September 18, 2013 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
September 18, 2013

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (SM), Paul Sherwood (PSH)
Ellen Barbasso (EB), and Tracy Huyck.

3. Minutes for September 4, 2013 were accepted and approved.

4. NEREJ article
A. The article and pictures were sent to Matt Monahan
B. Waiting for approval from the members of SVRDC for the check

5. Joint board meeting
A. Date changed to October 12 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
B. Letter will go out from Board of Selectmen
C. Agenda has been set

6. Project Update
A. Previous one has been updated
B. Will be discussed at next meeting

7. Update on DOT property
A.TM has received a letter from DOT
B. They never received a letter from NEMO
C. They do not want to sell, interested in Park and Ride
D. Interest in Park and Ride has lessened in Pittsfield
E. TM will send letter to them about this

8. Other
A. Letter will be sent to Family Dollar corporate headquarters about lack of landscaping
B. AMENICO-TM recommended they purchase shrubs in fall when they go on sale
C. Site council meeting will be held at PMHS-open to teachers, students and public
1. Claremont has a 3 week curriculum course with local businesses
D. Meeting with Wendy from Citizens Bank has been postponed-she will advise of available dates

9. Next meeting will be October 2, 2013 at 5:30 P.M.

10. Meeting closed at 6:10 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman
Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary