and is now approaching BOS. He suggested that an additional drain be located in the area where the problem is occurring.

7:30 P.M. – Stephen Heavener – Economic Development Briefing

(LK) Since it is still early and Mr. Heavener has not yet arrived, we will continue with the Agenda.


1. Request for FMLA Leave – Brian Eldredge

(LS) Motion to approve FMLA leave as requested by Brian Eldredge. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Letter of Resignation – Michael McLaughlin, Building Inspector

Letter of Resignation was accepted at September 10th meeting of Board.

3. Corridor Patrol Grant – Reimbursement Proposal

(LS) Motion to approve reimbursement proposal – Corridor Patrol Grant – as noted in Memo from Chief Wharem. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: Chief Wharem explained to Board how this occurred and grant specifics. He noted that this was an error on his part and this will clear up the matter.

4. BCEP Budget Representative

(LKe) noted that in his eagerness to supply a candidate as a budget representative for the BCEP, he did not do enough research. “It was brought to my attention after the last meeting by Ms. MacLellan that, as a member, she is not eligible to be a Budget Committee member, though she wishes to remain on the Board.”

(EV) Motion to withdraw appointment of Judith MacLellan to BCEP Budget Committee. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) noted that he discussed membership with Carolyn Allhiser, Manager of Northway Bank, and she would like to be appointed to this position.

(EV) Motion to appoint Carolyn Allhiser to the BCEP Budget Committee. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Paperwork concerning her request will be forthcoming shortly.

5. Town Auditor’s Request for Information

(LKe) This has been completed and requesting Board review and forward to auditors.

(LS) Motion to approve as noted and allow Leon Kenison to send to auditors as presented. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. DOS Inquiry – Debris Removal Activity

(LKe) I believe that the answer on this inquiry is “No” in regard to curbside pick-up.

(LS) Motion to respond to DOS inquiry authorizing Leon Kenison to sign and forward. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. Proposed Loitering Ordinance

(LKe) As you will recall, Board has discussed this previously and I have forwarded a copy of information provided by (DM) asking Laura Specter to review and comment. I have requested she construct a document which is constitutional, which she has now completed. I assume this will be processed through the regular Warrant Article process at Town Meeting. (LS) It is simplified and should hold up. (LKe) I have shared this with Chief Wharem and he noted that this reflects to a “T” the State Statutes.

Chief Wharem noted that he would like to see set fines for first and second offenses. Judges prefer to see this spelled out. First offense would be $150. and $300 for every subsequent offense. He noted that Laura Specter and he were in agreement that State Law notes that standing and not obstructing traffic is not a violation and only occurs if traffic is being obstructed and then becomes a violation. It is necessary that Town be careful with people’s rights to congregate. “You have to interfere with an individual’s right of passage. Laura Specter and I are under the same impression.” Chief Wharem noted that this would now have to go Town as Warrant Article.

(LS) noted “it does not say that. (After reading) – I guess we have to check into that. I do not read it that way.” Chief Wharem noted that the last time something like this had to go to Town Meeting if it is other than traffic. (LKe) to check on procedure for processing.

8. Elections

(LS) noted that she had some concerns regarding the election last Tuesday. She related that she attempted to sit where she usually does during elections and was advised by the Moderator that she could not sit by the voting booth and that as a Selectman she “does not need to be here.” I was embarrassed and annoyed. In looking at the Statutes, I have developed a letter to be sent to the Moderator that as a BOS member, I had a responsibility to be there inspecting booths, signing off on voting booths and etc. per the RSA’s.” I would like to send this letter to the Moderator to clarify the BOS role.

(LS) Motion to approve this letter to Moderator to clarify Board of Selectman’s role at elections. (DM) Second. Carried 3-1 (EV)
(LS) This room is not large enough polling place per Regulations for the upcoming general election. “I believe we are supposed to have 26 booths which is one booth per one hundred registered voters.” The Board needs to engage in discussion regarding the possibility of having Town residents vote, perhaps, at the Elementary School. There is also a parking issue here. We should consider having it at the School. (LKe) noted that Town might consider using “screen substitutes” for booths. He noted that with the upcoming election, voters will be remaining longer within the booths. (LK) noted a letter should be sent to School to see if it can be made to work. We have two months to work on this and a telephone line can be put in. (EV) We need to check with School and see how it affects their schedules. (LS) Yes, I would like to be in compliance.

(LK) Mr. Heavener has now arrived and we can continue with the appointment as scheduled.

Mr. Heavener related that he would like to discuss certain matters pertaining to real estate and would not feel comfortable discussing in public session.

(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (d).
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:26 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:07 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of September 16, 2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


Fire Chief Gary Johnson presented a video review of the proposed Ambulance/Ambulance – Fire Shared/Fire Department budget.

He noted that within his budget there are two types of funds: Discretionary which are those he has to have and Non-Discretionary funds which are speculative funds. He presented a detailed accounting of budgeted items including the increased percentages over 2008. This included an increase of part-time secretarial position, which currently includes 15 hours to 30 hours a week. (EV) suggested that perhaps and a small increase of hours this year and then again next year would help. Chief Johnson related that this would not be possible due to employee’s economic situation.

(LK) noted that this overall is an increase of $44,900. He noted that we are striving for level funding for the 2009 budget. Chief Johnson related that there is at least $23,000 of this that he has no control over. This is a “dynamic business” and he anticipates an increase in “business” due to the economy and the public’s increased use of wood/pellet/other types of fuel. “What services do you want to cut?” (LS) noted, “The other Department Heads did better. They have come much closer to a small increase in their budgets. Cuts have to be made somewhere. Chief Johnson noted that there were no special projects he could cut or remove. “I think the line item that Board has suggested for maintenance is excellent.” Board further discussed retirement, repairs, life insurance, as well at other line items to see what could be reduced/removed/adjusted. Chief Johnson agreed that he would take another look at the budget and get back to (LKe) by the end of next week.

Board discussed and approved the following budgets.

Building Inspection – 4240:

Reduce Line Item 120 to $3,900
Reduce Line Item 430 to 500
Reduce Line Item 635 to 500
Reduce Line Item 710 to 500

Rest of Line Items Remain the Same.

(LS) Motion to approve Building Inspection budget as noted. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Housing Standards Agency – 4241:

(LS) Motion to approve Housing Standards Agency budget as proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Emergency Management and Forest Fire Suppression – 4290:

A decrease to $250.00 was proposed for Forest Fire New Equipment/Training.

(LS) Motion to approve Emergency Management and Forest Fire Suppression budget as noted except for $250. decrease Line Item 694. (DM) Second.

After discussion, (LS) withdraw Motion and (DM) withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to approve Emergency Management and Forest Fire Suppression – 4290 as originally proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Hydrant & Dam Fees – 4339:

(LS) Motion to approve Hydrant & Dam Fees – 4339 budget as proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Welfare Administration – 4441:

Line Item 69l reduced to $1.00.

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare Administration – 4441 budget as proposed except for change in Line Item 691. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Direct Assistance – 830:

Welfare General Assistance – Line Item 830 reduced to $85,000.

(LK) related that he would feel more comfortable with $90,000 as there have been great savings this year, but winter is coming up and it is supposed to be a hard winter.

(LS) Motion to approve Direct Assistance – 830 budget with decrease in Line Item 830 to $85,000. (EV) Second. Carried 3-1 (LK).

Intergovernmental Welfare Payments – 4444:

Line Item 870 decreased to $3,931.

(LS) Motion to approve Intergovernmental Welfare Payments budget with decrease to $3,931. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. DPW Monthly Reports – June/July/August

For Board review.

2. BCEP Solid Waste District Meeting Minutes – 7-31-08

(EV) Everything is about the same. FEMA has called regarding reimbursement for the cost of grinding stumps. We will look into that.

3. PD Monthly Report – August

(LK) There is a conference on school violence. Equipment costs are about $2,200. (DM) I am not against that provided it is paid by the school.

4. FD Monthly Report – August
5. PD Arrest Logs 8/24, 8/30, 8/31 and 9/6/08
6. Welfare Department Monthly Report – August

For Board review.

7. School District – PD Incentive Grant

(LK) This is a good grant. (LS) This is being monitored to see if it is worth keeping. (LKe) to report stats to see if it is successful.
8. Mitchell Municipal Group – Motion for Costs

(LS) This is good.

9. PD Officer on Medical Leave – Richard Wiltshire

(LS) Is this a Worker’s Comp? (LKe) “No.” (LS) questioned what the light duty would be and how it would be accomplished. (EV) suggested talking to Bob so he could give Board an idea of what he will be doing.

10. Building Inspector Car

(LK) noted there are blue lights in this car. He related that car is currently operating okay though transmission slips in overdrive. He noted that he has given Kyle Parker a tour of the town and pending project sites. What should we do about the blue lights? (DM) How did the blue lights get in there in the first place? (LK) They were put in but I do not know why. (LS) I suggest taking them out. (LK) Okay, we will take them out.

11. Board of Selectman Applications

(LK) To date, the following have submitted applications for Board of Selectman vacancy:

Pauline Cortese
James Donini
Fred Hast
Nancy Christie

12. Police Department Schedule – September

(LKe) noted this has been provided to BOS. As you will note there are illnesses and also other things which have changed. (LS) Can we get the October schedule, before October? (LKe) noted he will request this.

13. Employee of the Month – August

(DM) Just a reminder that next week we will be selecting Employee of the Month for August. (LK) I would suggest that the Department liaisons remind Department Heads about this. (DM) We could send a memo to Department Heads. (EV) “How does a Department Head get nominated?” (DM) noted that anyone can recommend anyone for this, either another employee or another Department Head.


All matters are still pending except:

2. Town Investment Policy

(LKe) This will be addressed next week.

9. RSA 79-E Status

This will be removed from Agenda as it had been accomplished.


1. Application for Veterans Property Tax Credit, Lawrence Williams, Sr.

(DM) Motion to approve Veterans Property Tax Credit for Lawrence Williams, Sr. for $300. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0. (EV) Abstain.

2. Intent to Cut – Map R10, Lots 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Cut – Tax Map R10, Lots 3, 4, 5, 7,
and 10. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LKe) These are storm damage related. (EV) noted that is good that they are marking the requests as Storm Damage.

3. Intent to Cut, Tax Map R10, Lot 8-2

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Tax Map R10, Lot 8-2.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Check Manifests. (EV) Second.

Discussion: (LS) There is one timesheet noting a 10-hour floating holiday. This is not a clear l0 hour shift. (LKe) check this out please.

(LS) Amend Motion: (LKe) to check and approve accordingly.
(EV) Second – Amendment to Motion. Motion and Amendment: Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Check Held from Last Week:

(LS) related that there was a check held from last week for two Police Department secretaries attending upcoming conference. These secretaries went to same type of conference last year. “I cannot justify their going again this year. I do not feel it is warranted for both secretaries to go.”
(EV) What is it for? (LS) It is a Wellness/Fitness conference. “I just cannot justify it.”

(LS) Motion to deny approval for both secretaries from Police Department to attend conference. (LK) Second. Vote: (LS) and (LK) Yes; (EV) and (DM) No. (LK) Motion dies because of lack of assenting majority vote.

(DM) If Bob has approved their attendance, I think there is a reason for his approval. I would like to hear from him. (EV) Is it a repeat? (DM) Since he approved it, I would think it would be beneficial to department that they attend. (EV) I would hate to turn someone down to attend a conference that might be useful, but I do not think there is enough information as to why Town should spend this money. We should send an explanation as to why this did not pass. (LS) I respect what you are saying but how do you pick and choose what you can afford in a situation like this.


1. Public Minutes of September 10, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Public Minutes of September 10, 2008.
(EV) Second. One letter correction was noted. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of September 2 and September 10, 2008.

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of September 2 and 10, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.




Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a). (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agree.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 10:10 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 10:30 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of September 16, 2008.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve $120 for Police Department secretaries to attend conference. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 10:48 P.M.

Approved: September 23, 2008

___________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

11 Tapes