Trustees Meeting
September 18, 2008
Cara Marston and Elsie Morse met to transact business to come before the Trustees.
The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were accepted.
Cara read into the record a correspondence from Terry Knowles of the Attorney General’s Office stating that the offices of Library Trustee and Trustee of the Trust Funds are not incompatible. This was forwarded to the Library Trustees.
Larry Berkson called to cancel his appointment.
Cara and Elsie worked on the Investment Policy for the various funds in the Trustees’ care. This will be reviewed and open to adoption at the October 16 meeting. Questions for TJ regarding the asset allocation of separate funds. Also need to add the term Prudent Investor to the Sanderson Trust statement.
The next meeting will be October 16 following the Foss Scholarship meeting.
Respectfully Submitted’
Elsie Morse