September 25, 2006 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission
General Meeting
25 September 2006
Call to order; 6:00 PM
Present: Mark Wallace, Jon Munzinger, Paul Metcalf, Laural Collier Charley Moreno
Pittsfield Snowmobile club reps.
Absent: Donna Keeley, Sue Willoughby,
Minutes: Minutes postponed to October meeting
Old Business:
Dustin-Barker Town Forest – The PCC meet with forester Moreno and Pittsfield
Snowmobile club reps at the Loudon Road forest landing to review plans for the selective
cut and view the forest.
Forester Moreno estimates the cut to be for 80K bf, mostly white pine at a profit to the
town of about $15K.
The very best not quite mature trees will be left for the next cut in about 15 years
(~2020). This maximizes our profits and preserves the conservation area.
Bid application letters will go out, selection hoped to be at the October PCC meeting, and
the cut to be either January or early fall 2007.
The snowmobile club wants to use the forest for part of their trail system.
Verbal consent is given.
It is understood that the forestry operation may impact their plans this season.
New Business:
Postponed to the October 23rd meeting.
7:15 meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
M. Wallace