September 28, 2009 Minutes

Minutes from PDAC Meeting
@ PYW on September 28, 2009, 7-8pm

In attendance: Zach Powers, Denise Morin, John Webber, Roy Menefee, Sarah Sadowski

Meeting called to order at 7pm.

I. Minutes
Minutes from last meeting were reviewed, no changes.

II. NH Charitable Grant
Denise gave a quick report of what has been considered for the NH Charitable grant, citing youth programs, Dare, speakers and parent education as funding priorities. Officer Webber reported briefly on the nature of the Dare program, runs for 45 minute sessions for 10 weeks. Sergeant Walters is expected to talk to Officer Webber shortly re: Dare. Denise would like the program details in time for the October 7th meeting. She also requested possible speaker dates from Paula for the Parent Group.

III. Upcoming Business Forum set for October 19th
In light of the national Drug Free Workplace campaign and the Columbus Day holiday, the date for the Business Leaders Forum will be Oct. 19th. Sarah will promote the event at the Oct. 1 Chamber of Commerce dinner. Ensuing discussion revolved around what the coalition is hoping to accomplish at the forum and following agenda was loosely established:

1. Cookies and coffee

2. Presentation similar to that at the Faith Forum. Denise will drop off materials on Wednesday. Sarah will collect stats re: young adults from Shannon.

3. Conduct a needs assessment- what do business leaders see?

Part 1- Questions such as “How many sick days do you think are taken due to substance abuse issues?”, “Have you had to send an employee home? If so, how did you handle it?”

Part 2- How do you think PDAC can partner with you? Maintain lunchroom bulletin boards? ($25 gift card idea) Provide pamphlets or supervisor trainings? Zach mentioned the $1,500 he won in the CADCA grant for stakeholder training.

4. Provide information for employers to take back

The group divided up the list of the six largest businesses for confirmation/reminder phone calls the week before the event. Zach will contact Pittsfield ID and HA Marston, Denise will contact the Town Administrator and Sarah will contact the remainder. It was agreed to also add Ken Tec and Amenico. These businesses will be contacted first and, depending on interest, smaller businesses will be invited as space allows.

IV. Family Dinner Night
Zach reported on the Family Dinner Night basket with questions and talking points, a full meal and possibly a game. It was decided that sending reply cards home with the Elementary School kids would be a great way to gauge interest among families. Then a drawing will be held to determine which family wins the basket. They will have their picture taken and a press write-up will be released that promotes the contest and PDAC. Current questions are how often the drawing could be held- 12 times a year? Four times in a month? Zach will talk with Doug and mock up an entry form.

V. Online
Sarah reported on the social media training she went to and how Facebook may be a great tool to network with youth (26% of NH is on Facebook and the number is growing every day). The blog was discussed as well and Sarah will be in touch with Clayton to be cleared as an administrator. Denise suggested posting the minutes on the blog.

The meeting adjourned at 8pm. The next PDAC meeting will be held on October 12th at 7pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Sadowski
Coalition Coordinator