September 21, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Eric Nilsson, (EN), arrival at 7:17 P.M., Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Don Chase, (DC) Eric Nilsson (EN) Arrival at 7:17 P.M.




(FH) Deeds, 14 Depot Street, Expenditures, Broadway Pallets, 34 Main Street, Absenteeism of Board Member, Fire Chief Hours, Forestry Truck, Floor Plans – Amenico Building; (EV) CIP Program; (PS) Utility Pole Licenses, Review of Draft Letter to Delinquent Tax Payers, E-Mail from John Freeman Re: Property Purchase, Don Chase E-Mail and Unsigned Letter of Resignation; (DM) Sarah Sadowsky Proposal.




6:00 P.M.: Chuck Reese- DRA Appraisal Division

(PS) I have requested that Mr. Reese explain to the Board their option for future years’ appraisal contracts and what Board needs to plan for in the next five years and possibly sooner.

Mr. Reese offered the Board a print out of Assessing Tasks to Consider which explains a little of the history regarding assessments being brought to market value via Article 6. (See attached.) He noted Board should consider a capital reserve fund for five year re-valuation or statistical update. He related that a cyclical inspection could be started/continued where a certain percentage (about 20%) of the community is visited each year to ensure assessment records conform to the physical data.

(FH) That is basically what we have done in the past 15 years. The market is down this year. Mr. Reese: He noted that there is software available that would include the Building Inspector report which could be very advantageous for the assessing company. (PS) I would recommend that Board decide how to approach pick-ups and other appraisals for the next five years.

Board discussed with Mr. Reese the subject of current use relating to gravel pits who noted that gravel pits do need careful attention and monitoring.

Mr. Reese left meeting at 6:22 P.M.

6:10 P.M.: Sarah Sadowsky- Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition
(6:23 P.M.)

Ms. Sadowsky gave a Power Point slide presentation regarding the Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition in conjunction with the Pittsfield Community Coalition. She explained the strategy activities including media literacy, safe homes, coalition planning, stakeholder education, Website, community needs, enforcement, the current funding grants and what is needed to continue these programs. There remains $1,475 from the N.H. Charitable Fund and an additional $2,880 is needed.
(Reference materials were and will be available for the next week for anyone interested.)

Board agreed they would consider and address this matter later in the meeting.

Ms. Sadowsky left at 6:42 P.M.

Break at 6:38 P.M. Resume at 6:43 P.M.


1. 14 Depot Street

(PS) Board had requested communication go out to Mr. Aubertin concerning the site and it will be going out this week.

2. Utility Pole License (2)

(PS) Both Utility Pole Licenses have been reviewed and approved by George.

(FH) Motion to approve request for pole license petition 65-0457 (Clough Road.) (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

(FH) Motion to approve request for pole license petition 65-0458 (Jenness Pond Road.) (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

3. Request for Abatement of Sewer Charge

(PS) Rose Judd, owner of the property at 17 Foss Avenue, which burned down, is requesting an abatement of sewer charges. It is noted in her letter that she notified Pennichuck twice. (FH) The letter states she requested to have it shut down. Why is she getting a bill from Pennichuck? It was noted that she should also correspond directly with Pennichuck regarding the billing.

(FH) Motion to approve request for abatement of sewer charges for 17 Foss Avenue. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

4. Town Hall Fire Alarm Contracts

(PS) There are two separate contracts which have been generated in conjunction with Chief Johnson. These include items as noted on the Life Safety Codes Report. Chief Johnson is present tonight to discuss with the Board these contracts. This would bring the building up to the current code.

(FH) referred several questions to Chief Johnson concerning the horns, strobes, positioning of devices, attic requirements and requested the schematic, which Chief Johnson noted was not provided but he would request one. Fire Chief Johnson explained the rationale concerning the horns and strobes, lay out of the rooms, noise factors, and lavatories and related that these all play a part in the requirements relating to the size of the structure.

(DM) questioned whether other companies perform these same services? Fire Chief related that there were, but he has not dealt with them and has always gotten positive feedback pertaining to the Capitol Alarm Systems. It was agreed that he would acquire one or two additional quotes though all companies go by the same code and the number and types of devices will be the same. He noted that it should be taken into consideration that codes do change.

(EV) Motion to table this contract request until one or two more quotes can be obtained. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

5. Safety Committee Vacancy

(EV) Motion to appoint Mike Wolfe to Safety Committee. (FH) Second.
Carried 3-0.

8. Broadway – Pallets

(FH) There is quite a mess down there. Fire Chief: I have met with Scott Ward, who has been retained to sell this property and he has been given a week to have the area cleaned up before a violation is issued to the mortgage company. We went through the building and I pointed out areas that need to be “buttoned up.” The owner company is defunct at this point and they were using it for the pallet business. It is really not a bad building. If they do not comply (within approximately one week or so) the violation will be sent to the owner and the mortgage company. (PS) In that case, I will not forward a letter from this office at this time. Fire Chief: I have spoken to the State Fire Marshall and he has assured me he will assist if necessary. The biggest concerns are the pallets within fifty (50) feet of the building and the access to the building.

9. Fire Chief Hours

(FH) Your contract notes that you will be here Monday through Friday and you should be here those days and be subject to call all the time. Any day you do not work should be credited to leave time or sick time.

(DM) related it would not be necessary for the Fire Chief to address this.

10. Forestry Truck

(DM) You (Fire Chief) are opening the bids for the forestry truck soon? Fire Chief: Yes, on Friday at 9:00 A.M. This is for a Ford chassis, duel wheel, off road vehicle. (FH) That is not a forestry truck. Fire Chief: The current vehicle is a 1954 Dodge and because of grant requirements pertaining to safety requirements cannot continue to be utilized.

7:17 P.M.: Eric Nilsson arrived and was seated on the Board.

Fire Chief: We will review bids, and then bring information to Board. The grant is for $108,000 and if it is not all used they will allow us to spend the excess amount for additional equipment. The matching amount is $6,000.

11. Floor Plans for Amenico Building

Fire Chief: This has been done a number of times and at this point we are requesting a third party review. It seems that about every six weeks or so there are new changes. One occupancy impacts all the other occupancies. He took a few minutes to explain the sprinkler system and how it is rated.

Fire Chief left at 7:25 P.M.

6. SVRTA – Regional Public Safety Facility

(EV) As you know, I represent the Town for the Suncook Valley Regional Town Association and they have been discussing sharing expenses by grouping together and using a centralized main Police Station as a shared facility. Barnstead is interested in forming a committee to discuss this further. (DM) I think this would be a great idea. (EV) It would save money all three communities (Pittsfield, Barnstead, and Chichester) and I am asking for Board approval to explore further. Board agreed.

7. Board of Selectmen Budget Review Schedule

(PS) Board now has a copy of the budget absent the capital expenditures. All Department Heads have submitted their budgets. When would you like the Department Heads at Board meeting to discuss? Board agreed:

September 28th @ 6:00 P.M.: Police, Fire, Highway and/or WWTP
October 5th @ 6:00 P.M.: Other

12. Review of Draft Letter to Delinquent Tax Payers

(PS) drafted letter is approved and will be sent to each and every taxpayer on list outlining the dates which they may call and schedule an appointment with the Board.

(EV) Motion to rescind the motion regarding taking the Deed for David L. Blackey (Tax Map R11, Lot 13.) (FH) Second. Carried 4-0.

13. E-Mail from John Freeman Re: Property Purchase

(PS) We have received an E-Mail from John Freeman concerning property for sale at 42 Crescent Street and whether Town would consider purchasing the property. He noted the structure could then be razed and the property used for parking at Drake Field. Board noted that this would entail quite a bit additional expense as well as loss of property tax, policing the area, and who could/would use it and when. It was suggested that the area could be fenced and gated, which also would add considerable expenses to property. Board agreed that (PS) would send an E-Mail to John Freeman advising him that the Board is amenable to School purchasing property and perhaps meet with a member of the Board. (EV) agreed that he would meet with School representative for a walk through the building and property and try to explain the expenses involved in such an undertaking.

14. Don Chase E-Mail and Unsigned Letter of Resignation

(PS) This letter and E-Mail has been sent to me by Don Chase. Since the document is not yet signed, Board will take no action until this occurs.

15. Sara Sadowsky – Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition

(EV) This is a very positive program. If we do not pay someone, it will fall apart.

(EV) Motion to approve $2,880 be withdrawn from the Warrant Article account with a balance of $9,900 and use $1,475 remainder from the NH Charitable Fund $5,000 grant to fund the current program of the Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

16. Aubertin Property (14 Depot Street)

(FH) There has been no response from him. (PS) will be sending letter to Mr. Aubertin noting that the repairs he has made are only temporary repairs. The Board would like a more permanent solution. Letter to be sent out sometime this week.

17. Expenditures – 2010

(FH) There should be about 33% of the fund left in this Budget. He related some instances where the budgeted amounts are close to being exhausted in the Fire Department, Police Department and Building Inspector.

18. Town Hall Office Floors

(FH) We need to determine what is going to be put down replacing the carpet. (EV) The office personnel would like tiles as in the hallway. (PS) noted he had contacted Dan Ward, Merrimack County Jail and explained what the job would entail. (PS) to get some quotes on cost and where to purchase (vinyl composed
tiles – VCT) 12 x 12 squares, either Congoleum or Mannington.

19. Absentee Board Member

See No. 14 above.

20. Other

(EV) noted that in the future, it would be appreciated if only a few things were added to the Agenda by Board members and if possible, advise Board so they could be prepared for participation in the discussion.

21. CIP

(EV) The CIP Committee met last night. The Fire Chief is the only department that has met the deadline for submission of applications. All other Department Heads have not met the deadline (Town, WWTP, Police Department, Public
Works.) (PS) will send a reminder via E-Mail.

22. Assessing

(PS) The contract with Cross County is up this year. There are some variables the Board needs to consider – five year contract, one year contract, Pick-Ups, and capital reserve fund.




1. Capital Improvement Program See No. 21 Above.
2. Tax Deeded Properties See No. 12 Above.




(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of September 7, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of September 7, 2010. (FH) Second. After corrections: Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstains


Page No. 4, Paragraph 4, Last line should read:….and these are not all new pallets
Page No. 5, Paragraph 4, Line 4 should read:..E-Mail to Dan……..


(FH) Last week Mr. Heroux ripped on the office of the Town Clerk because of registration procedures. He knew the procedures as he did the same thing the previous year while registering a motorcycle. We offered an apology for his inconvenience and we should not have to apologize. (EV) noted that he did offer an apology and is sorry for any resident that cannot complete his business in one trip. We work for the people and the people are our bosses. (FH) There was a misconception on Mr. Heroux’s part. The staff in that office does have a complicated job and they have to follow the rules set by the State. (EV) I think they do a good job but I feel bad if a resident cannot settle his problems on the first trip through. One more thing, I realize what they do and what they have to do, and I talked to the Town Clerk about it. I am very concerned with her leaving. I approve what they do and acknowledge what they know.


Eric Nilsson, Selectman, advised Board he will be resigning effective the end of the week. I am not sure whether I am staying in Town. It is not right for the taxpayer that I should remain on the Board. It bothers me that I have to do this, but I have no choice. I would like to make a motion at this time:

(EN) Motion to approve that Larry Konopka fills my seat on the Board of Selectmen till next election. Motion fails because of lack of Second.

(FH) related that Board should advertise immediately. (PS) Statutorily, Board has to make an appointment and Boards vary as to how they fill this position. Many Boards advertise but there are other ways as well.

(DM) Eric, thank you for your honesty. Please resign in writing and this Board will take no action until that is in place. (EN) I have enjoyed working with every one of you and I am sorry that I have to do this. All members of the Board agreed working with him has been a pleasure. Good luck.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Approved: September 28, 2010

_______________________________ ____________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on September 21, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on September 23, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes