September 18, 2008 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Michael Wolfe
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Jean Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.


Ms. Vogt added a budget suggestion. Mr. Wolfe added a request from the Cub Scouts and a safety issue. Dr. Freeman moved the issue of tuition rate to action and added NECAP science results, sale of Locke’s Location, and the playground resurfacing contract.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Colby, the agenda was approved as amended.


A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms, Vogt to approve the minutes of September 4, 2008 as written. Mr. Wolfe made a correction on page five under Drake Field & Facilities to omit “have PSNH remove the electric meter and then”. The motion passed unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.


Pittsfield School Board 1 September 18, 2008


A. Request for Non-Resident Student

In Mr. Kilmister’s absence, Ms. Chassie explained that the non-resident student discussed at the previous meeting did not include an issue of homelessness and that the family has plans to move back to an apartment in Pittsfield by the end of September.


A. Yearbook Club

Mr. Gremlitz asked the Board for their approval of a Yearbook Club. A stipend will be offered to Ms. Gardner to supervise the club’s activities. Ms. Vogt asked how long the yearbook was overseen through a class, to which Mr. DeLois answered at least eight years. Mr. Gremlitz added that this format is not uncommon in high schools. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the formation of the Yearbook Club with a stipend to Ms. Gardner.

B. Newspaper Club

Mr. Gremlitz asked the Board for their approval of a Newspaper Club. He stated the Katie Loud, newly hired English teacher, has had experience with this and is interested in promoting a school newspaper. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the formation of the Newspaper Club with a stipend to Ms. Loud.

C. Homecoming Events

Mr. Gremlitz reported that the homecoming activities were a success with good attendance at all events. He complimented the Booster Club for their leadership and organization in planning the annual event.

D. NECAP Testing

The schedules, according to Mr. Gremlitz, are developed for the administration of NECAP tests to Grades 7, 8, and 11. Mr. Gremlitz reviewed the full fall assessment schedule.


Ms. Vogt asked how many staff members are working on the PBIS effort, to which Mr. DeLois answered fifteen. Mr. DeLois further explained that all faculty and staff would be implementing and that the fifteen staff members represented
the membership on the Universal Team that is responsible for planning for implementation. Mr. Gremlitz added that a good effort was being made by the Universal Team to include students in the process.

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F. Summer Program Report

According to the Board’s request, Mr. Gremlitz provided attendance figures for
the summer recreation program at Drake Field. The average daily attendance was: 2008-46, 2007-48, 2006-48, 2005-44, 2004-53, 2003-41.


A. Special Education Enrollment

Responding to the Board’s previous request, Ms. Chassie presented statistics regarding the number of students with disabilities. Mr. Colby asked if the percentage of students with disabilities was within the average range for the State of New Hampshire. Ms. Chassie explained that there has not been a recent determination of a state average but would guess, anecdotally, that Pittsfield falls in the higher end of the average range in comparison with the State.

B. JPPO/PPD Meetings

Ms. Chassie reported that the meetings between Juvenile Justice, the Pittsfield Police Department, and key members of the staff of the Pittsfield School District have resumed. She stated that the monthly meetings help to keep the lines of communication open between the three organizations.


A. District Financial Audit and Food Service Debt

Dr. Freeman explained that the district’s auditor, Mr. Paul Mercier, has recommended that funds from the FY ’08 fund balance be applied to the food service debt of approximately $58,000. He reviewed the efforts that are being made to find solutions to the issues that create debt in the food service department. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe the Board voted unanimously to authorize the superintendent to use the fund balance, up to $60,000, to remove the food service debt.

B. Calendar Adjustment

Dr. Freeman recommended that the school calendar be modified. Erroneously, October 3, 2008, was determined to be the NEA Conference, when in fact, the actual date is October 10, 2008. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to change the calendar as recommended by the superintendent.

C. Tuition Rate

Dr. Freeman presented information relative to the district’s tuition rate for the 2008-2009 school year. He explained the process by which the rate is

Pittsfield School Board 3 September 18, 2008

established. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to set the tuition rate for 2008-09 as presented for the elementary, middle, and high school, unless adjusted by the State of New Hampshire in its review of the MS-25.

D. Request for Non-Resident Attendance

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to allow the two students to remain at the Pittsfield Elementary School until October 3, 2008. Dr. Freeman explained that the administrators have unified the process of addressing issues around residency.

E. Drake Field & Facilities – Mr. Colby & Mr. Wolfe

Dr. Freeman stated that he has visited Drake Field and compiled a list of concerns, including safety and security, cleanup, long-term maintenance, and funding. He suggested that a plan be created in collaboration with Jim Dawson, Mr. Colby, and Mr. Wolfe to address the issues. He will present the plan at a future meeting.

F. Free & Reduced Meals

Dr. Freeman reviewed the strategies being undertaken to increase the number of parent responses to the free and reduced meal application process.

G. Energy Conservation

Dr. Freeman reviewed a memo outlining energy conservation measures. He explained that the administration will move forward on the recommendations relating to heating/cooling, lighting, and vending machines. Dr. Freeman further stated that additional information will be gathered on the use of appliances and computers before further implementation.

H. Budget

Dr. Freeman distributed the final expenditure report for FY08 and asked the Board for direction on how often the report would like to be seen by the Board. It was decided that the reports would be distributed quarterly in the hard copy version.

Dr. Freeman explained that three strategies are being used to create the FY10 budget: reviewing student population relative to materials and supplies, implementing an across-the-board 10% reduction on controllable costs, and decreasing staff by three across the district.

Dr. Freeman distributed a packet of information, provided by Ms. Vogt, illustrating ways in which the budget information can be efficiently presented to
the public. He asked the members of the Board to review the documents and provide direction on which forms should be considered.

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I. Teacher Evaluation Process

Dr. Freeman stated that the teacher evaluation process is underway. He will keep the Board abreast of the process as it evolves.

J. Education Association of Pittsfield (E.A.P.)

Dr. Freeman explained that Kiza Armour, in her role as E.A.P. president, has discussed the revision of the teacher evaluation system with him. It has been recommended by the District Leadership Team that the teacher evaluation process be revised and piloted during the 2011-2012 school year with full implementation during the 2012-2013 school year. This schedule would allow preliminary work to be completed that would support the development of an improved system of evaluation. As this issue was discussed during the most recent negotiations with the E.A.P., Ms. Armour suggested that the Board sign a memorandum of agreement which formalizes the recommended schedule and addresses concerns discussed during negotiations. The Board agreed and directed Dr. Freeman to draft such a memorandum for their consideration.

K. Science NECAP Results

Dr. Freeman distributed a copy of the news release on this topic of September 18, 2008, from the NH Department of Education. Dr. Freeman also distributed results of the science tests for grades 4, 8, and 11. The results indicate Pittsfield as scoring within the average range in comparison with the State of New Hampshire and other local school districts.

L. Sale of Locke’s Location

Locke’s Location, the current location of the SAU, has been sold. Dr. Freeman will continue the conversations with the owners relative to the early discontinuation of the lease.

M. Playground

The original vendor, whose bid was approved by the Board, decided not to provide the service of delivering the resurfacing materials. Dr. Freeman will work with another bidder to ensure that the job is completed.

N. Supervision of Walking Students

Mr. Wolfe, based on questions from a member of the public, asked where the responsibility of the school begins and ends for students walking to and from school. Dr. Freeman stated that the school maintains supervision and responsibility while the students are on the school grounds. He added that we have also attempted to provide assistance at some specific bus stops. If people
report student misbehavior that occurs off the school grounds, they are encouraged to report the event to the police department.

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A. Drake Field & Facilities – Mr. Colby & Mr. Wolfe

Mr. Wolfe is working in his spare time to chip the brush that remains from the clearing that the Corrections Department completed.

Mr. Colby suggested applying fill to the ruts in the field. Dr. Freeman agreed to arrange for this to occur.

Mr. Colby reported that a section of fence removed by the Rotary Club during the Balloon Rally has not been replaced. Dr. Freeman will make a contact to address.

Mr. Colby asked about the possibility of removing a loitering individual from Drake Field. Dr. Freeman will address the situation further in discussion with Police Chief Wharem.

Mr. Colby stated that he has a sign available stating the rules at Drake Field. He suggested adhering the sign to a location that will optimize the possibility of not being destroyed or removed.

B. Budget Committee Representative – Ms. Vogt

Ms. Vogt described a program she heard on the radio regarding the financial climate across the state during the upcoming budget season. She asked if the School District should be engaging in conversations with surrounding districts in an effort to buy items in bulk. Ms. Paradise suggested that Dr. Freeman talk to his colleagues in the Lakes Region Superintendent’s group to see if there was interest in group purchases or other cost saving measures.

C. Drug Awareness – Mr. Colby

Ms. Vogt explained that the Drug Awareness Committee, in collaboration with the Pittsfield Youth Workshop and Pittsfield School District, is planning the remaining public forums.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda will include the math task force, capital improvement projects, high school redesign, superintendent job description, social worker position, and policy revision.

XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

Mrs. Dora Hill stated positive comments regarding the interim principal, Mr. Gremlitz; the superintendent, Dr. Freeman; and the newly hired staff. She stated
that she is hearing very positive reports from her son, a student at Pittsfield Middle High School. She also commended the members of the Board for their hard work.

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On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

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