September 17, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
September 17, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:00 PM, by PCC Chairman Mark Wallace.
Present: Chairman Mark Wallace (MW), Paul Metcalf (PM), Secretary Diana Westgate (DW), Absent: Vice Chairman Bryan Mika. Also present was Chris Hall. Chris has put in an application to join the Conservation Commission.

Treasurer’s Report: There is $6,300 in the Land Use Conservation Tax fund. The check of $30,900 for the Berry Pond property has been cashed.. PM has submitted a bill for $154.19 for the pens that were given out at Old Home Day. Pens. $123.41 remains in the PCC budget.

Public Input. Clayton Wood, an abutter of the Berry Pond Dam shared his findings about the impact of removing the dam. The dam has not been in use since 2008. The state is trying to close 6,000 similar dams. Neither the abutter nor the PCC see any problem with the removal that dam. Removal will take 1 ½ years to complete. Its removal will save $2,000 in licensing fees and $2,200 in insurance costs. For historical purposes the dam’s existence will be documented and pictures will be taken.

Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the April 16 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Vacant Positions. Currently the PCC has one opening for a member and two openings for alternates.

Old Business
1. Thompson Forest. There has been slow progress on when the work will be done. Morse Logging will try to get an answer.
2. Black Gum Forest. The PCC and others agree that the 2007 logging there was not done with in accordance with proper logging practices. CM Forestry will facilitate a contract between Sweet Logging and Pittsfield. Bringing a case against the logger may involve the state..
3. Berry Pond. The PCC would like a sign similar to the Sergeant Forest one. PSNH has offered to pay for it.
4. Budget 2013. We are requesting $650 for next year plus an increase of $300 to cover increased expenses.
5. November Conservation Workshop. This year it is November 3rd Any member of the PCC who wishes attend is encouraged to register.
6. PMHS Intern. DW will follow up with the Pittsfield Middle High School to see if we can work out an internship opportunity with the PCC for an interested student or students.
Goals for 2013
1. Back Gum. The PCC would like to establish a right of way into the Black Gum Forest.
2. Woods on Tan Road. There are 31 acres owned by the town along Tan road. The PCC would like investigate those woods for management by the PCC.
3. Internship. The PCC hopes to create internship opportunities for PMHS students.
4. Suncook Valley Sun Articles. The PCC would like to submit articles on relevant conservation topics.
Adjournment: 8:30 PM. BM motioned; DW seconded; motion carried (3-0)
Submitted by: DW, Secretary The next meeting will be Thursday October 18.