September 3, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263

Minutes of Public Meeting
Thursday, September 3, 2009

ITEM 1. Meeting Called To Order @ 7:00 pm by Bill Miskoe, Vice Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present:
Bill Miskoe (BM) -Vice Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK)- Selectman Ex Officio, Daniel Green (DG), Richard Hunsberger (RH), Dan Schroth (DS) Ted Mitchell (TM) – Alternate, and Dina Condodemetraky (DC)- Recording Secretary.

Members Absent:
Gerard Leduc (GL) – Chairman submitted a letter of resignation and was not present for Roll Call, Jim Pritchard (JP) removed himself from the table and remained seated in the audience, Clayton Wood (CW) – Alternate, not present for Roll Call, arrived later.

ITEM 3. Introduction/Comments – Larry Konopka, Selectman Ex Officio

(LK) welcomed (DC) as Temporary Recording Secretary who will be taking minutes for a couple of months.
(LK) welcomed Matt Monahan and Mike Tardiff of Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) whom he invited to present the Board with available consulting services they perform that could assist the town and make the process more helpful for the Applicants.

ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of July 2, 2009 and August 6, 2009

(TM) Motion to approve July 2, 2009 minutes as amended by (JP)
(DS) Motion seconded


(DS) wants to keep our recording secretary. He is happy with the draft minutes does not see the need for the amended minutes.

Motion carried 3-1, 1 abstained, 1 not voting

(LK) Motion to approve as August 6, 2009 minutes as written.

(TM) Motion seconded.


(DS) acknowledged that (GL) put 20 hours into preparing these minutes. He did not want to knock them.
(BM) commented that there may be a few issues but felt they were not worth bringing up. He felt them a fair depiction of how meeting went under the circumstances.
(RH) See third page from back of 8/6 minutes, [correction] “we do not have jurisdiction”
(BM) will hand write correction and submit to Dee. He will sign off on the approval.
(CW) asked if a digital copy was available, no was the response. We just have the paper copy. For purpose of the Internet, we should make it clean. He offered to make a digital copy instead of just scanning them to allow it to be searchable.
(DG) wants to have typos corrected, as the minutes will be posted in the Internet.

Motion withdrawn by (LK)

(CW) Motion to produce a digital copy of minutes for final approval at Oct 1, 2009 meeting work session

(DG) Motion seconded


None. Vote: Carried 6-0

ITEM 5. Appointment @7:32 pm– Matt Monahan (MM) & Mike Tardiff (MT), CNHRPC
Overview: (LK) approached the CNHRPC looking for their assistance with how current board handles procedure. The Commission offers a Planning Board workshop, has long standing experience with helping boards and applicants follow regulations and providing a refresher course to members on process.

Commission recommendation:
1) There is a very important new Workforce Housing bill coming to effect in January with items that towns must have in order. On Thursday 9/10 there will be a Chichester Regional Discussion @ 7pm. It is recommended that Board members attend this discussion and prepare for the bill.
2) Circuit Rider Planner- a part time town planner – reviews plans, consults applicants to help them understand and comply with Board process. They conduct a “pre permitting” meeting with applicant, town planner and engineer/surveyor. A report is then produced with formal documentation, checklist, site plan regulation requirements, waiver documentation, zoning requirements, other issues, development regional impact issues, general planning comments and completion results. This report helps boards keep track of all points that they need to address. Applicant then addresses the points and makes corrections as needed within 2 weeks. Towns of Bradford and Bow, for example, have utilized their services. The process is expedited so the merits then can be addressed right away.
3) Town of Bow model is recommended for Pittsfield. An example of a report produced was distributed to give better example of services offered.

MM stated the model is not set in stone, can be flexible to fit the needs of the Board. There is a planner in Pembroke frequently. The goal to make the process predictable to we can get to the merits sooner.
(BM) asked how Circuit Rider would help or hinder the Town Engineer we have?
MM responded that they work hand in hand. Circuit Rider produces checklist, zoning regulations and process. Engineer handles engineering details.
(DS) asked how much would this add to the applicant’s costs.
MM commented that the more simple the plan, the less it would add. He gave kudos to how the board handled process with Vincent Subdivision. Charges are based on time it takes to complete process. If details are distilled down to the needed items, less time used.
(LK) commented that today’s applicant may have left a bit confused ‘can get a waiver or not’ this service could help our applicants not have that experience in the future.
(DS) commented in favor of training stating the need to review what we do.
(TM) asked if the Commission charges an hourly rate.
MT responded yes, $50/hr.
MM commented the Circuit Rider Planner could be in place of a Town Planner when Town cannot afford a full time Planner.
(DS) commented that maybe we should test this on a future application.
(RH) asked if the Circuit Rider Planner could be on an as needed basis. Response
was yes.
MM reiterated that the goal is to make process easy as possible for Board and Applicant.
BM opened discussion for public input
Kyle P (BI) commented that if you have a proposal where the applicant is going back and forth over a long period of time, this could really help streamline the process and help the applicant.
(BM) commented we don’t have much going on right now. We might not call right away, but we will keep you in mind.
MM responded that was ok.
(CW) commented we should not accept updates during the presentation stage; we need all current information in order to respond intelligently, without surprises. Agrees that the assistance the Commission offers could be a great help.
(BM) asked does board have authority to make applicant pay for services or not?
MM responded yes, if the requirement is written into the Zoning regulations Board does have the authority and any applicant would be foolish not to take advantage of the service. Money escrowed up front.

(LK) Motion to invite the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to attend the September 17, 2009 Pittsfield Planning Board meeting for the purpose of holding the Planning Board Roles and Responsibilities workshop.

(DS) Motion seconded


(BM) suggested a work session on 9/17 and to hear no concept proposals during that meeting.
MM comments they would need two hours. Q&A is longest part.
(RH) asked if the Commission would you create a new checklist? Response “yes.”
BS asked if money was available to do this.
MM responded workshop is free.
(RH) will not be here. Members agreed to go forward despite his absence

Vote Carried 6-0 unanimous in favor

(LK) Motion to authorize the Pittsfield Planning Board Chair Rich Hunsberger and the Pittsfield Board of Selectmen to enter into negotiations with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission for the purpose of setting up a Circuit Rider Planner to assist the Planning Board with various planning duties. The Chair, Board of Selectmen, and CNHRPC will create a scope of work and sign any relevant contracts for establishing the Circuit Rider program. The contract will be signed by the BOS and the Planning Board Chairman (for the PB).

(DS) seconded


(LK) Select Board is willing to procure money to help with establishment fee. Planning needs to approve to move forward with us. Planning Board does not have the money.
(DS) commented that Town might pay for the work that needs to be done to get this tool in place.

Vote Carried 6 – 0 unanimous in favor

8:05 Representatives from CNHRPC left.

ITEM 6. New Business

1) Resignation letter from Chairman LeDuc. (LK) offered to recuse himself as (GL’s) is his brother-in-law, offer found unnecessary for this discussion.

(DG) Motion to accept Gerard LeDuc’s resignation.
(TM) Motion seconded.


(GL) cannot be convinced to stay. He noted that since board became elected, he has been very disappointed with the “nit picking” and abuse to members and staff. Minutes took up 20 hours to complete instead of a normal 8 hours when done by a Recording Secretary.

Board thanked him for his service.

Vote Carried 6-0 unanimous to accept

(BM) asked with an elected Board – how the RSA will allow for filling vacancies.
(LK) provided results of research stating alternate couldn’t be simply moved up. We have to appoint a new member, anyone fit, who will hold the position for remainder of term.
(BM) asked for someone to submit name.

(DG) Motion to appoint Ted Mitchell to fill vacancy until March Election.

(DS) Motion seconded


(TM) commented he is willing to take position
(RH) commented that an appointed board advertised and interviewed prospective members and suggested doing this, opening it up to the Town.
(LK) commented that would be fair
(BM) supports that
(DG) prefers appointing from within. We should not overlook someone who has put in the time.
(DS) agrees to just take Ted as the next guy in line
(LK) commented that not many people volunteer. Ted comes to every meeting.
(RH) commented that the Board could have up to five alternates

Vote – 6-0 unanimous to appoint

(CW) invited up to sit at table as Alternate

Hank Fitzgerald (HF) has applied to be an Alternate with experience to be able to assist as needed.

(DS) Motion to accept Hank Fitzgerald as an Alternate member to the Planning Board.

(RH) Seconded.


(DS) said he would support (HK’s) application; he has good input and comes to the meetings.

Vote 6-0 unanimous in favor.

Liz Hast will swear in Hank Fitzgerald.

1a) To elect [Interim] Planning Board Chairman

(DS) Motion to elect (RH) to Planning Board Chairman position.

(LK) seconded.


(RH) will not be here for next meeting.
(DS) commented he would support him as long as he can make most of them. We will have a Vice-Chair for days he is not available.

Vote: Carried 5-0 unanimous in favor

2) Amenico waiver – Signed by LeDuc – Done

3) Town of Chichester – This is for informational purposes only. Chichester has proposed a subdivision at a location where Town of Pittsfield is an abutter, somewhere on Pleasant Street in Chichester. Planning Board chooses to leave this to Select Board to address. Hearing was tonight.

4) Town of Bow – cell phone tower being installed in seed mill abutting Town Pittsfield. Must address if there is a negative effect expected.

5) Ethics Committee Findings – determined by Planning Board as not a topic for discussion.

ITEM 7. Conceptual – Richard Vincent – Subdivision
Mr. Richard Vincent of 100 Dowboro Rd, Pittsfield.


Correction: Lot 6C Lot B so named by Mr. Vincent refers to Lot 6-3 and Lot 6-2
Son lives at lot 6-2 he lives at lot 6-3. He wants to acquire land from son to get road frontage in return for a back parcel. Wants to put in an access road along stonewall that will lead to a new small home in a back.
(BM) commented that the new (lot 6-3) should be called a one-lot single residence lot, where you can build whatever you like. He also advised that if further subdivision were wanted in the future, a 50 ft wide road would be needed.
(RH) commented applicant is really only creating a 29.6 acre lot
(BM) suggested that if the applicant put in a Deed Restriction on that 29.6-acre lot would not be further subdivided then it will be considered a minor subdivision. Otherwise a survey and site plan by Professional Engineer will be needed for a Major Subdivision.
Mr. Vincent stated the difference between major and minor confused him. Response: Fees greater for major subdivision.
(DS) made reference to an exception to rule were the Applicant could ask for the proposal to be considered a minor subdivision
(BM) commented that this would be a major subdivision unless owner gives a deed restriction. Owner’s discretion but suggested.
(LK) commented applicant can fill out both Major and Minor application to determine the difference in the fees.
(BM) commented that Major Subdivision fees also include cost to have engineering review of proposed project. At this point if only planning to create a lot and build a driveway (applicant’s present intention), the Building Inspector could file for an exception to not require Engineering Review. Board will then review application for approval. Applicant urged to work with Building Inspector to determine difference between Major & Minor applications and figure out which is most appropriate for this proposal.
(DS) stated his concern that the Board was offering to make things “easy” in return for giving up development rights.

ITEM 8. Members Concerns

(DS) asked why is (JP) not sitting at the table. (JP) did not want to discuss it.
(TM) commented that the Board should not be discussing items that are not Board business, for example the e-mails on the Ethics Committee. The Board is getting more information than they need.
(BM) commented there should be personal discretion for what people want to do.
(DG) commented that the person who put information in our box should know what is appropriate for the Board to discuss and weed out non-Planning Board business.
(LK) suggested the Chair should review the items put into the box and determine if it is Board business.
(BM) responded that the Board members should have the right to make the decision on whether something is or is not board business and a topic for discussion or not.
(TM) suggested the Chairman should review agenda before given out to public to determine item relevance.
(BM) felt it is better to put in too much than to leave stuff out.

ITEM 9. Public Input

(LK) expressed thanks to public.
No further input.

Law students introduced, Ben LeDuc and guest.

ITEM 10. Adjournment

(LK) Motion to adjourn meeting

(TM) seconded

Discussion: None

Vote Carried 6-0 unanimous in favor

8:42pm meeting ended

Approved: October 1, 2009

_____________________ _______________
Rich Hunsberger, Chairman Date

II Tapes