September 18, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John Lenaerts (JL)
(LK) Non-Public (c); (LKe) Matt Magoon’s Request Use Town Property,
Front Doors. (AM) N.H. Legal Assistance/Welfare
6:10 P.M. – Sharon Wason, Executive Director, Central NH Regional
Planning Commission, “Past Year Activities” and Changes to State
Transportation Plan
Ms. Wason related that there two main reasons she was here tonight. The
first reason was the Commission’s commitment to maintain dues realizing
that local budgets are tight and trying to keep them affordable. She related
that dues this year would be $4,580, which is about $58. more than last year.
The second reason was in regard to submitting assessment grant for
brownfields and petroleum, which governs cleaning up sites with petroleum
and other such contaminates. This grant would have to be submitted by
October 12, 2007. “We could assist you in applying for the grant.”
She noted that there is also a Source Water Protection Grant for region-wide
campground and trailer park education program. The grant would have to be
applied for by November 1, 2007. She noted that most campground trailer
parks were established years ago when permits were not required and these
included ones with wells that were too close to roads, trailer sites on beach,
and etc. She related that DES assesses every water site every two years and
prioritizes activities in watersheds around the State. She briefly discussed
the participation of CNHPC and the EDC and Planning Board.
Action Items
1. (LKe) noted that Matt Magoon requested permission to traverse
over Town Property, which is the adjacent parcel to the one
currently being logged.
(LS) Motion to approve permission to traverse over Town Property.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Town Hall Front Doors
(LKe) noted that older citizens doing business at the Town Hall often
struggle with the doors. Some do have canes or walkers and often check for
some type of mechanical assistance to make doors more accessible.
(EV) Motion to approve work to be down on Town Hall doors to make more
accessible. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) questioned when this would be done? (LKe) noted Town would start
as soon as possible.
1. DRA September 6, 2007 Letter: New Assessment Review Cycle
(AM) noted he would defer this to (LS). (LS) noted that this would involve
changing our cycles to coincide with theirs. (LKe) noted that he would get
together with Cara to assess and also regarding software.
2. Central NH Regional Planning Commission – FY2008 Dues.
This was covered during appointment with Sharon Wason previously.
(AM) noted that he assumed BOS was in favor of maintaining membership
in the CNHRPC? Board agreed.
3. Al MacLellan Letter – State DES Dam Permit Fees.
(AM) noted letter should be acknowledged stating BOS aware of concerns.
(LKe) to acknowledge on behalf of BOS.
4. DES September 11, 2007 Letter – Water Pollution Revolving Fund
Loan Increase
(LKe) noted that this is something that has been in the works for a while and
has been through the various committees.
5. Staff Meeting Notes September 18, 2007
(LKe) noted that PD has made two arrests, so far, regarding the Floral Park
Cemetery vandalism and are awaiting a Court petition for a juvenile for an
additional arrest.
(LS) questioned whether all positions at PD were filled except for the four
part-time police officers? (LKe) noted that this was correct.
(EV) also noted that he recently was on Route 28 and noted that there was a
State repair vehicle working without police detail. He noted that he thought
this was rather odd. (LKe) noted that because of costs, oftentimes this does
not happen and it depends on what they are doing.
(LK) noted that he thought there was good communication with Department
1. Contract Service for Emergency Trash Removal
(LKe) noted he still has not heard from them and will “chase” them down.
2. In-Law Apartment Permit – LGC Response
(LKe) noted that we had received a response from LGC and they had
reworked part of the In-Law Apartment Permit form by excluding some
items that were “too personal.” He noted that though there is less
information it would still serve its purpose. (EV) questioned why for one
year? (LKe) So that no changes are made from “in-law to outlaw”
apartment. Board discussed various aspects of the form such as reinspection
for renewal, expiration date, and how many in-law apartments
would be involved.
(LK) Motion to approve In-Law Apartment Permit form as redrafted by
Town Attorney. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Crime Line Signs
(LK) displayed the sign noting that the words “remain anonymous” was
accidentally omitted. How this could be rectified was discussed – adding a
piece of tape at bottom noting this, or having additional printing added to
sign. (AM) noted he would be against adding any kind of tape that could be
removed by anyone. (LK) noted that he would check with Dave to see what
his recommendations would be and as to color of print. (LS) noted that the
signs look good and wanted to know if plans had been made as to locations.
(LK) noted that a new post would be installed that could also be used for
other purposes such as snow bans. He related George would begin working
on this as soon as possible. He noted that George and his crew work
7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.m. without lunch breaks.
4. N.H. Legal Assistance/Welfare
(AM) noted that as he read this, it made sense to him. Why charge or punish
the tenant in the apartment? He noted that if someone already resides in the
apartment, that they should not be asked to leave because of landlord
licensing problems. (LKe) noted that there is a disconnect between HSA
Inspector, Welfare and Town Inspector. (LK) noted that we do not always
know condition of unlicensed apartments and it could be something minor or
something quite major. If it fails, we should know why it failed. We want
to help landlords. (AM) noted that things are not being applied
evenhandedly enough. (LKe) suggested taking the Guidelines and this letter
to Town Attorney to review so procedure is consistent. He noted that a
tentative appointment was scheduled with HSA and BOS for September 25,
2007 at 5:00 P.M., which is prior to the BOS meeting next Tuesday. This
will be Non-Public. (Board members agreed to appointment.)
(EV) questioned whether HSA inspections are open to the public?
(LKe) noted he thought so. (AM) related that he agreed that it should be sent
to Town Attorney for review. We should not evict someone who already
resides there, just not let new people in. (EV) related as long as it is not a
life safety issue.
5. Letter from Laura Specter – Copying
(AM) Letter from Laura not allowing people to copy since Town only has
one copy of “most” items. (LKe) noted he would like to take a look at Town
policy and incorporate electronics part into it.
6. Letter – Pittsfield Players
(LS) noted that she had read the letter to the Pittsfield Players. She noted
that she thought they were to put the Warrant Article together and take to
Town Meeting. It was noted that Town was going to do this or th ey could,
but either way they should be notified accordingly.
1. Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R3, Lot 5E – Keath Wood
(LS) Motion to accept Notice of Intent to Cut, Tax Map R3, Lot 5E.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Account Payable. (LK) Second. After discussion,
Carried 3-0 omitting Check #7450.
Discussion: (LS) Pull Check #7450 and discuss in Non-Public. I also have
a question regarding part-time secretary need for business cards. I thought
we were not going to allow this.
1. Public Session Minutes of September 11, 2007.
(LK) Motion to accept Public Session Minutes of September 11,2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of September 11, 2007
(LS) Motion to accept Non-Public Session Minutes of September 11, 2007.
(LK) Second. (Note: Vote to be taken during Non-Public Session tonight.
See attachment.)
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a), (c), and
(e). (LS) Second. Members of Board were polled individually and all
agreed. Carried 3-0.
Board of Selectmen went into Non-Public Session at 7:00 P.M.
After Non-Public Session, Board returned to Public Session. (Please see
attached “Continued Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2007.)
(EV) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
Approved: September 25, 2007
____________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date