September 23, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth, “I am here tonight with Tom Hitchcock and I am sure you all have been watching the news. I wrote this letter last night and would like to read it to you.” (Letter to the Editor read into the Minutes.) Every time you raise the budget we obligate ourselves for each year thereafter. Think of that when you are raising the budget. One other thing, by raising the water rate and with the tax bill increasing, we have already obligated ourselves. When I tell people that we are trying to level fund the budget they ask me how can they do that. It’s the craziest thing. We’ll be doing exactly what the Federal Government is doing.

Tom Hitchcock noted he is a member of the Planning Board. I recently went to a CNHRP meeting and they are talking about regionalization of services to save town monies to share services with other towns. Town needs to give people a reason for them to come here or they will be going South. Businesses in New York are looking for other locales because of the high taxes there.

As far as the EDC goes, we just need to get the word out there about Pittsfield. I know people think taxes are high here, but in New York they are even higher. I do videos, websites, direct mailing and we are finding people want to move out of New York City, which would bring another group to this region. There are a lot of houses in foreclosure and that is not a good sign. People are losing their homes because of increasing expenses. Be sensitive to what you can do. Give businesses a break to bring them in here. The area is worth pursuing.

James Theodore questioned whether there was a grant for sidewalks?
(LK) noted that Town is researching this. (LKe) noted the Planning Commission is working with DOT on this. Mr. Theodore also questioned what is happening with the clock. Every time I drive by, the clock is always wrong?

Fred Hast, “I would like to thank Leon for coming to Pittsfield and doing what he could do. He did a great job. I wish you a good life hereafter.”

Dan Schroth also offered his “Thanks” to Leon for a great job. “It was fun.”

Close Public Input


(DM) Employee of the Month – August; (LS) October PD Schedule, Non-Public; (LKe) Hand-out on 63 Main Street, Delores Fritz Medical Leave, Resignation of Mike McLaughlin, Invitation to WiFi Wire Cutting, Response from School Re: Elections; (LK) Department Liaisons, Leon Out on September 25, 2008, Addendum to Town Administrator Contract, Resolution – Town Administrator – NH Retirement System; Leon Kenison’s Last Day.


6:05 P.M. – Jay Berman, FairPoint


6:20 P.M. – Chief Robert Wharem

(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a). (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:14 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:14 P.M.

6:45 P.M. – Michael McLaughlin


7:00 P.M. – Atty. Guida, S-D-S

(LK) I would like to advise that I have done work for Atty. Guida before. Atty. Guida indicated that was a while ago and you can make a fair decision? (LK) “Yes.” (EV) Mr. Guida has also done some work for me in the past.

Mr. Guida provided a proposal from S-D-S, which is a one-year proposal that they believe would serve Pittsfield long-term interests and take into consideration the septage agreements with Alton, Barnstead, Epsom, New Durham and Strafford, which runs through December 31, 2009. This proposal would provide S-D-S with additional time to finalize its plans and financing for an independent septage pre-treatment plant. A long-term proposal would be provided in 2009. However, several changes and conditions are requested prior to this happening.

Ron Vien related that he was not aware of this contract expires December 31st, and was under the impression that it was a yearly contract. Atty. Guida provided copies of the current contract to the Board.

S-D-S representative further explained the process of converting human septic into solid compost that can be utilized as necessary. He advised that this is a new advanced process, which has worked very well. He noted that once the haulers are not utilized that it would be difficult to retrieve their services as a customer base.

Board agreed that it would be on the Agenda next week at which time Ron Vien can further address these options. (LK) noted that a response would be forthcoming within thirty days.


1. NHDOS Inquiry – Frank Belliveau Auctioneers

(LKe) indicated that Frank Belliveau Auctioneers has applied for a transporter license from DOS. Mike McLaughlin did a preliminary check and related that he is in compliance.

(LS) Motion to approve the transporter license for Frank Belliveau Auctioneers. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (LS) noted that the application indicates that this would not affect traffic or municipal services. “What about the details down there?” (LKe) noted that this is simply for the transporter license.

2. Request to Eliminate Parking Space to Install Driveway –
63 Main Street

(LKe) The applicant is present tonight. As you will note the property has been improved in the last few months, but there is no driveway or parking other than on the street. The parking on the street serves the house and they would like to put a driveway on the West side of the house.

Mr. Flickinger related that they had contacted DOT and they are investigating the feasibility of placement of driveway and the street schematics as requested by the owners. However, the DOT has indicated that BOS would have to authorize removal of one of the two parking spaces in front of the property. Mrs. Flickinger noted that they had considered entry through the back of the property, which is not feasible at this time because it is “landlocked” and they are unable to get the required assent from the current owner for transport over their property. She noted that she is currently in rehabilitation and it would be difficult for her to walk a distance and with the snow season soon upon us, this would also cause a hardship. She related that the house has now been converted back to a single family dwelling with no apartments.

Board members agreed that they would like to view the area and would meet with George on September 30th at 5:30 P.M. and property owners to better determine the change.

3. Proposed Investment Policy

(LKe) that as he indicated last week that he now is bringing forward a “reduced in volume version” though plagiarizing the Bow investment policy which was developed by the finance director. “I believe this is much more straight forward.” (EV) What is the difference between Category I and Category II? (LKe) indicated that more collateral is involved as banks trade at night. (LS) “I certainly like the simpler version. Simpler is better.” However, I would like to check with Eric Bahr first. (EV) noted Board could implement it and then replace it if necessary.

(LS) Motion to adopt investment policy as proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. 2009 Tax Map Maintenance Proposal – Cartographic Associates, Inc.

(LKe) This is an annual contract, which by Statutes should be done annually indicating the changes made during the year. Cara is happy with what they produce.

(LS) Motion to accept proposal Cartographic Associates, Inc.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Proposed Agreement with Wright-Pierce for Engineering Services to assist with Negotiating WWTP Discharge Permit

Ron Vien indicated that he had spoken to Wright-Pierce noting that work on I & & needs to be done and since I do not have the expertise in this, I would like to have Board engage this firm to navigate through this process in negotiating a new discharge for plant. The Permit is coming up and it is a challenge to make sense of it. They will assist us in getting the EPA to come up to the treatment plant to offer compliance in meeting Permit requirements.

(LS) Motion to engage Wright-Pierce to assist in compliance of Permit requirements. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (EV) “How will this be paid for?” Mr. Vien indicated that it would be through his budget. (DM) “What about the bid policy?”
(LS) “This has already been waived.”

6. PSNH Pole License Petitions – 41-0221, 41-0216, 41-0184,
and 41-0218

(LKe) There are four pole licenses here. In the past we have tried to establish a procedure where PSNH would make inquiry first and then install pole, but they have returned to their old habits. Placement of the poles is not an issue in these instances. George has looked at the area and recommends approval. (LS) “They set poles before contacting us?” (LKe) “Yes, and in this case, one of the poles is for service on Public Works Way.”
(LS) “Didn’t they get into trouble in placement last time?” (LKe) noted that if Board agrees that this is the best place, then PSNH is relieved of any liability. Board discussed “Dig Safe” laws and agreed that they would approve these petitions but that another letter should be forwarded to PSNH establishing a protocol in this regard.

(EV) Motion to approve PSNH Pole License Petitions: 41-0221, 41-0216, 41-0184 and 41-0218 along with another letter noting our displeasure and the procedure for this. (DM) Second. Carried 3-1 (LS).

7. 2009 Pay Week Schedule

(LKe) noted that this happens on a rotating basis and Cara has brought it to our attention. (LS) “Could we please ask Cara to do a spreadsheet with the 53rd week indicating figures for that?” Board agreed that they would request this of Cara.

8. PD Request to Dispose of Surplus Items

(EV) Motion to approve request of PD to dispose of surplus items as proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

9. FD Inquiry – Vacation Policies

(LKe) Chief Johnson has passed this along to us, which involves carryover of hours. Normally 80 hours can be carried over but Jen Tedcastle has requested clarification from Board. Board concurs that this represents two weeks indicating that in good faith it would be to allow 96 hours carryover for Ambulance because they are on a 48-hour work week.

(LS) Motion to allow Jen Tedcastle to carry over 48 hours to January 2009. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

10. Revised 2009 FD Budget

(LKe) Chief Johnson has taken another look at his Budget attempting to return to level funding. He is on vacation this week, and probably should be on the Agenda for next week. Board agreed.

11. Revised 2009 PD Budget

To be addressed during Budget Review later this evening.

12. DRED Matching Grants Application

(LKe) noted that Matt from the CNHRPC after discussing with Ed suggested applying for a grant for EDC area interests. He has contacted DRED and was notified that funding may be available which would be a no cost grant, as matching part would amount to volunteer time. He is now prepared to submit the grant.

(LS) Motion to approve matching funds grant application form as proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

13. Department Liaisons

(LK) We would like to thank Leon for his past services and for everything you have done. We wish you all the luck.

(LK) Each Board has been serving as a Department liaison but now that Paul is coming in on Monday, I would like to “return” mine. Board agreed. (DM) to write letter to this effect to Department Heads.

(LS) “I thank you, too, Leon. We have had some tough issues to address. Thank you Paul also for being available so quickly.”

(EV) Motion to cancel Board representation as liaison for Departments relinquishing to Paul Skowron. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

14. Delores Fritz Medical Leave

(LKe) noted that Dee now finds that it is necessary that she go on medical leave for a period of 4-6 weeks. However, the exact time this is to take place is unknown, probably in about a month.

(LKe) There is a possibility that Meggin Dail would be available to fill in for Dee but I have been unable to contact her yet.

15. Michael McLaughlin Resignation

(LS) Motion to accept resignation of part-time Police Officer Michael McLaughlin effective October 7, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

16. Resolution – Town Administrator – NH Retirement System

(LS) Motion to accept resolution to exempt Chief Administrator from compulsory membership in New Hampshire Retirement System.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

17. Addendum to Town Administrator Contract

(LS) Motion to accept addendum to Town Administrator contract Agreement No. 1. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) Town will save money by doing this.

18. Employee of the Month

Board voted on Employee of the Month – August. Jennifer Tedcastle, Fire Department is Employee of the Month. She will be invited to next Board of Selectman meeting.

Ron Vien requested that (DM) continue as Department liaison till grant fulfillment has been accomplished so that grant monies will not be lost. Board agreed.

Paul Skowron left meeting at 8:17 P.M.


Parks and Recreation (4520)

(LS) Motion to approve Parks & Recreation budget as proposed except for Line 120 – $15,000 and Line 630 – $750. resulting in a $26,200 budget proposal. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Break at 8:30 P.M. Board resumed at 8:35 P.M.

Police Department (4210)

(LS) After discussion, it was agreed that Chief Wharem would offer a report on analysis of cost versus benefit of Admin PT Secretary – Line 121.

Budget was further reviewed and it was agreed that:
Admin. Custodian (Line 125) Decreased to $ 3,000
Electricity (Line 410) Decreased to $ 5,500.
Heating Oil and Maintenance (Line 411) Decreased to 6,500.
Water Charges (Line 412) Decreased to 1,200.
Supplies and Expenses (Line 680) Decreased to 5,600.
Crime Cont. Part-Time (Line 120) Increased 50,000
Overtime/Court (Line 140) Decreased to 45,000
PD Grant Highway – DWI (Line 110) Decreased to $ 4,039.

(LS) Motion to approve all Police Department Budget lines with the exceptions as noted above. Salary and benefit lines will not be addressed at this time. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Animal Control (4410)

(LS) Motion to approve budget as proposed. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Library (4550)

(LS) Motion to approve budget as proposed. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) to notify Library that budget has been approved as submitted.

Solid Waste Disposal (4324)

(LS) Motion to approve budget for $159,182. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Loitering Ordinance – Implementation

(LKe) advised that this has been reviewed by Town counsel and has been advised that Town can implement this ordinance covering loitering.

(LS) “In the RSA’s it notes that it also can include commons, which I assume is parks?” I would ask that we add commons to this also. It was suggested that this addition be reviewed by Town Counsel. (LS) Why send this back to Town counsel? It is right in the RSA’s that it includes commons. Chief Wharem noted that he would like clarification on that. (LKe) questioned whether Town has an inventory of Town commons (parks) or is it generic? Chief Wharem noted that it is generic. There are inconsistencies here as each park is open during different hours.
(LKe) noted that commons is an old usage of words. Chief Wharem, “How would you obstruct in a park?” LKe to send letter to Town counsel for clarification and will bring Paul Skowron up-to-date on this.

2. Town Administrator Last Day

(LK) Thank you, Leon, for everything. It has been a pleasure working with you. Leon will be out on Thursday, September 25th.

3. Invite to WiFI Wire Cutting

(LKe) Board is invited to WiFI Wire Cutting Ceremony Thursday, September 24th at 9:30 A.M. Governor Lynch will be there.

4. Response from School Re: Elections

(LKe) I have been advised that the school is in receipt of our request and it will be on the Agenda of the next School Board meeting.

5. October Police Department Schedule

Chief Wharem related it is in the process of being revised and a copy will be forthcoming shortly.


Items: 1. Town Hall Improvements, 2. Management Analysis for GASB34, 3. Capital Improvement Plan, 4. Space Needs Study, 5. Sidewalk Improvement Plan, and 6. Library Attic Insulation – Pending.




(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifests.
(DM) Second. After Discussion Motion and Second amended to Hold Check No. 9336 for HSA approval before release. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (LS) had several questions in regard to checks for Capital Credit Card, WWTP/Beauregard and Noury Supplies. (LK) questioned if M&M Ford is always utilized for repair. Chief Wharem related that if there is the possibility it might be covered under the Warranty, then it is sent to M&M Ford for repair. In this situation, it was not the case.

(EV) Motion to approve Minutes of Public Session of September 16, 2008. (LS) Second. After Discussion and several changes: Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of September 16, 2008. (DM) Second. Carrie3d 4-0.




(LS) Motion to go into Non –Public Session per 91-A:3 II (e) (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 10:10 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 10:20 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of September 23, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.

Approved: September 30, 2008

____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

III Tapes