September 16, 2010 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting
September 16, 2010 6:30 pm

Present: Sylvia Wallace, Chairman, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia/Mary) to accept the minutes for the August 19, 2010 meeting.

Old Business:
• Walk Around to review the status of the Library building inside and outside was conducted by the Director and trustees. Points noted were:
? Observed that the gutters are flooding with overflow (It was raining at the time the review was done.) and Mary said that Denise Morin, Chairperson of the Selectmen, had mentioned to her on voting day that the gutters would be cleaned soon and apologized that they were not done before now. The temporary draining pipe is leaking in places and an end cap is missing on a gutter near the back door handicapped entryway.
? The alarm company came to repair a faulty system that went off on Thursday morning with the Fire Department coming. The Fire Chief noted that we must have a box on the outside of the building with keys for the Fire Department to access the building in case of a fire. A Knox box is on order at this time.
? There are loose tiles in the front door entryway.
? A discussion was held regarding the dehumidifier that is being used due to water seeping in a room in the lower level.
? The retaining wall along the walkway needs to be repaired.
? Tiles in the kitchenette area (lower level) seemed to be raised at one point when Roza was in on a weekend. This problem will be monitored to see if it reoccurs.
? The lower level doorbell is not working properly. The electrician is due to come in to add a light extender (time) and he will be shown that problem.
? The window in the attic will need renovating plus the remaining windows after Mr. Roeper completes the first group of windows. He will be asked to check inside sills also because some are damaged due to moisture.
? Pillars near the front door were noted and a time frame to get an estimate for the repair work will be considered for the CIP (Capital Improvement) information for the Planning Committee.
? A formal quote was received from Mr. Munn to re-engage the outside faucet.
• Review of the SILC Trustee /Library meeting held on Monday 9/13/10 at the Epsom Library was held. The authors of a book on older libraries and energy use made the presentation and Roza said she would purchase the book for the library. Roza Benoit, Dana Sansom and Mary Schelble attended and found it beneficial.
• A follow-up on reinstituting fines (to be instituted 10/1/10) was held and a cap was placed at $20 per book. The director explained that the fines will not include days the library is not open. The computer will calculate the amount so staff do not have to compute the fines.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted as written.

New Business:
• CIP (Capital Improvement) requests were considered and a list was made at the request of the Planning Board (Sher) to be submitted on 9/27/10:
first tier: walkway
second tier: remaining windows (second half), pillars and attic window and
third tier: air conditioning with electrical upgrade to support AC
• A discussion was held regarding virtual book reviews and Roza presented her ideas for a web site for the Library that would be user friendly and also be attached to the Town Website. This would make it easy for patrons to have an on-line discussion of books they have read and write up their thoughts on the books and also make it easier for them to look at our new books, hours, etc.

Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 9: pm. (Mary, Dana)

Next Meeting: October 14, 2010 6:30 pm.

Submitted by: Mary Schelble, Secretary