September 17, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission
17 September 2007
Call to order: 7PM
Present: M. Wallace, L. Collier, N. Bates, P. Metcalf, L. Berkson
New Business:
1. Larry Berkson presented the Pittsfield Babe Ruth Ball Park proposal.
Silt fences for any possible erosion will be addressed.
Wetland issues appear to be properly considered.
PCC supports the project.
2. University of New Hampshire will accept proposals for senior conservation projects
that will help NH towns. PCC will contact UNH about developing a Dustin-Barker
Town Forest recreation trail system.
3. PCC will determine if and how to restrict the Dustin-Barker Town Forest landing so it
will not be abused.
Old business:
1. The Dustin-Barker Forest selective cut has been completed. PCC is waiting a final
report form forester Moreno.
Next meeting: 15 October @ 7PM
Meeting adjourned: 8:40
Respectfully submitted:
Mark Wallace