September 28, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Eric Nilsson, (EN), Don Chase, (DC)


Ted Mitchell: I have noticed that the lilac bush out front is stressed and I would like to get rid of it next spring and put in a new one. (DM) noted she would discuss with Town Hall staff and get back to him.

Also, a friend has given me a dolly which I would like to donate to Town, who could I give it to that would have a use for it? George Bachelder: We probably would use it once in awhile. Mr. Mitchell agreed he would drop it off at the highway garage.

Close Public Input (6:02 P.M.)


(DM) Two Board of Selectman resignations, Deputy Welfare Director; (FH) Deputy Building Inspector.


6:05 P.M. – Dan Kramer, Building Inspector

Building Permit Program

Building Inspector (BI) Dan Kramer related that one of the things that are needed to organize Building Permits and record the follow through is a Building Permit Program. Pittsfield already has Avitar and this can integrated into the system which allows both the front office and the Building Inspector to keep track of what is happening within Town. There is no shuffling of papers back/forth with no manual entering of items on the tax cards. It would save time, money and we are able to increase our tax base thereby bringing more revenue into Pittsfield.

I have discussed this with Josh Arend, Avitar and he has offered several options for purchase. Option #1 would be the purchase ($4,000) with support services in year two and three ($1,086 per year); or Option #2, a payment of $1,791 for years one, two and three. Either option would include purchase price, installation, conversion, configuration/set-up, training, phone or on-site support, software updates, and user group sessions. (See Attachment.)

(BI) The price is the same either way and it is something that would benefit the Town. It would draw all the loose ends in. There is quite a bit going on in Town – five homes under construction and major additions. The economy is starting to move again. He related that he had discussed this with Cara and she is enthusiastic about a program like this.

(PS) questioned the support program in the years after the initial three year, and it was noted that a cost would be involved annually. He suggested the (BI) and Cara visit Deerfield, who utilizes the system, to determine the quality of use. (BI) will coordinate this, hopefully prior to next Board of Selectman meeting.

Building Inspector left meeting at 6:15 P.M.

6:00 P.M. – Budget Review – Ambulance/Fire, Public Works

Ambulance (6:17 P.M.)

It was noted that Line 136 through Line 143, as well as Line 150 would be a Warrant Article proposed amount to be funded by the ambulance revenues. Board and Fire Chief Johnson discussed the overall Budget for Ambulance including salaries, step increases, overtime, insurance, uniforms, computer services, new equipment and vehicle repairs/maintenance. It was noted that some expenditures are still outstanding and therefore the expended YTD figures may change.

No definitive decision was made on any Budget though Board suggested several decreases on several lines. Board will review further and make adjustments and/or decision at future date.

Ambulance and Fire Shared Budget (6:35 P.M.)

Fire Chief requested increasing Line 155 to accommodate increasing secretary hours by 15. Board reviewed the additional Line Items noting that projected increase in electricity would be a factor in deciding budgeted amounts. Line 167 could feasibly be reduced to $1,400. It was suggested that possibly diesel fuel, office supplies and maybe medical supplies could be reduced. (PS) to determine outstanding balance on Line 166 – Storage Container Rent. Fire Chief noted that budget has been “cut and cut” and he is requesting a minor increase in some items. “It is very difficult to keep things going.”

Fire Department (7:00 P.M.)

Board and Fire Chief reviewed the Fire Department Budget Line Item by Line Item including upcoming expenditures that will be forthcoming soon such as replacing fire fighting clothing, fire prevention, training, and pagers. It was noted that some items are at this point “hit or miss” dependent upon weather, use, and increased services. Fire Chief: “It will be a tight budget.”

Prior to Fire Chief leaving (7:13 P.M.), (FH) requested a copy of the Grant for the Forestry Vehicle. This will be provided by the Fire Chief.

Public Works (7:15 P.M.)

Highway Administration

Line Items were reviewed including Heating Fuel, which also can be “hit or miss” dependent upon winter weather, and Water Charges which did not depict the increases, (PS) to check.

Highways and Streets

Line 231figures would not be available until the end of October. Board discussed with George Line 240 noting (DM) that Town should invest in a truck for this purpose. George: Town cannot run its own truck for $75. a week. (EV) I would like to get your ideas about contracting out one snow plowing job just to see what costs would be. George: The costs would be quite a bit more. Town would have to pay by the hour and it is quite costly. (EV) noted that Epsom does this and at request of Board, noted he would check with Epsom to see what the costs would be. George: Line 246 should be changed from Kerosene to Lubricants. Lines 247 and 248, he noted that he would like Board’s approval to take these vehicles to auction next week. (Board approved.)

George: I would like to encumber the Block Grant. When Safe Routes to School is accomplished, the roads should also be done at that time which will be quite costly. It would be a waste of money if we do not do the streets. (PS) noted that a Public Hearing will occur next Tuesday regarding the Safe Routes to School.

George: There will be no increase in taxes with this 2011 budget. Capital Reserve will be very important for future purposes.

George left at 7:55 P.M.

(FH) We should leave voting on these budgets until more of the expended monies for 2010 have been spent and recorded. (DM) This budget is $4,600 over previous budget. I would like to see a Warrant Article for a truck instead of stipend for George. George is not benefiting from this arrangement and it is not proper. Also, perhaps Line 245 could be decreased to $24,000, Line 251 to $1,200 and Line 264 to $3,000. (EV) I would think there is a liability issue regarding the truck. Board agreed they would review Budgets and decide at future date.


Board briefly discussed the Office Assistant position and decided that a better idea could be drafted after Cara reclassifies wages deducting Planning and Zoning Board position.

Board decided they would send out bids for Assessing Contract (5 years.)
Board requested that Town Clerk be requested to discuss Budget at next meeting.


1. Board of Selectman Resignations (2)

Board agreed they would begin advertising but were unsure at this point as to how determination will be made for filling position. (See Page No. 7 – two attachments).

2. Deputy Welfare Director

(DM) I have spoken with Larry Konopka regarding the possibility of his doing the needed Welfare inspections for a small fee.

(DM) Motion to request Larry Konopka to do some Welfare inspections for a small fee. (EV) Second.

Discussion: (EV) What is the reason Diane is not doing inspections? Should the Welfare Director be able to do inspections on her own and could she accompany Larry? (DM) Yes, she should. (EV) It would be beneficial for her to go to some of them just to get a feeling. (PS) I think I will ask her. My opinion is that I think you should have someone do inspections. However, individual needs a certain level of comfort in handling themselves, being safe and making judgments. (PS) to invite Larry to discuss with Board.

Vote: 2-0 (FH) Abstain.

3. Deputy Building Inspector/Deputy Health Officer/Deputy Code

(DM) This position also needs to be filled. (FH) I would like to take that position. I will have a lot of time coming up and am interested.

(EV) Motion to approve Fred Hast as Deputy Building Inspector, Deputy Health Officer and Deputy Code Enforcement. (DM) Second. Carried 2-0.
(FH) Abstain.




1. Capital Improvement Program

All departments have now submitted their paperwork.

2. Tax Deeded Properties Pending
3. Town Hall Fire Alarm Contract Pending




(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (FH) The Fire Chief’s hours…. (EV) We have discussed the Fire Chief’s hours. You have a vendetta against the Fire Chief. (FH) I would like to see his contract. (PS) to provide a copy of Fire Chief contract to (FH).

(EV) There are three people in the Fire Department that have 57+ hours. Are we overtaxing our people? I realize there are procedures in place where regular employees have to be asked to work but 60 hours is a lot of time to be putting in and I am concerned for our employees. (PS) to check with Fire Chief as to purpose of abundance of hours.


(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of September 21, 2010.
(DM) Second. After Corrections: Carried 3-0.


Page No. 5, Paragraph 5, Line 2 should read ….by grouping together and using a centralized main Police Station as a shared facility.

Page No. 5, Paragraph1, Line 4 should read…necessary for the Fire Chief to address this.


(EV) Motion to accept resignation of Eric Nilsson. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(EV) Motion to accept resignation of Donald Chase. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Board agreed a letter of Thank You will be sent to both resignees.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Approved: October 5, 2010

___________________________ ______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on September 28, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on September 30, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

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