September 20, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
September 20, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:10 PM, by PCC Chairman Mark Wallace

Present: Chairman Mark Wallace (MW); Vice Chair Nancy Bates (NB); Sec. Nancy Christie (NC); Paul Metcalf (PM); Alternate Jon Greenwood (JG)

Minutes: After briefly looking over the minutes of the June 14, 2010, meeting, JG moved to accept the minutes as written (PM seconded). Motion passed, 4-0.
Action: MW will post the minutes on the Town’s website as required by law

Financial Report: The only disbursement since the last meeting was $250 for our annual membership dues in the NH Assn. of Conservation Commissions (NHACC). Current Balances: $6,039.65 (general account); $78,161.02 (Conservation Fund), for a grand total of $84,200.67.

Public Input: None

Old Business

1. Update on Plans for a Timber Cut on Selected Town-Owned Parcels — Rocky Ridge
Action: MW talked with Consulting Forester Charlie Moreno, who is in contact with the lumber company (the same company that did the cut in the Dustin Barker Town Forest a few years ago). Charlie reports that “they will fit us in.”
Action: Assuming that the timber harvest moves forward this fall or winter, the PCC will need to present a Warrant Article at March Town Meeting, requesting that the monies realized from the sale be placed in the PCC’s Conservation Fund (to be used for activities such as boundary surveys of town-owned lands).
Action: To prevent having to come to the Town each time there is a timber cut on town-owned property, the PCC will also present a Warrant Article providing that all monies from timber harvests in the future automatically be placed in the PCC’s Conservation Fund.

2. First Review of New Draft of the PCC By-Laws, Policies & Procedures
Action: Committee members went through the document, up to and including Section 13, offering changes and suggestions.
Action: NC will create another draft of those sections discussed – to be emailed to the committee several days prior to the next meeting.
Action: The final sections will be discussed at our next meeting.


(a) Conservation Totebags
Action: Tabled

(b) Public Education Night about Strategies to Save Land
Action: PW moved (JG second) to appropriate $100 to pay Tom Howe, Senior Director of Land Conservation at the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, to conduct a workshop on Thurs. October 28, 7 – 8:30 PM at Town Hall, on the topic of conservation easements and other methods to save land.
Action: NC will contact Tom Howe to confirm the date, arrangements, etc.
Action: NC will draft an article for the Suncook Valley Sun, announcing the content and date of the workshop, etc. She will email the draft to PCC members for input, and then get it to the paper by deadline (to appear in their Oct. 6 issue).

New Business

1. Review of the Forest Management Plan (Moreno report)
Action: Tabled, due to the lateness of the hour

2. Presentation of the Plan’s Recommendations to the Selectboard
Action: Tabled

Mail review
Action: Tabled

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM (NB motioned; PM seconded); motion carried 4-0.

Submitted by: NC, Secretary